Can't copy files in deployee folder website -

i have a problem deploying my website. While trying to publish my website vs it creates the folder but doesn't copy files. I never faced this issue before.I didn't change anything in vs
Any help solving this issue?


How to disable local data cache in Windows Form?

I have a Windows Form that is launched from the .application file - no installing done. I have an issue on some users' machines where they can't launch the application unless they go into their C:\Users\%userprofile%\local settings\apps\ folder and delete folder "2.0".
How can I prevent the application from using/creating that cache? All user settings are stored server-side and pulled down on open.
I've found AN answer, maybe not the best, but it works.
Turns out, ClickOnce is the problem. I haven't been able to figure out how to deploy without it, however it can be bypassed. Within the deployment folder, you've got an Application Files folder, and a [Project Name]_[version] folder. Within that is the .exe for your application, within the ClickOnce wrapper.
If your application, like mine, doesn't use non built-in controls, you don't actually need ClickOnce, as far as I can tell. So having users run that .exe, rather than the .application file within the deployment folder will prevent the "2.0" cache folder, as well as preventing the ClickOnce install and loading form - resulting in a faster open.
Hope that helps someone.

Can I replace my setup project with backed up version

I have some broken depencencies in a desktop app setup project and I have been unable to solve the problem. I wonder if I can do as follows:
Remove the setup project from the solution and delete it in windows explorer
Copy the setup project folder from my last backup of the solution files
Add the backed up folder to my solution
Are there any pitfalls to this method so that I should rather create the setup project again from scratch?

How to get database working when i install my project in other system

Okay I have created my project in Visual Studio 2012 express edition. I have used ClickOnce Application deployment to create a setup file. Everything works absolutely fine when i run the project in my computer. But when i install the same project in another computer database connections are not working saying path is not correct. I understand that the path given to connect to the database is of my system. Now that is my problem and what should i do to make the database stuff to work in other systems as well? Please help me as this would make my project complete!
Thanks in advance.
Generally the application would be deployed with an app/web.config. Or another configuration file. Your code then reads the connection string out of this file to find the database.
On deployment, you can change the config file after deployment, this can be done manually, or in IIS if its a web config file, not sure on automatic editing with click once deployments; but a config file or setting of some kind would be key.

Sharepoint sp2010 _Layouts mapped folder

I have a solution which can be deployed for SharePoint 2007 and SharePoint 2010. There are common files like .css files and images. When I am deploying solution for SP2010 I use mapped folder (_Layouts). And this folder have to copy my files to the server. The point is that I don't want to copy the same files to this folder. And I add them as a link. But Visual Studio does not want to copy files to destination folder.
If I understand you correctly, you want to deploy linked files. This is not just a SharePoint limitation, but a Visual Studio limitation with web projects. I believe the same limitation exists for SharePoint projects. Please refer to the following link:
I've resolved this issue. Just removed the links and added real files.

VB.NET: Build project, then share application: OK?

In VB.NET, my application is quite simple, and it accesses many images and creates a list with them.
The images are in my application's Resources folder.
The images are accessed in my code where I typed the path, in my PC, how to reach said folder.
Works like a charm, my project displays the images etc.
Now I go to Debug->Build.
Now I go to the bin folder, release folder, and find my application. I upload it.
I share the download to a friend.
My question is, will the images my application should show will appear? Considering the path I created in the code was manually written?
Are the images compiled into your project as "Embedded Resources" or placed in a .resx file? Is the code that you've written accessing them from your project's Resources folder? If so, then everything will work just fine when you copy the application to another computer and run it.
If you're hard-coding a path to your file system, then no; your application won't work on another computer because those files won't be distributed along with the bare executable. There's really no reason to ever do this.
It's difficult to tell from the information provided in your question what exactly you're doing. For more information about embedding resources into your application itself, so all you have to do is distribute the executable, see this simple how-to guide: Using Resources in Visual Studio .NET