Set One Column Equal to Another In Different Tables - sql

I am fairly new to SQL, and I am trying to create an SQL command checks if something is equal to something in one table, then update the value of something in another table. I have looked for solutions online, but I am not quite good enough to determine if what I have seen can be used to accomplish what I want to accomplish.
So here are the actual names of the tables and columns I am working with:
Item (Uses "ID")
SaleType (int, not null)
nitroasl_pamtable (Uses "ItemID")
PAM_SpecialOffer (bit, not null)
The "ID" that is shared between products in both tables are as follows:
- The "ID" column in the "Item" table
- The "ItemID" column in the "nitroasl_pamtable" table
What I need to do is go through the "Item" table and find all products that have "SaleType" equals "1"- Then update those IDs in "nitroasl_pamtable" by setting "PAM_SpecialOffer" equal to "1".
Is the following able to do what I want (this is a very rough guess btw)?
UPDATE nitroasl_pamtable
SET PAM_SpecialOffer = SaleType
INNER JOIN nitroasl_pamtable
ON ID = ItemID
WHERE SaleType = 1
I hope that the above makes sense, as I have found it a little hard to put into words, but in a nutshell, I am trying to mark all products with "SaleType=1" with "PAM_SpecialOffer=1" across the two different tables using "ID" and "ItemID" (respectively).
So, the following got me a listing of the set that I want to change. The IDs match up perfectly, etc. Now how can I UPDATE the PAM_SpecialOffer column with "1" (how do I change the following code to do this)?
SELECT i.ID, i.SaleType, i.SaleStartDate, i.SaleEndDate, i.ItemLookupCode, n.ItemID, n.PAM_SpecialOffer
FROM Item AS i
JOIN nitroasl_pamtable AS n
ON i.ID = n.ItemID
WHERE i.SaleType = 1
and (i.SaleStartDate > '2015-01-01' or i.SaleStartDate = '1899-12-31')
and i.SaleEndDate > getdate();

It would appear that your statement would work. However, I would write it as:
SET PAM_SpecialOffer = i.SaleType
FROM nitroasl_pamtable pt INNER JOIN
Item i
ON i.ID = pt.ItemID
WHERE i.SaleType = 1;
The i and pt are table aliases, abbreviations for the table name. In some cases, they are necessary. Here, they just clarify what the query is doing and where the columns are coming from.
As a rule, when I do an update with join, I put the table being updated first in the list of joins.

Here is what I ended up with. I do need to mark all products that do not receive the PAM_SpecialOffer = 1 update with PAM_SpecialOffer = NULL, but that should be easy enough!
SET n.PAM_SpecialOffer = 1
FROM Item AS i
JOIN nitroasl_pamtable AS n
ON i.ID = n.ItemID
WHERE i.SaleType = 1
and (i.SaleStartDate > '2015-01-01' or i.SaleStartDate = '1899-12-31')
and i.SaleEndDate > getdate();
UPDATE - Final Revision
So I made some additional modifications to my query. I am sure there is a better way to write this, but this is the best I could do as far as cleaning up the non-valid 'PAM_SpecialOffer = 1' rows. Tested with a backup of our DB- works great! I'm gonna set this to run every few minutes on our DB.
/* Mark appropriate Sale items as 'PAM_SpecialOffer = 1' */
SET n.PAM_SpecialOffer = 1
FROM Item AS i
JOIN nitroasl_pamtable AS n
ON i.ID = n.ItemID
WHERE i.SaleType >= 1
and (i.SaleStartDate >= '2015-04-01' or i.SaleStartDate = '1899-12-31')
and i.SaleEndDate >= getdate();
/* Cleanup 'PAM_SpecialOffer' */
SET n.PAM_SpecialOffer = NULL
FROM Item AS i
JOIN nitroasl_pamtable AS n
ON i.ID = n.ItemID
WHERE i.SaleType < 1
or (i.SaleStartDate < '2015-04-01' and i.SaleStartDate <> '1899-12-31')
or i.SaleEndDate < getdate();


IF / Case statment in SQL

I have a column where I have 0 or 1. I like to do the following set up:
If 0 than put / use the Region_table (here I have regions like EMEA, AP,LA with finished goods only) and when it 1 then put / use the Plant_table (here I have plants with non-finished goods) data's.
I tried to write it in 2 different statements but it is not good:
when [FG_NFG_Selektion] = '0' Then 'AC_region'
End as 'AC_region'
when [FG_NFG_Selektion] = '1' Then 'AC_plant'
End as 'AC_plant'
I'm not 100% clear on what you're looking for, but if you want to get data from different tables based on the value in the [FG_NFG_Selektion] field, you can do something like this:
WHEN [FG_NFG_Selektion] = '0' THEN r.some_col -- If 0, use value from "region" table
WHEN [FG_NFG_Selektion] = '1' THEN p.some_col -- If 1, use value from "plant" table
END AS new_field
FROM MyTable t
LEFT JOIN AC_region r ON t.pk_col = r.pk_col -- get data from "AC_region" table
LEFT JOIN AC_plant p ON t.pk_col = p.pk_col -- get data from "AC_plant" table
If [FG_NFG_Selektion] is a numeric field, then you should remove the single quotes: [FG_NFG_Selektion] = 0.
I would strongly recommend putting the conditions in the ON clauses:
SELECT COALESCE(r.some_col, p.some_col) as som_col
AC_region r
ON t.pk_col = r.pk_col AND
t.FG_NFG_Selektion = '0' LEFT JOIN
AC_plant p
ON t.pk_col = p.pk_col AND
t.FG_NFG_Selektion = '1';
Why do I recommend this? First, this works correctly if there are multiple matches in either table. That is probably not an issue in this case, but it could be in others. You don't want to figure out where extra rows come from.
Second, putting the conditions in the ON clause allows the optimizer/execution engine to take advantage of them. For instance, it is more likely to use FG_NFG_Selektion in an index.

Differential Data Merge is complex? How to get results?

I am looking at an old stored procedure that's job is to preserve the New sort order based on yesterday's and today's data.
Sort orders are not being preserved any longer and I have narrowed it down to the WHERE clause eliminating all rows. The main goal is to preserve the SortOrder so if some custom data was in position 4 yesterday, any NEW custom data that takes its place should ALSO have position 4.
If I eliminate
--AND b.PrimaryID = b.SortOrder
then I get thousands of rows. I suspect something is wrong but it I am not understanding. How can I make this simpler so it is REALLY easy to understand?
IMPORTANT: the SortOrder actually equals the PrimaryID if the data is no longer sorted. Otherwise it is incremental 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 .. and so on. I guess this was the original architects way of doing it.
-- Merge data and get missing rows that have not changed.
PrevPrimaryID = a.PrimaryID
,PrevSortOrder = a.SortOrder
,NewPrimaryID = b.PrimaryID
,NewDataID = b.DataID
,NewStartDate = b.StartDate
,NewSortOrder = b.SortOrder
INTO #NewOrder2
FROM #YesterdaysData2 a
LEFT JOIN #TodaysData2 b ON a.WidgetID = b.WidgetID
AND a.AnotherValue = b.AnotherValue
a.Primaryid <> a.sortorder
AND b.PrimaryID = b.SortOrder
SELECT * FROM #NewOrder2
-- later update based on #NewOrder2...
UPDATE CustomerData
SET SortOrder = (
SELECT PrevSortOrder
FROM #NewOrder2
WHERE CustomerData.PrimaryID = #NewOrder2.NewPrimaryID
WHERE PrimaryID IN (
FROM #NewOrder2
UPDATE - Is it possible its just a blunder and the WHERE clause should be
WHERE a.Primaryid <> a.sortorder
AND b.PrimaryID <> b.SortOrder

SQL Query for all systemusers who's organisationunits has a datevalue < ... with pivot table in between

I have 3 tables,
UserOrganisationUnits - Pivot with UserId/OrganisationUnitId foreign keys
All tables have an Active bit column and the OrganisationalUnit table has a CoveredTill datetime column.
I want a list of all UserOrganisationUnits where OrganisationalUnit "CoveredTill" is < x (value doesn't matter as will be set in clr) date and all tables records are active.
So far I've only managed to get unique users from my query so any advice would be much appreciated.
SystemUsers.DisplayName, SystemUsers.Email,
OrganisationalUnits.Description, OrganisationalUnits.CoveredTill,
OrganisationalUnits.Id, OrganisationalUnits.ParentId, OrganisationalUnits.TypeId
OrganisationalUnits ON SystemUsers.Id = OrganisationalUnits.Id
UserOrganisationUnits ON SystemUsers.Id = UserOrganisationUnits.Id
(OrganisationalUnits.Active = 1)
AND (SystemUsers.Active = 1)
AND (UserOrganisationUnits.Active = 1)
AND (OrganisationalUnits.CoveredTill < '2017-03-31 00:00:00.000')
I randomly set the date as the above since I manually set the covered till date as "2015-03-31 00:00:00.000" on all OrganisationalUnits "CoveredTill" columns.
My aim is to have a single sql query string which I can use in my clr stored procedure to create a list of all users who need to be emailed because there organisational unit is no longer covered and for said email to include which organisational unit hence why just having a unique list of users isn't sufficient.
I already have the email code so it's just the query I'm having issues with.
I had first approached this as needing 3 separate queries which I guess after a bit more testing I'll have to revisit unless someone can spot what I'm doing wrong with the above query?
Edit 2:-
After working through the issue with sarin and preparing to provide him a sql db/query copy I found that some of the joins were pointing towards the wrong ID fields (automatically created from different panes so always be wary of anything they create) so below I've included the final solution. (Which includes a couple extra fields I decided might be useful).
SELECT OrganisationalUnits.Description, OrganisationalUnits.CoveredTill, SystemUsers.DisplayName, SystemUsers.Email,
UserOrganisationUnits.LastVisited AS UOULastVisited, SystemUsers.LastVisited AS SULastVisited
FROM UserOrganisationUnits INNER JOIN
OrganisationalUnits ON UserOrganisationUnits.OrganisationUnitId = OrganisationalUnits.Id INNER JOIN
SystemUsers ON UserOrganisationUnits.UserId = SystemUsers.Id
WHERE (OrganisationalUnits.Active = 1) AND (SystemUsers.Active = 1) AND (UserOrganisationUnits.Active = 1) AND
(OrganisationalUnits.CoveredTill < '2017-03-31 00:00:00.000')
Performing a Right\left join before you do an inner join can give you unexpected results as it may produce nulls and your inner join will then attempt to filter them out. I'm not entirely clear about the relationships between the tables but can you turn them all into INNER JOINS to get the same list and produce you a similar result based on your expected outcome?
"My aim is.... to create a list of all users who need to be emailed because there organisational unit is no longer covered"
SystemUsers.DisplayName, SystemUsers.Email,
OrganisationalUnits.Description, OrganisationalUnits.CoveredTill,
OrganisationalUnits.Id, OrganisationalUnits.ParentId, OrganisationalUnits.TypeId
INNER JOIN SystemUsers ON SystemUsers.Id = UserOrganisationUnits.Id
AND (SystemUsers.Active = 1)
INNER JOIN OrganisationalUnits ON OrganisationalUnits.Id = SystemUsers.Id
AND OrganisationalUnits.Active = 1
AND OrganisationalUnits.CoveredTill < '2017-03-31 00:00:00.000'
WHERE UserOrganisationUnits.Active = 1

Update 1 field in a table from another field in a different table (OS400, not a 1 to 1 relationship)

Im trying to update a field in a table from another field in a different table.
The table being updated will have multiple records that need updating from 1 match in the other table.
Example, i have a 1 million row sales history file. Those million records have aproximately 40,000 different sku codes, each row has a date and time stamp. Each sku will have multiple records in there.
I added a new field called MATCOST (material cost).
I have a second table containing SKU and the MATCOST.
So i want to stamp every line in table 1 with the corresponding SKU's MATCOST in table2. I cannot seem to achieve this when its not a 1 to 1 relationship.
This is what i have tried:
matcost = (select Matcost from queryfiles/coskitscog where
aulsprx3/cogtest2.item99 = queryfiles/coskitscog.ITEM )
But that results in the SQL error: Column qualifier or table COSKITSCOG undefined and highlighting the q in the last reference to queryfiles/coskitscog.Item
Any idea's ?
Kindest Regards
Update: This is what my tables look like in principle. 1 Table contains the sales data, the other contains the MATCOSTS for the items that were sold. I need to update the Sales Data table (COGTEST2) with the data from the COSKITCOG table. I cannot use a coalesce statement because its not a 1 to 1 relationship, most select functions i use result in the error of multiple selects. The only matching field is Item=Item99
I cant find a way of matching multiple's. In the example we would have to use 3 SQL statements and just specify the item code. But in live i have about 40,000 item codes and over a million sales data records to update. If SQL wont do it, i suppose i'd have to try write it in an RPG program but thats way beyond me for the moment.
Thanks for any help you can provide.
Ok this is the final SQL statement that worked. (there were actually 3 values to update)
UPDATE atst2f2/SAP20 ct
FROM queryfiles/coskitscog cs
WHERE cs.ITEM = ct.pnum20),
FROM queryfiles/coskitscog cs
WHERE cs.ITEM = ct.pnum20),
FROM queryfiles/coskitscog cs
WHERE cs.ITEM = ct.pnum20),
WHERE ct.pnum20 IN (SELECT cs.ITEM
FROM queryfiles/coskitscog cs)
This more compact way to do the same thing should be more efficient, eh?
UPDATE atst2f2/SAP20 ct
SET (VAL520, VAL620, VAL720) =
FROM queryfiles/coskitscog cs
WHERE cs.ITEM = ct.pnum20)
WHERE ct.pnum20 IN (SELECT cs.ITEM
FROM queryfiles/coskitscog cs)
Qualify the columns with correlation names.
SET A.matcost = (SELECT matcost
WHERE A.item99 = B.item)
WHERE A.item99 = C.item)
From UPDATE, I'd suggest:
(matcost) = (select Matcost from queryfiles/coskitscog where
aulsprx3/cogtest2.item99 = queryfiles/coskitscog.ITEM)
Note the braces around matcost.

SQL, Search by Date and not exists

I have two tables and need to search for all entries that exist in one table in another table by idProduct, only if the date (dateStamp) is less than or older than 7 days.
Because the api I'm using is restricted to only processing 3000 results at a time, the application will close and the next time I run the application I only want the idProducts that are say 3000 or greater for that idProduct, this will be run numerous times for the Suppliercode wll most likely already exist in the table.
So I've been looking at the not exists and getdate functions in sql but not been able to get the desired results.
(active = - 1)
AND suppliercode = 'TIT'
FROM compare
(products.idProduct = idProduct)
OR (compare.dateStamp < DATEADD(DAY,-7,GETDATE()))))
Any pointers would be great, I've changed the OR to AND but it doesn't seem to bring back the correct results.
I am guessing you want to match the rows in the two tables by idProduct as right now your inner query (NOT EXISTS (SELECT idProduct FROM compare WHERE (products.idProduct = idProduct) OR (compare.dateStamp < DATEADD(DAY,-7,GETDATE())))) looks like it is finding all rows that don't match. As your subquery finds all rows that match or where the date is older than 7 days and makes sure that they don't exist.
Is this what your want?
FROM products as p
LEFT JOIN compare as c
ON p.idProduct = c.idProduct
WHERE = -1 and p.suppliercode = 'TIT' and c.dateStamp < DATEADD(DAY,-7,GETDATE())
Have you tried this one yet?
SELECT * FROM products
WHERE (active = - 1) AND
suppliercode = 'TIT'
and ipProduct NOT IN
SELECT idProduct FROM compare
(products.idProduct = idProduct) OR
(compare.dateStamp < DATEADD(DAY,-7,GETDATE()))
Try NOT IN instead:
and ProductId NOT IN
FROM compare
(products.idProduct = idProduct)
OR (compare.dateStamp < DATEADD(DAY,-7,GETDATE()))))