Update sql database using Lotusscript - sql

I am trying to update rows of my database through lotusscript. My database connection working well. But the result.update command doesn't work and my rows aren't updated by the query. The problem is in the query result.updaterow because it doesn't make errors anywhere else.
Anyone have a solution to make it work;
Option Public
Option Declare
Sub Initialize
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim dbcontacts As NotesDatabase
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim DocContact As NotesDocument
Dim CandidatView As NotesView
Dim ContactView As NotesView
Dim connection As ODBCConnection
Dim query As ODBCQuery
Dim result As ODBCResultSet
Dim consultantref As String
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
Set connection = New ODBCConnection
Set dbcontacts= session.GetDatabase("", "names.nsf")
Set query = New ODBCQuery
Set result = New ODBCResultSet
Set query.Connection = connection
Set result.Query = query
On Error Resume Next
Set CandidatView=db.GetView( "Persons" )
Set ContactView=dbcontacts.GetView( "(PersonsTestImport)" )
Call connection.ConnectTo("datasource", "username", "password")
If connection.IsConnected Then
Set doc=CandidatView.GetFirstDocument
CandidatView.AutoUpdate = False
While Not ( doc Is Nothing )
query.SQL="select * from users where id_toucan='"+doc.can_doc_ID(0)+"'"
If result.IsResultSetAvailable Then
Set DocContact=ContactView.Getdocumentbykey(consultantref)
Call result.SetValue("first_name",DocContact.FirstName(0))
Call result.SetValue("last_name", DocContact.LastName(0))
Call result.SetValue("email", DocContact.MailAddress(0))
Loop Until result.IsEndOfData
End If
Set doc = CandidatView.GetNextDocument( doc )
MsgBox"Not connected"
End If
End Sub

I tried it with the sql query UPDATE and it's working now :
Option Public
Option Declare
Sub Initialize
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim dbcontacts As NotesDatabase
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim DocContact As NotesDocument
Dim CandidatView As NotesView
Dim ContactView As NotesView
Dim connection As ODBCConnection
Dim query As ODBCQuery
Dim result As ODBCResultSet
Dim consultantref As String
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
Set connection = New ODBCConnection
Set dbcontacts= session.GetDatabase("", "names.nsf")
Set query = New ODBCQuery
Set result = New ODBCResultSet
Set query.Connection = connection
Set result.Query = query
On Error Resume Next
Set CandidatView=db.GetView( "Persons" )
Set ContactView=dbcontacts.GetView( "(PersonsTestImport)" )
Call connection.ConnectTo("datasource", "username", "password")
If connection.IsConnected Then
Set doc=CandidatView.GetFirstDocument
CandidatView.AutoUpdate = False
While Not ( doc Is Nothing )
Set DocContact=ContactView.Getdocumentbykey(consultantref)
Set DocContact=ContactView.Getdocumentbykey(consultantref)
query.SQL="UPDATE users SET email_consult_ref='"+email_ref+"', first_name_consult_ref='"+first_name_ref+"',last_name_consult_ref='"+last_name_ref+"' where id_toucan='"+doc.can_doc_ID(0)+"'"
If result.IsResultSetAvailable Then
Loop Until result.IsEndOfData
End If
Set doc = CandidatView.GetNextDocument( doc )
End If
End Sub


Update function not working in MS Access Userform

Private Sub Command15_Click()
On Error Resume Next
Dim db As Database
Dim RST As Variant
Set db = CurrentDb
Set RST = db.OpenRecordset("SSPTab")
With RST
.Fields(6) = Me.Reviewersname
.Fields(9) = Me.Assessments
.Fields(11) = Me.Review_Comments
.Fields(7) = Me.Reviewstatus
End With
I would like to open the existing row details and make changes to it and update. The above code is working fine for me except .Fields(7) , showing data conversion error.
Use proper declarations:
Private Sub Command15_Click()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("SSPTab")
With rst
.Fields(6).Value = Me!Reviewersname.Value
.Fields(9).Value = Me!Assessments.Value
.Fields(11).Value = Me!Review_Comments.Value
' Field 7 must be Short Text or Long Text.
' .Fields(7).Value = Me!Reviewstatus.Value
.Fields(7).Value = Me!Revstats.Value
End With
End Sub

Add Reference Library to an outside MS Access Database

I have a code that creates new MS Access Databases. I'd like to add reference libraries to these newly created MS Access Databases.
Here is the code that I wrote but is not working:
Sub makeDb(fl As String)
Dim fs
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'check if the file already exists
If fs.FileExists(fl) = False Then
'create new ms access database
Dim accessApp As Access.Application
Set accessApp = New Access.Application
accessApp.DBEngine.CreateDatabase fl, dbLangGeneral
'loop through all references in current database and add them to the newly created dbs
Dim cur_vbProj As VBIDE.VBProject: Set cur_vbProj = Application.VBE.VBProjects(1)
Dim cur_vbRefs As VBIDE.References: Set cur_vbRefs = cur_vbProj.References
Dim cur_vbRef As VBIDE.Reference
For Each cur_vbRef In cur_vbRefs
Dim cur_guid As String: cur_guid = cur_vbRef.Guid
Dim cur_major As Long: cur_major = cur_vbRef.Major
Dim cur_minor As Long: cur_minor = cur_vbRef.Minor
'here is the code that doesn't work
Dim vbProj As VBIDE.VBProject: Set vbProj = accessApp.Application.VBE.VBProjects(1)
Dim vbRefs As VBIDE.References: Set vbRefs = vbProj.References
vbRefs.AddFromGuid Guid:=cur_guid, Major:=cur_major, Minor:=cur_minor
Set accessApp = Nothing
End If
End Sub
The line Set vbProj = accessApp.Application.VBE.VBProjects(1) throws Run-Time error '9' Subscript out of range. How should I modify the code? Is it even possible to add references to an outside database?
Following works for me:
Sub makeDb(f1 As String)
Dim accApp As Access.Application
Dim cur_vbRefs As References
Dim cur_vbRef As Reference
If Dir(f1) = "" Then
Access.DBEngine.CreateDatabase f1, dbLangGeneral
Set accApp = New Access.Application
accApp.OpenCurrentDatabase f1
'loop through all references in current database and add them to the newly created dbs
Set cur_vbRefs = Application.References
For Each cur_vbRef In cur_vbRefs
On Error Resume Next
accApp.References.AddFromGuid cur_vbRef.Guid, cur_vbRef.Major, cur_vbRef.Minor
End If
End Sub

How to fix "Windows Security Warning" popup issue while extracting data from a website

I have an application which extracts data from a website and loads it into a server table. When I run the application first time in a day it is showing a popup and asking for Yes/No input. How to overcome this popup as I wanted to auto schedule the application and run it without manual intervention.
Public Sub Resolve_Date()
Dim HTMLDoc = New mshtml.HTMLDocument
'Dim htmlbody As HtmlDocument.body = New HTML
Dim ObjXL As New Excel.Application
Dim Table As mshtml.IHTMLElement
Dim Tr As mshtml.IHTMLElement
Dim Tc As mshtml.IHTMLElement
Dim Trs As mshtml.IHTMLElementCollection
Dim URL As String
Dim x As Integer, y As Integer
URL = "https://tt.wiki.com/search?category=&assigned_group=3p-asin"
XMLReq.open("GET", URL, False) '--pop up is appearing here
If XMLReq.status <> 200 Then
msgBox("Error" & vbNewLine & XMLReq.status & " - " & XMLReq.statusText)
Exit Sub
End If
Dim HTMLDoc1 As mshtml.IHTMLDocument = HTMLDoc
HTMLDoc.body.innerHTML = XMLReq.responseText
XMLReq = Nothing
Table = HTMLDoc.getElementById("search_results")
Trs = Table.getElementsByTagName("tr")
For Each Tr In Trs
--code to insert data into Table
Next Tr
I could do more if I knew what you were doing with the table... probably avoid the obsolte MsHtml API (HTMLDocument and friends) entirely. But with just the context we have, this is a rewrite that uses at least some more modern techniques and considerably simplifies the code.
Public Sub Resolve_Date()
Dim URL As String = "https://tt.wiki.com/search?category=&assigned_group=3p-asin"
Dim results As String = ""
Using wc As New WebClient()
results = wc.DownloadString(URL)
End Using
Catch Ex As Exception
Exit Sub
End Try
Dim HTMLDoc As New mshtml.HTMLDocument()
Dim Table As mshtml.IHTMLElement = HTMLDoc.getElementById("search_results")
Dim Trs As mshtml.IHTMLElementCollection = Table.getElementsByTagName("tr")
Dim ObjXL As New Excel.Application
Dim x As Integer, y As Integer
For Each Tr As mshtml.IHTMLElement In Trs
' code to insert data into Table
Next Tr
End Sub

XmlDocument in Outlook VBA

I am trying to adapt this answer, which I believe is in VB.NET, for use with Outlook VBA.
I made some progress by getting the syntax corrected for VBA, but I do not know how to resolve "Compile error: User-defined type not defined" on the line
Dim CurrentXML As XmlDocument
Tool > References includes Microsoft XML, v6.0 but searching for XmlDocument in Object Browser returns no results.
The complete code is as follows:
Sub Search2()
' https://stackoverflow.com/a/50145011/18573
Dim sFilter As String
Dim CurrentExplorer As Outlook.Explorer
Set CurrentExplorer = Nothing
Dim CurrentView As Outlook.View
Set CurrentView = Nothing
Dim CurrentXML As XmlDocument
Set CurrentXML = New XmlDocument
Dim CurrentFilterNodes, CurrentViewNodes As XmlNodeList
Dim CurrentFilterNode, CurrentParentNode As XmlNode
sFilter = "urn:schemas:httpmail:subject LIKE '%Build Error%'"
CurrentExplorer = TryCast(ExplorerObj, Outlook.Explorer)
If (CurrentExplorer Is Not Nothing) Then
CurrentView = CurrentExplorer.CurrentView
If (CurrentView Is Not Nothing) Then
CurrentXML.LoadXML (CurrentView.xml)
CurrentFilterNodes = _
If CurrentFilterNodes.Count > 0 Then
For y = 0 To CurrentFilterNodes.Count - 1
CurrentFilterNode = CurrentFilterNodes(y)
If CurrentFilterNode.HasChildNodes Then
For i = CurrentFilterNode.ChildNodes.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
CurrentFilterNode.RemoveChild (CurrentFilterNode.ChildNodes(i))
Next i
End If
Next y
CurrentFilterNode = CurrentFilterNodes(0)
CurrentFilterNode.appendChild ( _
CurrentViewNodes = CurrentXML.getElementsByTagName("view")
If CurrentViewNodes Is Not Nothing Then
CurrentParentNode = CurrentViewNodes(0)
CurrentFilterNode = CurrentXML.createElement("filter")
CurrentParentNode.appendChild (CurrentFilterNode)
CurrentFilterNode.appendChild (CurrentXML.createTextNode(sFilter))
End If
End If
CurrentView.xml = CurrentXML.InnerXml
Marshal.ReleaseComObject (CurrentView)
End If
End Sub
The VBA code for Outlook should look like as follows
Option Explicit
Sub Search2()
' https://stackoverflow.com/a/50145011/18573
' Add reference Microsoft XML, v6.0
Dim sFilter As String
Dim oExplorer As Explorer
Dim oView As View
Dim oXML As DOMDocument60
Dim cFilterNodes As IXMLDOMNodeList
Dim cViewNodes As IXMLDOMNodeList
Dim oFilterNode As IXMLDOMNode
Dim oParentNode As IXMLDOMNode
Dim y As Long
Dim i As Long
sFilter = "urn:schemas:httpmail:subject LIKE '%Build Error%'"
Set oXML = New DOMDocument60
Set oExplorer = ActiveExplorer
If Not oExplorer Is Nothing Then
Set oView = oExplorer.CurrentView
If Not oView Is Nothing Then
oXML.LoadXML oView.XML
Set cFilterNodes = oXML.getElementsByTagName("filter")
If cFilterNodes.Length > 0 Then
For y = 0 To cFilterNodes.Length - 1
Set oFilterNode = cFilterNodes(y)
If oFilterNode.HasChildNodes Then
For i = oFilterNode.ChildNodes.Length - 1 To 0 Step -1
oFilterNode.RemoveChild oFilterNode.ChildNodes(i)
End If
Set oFilterNode = cFilterNodes(0)
oFilterNode.appendChild oXML.createTextNode(sFilter)
Set cViewNodes = oXML.getElementsByTagName("view")
If cViewNodes.Length > 0 Then
Set oParentNode = cViewNodes(0)
Set oFilterNode = oXML.createElement("filter")
oParentNode.appendChild oFilterNode
oFilterNode.appendChild oXML.createTextNode(sFilter)
End If
End If
Set cViewNodes = oXML.getElementsByTagName("view")
If cViewNodes.Length > 0 Then
Set oParentNode = cViewNodes(0)
Set oFilterNode = oXML.createElement("filter")
oParentNode.appendChild oFilterNode
oFilterNode.appendChild oXML.createTextNode(sFilter)
End If
End If
oView.XML = oXML.XML
End If
End Sub

Lotus script Lockout users

Sub Initialize
On Error GoTo e
Dim session As New NotesSession, db As NotesDatabase, view As NotesView
Dim nvec As NotesViewEntryCollection
Dim c As integer
Set db = session.currentdatabase
Set view = db.getView("Locked Out Users")
Set nvec = view.Allentries
c = nvec.count
If c > 0 Then
Call nvec.Removeall(true)
' Send notification
Dim sarr(1) As String
sarr(0) = "john.doe#acme.com"
sarr(1) = "foo#acme.com"
Dim mdoc As NotesDocument, rt As notesrichtextitem
Set mdoc = db.createdocument
mdoc.Form = "Memo"
mdoc.Subject = "Removed " + CStr(c) + " Locked out users on mypage"
Set rt = mdoc.Createrichtextitem("Body")
Call rt.Appendtext("Removed " + CStr(c) + " Locked out users")
Call rt.Addnewline(1)
Call rt.Appendtext("Click to open lockout database")
Call rt.Appenddoclink(db,"Lockout")
Call mdoc.Send(False, sarr)
End If
Exit Sub
Print Error,erl
End Sub
I’m a beginner in Lotus Domino it I have some question , It's possible to change this script to delate only locked users with specified name?
I added something like that:
Dim nam As NotesName
Dim c As integer
Set db = session.currentdatabase
Set nam.OrgUnit1 = (“GD”)
Set view = db.getView("Locked Out Users")
Set nvec.OrgUnit1 = view.Allentries
c = nvec.count
If c > 0 Then
In my case I need delete all group person how has specified dc, for example Robert Kowalski/GD/Company everybody how has in name dc=GD?
There are at least 2 ways to achieve your request.
First you can copy the view "Locked Out Users" and change the selection formula to only include your OU.
The other option is something like
dim doc as notesdocument
dim nextDoc as notesdocument
set doc = view.getfirstdocument()
while not doc is nothing
set nextDoc = view.getnextDocument(doc)
set nam = new notesname(doc.getItemValue("[NAMEITEM]")(0))
if strcompare(nam.orgUnit1,"GD",5)=0 then
call doc.remove(true,false)
end if
set doc = nextDoc
Sub Initialize
On Error GoTo e
Dim session As New NotesSession, db As NotesDatabase, view As NotesView
Dim nvec As NotesViewEntryCollection
Dim c As integer
Set db = session.currentdatabase
dim doc as notesdocument
dim nextDoc as notesdocument
set doc = view.getfirstdocument()
while not doc is nothing
set nextDoc = view.getnextDocument(doc)
set nam = new notesname(doc.getItemValue("[NAMEITEM]")(0))
if strcompare(nam.orgUnit1,"GD",5)=0 then
call doc.remove(true,false)
end if
set doc = nextDoc
Set view = db.getView("Locked Out Users")
Set nvec = view.Allentries
c = nvec.count
If c > 0 Then
Call nvec.Removeall(true)
' Send notification
Dim sarr(1) As String
sarr(0) = "john.doe#acme.com"
sarr(1) = "foo#acme.com"
Dim mdoc As NotesDocument, rt As notesrichtextitem
Set mdoc = db.createdocument
mdoc.Form = "Memo"
mdoc.Subject = "Removed " + CStr(c) + " Locked out users on mypage"
Set rt = mdoc.Createrichtextitem("Body")
Call rt.Appendtext("Removed " + CStr(c) + " Locked out users")
Call rt.Addnewline(1)
Call rt.Appendtext("Click to open lockout database")
Call rt.Appenddoclink(db,"Lockout")
Call mdoc.Send(False, sarr)
End If
Exit Sub
Print Error,erl
End Sub
Thank You #umeli for Yours responce. I think now
it should work.