apache not running XAMPP - apache

I am using Bitnami XAMPP on windows 7. It has been more than a year i'm using, but today all of a sudden it is showing Apache shutdown unexpectedly error.
Attempting to start Apache app... 9:43:46 PM [Apache] Status change
detected: running 9:43:47 PM [Apache] Status change detected:
stopped 9:43:47 PM [Apache] Error: Apache shutdown unexpectedly.
9:43:47 PM [Apache] This may be due to a blocked port, missing
dependencies, 9:43:47 PM [Apache] improper privileges, a crash, or
a shutdown by another method. 9:43:47 PM [Apache] Press the Logs
button to view error logs and check 9:43:47 PM [Apache] the Windows
Event Viewer for more clues 9:43:47 PM [Apache] If you need more
help, copy and post this 9:43:47 PM [Apache] entire log window on
the forums
Please note that Skype is not running, and i even tried changing the port to 81 by editing httpd.conf. Still I have unchecked "use port 80 and 443 or additional incoming connections"
After changing port number to 81 I went to Command prompt and used command
netstat -nab
I did not get any applications using port 81. I'm done restarting XAMPP and my computer.

Have you tried changing the port using the Xampp Control Panel?

Bitnami developer here.
It seems related to a blocked port. Try to change from the XAMPP Control Panel the both http and https ports in all the Apache configuration files.
To do that, press Config on the Apache section, and change the ports in httpd.conf and httpd-ssl.conf
You need also change the service port: Config (button on the right corner) -> Service and Ports Settings.
Click Netstat button if you want to see the currently used ports.
I hope it helps


XAMPP Apache Server shutdowns automatically

Can't start Apache Server. But Mysql server is working. Apache Sever shutdowns automatically!!
1:34:52 PM [Apache] Error: Apache shutdown unexpectedly.
1:34:52 PM [Apache] This may be due to a blocked port, missing dependencies,
1:34:52 PM [Apache] improper privileges, a crash, or a shutdown by another method.
1:34:52 PM [Apache] Press the Logs button to view error logs and check
1:34:52 PM [Apache] the Windows Event Viewer for more clues
1:34:52 PM [Apache] If you need more help, copy and post this
1:34:52 PM [Apache] entire log window on the forums
Most of the time Skype is the reason for this.
If you have Skype go to Skype then go to Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Connection and uncheck the Use port 80 and 443 for incoming connections. After that jsut restart Apache and this should do the trick.
If you don't have Skype installed then make sure to check in what port is your Apache, if it's on 80 change it to 8080

XAMPP -> Apache not starting

I returned the port to 80 from 8080 and now the apache is not starting. I reverted all of the things that needs to be back like 80 and 443.
12:53:41 PM [Apache] Error: Apache shutdown unexpectedly.
12:53:41 PM [Apache] This may be due to a blocked port, missing dependencies,
12:53:41 PM [Apache] improper privileges, a crash, or a shutdown by another method.
12:53:41 PM [Apache] Press the Logs button to view error logs and check
12:53:41 PM [Apache] the Windows Event Viewer for more clues
12:53:41 PM [Apache] If you need more help, copy and post this
12:53:41 PM [Apache] entire log window on the forums
And i already disabled iis as well.
Please confirmed that in your machine skype is installed or not.
if it is installed then change port of skype. due to port conflicted apache might not be starting.
i change port in httpd.conf to 8080 and use this url:http://localhost:8080/ and it work correct.
for change port change listen.
-------------------------------------------- httpd.conf --
Listen 8080
The following worked for me
Select "Run as administrator"
Click on the left checkbutton next to Apache
And finally Uninstall Apache
And in my case that worked! And I tried a lot of different options

XAMPP - Port 80 in use by "Unable to open process" with PID 12448

I got this problem, and I can't find the solution on web
21:51:01 [Apache] Problem detected!
21:51:01 [Apache] Port 80 in use by "Unable to open process" with PID 12448!
21:51:01 [Apache] Apache WILL NOT start without the configured ports free!
21:51:01 [Apache] You need to uninstall/disable/reconfigure the blocking application
21:51:01 [Apache] or reconfigure Apache and the Control Panel to listen on a different port
21:51:01 [Apache] Problem detected!
21:51:01 [Apache] Port 443 in use by "Unable to open process" with PID 12448!
21:51:01 [Apache] Apache WILL NOT start without the configured ports free!
21:51:01 [Apache] You need to uninstall/disable/reconfigure the blocking application
21:51:01 [Apache] or reconfigure Apache and the Control Panel to listen on a different port
21:51:01 [Apache] Attempting to start Apache app...
21:51:02 [Apache] Status change detected: running
21:51:03 [Apache] Status change detected: stopped
21:51:03 [Apache] Error: Apache shutdown unexpectedly.
21:51:03 [Apache] This may be due to a blocked port, missing dependencies,
21:51:03 [Apache] improper privileges, a crash, or a shutdown by another method.
21:51:03 [Apache] Press the Logs button to view error logs and check
21:51:03 [Apache] the Windows Event Viewer for more clues
21:51:03 [Apache] If you need more help, copy and post this
21:51:03 [Apache] entire log window on the forums
Its PID 12448, not PID 4 !!! How to solve it ?
It's no problem after just download the xampp, then I install Joomla! and get this problem...
In addition to the things to fix mentioned by RepeaterCreeper, on a windows machine you can find the application (executable) by process id:
netstat -a -b -o
tasklist | findstr /C:"<pid>"
The first command will list all the processes, PIDs, associated process executable name. The second command will find the executable name by PID
More help on usage:
netstat /?
tasklist /?
To save the results to a file for the commands, use "> file.txt" switch. E.g.:
tasklist | findstr /C:"2342" > t.txt
The above command will save the output to a file named "t.txt" in current folder. Stop those processes if possible. Or else, configure XAMPP to use a different port in the configuration dialog.
Okay so the problem is that port 80 is by default being used by a service that is installed by default into Windows 10. So what you need to do is turn that off. I'll go over them step by step on how to do this down below.
Press Window + R.
Type in the run box "services.msc".
Now scroll down near the bottom you will see "World Wide Web ... " (I don't know the fully name so just look for something like 'World Wide Web').
Now you'll see that it is set on AUTOMATIC as the startup type or whatever it was. Double click or right click and you will see a dialog box pop up.
Press the STOP button to turn off the service.
Change it to MANUAL as the startup type.
Now that's out of the way restart your computer if necessary (But I think you don't need it, however I would recommend it since I'm not sure whether it needs to be restarted or not). And once you've done that run XAMPP as an administrator by simply right clicking and pressing Run as Administrator and that should work. If it doesn't then I don't know how to help you. That was the way I did it when I was having this problem.
NOTE: Skype may also be a problem as pointed out in the comments. If you have skype please following the following.
Open up Skype.
Go to Options
Go to Connections
Then you'll see a check-box that is labeled "Use Port 80 or 443 as an alternative for incoming connections.".
Tick that box and restart your Skype then turn it off.
In Xampp control, click config, open Apache config file (httpd.conf) and set
Listen 80 to Listen 8080 or some port of your choice, stop / start the apache process and it'll resolve the conflict.
If you wish Apache to listen to port 80 only, you will need to stop conflicting Application or configure that app to use another port.

Error: Apache shutdown unexpectedly. Changed ports, Still not working

I installed XAMPP and for some reason when I start running Apache, it doesn't run. I'm not using Skype and also changed the port from 80 to 8080,7777. But nothing seems to work.
Also when I try opening the logs, they are empty.
The detailed error which I get is as follows
10:29:55 PM [Apache] Attempting to start Apache app...
10:29:55 PM [Apache] Status change detected: running
10:29:57 PM [Apache] Status change detected: stopped
10:29:57 PM [Apache] Error: Apache shutdown unexpectedly.
10:29:57 PM [Apache] This may be due to a blocked port, missing dependencies,
10:29:57 PM [Apache] improper privileges, a crash, or a shutdown by another method.
10:29:57 PM [Apache] Press the Logs button to view error logs and check
10:29:57 PM [Apache] the Windows Event Viewer for more clues
10:29:57 PM [Apache] If you need more help, copy and post this
10:29:57 PM [Apache] entire log window on the forums
Please someone help
Well,somehow resinstalling XAMPP worked for me.
Be sure to install (or unzip) the xampp folder to the root directory (C:\). It helped me even when Skype was listening on the same port apache still would boot up.
Than it is good practise to change http port and ssl port to some different number up to 65535. You have to change it in 3 steps:
1) In Config Panel -> Service and Port Settings -> Main Port & SSL Port
2) Apache (httpd.conf)
3) Apache (httpd-ssl.conf)

Apache unexpectedly shut down after start on XAMPP (Windows 7)

Please note, I'm a newb so bear with me if this is just a stupid mistake.
I have XAMPP on my Win 7 laptop, no IIS, no extra MySQL stuff. However, everytime I click start for the apache module this comes up.
18:18:01 [Apache] Problem detected!
18:18:01 [Apache] Port 80 in use by "Unable to open process" with PID 4!
18:18:01 [Apache] Apache WILL NOT start without the configured ports free!
18:18:01 [Apache] You need to uninstall/disable/reconfigure the blocking application
18:18:01 [Apache] or reconfigure Apache and the Control Panel to listen on a different port
18:18:01 [Apache] Attempting to start Apache app...
18:18:02 [Apache] Status change detected: running
18:18:02 [Apache] Status change detected: stopped
18:18:02 [Apache] Error: Apache shutdown unexpectedly.
18:18:02 [Apache] This may be due to a blocked port, missing dependencies,
18:18:02 [Apache] improper privileges, a crash, or a shutdown by another method.
18:18:02 [Apache] Press the Logs button to view error logs and check
18:18:02 [Apache] the Windows Event Viewer for more clues
18:18:02 [Apache] If you need more help, copy and post this
18:18:02 [Apache] entire log window on the forums
Skype and VMWare is disconnected, nothing in Error log or Windows Event Viewer, and as far as I know, port 80 is free
Any advice would be most welcome.
Many thanks
EDIT: thanks for the answer. Turns out the Web Deploy Service issued with Microsoft WebMatrix was to blame. Many thanks.
From the error log, it is obvious that port 80 is opened
Open a CMD prompt and type in command: net stop was /y
Run Dialog Box (press keys Win+R) .. then type: services.msc
I then scrolled down to: World Wide Web Publishing Service Double clicked on it and clicked STOP (if this service status is Started)
Start Apache again with XAMPP :)
Link Ref: http://www.sitepoint.com/unblock-port-80-on-windows-run-apache/