Drawing semi-transparent rectangle wxWidgets - wxwidgets

I'm trying to draw semi-transparent rectangle without success with wxWidgets 3.0
dc.SetBrush(wxBrush(wxColour(0, 0, 0, 128)));
the result is black colored rectangle
What am I missing?

Anything using wxDC is not going to support alpha at all[*], you need to use wxGraphicsContext and related classes if you want transparency.
[*] With the exception of drawing the bitmaps, but not for any other operations.


Why do transparent objects lose their color when using ray-traced translucency?

When I swap from rasterized translucency to ray traced translucency, transparent objects lose their color.
Rasterized translucency
Ray traced translucency
Notice how the fourth sphere is red when using rasterized translucency, and clear when using ray traced translucency. Is this a limitation of Lumen, or should I adjust my material?
If it's a Lumen limitation, are there are recommended ways to get around this?

Sprite transparency in Quartz, Objective C

In Java I can make a background rect colored blue. I can then draw a load of sprites also with blue as the background color. I can then make it so that particular blue does not show up when drawing to the canvas or view as it is here, how do I do this in Quartz in Objective C?
You can use CGImageCreateWithMaskingColors to create a copy of an image with the blue pixels changed to transparent. This function was (according to the documentation) added in macOS 10.4 (Tiger). It is discussed in“Masking an Image with Color” in the Quartz 2D Programming Guide.

How to stop OpenGL background bleed on transparent textures

I have an iOS OpenGL ES 2.0 3D game and am working to get transparent textures working nicely, in this particular example for a fence.
I'll start with the final result. The bits of green background/clear color are coming through around the edges of the fence - note how it isn't ALL edges and some of it is ok:
The reason for the lack of bleed in the top right is order of operations. As you can see from the following shots, the order of draw includes some buildings that get drawn BEFORE the fence. But most of it is after the fence:
So one solution is to always draw my transparent textured objects last. I would like to explore other solutions, as my pipeline might not always allow this. I'm looking for other suggestions to solve this problem without sorting my draws.
This is likely a depth or blend function, but i've tried a ton of stuff and nothing seems to work (different blend functions, different discard alpha levels, different background colors, different texture settings).
Here are some specifics of my implementation.
In my frag shader I'm throwing out fragments that have transparency - this way they won't render to depth:
lowp vec4 texVal = texture2D(sTexture, texCoord);
if(texVal.w < 0.5)
I'm using one giant PVR texture atlas with mipmapping - the texture itself SHOULD just have 0 or 1 for alpha, but something with the blending could be causing this:
I'm using the following blending when rendering:
Any suggestions to fix this bleed would be great!
EDIT - tried a different min filter for the texture as suggested in the comments, LINEAR/NEAREST, but same result. Note I have also tried NEAREST/NEAREST and no luck:
try increasing the alpha filter limit,
lowp vec4 texVal = texture2D(sTexture, texCoord);
if(texVal.w < 0.9)
I know this is an old question but I came across it several times whilst trying to find an answer to my very similar OpenGL issue. Thought I'd share my findings here for anyone with similar. The culprit in my code looked like this:
glClearColor(1, 0, 1, 0);
I used a pink transparent colour for ease of visual reference whilst debugging. Despite the fact it was transparent when it was blending between background and the colour of the subject it would bleed in much like the symptoms in the screenshot of the question. What fixed it for me was wrapping this code to mask the glClear step. It looked like this:
glColorMask(false, false, false, true);
glClearColor(1, 0, 1, 0);
glColorMask(true, true, true, true);
To my knowledge, this means when the clear process kicks in it only operates on the alpha channel. After this is was all re-enabled to continue the process as intended. If someone with a more solid knowledge of OpenGL can explain it better I'd love to hear!

Coloring a CCSprite without only using its prime colors

I have a CCSprite that was created from a png with transparent background.
I want to be able to apply colors to this sprite in a way that I`m free to define which color it is, without the actual color of the sprite affecting the amount of each color I have to add.
I`ve tried this:
mySprite.color = ccc3(200,200,255);
In an attempt to add a little blue-ish feel to my sprite, but as it works by setting the amount of tint that's gonna be displayed based on existant color of the sprite, and my sprite has virtually no blue in any of it (most of it is yellow) the resulting effect is pretty sketchy, everything gets really dark, and there is one slight blue-ish coloring, but not as I wanted.
The ideal effect for me on this case would be to ADD a light blue mask to it with very low alpha.
Is there an easy way to do that without composing sprites?
I've tried using CCTexture2D, but had no luck, as there is no built in method for working with colors, and most tutorials only teach you how to build textures out of image files.
This is deceptively hard to do in code with the original sprite. Another option would be:
create a new sprite, which is just a white outline version of your original sprite
the color property of this white sprite will now respond exactly to the RGB values you pass in
so pass in your light blue value to the white sprite and set the opacity correctly
then overlay it on your original sprite
Any good?
The only way you can achieve this is by overlaying (masking) the sprite with the proper OpenGL blend functions. When you say "add a light blue mask" then that's what you need to do. You may find this visual blendfunc tool helpful, if only to understand how blending with mask sprites works and what you can achieve with it. There's no built-in support for this by Cocos2D however, so you'll have to revert to pure OpenGL inside a cocos2d node's -(void) draw {} method.
Tinting (changing the color property) will only modify the RGB channels of the entire image by changing the vertex colors of all 4 vertices.

How can I make image brighter (more light as flash effect) using Core Graphics

How can I get flash effect for images got from Camera?
After I got image from camera (it shows in UIImageView) and before saving it as a file I'd like to lighten (in some cases) image by pressing Flash button. Is it possible by using Core Graphics ??
Have a look at my answer to this question. That question was about making an image darker, but you could use exactly the same code and make the image lighter by overlaying a partially transparent white color:
//draw a 50% white overlay
CGContextSetGrayFillColor(cx, 1.0, 0.5);
CGContextFillRect(cx, imageRect);