How to show userform 1 time only - vba

In VBA for excel, I have a userform then I want this to show only for 1 instance. Even if the user re-open it, it won't open again. Is there any code for it? well, I'm also using this code for my login:
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
User.Caption = Environ("Username")
End Sub
I'm thinking if i can use this code in my problem. Hoping for a quick response. thanks guys, you're awesome!

Yes, it's possible.
You have to add new sheet. In a cell A1 type 0 (zero), then hide it. In a code which calls UserForm, use this:
Sub ShowMyForm()
If ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("HiddenSheet").Range("A1")=0 then MyUserForm.Show
End Sub
In a form:
Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer)
End Sub

If you don't want to add an extra sheet just to store one bool, you can set a custom document property like this:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
On Error Resume Next
Dim test As Boolean
test = Me.CustomDocumentProperties("UserFormShown").Value
If Err.Number = 0 Then Exit Sub
Me.CustomDocumentProperties.Add "UserFormShown", False, msoPropertyTypeBoolean, True
End Sub
If the property hasn't been set yet it will throw an error, so trapping an error lets you know if you've set the property (and shown the form).


Limiting user interaction with the workbook - hide workbook / show only userform

Is it possible to get the same effect using ThisWorkbook.Application.Visible = False but only for one Workbook. I mean, I'd like to limiting user interaction only to UserForm, but I need have an access to anothers workbooks. At the moment this function cause hide workbook, but after open some another excel file - all object from userform are not available.
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
ThisWorkbook.Application.Visible = False
Starter.Show modeless
End Sub
Thanks for your support.
Please, create a form, let us say "Starter", having (at least) a button ("btExit"), copy the next code in its code module and show it. If the form in discussion already has some code in Initialize and Terminate events, please add the next code lines, too:
Option Explicit
Private Sub btExit_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
ThisWorkbook.Windows(1).Visible = False
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Terminate()
ThisWorkbook.Windows(1).Visible = True
End Sub
So, you can simple use workbook Open event in this way:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Starter.Show vbModeless
End Sub

How to check if a userform is closed with "X" Windows button?

There is a sub, it creates a CourtForm userform and then takes a data from it. The problem appears when said form is closed prematurely, by pressing "X" window button and I get a runtime error somewhere later. For reference, this is what I'm talking about:
In my code I tried to make a check to exit sub:
Private Sub test()
'Create an exemplar of a form
Dim CourtForm As New FormSelectCourt
'The form is terminated at this point
'Checking if the form is terminated. The check always fails. Form exists but without any data.
If CourtForm Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub
End If
'This code executes when the form proceeds as usual, recieves
'.CourtName and .CourtType variable data and then .hide itself.
CourtName = CourtForm.CourtName
CourtType = CourtForm.CourtType
Unload CourtForm
'Rest of the code, with the form closed a runtime error occurs here
End Sub
Apparently the exemplar of the form exists, but without any data. Here's a screenshot of the watch:
How do I make a proper check for the form if it's closed prematurely?
Add the following code to your userform
Private m_Cancelled As Boolean
' Returns the cancelled value to the calling procedure
Public Property Get Cancelled() As Boolean
Cancelled = m_Cancelled
End Property
Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer _
, CloseMode As Integer)
' Prevent the form being unloaded
If CloseMode = vbFormControlMenu Then Cancel = True
' Hide the Userform and set cancelled to true
m_Cancelled = True
End Sub
Code taken from here. I would really recommend to have a read there as you will find a pretty good basic explanation how to use a userform.
One of the possible solutions is to pass a dictionary to the user form, and store all entered data into it. Here is the example:
User form module code:
' Add reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime
' Assumed the userform with 2 listbox and button
Option Explicit
Public data As New Dictionary
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Me.ListBox1.List = Array("item1", "item2", "item3")
Me.ListBox2.List = Array("item1", "item2", "item3")
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
data("quit") = False
data("courtName") = Me.ListBox1.Value
data("courtType") = Me.ListBox2.Value
Unload Me
End Sub
Standard module code:
Option Explicit
Sub test()
Dim data As New Dictionary
data("quit") = True
Load UserForm1
Set = data
If data("quit") Then
MsgBox "Ввод данных отменен пользователем"
Exit Sub
End If
MsgBox data("courtName")
MsgBox data("courtType")
End Sub
Note the user form in that case can be closed (i. e. unloaded) right after all data is filled in and action button is clicked by user.
Another way is to check if the user form actually loaded:
Sub test()
If Not isUserFormLoaded("UserForm1") Then
MsgBox "Ввод данных отменен пользователем"
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Function isUserFormLoaded(userFormName As String) As Boolean
Dim uf As Object
For Each uf In UserForms
If LCase(uf.Name) = LCase(userFormName) Then
isUserFormLoaded = True
Exit Function
End If
End Function

How can I go out from a sub when another sub that is inside this sub outputs a Msgbox?

Inside a sub ("Sensitivities") I am calling another sub ("MVE_NIM_Subs.MVE_Main"), if this sub outputs a MsgBox I want to end the sub and to go to the "Jump" defined, instead of continuing executing the sub. ¿How can I do it?
Public Sub Sensitivities()
Application.Run "MVE_NIM_Subs.MVE_Main"
End Sub
You can trap your Msgbox with a public boolean variable. In the sub MVE_NIM_Subs.MVE_Main modify your code to set a public boolean variable to be true if the msgbox appears.
After this sub ends, execution will go back to executing code inside sub Sensitivities. Then just check the value of the public boolean variable. If it's true, then go to Jump.
Something like this:
Option Explicit
Public DidMsg As Boolean
Sub Sensitivities()
DidMsg = False
Application.Run "MVE_NIM_Subs.MVE_Main"
If DidMsg = True Then GoTo Jump
'rest of your code
'rest of your code after point Jump
End Sub
Sub MVE_Main()
'your code whatever it is
'right after using the msgbox type:
DidMsg = True
End Sub
MsgBox is a modal element, so code execution is paused until the user deals with it. This leaves you with two options:
Don't display a MsgBox (if you only want to stop code when this happens I'm not sure what the point of it is anyway?)
Create a non-modal userform to emulate a MsgBox instead.
You have to options in my opinion:
Make MVE_NIM_Subs.MVE_Main a function that returns Bool. When you display message box in MVE_NIM_Subs.MVE_Main set return value to True. Then in calling sub you can write:
If returnValue Then GoTo Jump
Keep MVE_NIM_Subs.MVE_Main as sub and declare some global Bool variable, that can be used within two subs. In outer sub set it to False before calling MVE_NIM_Subs.MVE_Main and in MVE_NIM_Subs.MVE_Main set it to True whenever you show the message box. Then you can use it in outer sub to decide whether to jump or not, like in first option :)

VBA - UserForm Button (Macro) to Continue running the sub

I have a sub called as sub1() which activates the userform1 through the command
This userform1 has a button called as continue. On clicking that button continue - A Macro called as Private Sub continuebutton() gets activated.
I want to program in such a way that it redirects to the line after in sub1().
Is it something that can be done?
Theoretically, what you want is possible, if you do it like this:
In the UserForm:
Private Sub btnContinue_Click()
flag = True
Debug.Print "I continue ..."
End Sub
In a module:
Public flag As Boolean
Public Sub sub1()
If flag Then
Debug.Print "sub 1 continues here..."
flag = False
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
It will work exactly as intended, BUT it is not a good practice to work this way. (Some people may throw stones at you for using public variables at all in VBA.) Here are two articles, that give better ideas:
Disclaimer - this one is mine:
On the form properties for userform1, set its "Modal" property to true.
When the form opens, it will have exclusive focus, and the code in sub1 will not continue running until after it closes. This may be the solution you need.
In the code below, the msgbox will only appear once userform1 closes:
sub sub1()
msgbox "Now continuing with sub1"
end sub
No way as long as you show the form.
If you show the form modal, the calling routine continues if (and only if) the form is closed.
If you show the form non-modal, the code continues to run directly after the show - so it's already done.
So either you have to close the form when the user clicks the "continue..." button to let the calling macro continue or you have to split your code into two routines and call the second on button-click.
You can change your Sub1 as follows:
Sub sub1(Optional Continue As Boolean)
If Continue = True Then
Exit Sub
End If
End sub
And then, you can call your sub1 using:
Private Sub continuebutton()
Call sub1(True)
End Sub
Hope it helps
If you don't want to go with the 'Modal Form' solution, you could add a subroutine to your main module, and call it when required. So, in userform1, you have:
sub sub1()
end sub
public sub sub2()
msgbox "Now continuing..."
end sub
And then in userform1, set some code on its onClose event:
Private Sub continuebutton()
Call sub2()
end sub

VBA combobox additem and getting a runtime error 70

I have created a userform that has two buttons on it. One is called CmdCon6 and the other is called CmdLbs6. When clicked, they are suppose to close the current userform, pull up another userform, and pull values from the 4th column in sheet18 and add them to a combobox named x48 (both of the new userforms have a combobox named x48)in the new userform. The range of cell values to be added to the combobox x48 will flucuate, but never exceed 20 (hence why I added a loop). Everything works great and does what it is suppose to do when I click the CmdCon6 button, but when I click the CmdLbs button, it gives me a run-time error '70' Permission denied and highlights the 20th line of code (line between the If and end if in the Sub CmdLbs_Click()).
I have tried to change the name of the combobox x48 in the frmInputLbs6 userform and keep it as x48 for the frmInputCon6 userform, but I still received the same error.
Any suggestions to fix this issue? I'm stumped, and can't think of a way around it. Thanks in advance!
Private Sub CmdCon6_Click()
Unload Me
For x = 1 To 20
If Sheet18.Cells(x, 4).Value <> "" Then
frmInputCon6.x48.AddItem Sheet18.Cells(x, 4)
End If
Next x
End Sub
Private Sub CmdLbs6_Click()
Unload Me
For x = 1 To 20
If Sheet18.Cells(x, 4).Value <> "" Then
frmInputLbs6.x48.AddItem Sheet18.Cells(x, 4)
End If
Next x
End Sub
Controls on UserForms are private by default. You need to access them through the Controls collection:
Private Sub CmdLbs6_Click()
Unload Me
For x = 1 To 20
If Sheet18.Cells(x, 4).Value <> "" Then
frmInputLbs6.Controls("x48").AddItem Sheet18.Cells(x, 4)
End If
Next x
End Sub
I'd also note that although you mention that "they are suppose to close the current userform", this isn't what happens. Your forms also aren't actually being fully unloaded until the other form is closed. The .Show method defaults to modal so in the code above frmInputCon6 doesn't fully unload until after frmInputLbs6 is closed.
Just something to keep in mind, because it really messes up your event stack. You can see the results by with this simple test code. Add UserForm1 and UserForm2, and put a button on each of them and the following code:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub '<--Put a breakpoint here.
Private Sub UserForm_Terminate()
Debug.Print "UserForm1 closed"
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub '<--Put a breakpoint here.
Private Sub UserForm_Terminate()
Debug.Print "UserForm2 closed"
End Sub
Put a breakpoint on the End Subs of each Click() event, fire up one of the forms and hit the buttons to hop back and forth a few times. Then close one of the forms and count how many times you hit the breakpoints before you actually exit.