So I want to delete a table from orangehrm database and I'm using phpAdmin but when I do delete to the table that I want, when I go to my site I don't see any difference.
Missing something?
For a project i need to to delete all data from all tables in a database,
I tried
DELETE FROM table1,table2,table3,...;
But it doesnt work. Any advice ? Thank
I would like to refer You to this related post
How do I use cascade delete with SQL Server?
as You will find there several possible solutions.
When using SQL it means that Your data is relations, which means most of the records are somehow related in the different tables and this relation is expressed with foreign keys. However when attempting to delete data which is id is related with data in another table a cascade deletion should be implemented, the other way around it is add additional boolean column named isDeleted(as example ofcourse) and just alter specific rows to true in this specific column and then filter by preferences. Hopefully I have managed somehow to provide with alternative and/or possible solution to Your problem.
Leaving also this link which gives some examples on cascade deletion and guide on how to implement it. ->
P.S. also if You want just to DELETE all the data You can either use TRUNCATE TABLE or DROP DATABASE query. With the latest option You will have to recreate the database once more.
Because you want to delete all databases from all tables, you are essentially deleting the database.
The sqlite way of doing this is to just delete the database file.
In contrast to postgres or mongodb or most databases, sqlite doesn't have a server so no need to call DROP DATABASE.
As soon as the file is gone and you open the database from your application you will be in a blank state again.
On extension update, instead of using update SQL schema I have given a custom button like fix database under that extension. It working fine. Custom script executes from same schema folder structure i.e. "/sql/updates/mysql"
But some DDL commands are not working like INSERT, ALTER for adding primary key for already existing table, DROP to delete table.
I have checked the MysqlChangeItem.php file (using Joomla 3.8.10) under "libraries/src/Schema/ChangeItem" & found the different DDL commands which are handled but does not found about INSERT/adding primary key for existing table/drop table.
Can you please suggest the solution
I have sql Upgrade script which has many sql statements(DDL,DML). When i ran this upgrade script in SQL developer, it runs successufully.I also provide in my script at the bottom commit. I can see all the changes in the database after running this upgrade script except the unique index constraints. When i insert few duplicate records it says unique constraint violated. It means the table has unique constraints. But i dont know why i cant view this constraints in oracle sql developer. The other DDL changes made i can view.I dont know is there any settings to view it in oracle sql developer.
As A Hocevar noted, if you create an index
create unique index test_ux on test(id);
you see it in the Indexes tab of the table properties (not in the Constraints tab).
Please note that COMMIT is not required here, it is done implicitely in each DDL statement. More usual source of problems are stale metadata in SQL Developer, i.e. missing REFRESH (ctrl R on user or table node).
If you want to define the constraint, add following statement, that will reuse the index defined previously
alter table test add constraint test_unique unique(id) using index test_ux;
See further discussion about the option in Documentation
I am assuming you are trying to look for index on a table in the correct tab in sql developer. If you are not able to see the index there, one reason could be that your user (the one with which you are logged in) doesn't have proper rights to see the Index.
If you not obtain any error, the solution is very simple and tedious. SQL Developer doesn't refresh his fetched structures. Kindly push Refresh blue icon (or use Ctrl-R) in Connections view or disconnect and connect again (or restart SQL Developer) to see your changes in structures.
I'm currently working on creating a table for customers in an order management system for a course at university. The system relies on being able to retrieve order histories for the customers. Since we've chosen not to store these in a separate table, removing the option to delete rows from our customer table is essential.
How and where do I set this up in the CREATE statement? I suspect I'll have to create a rule about what should happen instead, but I'm not entirely sure about the specifics.
On SQL Server, you have the following options:
Deny object permissions. For example: DENY DELETE ON OBJECT::dbo.Customer TO db_datawriter;
Raise an error in a trigger: CREATE TRIGGER nodelete1 ON dbo.Customer INSTEAD OF DELETE AS RAISERROR('You can't delete from this table', 16, 10)
Rely on referential integrity without cascading updates/deletes. Note that this will only prevent deletion of a customer, if the customer has at least 1 order.
In my honest opinion, however, I think that this should be solved at the application level and not the database level. Even if using the techniques above, what would prevent someone from simply removing the trigger or grant the necessary permissions before DELETE'ing the records? Or simply dropping the entire table?
If you don't want your users to delete records from a table, simply make sure that your application does not allow them to do that. Anyone working directly with the database should know that issuing a DELETE statement could be dangerous - especially if you don't have a backup.
If the table is accessed only through an application, you can use a soft delete, to do that add a column to the table, for example IsDeleted, and check it in the software to see whether the row is live or deleted.
If the final users can access the DB, you can to change his/her login or group permission to remove the delete grant on that table.
i do it with a simple trigger on each table that i want disable delete
Create Trigger [dbo].[RollBackDelete]
ON [dbo].[Your Table Name]
ofcourse if you have any key with cascade operation on delete or update it can not be work and you should set it to "No Action"
i hope this be be useful
I have been developing an mvc site on a local version of sql server express 2008 and about a month ago I set up the web host and got everything working, the host uses sql server 2005. The site is not live.
Now a month down the track I need to do a fairly big update and the database is way out of date.
I would like to know how I can retain the database but blow everything else away (tables etc.) so I can run the set up script again.
When I try a few things I find on the internet it complains about the foreign keys and doesn't delete.
Thanks in advance
if you truly don't need to retain anything (including users, roles, UDTs, etc), then just drop the db and create a new one.
Take a look at this answer to a question about disabling FK constraints, and rejoice! :)
my guess: it's all about the order you drop the tables
fKeyTable2 (foreignkey from table 2)
first drop table 2, then drop table1
if its hard to figure out the order you can try this:
ALTER TABLE tbl_name DROP FOREIGN KEY fk_symbol;
(fk_symbol = the foreign key that is being complained about)