no cipher suites in common - ssl

I am trying to install IHS certs in Websphere Application Server 8.5
and after I install the IHS WebServer certs I am getting no cipher suites in common.
I did not even touch the application server or go into the Cell Level
but both the IHS and the app server are on the same box.
Please help me resolve this and point out where and why is the root
cause for all this.

I don't know Websphere but you can get this kind of error if the server side has no certificates configured and thus falls back to the ADH ciphers (anonymous authentication). These ciphers are usually not supported by the clients, at least not by default and thus you get "no shared ciphers". Just a guess because of lack of more information in the question.


Handshake Failure Alert for Tomcat9

We have recently upgraded our Tomcat version to 9.0.20 from Tomcat 7 and our users report that they are not able to connect to our system any longer due to the below error.
Error while sending message: Could not send Message. Peer sent alert: Alert Fatal: handshake failure
We have checked the SSL certificates and everything is in place and even we have verified the TLS version in the source SAP system. However this issue is noticed only in SAP systems who are using our webservices. So I would like to know what details I need to check at SAP side to fix this issue.
Please note that when I switch back to Tomcat7, the connection works perfectly fine. I have compared the server.xml of both the versions and don't see any difference apart from the below line.
Tomcat 7: protocol="HTTP/1.1"
Tomcat 9: protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol"
Appreciate response.
The issue was apparently with the cipher suites being used in SAP system. Adding new cipher suites which supports TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 worked and the issue was resolved.

Cloudflare - 525 SSL handshake failed

I switched with my Domain to Cloudflare and now I'm trying to use CloudFlare's SSL Feature.
I already own a SSL cert from StartSSL so I would be possible to set the settings to 'Full (Strict)' but I don't want to so I turned it to 'Full'.
Now I'm getting 525 Errors, after a 'Retry for a live Version' everything is okay.
But I'm getting this Error everytime.
Has anyone an idea ?
Thank you
Picture of my Error
Change Cloudflare SSL/TLS encryption mode in to Flexible. it worked for me.
A 525 error indicates that CloudFlare was unable to contact your origin server and create a SSL connection with it.
This can be due to:
Your servers not having matching or compatible SSL Ciphers
Your website may not have a certificate installed properly
Your website may not have a dedicated IP OR is not configured to use SNI
Attempt to contact your hosting provider for assistance to ensure that your SSL certificate is setup correctly. If you are using a control panel, a quick google search can help you find a install guide for that said control panel.
Visit SSL/TLS tab in Cloudflare. Then:
Switch Your SSL/TLS encryption mode to Flexible.
Make sure to switch On "Always Use HTTPS" under "Edge Certificate" tab.
This will transfer all your request from Http to Https automatically. And if you'll implement custom SSL certificate on your hosting server then this 525 error will automatically disappear without changing anything on Cloudflare.
Got the same problem a few days ago.
Our DevOps contacted support and found out that Cloudflare changed certificate type or smth in that way. Asked to return everything back.
That helped.
I went through the same problem today and found that (at least in my case) it was the lack of TLS v1.3
I had just made a server using nginx + php-fpm and a self signed ssl to use below CloudFlare proxy.
When I switched from the production server to this new one, it gave error 525.
I gave the command: curl -I https://your_server_public_ip/ and it returned the error:
error: 1408F10B: SSL routines: ssl3_get_record: wrong version number
This error is described in the CloudFlare community at:
There they advise turning off TLS v1.3 on the CloudFlare panel, but I decided to try installing it.
Using nginx is so easy that I don’t know why to have it shut down.
Only add TLSv1.3 like this-> ssl_protocols TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3; in your nginx/snippets/ssl-params.conf file (default Ubuntu 20 and 18) that will work and you still use the latest and most secure protocols.

Nginx error: "No shared cipher". But there are

My Nginx server has an SSL certificate that looks really good and works in most browsers perfectly. The server is . You can "hit" the server by going to .
The SSL Cert check is here:
So far, so good. The problem is specifically on the Tesla Model S browser (the in-car browser). It gives a "Bad certificate" error. The Tesla browser is notoriously bad and has incomplete support. There's no way to view the cert chain or debug the problem from the Tesla. It's more like an appliance than a computer.
Here's the SSL support from within the Tesla:
On the Nginx server, I'm getting this error in the log:
SSL3_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:no shared cipher
Now, clearly from the Tesla SSL report and the server report, there are shared ciphers. I would expect that they would handshake on this one:
I'm not sure how to troubleshoot from here.
The error message might be misleading. What's definitely a problem is that the browser does not support SNI, but your web site requires it. At least it only serves the valid certificate (for for SNI capable browsers, all the others get a self-signed wildcard certificate which will not be accepted by a browser doing proper certificate validation.
We've hit similar problem from the Java client. The root cause was explicitly set protocols in SSL context (io.netty.handler.ssl.SslContext):
val ctx = io.netty.handler.ssl.SslContextBuilder.forClient()
And precisely SSLv2Hello, that should be neither declared nor used here.
Unfortunately, we can't control all our clients. So further investigation showed this problem has appeared after OpenSSL upgrade to 1.1.*.
Once we downgraded OpenSSL to 1.0.* it do the trick. Nginx 1.18.0 + OpenSSL 1.0.2u could handle handshakes with SSLv2Hello without errors and with the highest protocol possible.

Weak ethereal DH key Activemq

I'm trying a set up a secure websocket in activemq using CA certs, but I keep getting this message in the browser:
SSL received a weak ephemeral Diffie-Hellman key in Server Key Exchange handshake message. (Error code: ssl_error_weak_server_ephemeral_dh_key)
I believe this is related to the cipher suite, but I'm A) not finding using the right cipher suite or B) configuring it in the wrong area of Apache Activemq. Currently, I've been adjusting the configuration of ssl in transport connector in activemq.xml( However, I know that activemq uses a jetty server and i'm wondering if I should be configuring the suite in jetty.xml a la How to config local Jetty ssl to avoid weak phermeral DH key error?.
So, my questions are, is this the right approach? If so, what's the correct cipher suite for activemq?
The Java JDK version 1.7.0_79
Alright, I was able to create a work around by reading the activemq-apollo guide and then matching it to closed JIRA's in activemq:

handshake failure(40) and TLS_EMPTY_RENEGOTIATION_INFO_SCSV

A client installed on jBOSS is trying to access a secured website configured on DataPower xi50v6.0.0.2 appliance. The connection is getting failed at SSL handshake.
I have taken a packet capture at DataPower and observed that SSL Handshake is failing with the Description:Handshake failure(40).
However, at the Client Hello step, I have observed that, only one Cipher Suite is specified which is : TLS_EMPTY_RENEGOTIATION_INFO_SCSV.
The TLS protocol used ( as per packet capture) is TLS1.1. Can this Cipher Suite be a problem?
In the DataPower system logs I can see below error:
Request processing failed: Connection terminated before request headers read because of the connection error occurs
The client application is running on jBOSS7.I have asked our jBOSS administrator to check the configuration at jBOSS end. I somehow got the access to server where jBOSS instance is installed and checked domain.xml where the ssl is configured. Where exactly in domain.xml, ths configuration related to cipher suites can be found?
I have observed that, only one Cipher Suite is specified which is : TLS_EMPTY_RENEGOTIATION_INFO_SCSV
This is no real cipher. If no other ciphers are specified then the client does not offer any ciphers at all which means that no shared ciphers can be found and thus the handshake will fail. It looks like the client is buggy. Reason might be a failed attempt to fight POODLE attack by disabling all SSL3.0 ciphers, which in effect disables all ciphers for TLS1 1.0 and TLS 1.1.