Yammer API result mismatch with page view result - api

I tried Yammer REST API at https://developer.yammer.com/v1.0/docs/messages/my_feed.json for my_feed, algo and following.
According to the documentation these API results should be corresponding to the current user's All, Top and the following feeds in the Yammer view page.
However, it seems the REST API will always return the same messages as in following for both my_feed and algo, which does not match the messages I saw in my "All" and "Top" view.
Am I missing something or this is an API bug?


How to limit my api result with edamam API

I am trying to make a call to the edamam API to just get 1 item, right now when I call it I get a lot of results which I don't need, is there a query I can use to limit the results?
I have tried to put maxResults at the end but id doesn't change my response
The official documentation does not name any means to actively influence the result set / page size of the result.
There is an OpenAPI specification available as well.
There seems to be basic support for pagination, however that is solely based on a session and only supports iteration instead of full control of which page to request and of which size a page should be.
To obtain the next page, the API user should follow the “next” link from the “_links” section in the result JSON ...
The /auto-complete endpoint allows to provide a limit parameter. However, that does not seem to be supported by the /api/food-database/v2/parser endpoint you're interested in.

Search_tabs.json - Yammer API

Yammer search returns results because they are part of the replies and not in an intial message of the conversation. I want to retrive them using REST API and reading that search/search_tabs.json (not documented) can be used to understand why they are included in the search result. Does anyone know what input parameters it accepts ?

Pinterest API get statistic for URL

I am trying to find a way to get statistic for the URL from Pinterest API.
Like facebook graph API: URL Object
Or linked in countserv endpoint:
I know it is possible because this site is returning the number of pins for given url:
Does anyone know how to get these data from Pinterest API?
There is no officially supported way to do this with the developer API. That said, the widgets use this for the count bubbles using this API
I wouldn't depend on it for anything important tho since it is unsupported and can change/be removed at any time.
You can get the number of pins calling this url
It will return an object like this:
({"count": 0, "url": "http://stylehatch.co"})

Twitter GET statuses/mentions not returning anything

I'm trying to get a user's mentions using the Twitter REST API, but I'm not getting any response when I call.
I'm basically just trying to hit the URL they specify in the link I provided. I'm trying to get mentions by a specific user.
Here are the URLs I've tried, and none of them work (they all return blank pages):
This API end-point requires authorization through OAuth. Besides all that, this API end-point doesn't accept the parameter screen_name. Full documentation of this API end point can be found here, https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1/get/statuses/mentions
If you want to get the mentions of an entirely different person, there is no direct API for this. But you can do a search for #, this is how most apps do this.

How to get the twitter feeds of my app only?

I want to fetch the feeds which are posted by my iPhone app's users on to my twitter app.
I found this URL - http://search.twitter.com/search.json?q=serachKeyword&result_type=recent
This will return to us a dictionary result which contains an array of tweets that matches with the serachKeyword.
But i want to fetch only the feeds which are posted via my twitter app.
Is there any way to fetch only my twitter application feeds not all?
Can i filter the search results or something like it?
The Twitter API says yes, you can filter by source.
The Search Operators section says:
news source:tweet_button | containing "news" and entered via the Tweet Button
The Source section says:
• can only be combined with a keyword parameter. If you do not include a keyword you will receive an HTTP 403 error with the message: {"error":"You must enter a query."}.
• supports multi-word sources by using _ instead of spaces. For example, the source "Tweet Button" should be entered as source: tweet_button
So you must have a keyword parameter and if your client name has spaces in it replace them with underscores.
There is no complete method to do this. As #JoePasq answered you can search on source but you must include a keyword and Twitter search is filtered for quality and relevance.
Search is focused in relevance and not completeness. This means that some Tweets and users may be missing from search results.
The Search API is not complete index of all Tweets, but instead an index of recent Tweets.
What you should do is have your application post a request to a server you control every time a user posts a tweet with the status_id. This way you can store a complete database of all tweets posted from your app and query the data as needed.