selenium grid parallel execution configuration - selenium

How to configure multiple nodes from a single machine.I want to write code for congifuration from a single virtual machine ,no need to go to each virtual machine and start hub nd node there.In another word,Ii want to run parallel execution of 10 virtual machine and want to configure for a single hub nd from single me.urgent

I think u can do it by configuring hub and node in the same machine but giving dfferent Port No's like 5566,5555 etc. i have not tried it, but give it a try


What ports does Selenium grid uses for heartbeat signals?

I am trying to setup a testing environment using Selenium grid. The hub is to be running on an AWS computer while the nodes would be executed on AWS Workspaces. At this point, nodes can register in the hub, but about one minute latter, the hub complains stating:
Marking the node http://192.168.x.x:1444 as down: cannot reach the node for 2 tries
I have been doing some research and the problem seems to be that the hub sends heartbeat signals that do not reach the nodes and then it drops the session. Since there is a firewall that might be blocking the heartbeat signals, I need to know which ports are used to send such signals in order to configure the firewall accordingly.
Thank you

Setup docker-swarm to use specific nodes as backup?

Is there a way to setup docker-swarm to only use specific nodes (workers or managers) as fail-over nodes? For instance if one specific worker dies (or if a service on it dies), only then it will use another node, before that happens it's as if the node wasn't in the swarm.
No, that is not possible. However, docker-swarm does have the features to build that up. Let's say that you have 3 worker nodes in which you want to run service A. 2/3 nodes will always be available and node 3 will be the backup.
Add a label to the 3 nodes. E.g: runs=serviceA . This will make sure that your service only runs in those 3 nodes.
Make the 3rd node unable to schedule tasks by running docker node update --availability drain <NODE-ID>
Whenever you need your node back, run docker node update --availability active <NODE-ID>

How to setup multiple gemfire/geode WAN clusters on one machine for testing?

What's needed to run multiple gemfire/geode clusters on one machine? I'm trying to test using WAN gateways locally, before setting it up on servers.
I have one cluster (i.e. gemfire.distributed-system-id=1) up and running with one locator and one server.
I am trying to setup a second cluster (i.e. gemfire.distributed-system-id=2), but receive the following error when attempting to connect to the locator in cluster 2:
Exception caused JMX Manager startup to fail because: 'HTTP service
failed to start'
I assume the error is due to a JMX Manager already running in cluster 1, so I'm guessing I need to start a second JMX Manager on a different port in cluster 2. Is this a correct assumption? If so, how do I setup the second JMX Manager?
Your assumption is correct, the exception is being thrown because the first members started some services (PULSE, jmx-manager, etc.) using the default ports already
You basically want to make sure the properties http-service-port and jmx-manager-port (non an extensive list, there are other properties you need to look at), are different in the second cluster.
Hope this helps.

DC/OS has three roles, they are master, slave, slave_public, why can't put them on one host?

I just investigate DC/OS, I find that DC/OS has three roles:master, slave, slave_public, I want to deploy a cluster which can host master, slave or slave_public roles on one host, but currently I can't do that.
I want to know that why can't put them on one host when designed. If I do that, could I get some suggestions?
I just have the idea. If I can't do, I'll quit using DCOS, I'll use mesos and marathon.
Is there someone has the idea with me? I look forward to the reply.
This is by design, and things are actually being worked on to re-enforce that an machine is installed with only one role because things break with more than one.
If you're trying to demo / experiment with DC/OS and you only have one machine, you can use Virtual Machines or Docker to partition that one machine into multiple machines / parts which you can install DC/OS on. dcos-vagrant and dcos-docker can help you there.
As far as installing though, the configuration for each of the three roles is incompatible with one another. The "master" role causes a whole bunch of pieces of software to be started / installed on a host (Mesos-DNS, Mesos master, marathon, exhibitor, zookeeper, 3dt, adminrouter, rexray, spartan, navstar among others) which listen on various ports. The "slave" role causes a machine to have a mesos-agent (mesos renamed mesos-slave to mesos-agent, hence the disconnect) configured and started on the agent. The mesos-agent is configured to control / most ports greater than 1024 to tasks which are launched by mesos frameworks on the agent. Several of those ports are used by services which are run on masters, resulting in odd conflicts and hard to fix bad behavior.
In the case of running the "slave" and "slave_public" on the same host, those two conflict more directly, because both of them cause mesos-agent to be run on the host, with slightly different configuration. Both the mesos-agent (the one configured with the "slave" role and the one with the "slave_public" role are configured to listen on port 5051. Only one of them can use it though, so you end up with one of the agents being non-functional.
DC/OS only supports running a node as either a master or an agent(slave). You are correct that Mesos does not have this limitation. But DC/OS is more than just a Mesos/Marathon. To enable all the additional features of DC/OS there are various components built around Mesos and Marathon. At times these components behave differently whether they are running on a master or an agent and at other times the components that exist on a master may or may not exist on an agent or vice versa. So running a master and an agent on the same node would lead to conflicts/issues.
If you are looking to run a small development setup before scaling the solution out to a bigger distributed system DC/OS Vagrant might be a good starting point.

Flink Jobmanager not able to see task managers

So I've installed an apache flink cluster on our network. I've done the configurations as illustrated below. This Master (JobManager) starts, and sends the start command to all the slaves via ssh. I can see that the task managers are running after they were started by the master node.
Config file on all nodes:
jobmanager.rpc.address: flmaster
jobmanager.rpc.port: 6123
jobmanager.heap.mb: 1024
taskmanager.heap.mb: 2048
taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots: 1
taskmanager.memory.preallocate: false
parallelism.default: 1
jobmanager.web.port: 8081
taskmanager.tmp.dirs: /apps/storage/runtime/flink/workspace
recovery.mode: zookeeper
recovery.zookeeper.quorum:zk1:2181, zk2:2181, zk3:2181
recovery.zookeeper.storageDir: /apps/runtime/flink/recovery /apps/java/
Then i have a file called slaves in the config folder with a list of the slaves nodes.
I then start it
This opens an ssh session to all the slave nodes, and starts the task manager. I can see this with ps ax | grep java
I can open the Web-Ui on flMaster:8081
On the WebUI I can see the slave node count is 0. I have no task managers.
As a test, I started the wordcount.jar job, and it tells me it cannot run the job since there are no slots open.
/apps/flink/bin/flink run /apps/flink/examples/batch/WordCount.jar
the response:
07/20/2016 13:19:01 Job execution switched to status FAILING.
org.apache.flink.runtime.jobmanager.scheduler.NoResourceAvailableException: Not enough free slots available to run the job.*
Well I guess if there is no task managers/slave nodes, there will be no slots.
Any one ever seen this issue?
Use fully qualified hostname instead of short name. For e.g instead of just hostname. OR you could also try using ip address.
Try doing a telnet on jobmanager machine rpc port. The taskmanagers talk with jobmanager through rpc. So check the network settings whether you are able to access the jobmanager and task managers' rpc ports or not.
Also check the blob server port. Check the taskmanager logs whether it is able to connect to the jobmanager blob server or not.