Crystal reports Sum if a previous field is the same to current field on section 3(details) - sum

Hi im just a newbie programmer and I have a problem in my crystal reports.
I have a table named "payroll" and has this fields(ID,FullName,NetSalary)
I have inserted 3 records on my mysql table:
1 |Cris Tiu|500
2 |Mat Joe |100
3 |Mat Joe |400
how can I make it Look like this?
I dont want to Group them by Fullname and give a total but instead if the full name is duplicated, It will Display it once and total the Net salary.
1 |Cris Tiu|500
2 |Mat Joe |500
I have tried adding a formula that contained this code:
if {Fulname}=previous({Fullname}) then
but it gives me a display like this:
1 |Cris Tiu|"Blank"
2 |Mat Joe |100
3 |Mat Joe |500
Please Help me my work depends on this. Thank You in Advance


PowerBI Report or SQL Query Grouping Data Spanning Columns

I'm wracking my brain trying to figure this out. I have a dataset / table that looks like this:
ID | Person1 | Person2 | Person3 | EffortPerPerson
01 | Bob | Ann | Frank | 2
02 | Frank | Bob | Joe | 3
03 | Ann | Joe | Beth | 1
I'm trying add up "Effort" for each person. For example, Bob is 2+3, Joe is 3+1, etc. My goal is to produce a PowerBI scatter plot showing total Effort for each person.
In a perfect world, the query shouldn't care how many "Person" fields there are. It should just count up the Effort value for every row that the individual's name appears.
I thought GROUP BY would work, but obviously that's only for one column, and I can't wrap my head around how to make nested queries work here.
Any one have any ideas? Thanks in advance!
As Nick suggested, you should go with the Unpivot transformation. Go to Edit Queries and select Transform tab:
Select columns you want to transform in rows, open dropdown menu under Unpivot Columns and select "Unpivot Only Selected Columns":
And that's it! Power BI will aggregate values for you:

flip a table sql server with dynamic columns and fix rows

after a lot of join and group by i have come to the totals that i wanted...
to keep things simples i will reduce the complexity of the table..
lets say that i have this table that give me the totals of models per year/mont
YearMonth| Totals|model
2015-05 | 70 |AA
2015-05 | 50 |BB
2015-06 | 30 |AA
2015-06 | 10 |BB
201x-yy | 33 |AA
201x-yy | 90 |BB
i have to create a specific (non convencional)graphic in excel with this data
but the only way is to transform the table to something
where the columns are dynamic and the rows fix... something like this
AA | 70 | 30 |--- |33
BB | 50 | 10 |----|90
is it possible to create with a query? or do i have to do it use some complex store procedure to first create a temp table and than insert data into it.
Me recommendation in this case is to return that data into Excel, and use Excel pivot table to get your output. You can tell Excel to return a linked quiet directly to a pivot table.

Access Query: get difference of dates with a twist

I'm going to do my best to explain this so I apologize in advance if my explanation is a little awkward. If I am foggy somewhere, please tell me what would help you out.
I have a table filled with circuits and dates. Each circuit gets trimmed on a time cycle of about 36 months or 48 months. I have a column that gives me this info. I have one record for every time the a circuit's trim cycle has been completed. I am attempting to link a known circuit outage list, to a table with their outage data, to a table with the circuit's trim history. The twist is the following:
I only want to get back circuits that have exceeded their trim cycles by 6 months. So I would need to take all records for a circuit, look at each individual record, find the most recent previous record relative to the record currently being examined (I will need every record examined invididually), calculate the difference between the two records in months, then return only the records that exceeded 6 months of difference between any two entries for a given feeder.
Here is an example of the data:
| ID | feeder | comp | cycle |
| 1 | 123456 | 1/1/2001 | 36 |
| 2 | 123456 | 1/1/2004 | 36 |
| 3 | 123456 | 7/1/2007 | 36 |
| 4 | 123456 | 3/1/2011 | 36 |
| 5 | 123456 | 1/1/2014 | 36 |
Here is an example of the result set I would want (please note: cycle can vary by circuit, so the value in the cycle column needs to be in the calculation to determine if I exceeded the cycle by 6 months between trimmings):
| ID | feeder | comp | cycle |
| 3 | 123456 | 7/1/2007 | 36 |
| 4 | 123456 | 3/1/2011 | 36 |
This is the query I started but I'm failing really hard at determining how to make the date calculations correctly:
SELECT temp_feederList.Feeder, Temp_outagesInfo.causeType, Temp_outagesInfo.StormNameThunder, Temp_outagesInfo.deviceGroup, Temp_outagesInfo.beginTime, tbl_Trim_History.COMP, tbl_Trim_History.CYCLE
FROM (temp_feederList
LEFT JOIN Temp_outagesInfo ON temp_feederList.Feeder = Temp_outagesInfo.Feeder)
LEFT JOIN tbl_Trim_History ON Temp_outagesInfo.Feeder = tbl_Trim_History.CIRCUIT_ID;
I wasn't really able to figure out where I need to go from here to get that most recent entry and perform the mathematical comparison. I've never been asked to do SQL this complex before, so I want to thank all of you for your patience and any assistance you're willing to lend.
I'm making some assumptions, but this uses a subquery to give you rows in the feeder list where the previous completed date was greater than the number of months ago indicated by the cycle:
SELECT tbl_Trim_History.ID, tbl_Trim_History.feeder,
tbl_Trim_History.comp, tbl_Trim_History.cycle
FROM tbl_Trim_History
WHERE tbl_Trim_History.comp>
(SELECT Max(DateAdd("m", tbl_Trim_History.cycle, comp))
FROM tbl_Trim_History T2
WHERE T2.feeder = tbl_Trim_History.feeder AND
T2.comp < tbl_Trim_History.comp)
If you needed to check for longer than 36 months you could add an arbitrary value to the months calculated by the DateAdd function.
Also I don't know if the value of cycle specified the number of month from the prior cycle or the number of months to the next one. If the latter I would change tbl_Trim_History.cycle in the DateAdd function to just cycle.
SELECT tbl_trim_history.ID, tbl_trim_history.Feeder,
tbl_trim_history.Comp, tbl_trim_history.Cycle,
(select max(comp) from tbl_trim_history T
where T.feeder=tbl_trim_history.feeder and
t.comp<tbl_trim_history.comp) AS PriorComp,
IIf(DateDiff("m",[priorcomp],[comp])>36,"x") AS [Select]
FROM tbl_trim_history;
This query identifies (with an X in the last column) the records from tbl_trim_history that exceed the cycle time - but as noted in the comments I'm not entirely sure if this is what you need or not, or how to incorporate the other 2 tables. Once you see what it is doing you can modify it to only keep the records you need.

Grouping of data

I have a database that records clients who have a rating score upon entry of the service we provide, this is between 0 - 50, they are seen on average once a week and after four sessions they are re-evaluated on the same score to see a trend so say initially they may score 22 and after four weeks it may be 44
What i am after is a sql query to group this data
|joe |22 | |
|joe | |44 |
i want this to show
|joe |22 |44 |
i know this is a simple question and have done this before but tis the time of the year and the pressure is on from management
many thanks in advance
Assuming the - means NULL, just use aggregation:
select name, max(initial) as initial, max(followup) as followup
from t
group by name;

How To Traverse a Tree/Work With Hierarchical data in SQL Code

Say I have an employee table, with a record for each employee in my company, and a column for supervisor (as seen below). I would like to prepare a report, which lists the names and title for each step in a supervision line. eg for dick robbins, 1d #15, i'd like a list of each supervisor in his "chain of command," all the way to the president, big cheese. I'd like to avoid using cursors, but if that's the only way to do this then that's ok.
id fname lname title supervisorid
1 big cheese president 1
2 jim william vice president 1
3 sally carr vice president 1
4 ryan allan senior manager 2
5 mike miller manager 4
6 bill bryan manager 4
7 cathy maddy foreman 5
8 sean johnson senior mechanic 7
9 andrew koll senior mechanic 7
10 sarah ryans mechanic 8
11 dana bond mechanic 9
12 chris mcall technician 10
13 hannah ryans technician 10
14 matthew miller technician 11
15 dick robbins technician 11
The real data probably won't be more than 10 levels deep...but I'd rather not just do 10 outside joins...I was hoping there was something better than that, and less involved than cursors.
Thanks for any help.
This is basically a port of the accepted answer on my question that I linked to in the OP comments.
you can use common-table expressions
WITH Family As
SELECT, e.supervisorid, 0 as Depth
FROM Employee e
WHERE id = #SupervisorID
SELECT e2.ID, e2.supervisorid, Depth + 1
FROM Employee e2
JOIN Family
On = e2.supervisorid
FROM Family
For more:
Recursive Queries Using Common Table Expressions
You might be interested in the "Materialized Path" solution, which does slightly de-normalize the table but can be used on any type of SQL database and prevents you from having to do recursive queries. In fact, it can even be used on no-SQL databases.
You just need to add a column which holds the entire ancestry of the object. For example, the table below includes a column named tree_path:
| id | value | parent | tree_path|
| 1 | Some Text | 0 | |
| 2 | Some Text | 0 | |
| 3 | Some Text | 2 | -2-|
| 4 | Some Text | 2 | -2-|
| 5 | Some Text | 3 | -2-3-|
| 6 | Some Text | 3 | -2-3-|
| 7 | Some Text | 1 | -1-|
Selecting all the descendants of the record with id=2 looks like this:
SELECT * FROM comment_table WHERE tree_path LIKE '-2-%' ORDER BY tree_path ASC
To build a tree, you can sort by tree_path to get an array that's fairly easy to convert to a tree.
You can also index tree_path and the index can be used when the wildcard is not at the beginning.
For example, tree_path LIKE '-2-%' can use the index, but tree_path LIKE '%-2-' cannot.
Some recursive function which either return the supervisor (if any) or null. Could be a SP which invokes itself as well, and using UNION.
SQL is a language for performing set operations and recursion is not one of them. Further, many database systems have limitations on recursion using stored procedures as a safety measure to prevent rogue code from running away with precious server resources.
So, when working with SQL always think 'flat', not 'hierarchical'. So I would highly recommend the 'tree_path' method that has been suggested. I have used the same approach and it works wonderfully and crucially, very robustly.