Xcode 6.3.2 unable to build or run projects - xcode6

After upgrading to Xcode 6.3.2 I'm unable to build/run, analyse, profile project. Even project clean functionality looks broken. Does any body experienced similar problem and know how to fix it?

The problem appears to go away when you go download and install the new command line tools for 6.3.2.

After struggling with this problem for couple of hours I have finally found solution. In my case Xcode Derived Data location was set to custom folder and it was the origin of the problem. After changing Xcode Derived Data location to default one everything back to normal.


Xcode build stuck at DataModelCompile `momc`

I have a project which builds fine a month ago. Now I tried to open it again but I am stuck with building the project in Xcode. Upon checking it from the Report Navigator tab, it shows that there was an error on DataModelCompile about a missing inverse property.
I was able to get through this by suppressing the momc warnings in Build Settings. But when I build the project again, I am still stuck at DataModelCompile. This time it doesn't say anything helpful aside from outputting the exact momc command.
I have tried the following so far but nothing works:
Clean project and rebuild
Delete DeriveData folder and rebuild
Clean, delete DereveData, close Xcode and rebuild
Remove xcdatamodel, build project, close Xcode, delete DeriveData put back xcdatamodel and rebuild
Please tell me I'm not the only once experiencing this. It is really frustrating that a project that used to work is broken now without anything changed.
Any help is appreciated!
I am using the latest version of Xcode (7.1.1)
The project is using CoreData with 3 versions of xcdatamodel
I also tried checking out an earlier version of the project but I still encounter the same problem

UIKit.h not found error

I made a single view app for the ipad, with a movie, webview and button, and I get this error when I try and run it. I have restarted the application, and reinstalled it, but nothing is working. This error keeps coming up in my MoviePlayer_Prefix.pch file. Can someone help me out?
I have had the same issue with being unable to compile project due to UIKit.h not being found + "unable to load standard library for target..."
The solution for me was very simple - to quit (CMD+Q) and relaunch Xcode. I have found out that with Xcode opened, macOS seems to have removed command line tools for Xcode because it was preparing for a update and relaunching Xcode triggered the "install additional components" update and it made the problem disappear.
Like Faul Textor said, most likely your XCode updated to 12.1 but your Command Line Tools didn't. You need to quit XCode completely and then start it again and you should get a pop-up saying "Install Additional Components"
Sorry, this should have been a comment to his reply but I cannot do that.
It sounds like you removed the UIKit.framework from your project at some point. Check if it is listed in your project navigator. If it's not there, go to your project in the project navigator pane, select your target, go to the build phases tab, click on link binary with libraries, hit the plus button, find the UIKit.framework there and add it to your project.
This answer suggests that there mayb be an issue with your framework search paths build setting. Check that out and if the path is empty and it still doesn't work, a re-install of Xcode would fix it, I think.
Just wanted to add my two cents on not making a dumb-ass mistake - came across this answer hoping to solve same problem.
Turns out I had written #import "<UIKit/UIKit.h>" instead of #import <UIKit/UIKit.h>.
Thought I would add in case someone else makes a simple mistake like me.

GenerateDSYMFile: dsymutil fails with exit code 11

I upgraded from MacOS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) to 10.7 (Lion) this morning, and also from Xcode 4.2 to Xcode 4.3.2. Perhaps more importantly, that means that I'm now building my project against the iOS 5.1 SDK instead of 5.0. That's a lot of changes, and one of them caused my project to break: the project will no longer build due to the following error:
Command /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/dsymutil
failed with exit code 11
The full command given in the build results is as follows (full disclosure: I've changed the project name to 'MyProject' to protect the innocent):
GenerateDSYMFile /Users/caleb/xcode-build/MyProject-fmkmldxfmhvmoicxrcsqsptzuvjs/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/MyProject.app.dSYM /Users/caleb/xcode-build/MyProject-fmkmldxfmhvmoicxrcsqsptzuvjs/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/MyProject.app/MyProject
cd /Users/caleb/MyProject/iphone
setenv PATH "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin:/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/dsymutil /Users/caleb/xcode-build/MyProject-fmkmldxfmhvmoicxrcsqsptzuvjs/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/MyProject.app/MyProject -o /Users/caleb/xcode-build/MyProject-fmkmldxfmhvmoicxrcsqsptzuvjs/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/MyProject.app.dSYM
This only happens when I try to build for an iOS device; building for the simulator works fine.
I've done quite a bit of searching to find an explanation of this error, but haven't found anything yet that explains the error. I did find one SO question about the same error, caused in that case by a bad tag in an Info.plist file, but my Info.plist looks fine. Another question suggests creating a new target and copying everything over. I haven't tried that yet as my project is quite large, but it's looking like the best next step.
Can anyone tell me what "exit code 11" from dsymutil means and how to fix it?
Update: Running the dsymutil command at the command line shows that exit code 11 is a segmentation fault. Still don't know what causes it, though.
A workaround that's working for me so far is to change the Debug Information Format setting in the project from "DWARF with dsym" to plain old "DWARF".
This at least lets me build the project for iOS devices and debug, so that's a very good start. I'm not sure what we lose by leaving out dsym, so I'm going to keep looking.
Update: Apple DTS suggests reinstalling Xcode. I haven't been able to try that yet, but will update this answer if it's helpful.
For future users who come here via Google :
It happened to me because my working directory was full.
Clear Some Space in your disk.
P.S. You can always go ahead and delete everything residing in this directory if you have developed so many apps till date on the same machine. /Users/<username>/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
P.P.S: Don't forget to check the size of the directory to get surprised. It may take upto 4 hours deleting the entire path, so do it in free time, just delete 2-3 sub directories and resume your work.
Changing "iOS Deployment Target" from 6.1 to 4.0 helped me !
have you made sure that your project build settings, compiler version is set to system default?

Xcode 4.01 - Sqlite error when trying to copy database

I am experiencing an error when running my project in xcode4.
A couple of times it stopped when it was trying to copy the database to the build directory, telling me the sqlite-file isn't there. After restarting my Mac it now stops in the build process. The text above the info-progress bar tells me "attaching to [project]".
This doesnt happen when running my project with Xcode 3.2.6.
Does anybody know a workaround for this?
Thank you very much in advance.
best regards
Apparently Xcode is a bit more serious about what's really within the xcode-project, not just laying in the directory. The error means I forgot to add the file in the directory to the project again after I mucked around with it.
Now that the file was added to the project everything is working again.
I hope it saves a bit of time in case somebody else comes accross the same problem.

Refactoring Problem XCode 4.0.1

So i was trying to refactor the name of a class in XCode following the steps in my text book. I'm sure I'm doing everything right and I downloaded XCode off the App Store. Basically, whenever I right-click -> refactor -> name -> preview, xcode crashes. Here's the error:
ASSERTION FAILURE in /SourceCache/DVTFoundation/DVTFoundation-227/Framework/Classes/Utilities/DVTTask.m:208
Details: The launch path must be set before launching.
Method: -launchRunningTerminationHandlerOnQueue:error:terminationHandler:
Thread: {name = (null), num = 15}
Hints: None
Any Ideas?
P.S., sorry, i dont know how to using the quotes
EDIT: Fixed. I reinstalled with the package in side resources under "Show Package Contents" -> Resources -> XCODE and IOS SDK
If Xcode itself crashes, that's a bug in Xcode and you should report it. Using the Refactor command to rename a class definitely works at least some of the time -- I just tried it twice with Xcode 4.0.1 and the preview comes up with no problem.
I'd suggest creating a new project and trying the Refactor command there. If it works and doesn't crash, then your existing project may have something to do with the problem. If it doesn't work, that might suggest that the problem is related to your Xcode installation or machine configuration. This is just an attempt to help you find a way to work around the issue, though... Again, if Xcode is crashing, then there's a problem in Xcode.
Quit and restart Xcode before every attempt to use 'Refactor'.
For me on Lion running Xcode 4.4.1, a Refactor causes a crash every time if I've been doing any work. Even the simplest 'Rename' operation results in a crash.
If I restart Xcode, and make my first operation a 'Refactor', it works every time.
Further tip: It's a good time to make a backup, while quit before running a Refactor.