How can I efficiently order eager loaded records? - sql

I have a model Playlist, and a model User, both of which have_many of each other, through a join model PlaylistUser.
On my playlists#show action, I want to print a list of all of a Playlist's Users, along with the first two Playlists (ordered by :song_count) associated with each of those Users. To make this only one query, I eager loaded the Playlist table along with the Users.
Right now here's what I have:
<% #playlist = Playlist.find(params[:id]) %>
<% #playlist_users = #playlist.users.includes(:playlists)
<% #playlist_users.each do |user| %>
<%= %>
<%= user.playlists.order(:song_count) %>
<%= user.playlists.order(:song_count) %>
<% end %>
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :playlist_users
has_many :playlists, :through => :playlist_users
class PlaylistUser < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :playlist
belongs_to :user
class Playlist < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :playlist_users
has_many :users, :through => :playlist_users
When I remove the ordering, the query is extremely fast. But with the ordering, it's very slow, because the database apparently has to query each Playlist before it can order them.
Can I order the Playlists in the original query?

actually when you do:
You dont leverage the eagerload, you redo queries each time.
Thanks to eagerloading you have the collection in memory, so you can sort it using ruby method like sort:
user.playlists.sort_by {|pl| -pl.song_count }


How to create new records with nested attributes in a ruby on rails "has many through" relationship?

I need some advice on building a has many through relationship between USER, THING and EXTRA models.
My USER model is slightly modified inside Devise gem and is noted as Creator whereas other models belonging to USER receive :created_things form.
In my app, USERS create THINGS can later add EXTRAS to their THINGS.
I chose has many through because I want to have unique data on all three models and be able to call both THINGS and EXTRAS from the USER "CREATOR" model.
I have built this many different ways and after 10 years of solving my problems by reading stackoverflow, I am finally submitting this request for support! Thank you for your help.
I have tried creating user and extra references on the THING model and declaring nested attributes in the USER and THING model. I have tried several examples from stackoverflow inside the create and new methods but nothing seems to work.
class User < ApplicationRecord
has_many :created_things, class_name: Thing, foreign_key:
:creator_id, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :extras, through: :created_things
accepts_nested_attributes_for :extras, :reject_if => :all_blank,
allow_destroy: true
class Thing < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :creator, class_name: User
has_many :extras
accepts_nested_attributes_for :extras, :reject_if => :all_blank,
allow_destroy: true
class Extra < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :creator, class_name: User, inverse_of: :thing
belongs_to :created_things
Members Index.html.erb
<% if thing.extras.exists? %>
<% thing.extras.each do |extra| %>
<%= extra.title %> <%= link_to "[+]", edit_extra_path(extra) %>
<% end %>
<% else if thing.extras.empty? %>
<%= link_to "+1 EXTRA", new_extra_path(current_user) %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
class MembersController < ApplicationController
before_action :authenticate_user!
def index
#user = current_user
#created_extras = #user.extras
#created_things = #user.created_things
class ExtrasController < ApplicationController
def new
#extra =
def create
#extra =
I am able to create a new EXTRA but the :thing_id remains nul as it does not display when called on the show extra view. Therefore I am not surprised that when I return to the member index page that my thing.extras.exists? call is returning false and the created extra never displays under the THING view. My attempts to modify the extra controller have failed and I some of my reading sugested the extras controller is not necessary in this relationship so I am really at a loss on how this is built. I'm assuming I am missing something in new and create methods maybe in things or user controller? Perhaps I'm missing something in routes resources? Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Ok, I figured it out. I really didn't need has many through for this model and I did a lot of testing of the syntax on each model.rb and in the end was able to figure it out from this stackoverflow . . .
[Passing parent model's id to child's new and create action on rails
Here are my the various parts of setting up a has many and belongs to relationship with nested attributes.
class Thing < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :creator, class_name: User
has_many :extras, inverse_of: :thing, :dependent => :destroy
accepts_nested_attributes_for :extras, allow_destroy: true
class Extra < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :thing, inverse_of: :extras
class ExtrasController < ApplicationController
def new
#extra = params[:thing_id])
def create
#user = current_user
#extra =
#extra.user_id =
flash[:success] = "You have added a new Extra!"
redirect_to #extra #extras_path later
flash[:danger] = "The form contains errors"
render :new
edit.html.erb things
<% if #thing.extras.exists? %>
<p>current extras associated with <%= #thing.title %>: </p>
<% #thing.extras.each do |extra| %>
<p><%= extra.title %> <%= link_to "[+]", edit_extra_path(extra) %>
/ <%= link_to "[-]", extra_path(extra), method: :delete %> </p>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<%= link_to "+1 EXTRA", new_extra_path(thing_id: %>
<%= render 'things/form' %>

Grouping posts by user in has_many through relation collection with Rails 5

I'm trying to display Users (devise) in a collection (has_many through).
<%= #collection.posts.count %> designs by
<% #collection.posts.each do |post| %>
<%= link_to image_tag(post.designer.avatar.url.to_s, class: "avatar-small"), post.designer %>
<% end %>
but it displaying duplicates as in
I need to group by So I added #collection_designers line but I could not manage to group by designer id.🤷‍♂️
class CollectionsController < ApplicationController
def show
#collection = Collection.find(params[:id])
#I need to group for I guess but I could not manage it
#collection_designers = Collection.find(params[:id]).groups(
class Collection < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :designer
has_many :collectivizations
has_many :posts, through: :collectivizations
class Collectivization < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :post
belongs_to :collection
class Post < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :category
belongs_to :designer
has_many :collectivizations
has_many :collections, through: :collectivizations
You need to find uniq designers ids at first
designer_ids = #collection.posts.distinct.pluck(:designer_id)
And after it find designers by these ids
#designers = Designer.where(id: designer_ids)

Is there a more efficient way than this to load records associated with records in a list?

I have a model Playlist, and a model User, both of which have_many of each other, through a join model PlaylistUser.
On my playlists#show action, I want to print a list of all of a Playlist's Users, along with the first two Playlists associated with each of those Users.
Right now here's what I have:
<% #playlist = Playlist.find(params[:id]) %>
<% #playlist.users.each do |user| %>
<%= %>
<%= %>
<%= %>
<% end %>
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :playlist_users
has_many :playlists, :through => :playlist_users
class PlaylistUser < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :playlist
belongs_to :user
class Playlist < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :playlist_users
has_many :users, :through => :playlist_users
But there is an enormous change in performance when I delete the user.playlists lines and print out only the, because then the database only has to make one query, as opposed to hundreds.
Does anyone know of a way to make this more efficient? Maybe I could somehow load all the associated Playlists in the original query?
You can use the includes method to tell Rails to preload associated records with just one query upfront.
Loading from the database is a controller responsibility and should not happen in the view. Therefore, add the following to your controller:
playlist = Playlist.find(params[:id])
#users = playlist.users.includes(:playlists)
And change your view to just iterate over the users array:
<% #users.each do |user| %>
<%= %>
<%= %>
<%= %>
<% end %>

Rails, get object association when using build (object still not in database), the DRY

Im building a report system which uses a sort of meta question model. Questions are previusly saved in the database, and then depending of the type of report some questions are taken from the database.
Wanting to keep things DRY, i'm trying to figure out a way to pass the information of the Variable model to my report_header with no avail.
In the new action i have:
reportBody = =>
#report_head.variables #modified, thx.
all i need is to pass the attributes from the Variable to report_head in a DRY way.
If you need to know my models:
class Variable < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :id,:break_point, :description, :name, :time_frequency, :v_type
has_many :report_bodies
has_many :report_heads, :through => :report_bodies
class ReportHead < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :email, :name , :report_bodies_attributes, :report_bodies, :variables_attributes
has_many :report_bodies
has_many :variables, :through => :report_bodies
accepts_nested_attributes_for :report_bodies
class ReportBody < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :report_head_id, :variable_value, :variable_id, :variables_attributes, :report_heads
belongs_to :report_head
belongs_to :variable
I updated the model as suggested, and modified the way to call the variables. However im still confused about how to use it in the view, if i do something like:
<%= f.fields_for :variables do |variable| %>
<%= variable.text_field :name, :value => :name, :class => 'text_field' %>
<% end %>
it prints a string instead of the actual name.
You have define wrong name association, your association of ReportBody should be:
belongs_to :report_head
belongs_to :variable
This is not correct: =>,:report_head_id =>
chang it to: =>
it's better, you don't have to set report_head_id. And this is wrong:
If you want to get all variables belong to #report_head, you just need using:

Does accepts_nested_attributes_for work with belongs_to?

I have been getting all kinds of conflicting information regarding this basic question, and the answer is pretty crucial to my current problems. So, very simply, in Rails 3, is it allowed or not allowed to use accepts_nested_attributes_for with a belongs_to relationship?
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :organization
accepts_nested_attributes_for :organization
class Organization < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :users
In a view:
= form_for #user do |f|
f.label :name, "Name"
f.input :name
= f.fields_for :organization do |o|
o.label :city, "City"
o.input :city
f.submit "Submit"
Nested attributes appear to work fine for a belongs_to association as of Rails 4. It might have been changed in an earlier version of Rails, but I tested in 4.0.4 and it definitely works as expected.
The doc epochwolf cited states in the first line "Nested attributes allow you to save attributes on associated records through the parent." (my emphasis).
You might be interested in this other SO question which is along the same lines as this one. It describes two possible solutions: 1) moving the accepts_nested_attributes to the other side of the relationship (in this case, Organization), or 2) using the build method to build the Organization in the User before rendering the form.
I also found a gist that describes a potential solution for using accepts_nested_attributes with a belongs_to relationship if you're willing to deal with a little extra code. This uses the build method as well.
For belongs_to association in Rails 3.2, nested model needs the following two steps:
(1) Add new attr_accessible to your child-model (User model).
accepts_nested_attributes_for :organization
attr_accessible :organization_attributes
(2) Add #user.build_organization to your child-controller (User controller) in order to create column organization.
def new
#user =
For Ruby on Rails 5.2.1
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :organization
accepts_nested_attributes_for :organization
class Organization < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :users
Just got to your controller, suppose to be "users_controller.rb":
Class UsersController < ApplicationController
def new
#user =
And the view just as Nick did:
= form_for #user do |f|
f.label :name, "Name"
f.input :name
= f.fields_for :organization do |o|
o.label :city, "City"
o.input :city
f.submit "Submit"
At end we see that #user3551164 have already solved, but now (Ruby on Rails 5.2.1) we don't need the attr_accessible :organization_attributes