How to duplicate symbols and the coding associated with them - variables

I have trouble with copying symbols, to do the same thing, in this case I need a symbol to restrict movement, to do this I created a variable for movement for each key press,
var velocity: int = 5;
var left: int = -5;
var up: int = 5;
var down: int = -5;
it worked for the first set of symbols, but when I copied the symbols and renamed them it only worked on the new symbol.
here is the coding example for the hit test I use, which works on single symbols
if (head_mc.hitTestObject(wallleft_mc)) {
left = 0;
trace("Collision detected!");
} else {
trace("No collision.");
left = -5;
if (head_mc.hitTestObject(wallleft2_mc)) {
left = 0;
trace("Collision detected!");
} else {
trace("No collision.");
left = -5;
wallleft2_mc is a copy of wallleft_mc, which I copied via pressing alt and dragging to the new location.
when I run the program, no errors appear, but the movement restriction code in the hit test codes only works on one of the symbols, not both.
how would I make it work both?
without creating new variables, which I tried to do,
really appreciate the help, thanks


CGAL: What is join_facet() really doing with circulators?

I'm trying to use join_facet() iteratively to grow a single facet starting from a given facet_handle. However, I'm running into trouble when using the Halfedge_around_facet_circulator in combination with join_facet(). My while-loop does not become false anymore which works fine if I don't use join_facet() and the circulator seems to point to something else.
I assume that the join operation is somehow changing that Halfedge_around_facet_circulator. But why and how to solve this?
Polyhedron P_out; // is a valid pure triangle Polyhedron
bool merge_next = true;
while (merge_next == true) {
Polyhedron::Halfedge_around_facet_circulator hit = facet_handle->facet_begin(); // facet_handle pointing to facet of P_out
merge_next = false;
do {
if(!(hit->is_border_edge())) {
if (coplanar(hit->facet(), hit->opposite()->facet())) {
if (CGAL::circulator_size(hit->opposite()->vertex_begin()) >= 3 && CGAL::circulator_size(hit->vertex_begin()) >= 3
&& hit->facet()->id() != hit->opposite()->facet()->id()) {
Polyhedron::Halfedge_handle hit2 = hit;
merge_next = true;
} while (++hit != facet_handle->facet_begin());
What this code should do:
Given the facet_handle, iterate over the corresponding halfedges of facet and merge if possible. Then taking facet_handle of created new facet again and doing the same until no neighboring facets are left to merge.
There are areas on which the code runs fine and others where it crashes at hit->is_border_edge() after the first join_facet().

TListView Caption-Cell of last row doesn't get colored

I have been working with VCL for a couple months now, and could solve all my problems by googling, but this one got me stuck.
I want to color a row in a TListView whenever the subItem at index 7 of that row does not contain a certain text (see code below). It all works well, except that the caption-cell (furthest to the left) of the last row does not get colored. I tried a couple hacks (e.g. enabling and then disbaling the ListView when drawing an item), but I didn't find one that doesn't break other stuff on the form (e.g. timers).
Also, after I click on the cell, it does get colored...
I'm using XE7 (C++Builder) on Windows 7.
All suggestions are appreciated ;)
void __fastcall TBackupManagerForm::OverviewListViewCustomDrawItem(TCustomListView *Sender, TListItem *Item, TRect &Rect, TOwnerDrawState State)
if ((*Item->SubItems)[7] != "someText") {
Sender->Canvas->Brush->Color = clRed;
else {
Sender->Canvas->Brush->Color = clWindow;
TRect r, rt;
r = Item->DisplayRect(drBounds);
r.Right = r.Left + (*OverviewListView->Columns)[0]->Width;
rt = r;
rt.Left += 5;
rt.Top += 1;
UnicodeString s = Item->Caption;
Sender->Canvas->TextRect(rt, s, TTextFormat()<<tfSingleLine<<tfEndEllipsis);
for (int i = 0; i < Item->SubItems->Count; i++) {
ListView_GetSubItemRect(Sender->Handle, Item->Index, i+1, LVIR_BOUNDS,&rt);
s = (*Item->SubItems)[i];
Sender->Canvas->TextRect(rt, s, TTextFormat()<<tfSingleLine<<tfEndEllipsis);
(Answering comments here because not enough rep :P)
#PaulMcCarthy Yeah, that seemed weird to me too...
#RemyLebeau Thanks for the suggestions, I implemented them.
Also, I managed to get it drawn properly by making an extra call to OverviewListView->Refresh() from outside CustomDrwaItem, but it still bugs me that it didn't work without it (pun somewhat intended).

Adding aging to boids simulation

I am working on expanding this sketch:
Trying to add aging to boids agents using frameCount.
I initialise ArrayList with age inbuilt:
boids = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < boidNum; i++) {
Agent boid = new Agent(random(width), random(height), 1, round(frameCount + random(300, 400)));
Then retrieve it :
Agent(float posX, float posY, int t, int a) {
mass = 5.0;
location = new PVector(posX, posY);
vel = new PVector(random(-5,5), random(-5, 5));
acc = new PVector();
type = t;
wdelta = 0.0;
action = 0;
age = a;
I want to use something like this for the living cycle :
if (frameCount != age) {
age = age - 1;
if (frameCount == age) {
But I'm not sure where in the code I should put it.
Also is this the best way to do it, or am I overcomplicating things?
I wrote a new method:
void boid(ArrayList boids) {
for (int i = 0; i < boids.size(); i++) {
if (frameCount >= age) {
which is being called from:
void steer(ArrayList boids, ArrayList predators, ArrayList landscape) {
if (type == 1) boid(boids); ...
It sounds like you would want to put that code in the Agent class, after you do the updating and drawing of the Agent- taking a quick look at the code, that's probably the run() function in the Agent class.
But I'm not totally sure why you're comparing each Agent's age with the frameCount. The frameCount variable just tells you how long the sketch has been running. You if statement kills any birds that have the same age as the sketch, which doesn't make any sense.
Instead, you need to have two variables in your Agent class: the age variable that starts at 0 and increments by one each frame, and a maxAge variable that stores the age at which the Agent should be removed.
If you want some friendly advice though, I'd really recommend starting over from scratch with your own code instead of trying to modify an existing one, especially if you aren't really sure how the code works yet. It might seem like you're saving time by using existing code, but if you don't really know how code works yet, you'll definitely save yourself a bunch of headaches by writing it yourself. Up to you though.

Raw Input mouse lastx, lasty with odd values while logged in through RDP

When I attempt to update my mouse position from the lLastX, and lLastY members of the RAWMOUSE structure while I'm logged in via RDP, I get some really odd numbers (like > 30,000 for both). I've noticed this behavior on Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10.
The usFlags member returns a value of MOUSE_MOVE_ABSOLUTE | MOUSE_VIRTUAL_DESKTOP. Regarding the MOUSE_MOVE_ABSOLUTE, I am handling absolute positioning as well as relative in my code. However, the virtual desktop flag has me a bit confused as I assumed that flag was for a multi-monitor setup. I've got a feeling that there's a connection to that flag and the weird numbers I'm getting. Unfortunately, I really don't know how to adjust the values without a point of reference, nor do I even know how to get a point of reference.
When I run my code locally, everything works as it should.
So does anyone have any idea why RDP + Raw Input would give me such messed up mouse lastx/lasty values? And if so, is there a way I can convert them to more sensible values?
It appears that when using WM_INPUT through remote desktop, the MOUSE_MOVE_ABSOLUTE and MOUSE_VIRTUAL_DESKTOP bits are set, and the values seems to be ranging from 0 to USHRT_MAX.
I never really found a clear documentation stating which coordinate system is used when MOUSE_VIRTUAL_DESKTOP bit is set, but this seems to have worked well thus far:
case WM_INPUT: {
UINT buffer_size = 48;
LPBYTE buffer[48];
GetRawInputData((HRAWINPUT)lparam, RID_INPUT, buffer, &buffer_size, sizeof(RAWINPUTHEADER));
RAWINPUT* raw = (RAWINPUT*)buffer;
if (raw->header.dwType != RIM_TYPEMOUSE) {
const RAWMOUSE& mouse = raw->data.mouse;
static Vector3 last_pos = vector3(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX);
const bool virtual_desktop = (mouse.usFlags & MOUSE_VIRTUAL_DESKTOP) == MOUSE_VIRTUAL_DESKTOP;
const int width = GetSystemMetrics(virtual_desktop ? SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN : SM_CXSCREEN);
const int height = GetSystemMetrics(virtual_desktop ? SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN : SM_CYSCREEN);
const Vector3 absolute_pos = vector3((mouse.lLastX / float(USHRT_MAX)) * width, (mouse.lLastY / float(USHRT_MAX)) * height, 0);
if (last_pos != vector3(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX)) {
MouseMoveEvent(absolute_pos - last_pos);
last_pos = absolute_pos;
else {
MouseMoveEvent(vector3((float)mouse.lLastX, (float)mouse.lLastY, 0));

Turning Motor on Lego NXT returns error 0002EA Type 2

I a writing a program using RobotC for the Lego NXT to imitate the behaviour of a puppy. This section of code is supposed to rotate the head which is connected to motor port 3 and read the value on the ultra sonic sensor. If while the head is turned, the dog is called, it will turn in the direction it was already facing. The following function is called when the ultrasonic sensor reads a value (meaning the robot has come close to a wall):
void SonarSensor()
int sensorValleft;
int sensorValright;
bool alreadyTurned = false;
int i,j;
i = 0;
j = 0;
motor[1] = 0;
motor[2] = 0;
motor[3] = -SPEED/2;
motor[3] = 0;
sensorValleft = SensorValue[3];
if(SensorValue[4] > 40)//calibrate sound sensor
//turn left
motor[2] = -SPEED;
i = 1000;
j = 1000;
alreadyTurned = true;
motor[3] = SPEED/2;
motor[3] = 0;
sensorValright = SensorValue[3];
if(SensorValue[3] > 1)//calibrate sound sensor
//turn right
motor[2] = SPEED;
j = 1000;
alreadyTurned = true;
if(alreadyTurned == false)
if(sensorValleft > sensorValright)
//turn left
motor[2] = -SPEED;
//turn right
motor[2] = SPEED;
When the head (motor[3]) rotates the first time the error 0002EA Type2 appears on the NXT screen. At first we thought it was because we were over-rotating the motor causing it to be obstructed so we tried to play around with the wait times but it made no difference.
Any ideas on what causes this error or how to fix it would be appreciated.
The answer as to why only motor[3] causes an error is actually quite simple. The motorA, motorB, and motorC values are defined in an enum, where motorA=0, motorB=1, and motorC=2. So, motor[1] and motor[2] are equivalent to calling motor[motorB] and motor[motorC]. However, motor[3] isn't equivalent to anything. It's trying to set the power of a motor that doesn't exist. motor[0] would be ok, however, and would correspond to motor[motorA].
While debugging, I started putting break points in to see where the error was and it alwas occurred on the line motor[3] = -SPEED/2; it turns out that with the third motor the proper syntax is to use motor[motorA]=-SPEED/2;. I am not sure why only this motor returns this error as I am using two other motors which I set new speeds using
However, this was the way to abolish the error.