<splitter evaluator="xpath" expression="/healthcare/plans" doc:name="Splitter"/>
<transformer ref="domToXml" doc:name="Transformer Reference"/>
<logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" message=" plans detils...#[message.payload]" />
i want replace offerprice value with other values during runtime.anyhelp appreciated.I tried various various ways . anyone shed light means it saves me lot
You could use XSLT and use identity templates to replace the one element.Or if your really want to do it with MEL, convert to DOM and use Dom4j APIs to set the value and then convert back to XML if needed:
node = message.payload.getRootElement().selectSingleNode('//plans/plan1/planid');
node.text = 'newvalue';
<mulexml:dom-to-xml-transformer />
<logger level="ERROR" message=" #[payload]" />
Here is an example if you want to update multiple nodes. If the transformation gets any more complex, I would really suggest taking a look at XSLT.
<mulexml:xml-to-dom-transformer returnClass="org.dom4j.Document" />
plans = message.payload.getRootElement().selectNodes('//plans/*');
foreach (plan : plans){
plan.selectSingleNode('offerprice').text = '3000';
} ]]></expression-component>
<mulexml:dom-to-xml-transformer />
<logger level="ERROR" message=" #[payload]" />
I'm trying to receive information from a table with a Clob type attribute a this is what the object appears like in the payload:
TypedValue[value: 'org.mule.runtime.core.internal.streaming.bytes.ManagedCursorStreamProvider#1c11df37', dataType: 'SimpleDataType{type=java.io.InputStream, mimeType='text/plain'}']
It's the BGQUEUE_EXEC_STATUS_VALUE and BGQUEUE_EXEC_VALUE attributes being used in the following flow:
<flow name="SYS_TBGQUEUEMigrationFlow" doc:id="1302cd81-6b21-424b-9bb8-b097d2ab0c3a" >
<db:select doc:name="Select SYS_TBGQUEUE from Oracle DB" doc:id="c7b33299-b772-4134-abdd-c7dcb3ad630a" config-ref="MYCAREER_DEV_DB" >
<db:sql >SELECT * FROM SYS_TBGQUEUE</db:sql>
<batch:job jobName="sysLogicBatch_Job" doc:id="08898cbe-62c5-4028-9f4f-dc8be9e6d0d9" >
<batch:process-records >
<batch:step name="Batch_Step" doc:id="836a7495-415c-4d5f-945a-03f1f2358cd8" >
<batch:aggregator doc:name="Batch Aggregator" doc:id="0425e88e-5e07-4f04-9016-872ccef025bd" streaming="true">
<foreach doc:name="For Each" doc:id="a2af7287-961e-4c1e-bd13-993d00e75370">
<db:stored-procedure doc:name="Insert into SYS_TBGQUEUE" doc:id="692971ea-d05c-430b-9ae4-3fe8b6d439dc" config-ref="Database_Config">
BGQUEUE_CODE : payload.bgqueue_code,
BGQUEUETYPE_CODE : payload.bgqueuetype_code,
IDENTITY_CODE : payload.identity_code,
BGQUEUE_DATE_INSERT : payload.bgqueue_date_insert,
BGQUEUE_LOCK_WORKER_ID : payload.bgqueue_lock_worker_id,
BGQUEUE_EXEC_START_DATE : payload.bgqueue_exec_start_date,
BGQUEUE_EXEC_EXPIRE_DATE : payload.bgqueue_exec_expire_date,
BGQUEUE_EXEC_VALUE : payload.bgqueue_exec_value as String,
BGQUEUE_EXEC_RETRIES : payload.bgqueue_exec_retries,
BGQUEUE_EXEC_HEARTBEAT_DATE : payload.bgqueue_exec_heartbeat_date,
BGQUEUE_EXEC_END_DATE : payload.bgqueue_exec_end_date,
BGQUEUE_EXEC_STATUS_ENUM : payload.bgqueue_exec_status_enum,
BGQUEUE_EXEC_STATUS_VALUE : payload.bgqueue_exec_status_value as String,
BGQUEUE_STATUS : payload.bgqueue_status
<batch:on-complete >
<logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" doc:id="a79350d8-65e9-44ac-a966-8a27036a5477" message="SYS_TBGQUEUE finished data migration." />
This is the error message:
Message : Could not dispatch records to batch queue BSQ-sysLogicBatch_Job-ab0fcad0-7b15-11ea-9403-3e6fc91c389b due to Serialization Exception
Error type : MULE:UNKNOWN
Element : SYS_TBGQUEUEMigrationFlow/processors/1 # DatabaseConnectorPOC:sysLogic.xml:114
Element XML : <batch:job jobName="sysLogicBatch_Job" doc:id="08898cbe-62c5-4028-9f4f-dc8be9e6d0d9">
<batch:step name="Batch_Step" doc:id="836a7495-415c-4d5f-945a-03f1f2358cd8">
<batch:aggregator doc:name="Batch Aggregator" doc:id="0425e88e-5e07-4f04-9016-872ccef025bd" streaming="true">
<foreach doc:name="For Each" doc:id="a2af7287-961e-4c1e-bd13-993d00e75370">
<db:stored-procedure doc:name="Insert into SYS_TBGQUEUE" doc:id="692971ea-d05c-430b-9ae4-3fe8b6d439dc" config-ref="Database_Config">
<db:input-parameters>#[output application/java
BGQUEUE_CODE : payload.bgqueue_code,
BGQUEUETYPE_CODE : payload.bgqueuetype_code,
IDENTITY_CODE : payload.identity_code,
BGQUEUE_DATE_INSERT : payload.bgqueue_date_insert,
BGQUEUE_LOCK_WORKER_ID : payload.bgqueue_lock_worker_id,
BGQUEUE_EXEC_START_DATE : payload.bgqueue_exec_start_date,
BGQUEUE_EXEC_EXPIRE_DATE : payload.bgqueue_exec_expire_date,
BGQUEUE_EXEC_VALUE : payload.bgqueue_exec_value,
BGQUEUE_EXEC_RETRIES : payload.bgqueue_exec_retries,
BGQUEUE_EXEC_HEARTBEAT_DATE : payload.bgqueue_exec_heartbeat_date,
BGQUEUE_EXEC_END_DATE : payload.bgqueue_exec_end_date,
BGQUEUE_EXEC_STATUS_ENUM : payload.bgqueue_exec_status_enum,
BGQUEUE_EXEC_STATUS_VALUE : payload.bgqueue_exec_status_value,
BGQUEUE_STATUS : payload.bgqueue_status
<logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" doc:id="a79350d8-65e9-44ac-a966-8a27036a5477" message="SYS_TBGQUEUE finished data migration."></logger>
Does anyone know how I can convert it into a String?
Thank you!
The problem looks to be that it is not possible to serialize the Clob to load the Batch Job queue.
You may need to convert the Clob into String before entering the Batch Job with a transform like this:
( payload map {
BGQUEUE_CODE : payload.bgqueue_code,
BGQUEUETYPE_CODE : payload.bgqueuetype_code,
IDENTITY_CODE : payload.identity_code,
BGQUEUE_DATE_INSERT : payload.bgqueue_date_insert,
BGQUEUE_LOCK_WORKER_ID : payload.bgqueue_lock_worker_id,
BGQUEUE_EXEC_START_DATE : payload.bgqueue_exec_start_date,
BGQUEUE_EXEC_EXPIRE_DATE : payload.bgqueue_exec_expire_date,
BGQUEUE_EXEC_VALUE : (payload.bgqueue_exec_value as String) default "",
BGQUEUE_EXEC_RETRIES : payload.bgqueue_exec_retries,
BGQUEUE_EXEC_HEARTBEAT_DATE : payload.bgqueue_exec_heartbeat_date,
BGQUEUE_EXEC_END_DATE : payload.bgqueue_exec_end_date,
BGQUEUE_EXEC_STATUS_ENUM : payload.bgqueue_exec_status_enum,
BGQUEUE_EXEC_STATUS_VALUE : (payload.bgqueue_exec_status_value as String) default "",
BGQUEUE_STATUS : payload.bgqueue_status
} ) as Iterator
The "as Iterator" is just an optimization that can be removed if you see there is a bug related to that (like a DB session error)
Then in db:input-parameters you will need to put just "payload" as the names will already match with the ones you need.
I am using Mule 4 and Anypoint 7 and want to setup the database connector to SELECT all customers from my SQL server database table but if the customerName query parameter is populated in the request then I want to add the WHERE clause to only return customers with the same name as the customerName query parameter otherwise it should just return all customers.
My code is below but I am struggling to get the syntax correct.
<db:select doc:name="Select Customers" doc:id="98a4aa2f-b0b6-4fb5-ab27-d70489fd532d" config-ref="db-config">
<ee:repeatable-file-store-iterable />
<db:sql >SELECT TOP 10 * FROM MYDB.dbo.Customer $(if (attributes.queryParams.customerName != null and isEmpty(attributes.queryParams.customerName) == false) "WHERE Name = :customerName" else "")</db:sql>
<db:input-parameters ><![CDATA[#[{'customerName' : attributes.queryParams.customerName}]]]></db:input-parameters>
How can I do this?
You were on the right path. I think you were only missing the evaluation tags around the SQL in the db:sql element.
<db:select doc:name="Select Customers" doc:id="98a4aa2f-b0b6-4fb5-ab27-d70489fd532d"
<ee:repeatable-file-store-iterable />
<db:sql>#["SELECT TOP 10 * FROM MYDB.dbo.Customer
$(if (isEmpty(attributes.queryParams.customerName) == false) "WHERE Name = :customerName" else "") "]</db:sql>
<db:input-parameters ><![CDATA[#[{'customerName' : attributes.queryParams.customerName}]]]></db:input-parameters>
It is easier to debug things like this with variables, so that you can see the individual values. FWIW heres my test code:
<set-variable variableName="additionalWhereClause"
value='#[if ( isEmpty(attributes.queryParams.email) == false)
"WHERE Email = :emailParm"
else "" ]' />
<set-variable variableName="selectSql"
value="#['SELECT FirstName, LastName, Email
$( vars.additionalWhereClause )
ORDER BY Email LIMIT 10']" />
<logger level="INFO" message="queryParams: #[attributes.queryParams]" doc:id="96c62f84-2c98-4df6-829c-e00c9fcec9ca" />
<logger level="INFO" message="additionalWhereClause #[vars.additionalWhereClause]" doc:id="0d3611b4-34ae-4ebb-b931-6d31ce3804c1" />
<logger level="INFO" message="selectSql #[vars.selectSql]" doc:id="5c56342d-9674-4891-9d7e-bb32319f4ad0" />
<db:select doc:name="MySQL Query" doc:id="e60be3e6-9b51-4b3b-9dfa-4ee0af65cb03"
<ee:repeatable-file-store-iterable />
<db:sql>#[ vars.selectSql ]</db:sql>
<db:input-parameters><![CDATA[#[{'emailParm' : attributes.queryParams.email}]]]></db:input-parameters>
In my project I am reading a huge tsv file (around 820k) and process the records into db. I have a java file which does validation, after the validation I store the records in a list. Since I can't send the whole list to the vm,I split the list into 2000 and send to the flow. here is how I send 2000 records
while(i < validRecords.size()){
int j = i + 2000;
if( j < validRecords.size())
muleClient.dispatch("vm://validRecordsEtoc", validRecords.subList(i, j), msgProperties);
muleClient.dispatch("vm://endRecordsEtoc", validRecords.subList(i,validRecords.size()-1), msgProperties);
i = i + 2000;
I have a flow which has reference to a batch and process the records into db.
Here is the flow
<flow name="csv-source-inputFlow_Clean_etoc">
<vm:inbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="one-way" path="validRecordsEtoc" doc:name="VM_TFO_ETOC_SUBS_SRC"/>
<enricher doc:name="Enrich inbound Message Properties">
<logger message="Etoc source message enricher : BatchId : #[message.inboundProperties.flow_batch_id] Total Records : #[message.inboundProperties.totalRecordCount] Successful Records : #[message.inboundProperties.successRecordCount]" level="INFO" doc:name="Logger"/>
<enrich source="#[message.inboundProperties.'flow_batch_id']" target="#[flowVars.flow_batch_id]"/>
<enrich source="#[message.inboundProperties.'flow_source_name']" target="#[flowVars.flow_source_name]"/>
<enrich source="#[message.inboundProperties.'successRecordCount']" target="#[flowVars.successRecordCount]"/>
<enrich source="#[message.inboundProperties.'totalRecordCount']" target="#[flowVars.totalRecords]"/>
<enrich source="#[message.inboundProperties.'input_file_name']" target="#[flowVars.input_file_name]"/>
<batch:execute name="csv-source-inputBatch_ETOC" doc:name="csv-source-inputBatch_ETOC"/>
<batch:job name="csv-source-inputBatch_ETOC">
<set-payload value="#[payload]" doc:name="Set Payload_TFO_ETOC"/>
<batch:step name="TFOETOC_CLEAN_Batch_Step">
<batch:commit size="2000" doc:name="TFO_ETOC Clean Batch Commit">
<db:insert config-ref="LocalhostPostgres" bulkMode="true" doc:name="Enrich_TFO_ETOC_Src_Data">
<db:parameterized-query><![CDATA[INSERT INTO public."csv_tfo_3.4.1 etoc subs"(
seq_id, batch_id, publication, code, first_name,
last_name,subscription_date, email, marketable ,
organization, department, address1 ,
address2, city, state,
zip_code, country, phone,
status, source)
values (DEFAULT,#[flowVars.flow_batch_id],#[payload.Publication] , #[payload.Code] , #[payload.First_Name],#[payload.Last_Name], to_timestamp(#[payload.Subscription_Date],'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'),#[payload.Email],#[payload.Marketable],#[payload.Organization],#[payload.Department],#[payload.Address1],#[payload.Address2],#[payload.City],#[payload.State],#[payload.Zip_Code],#[payload.Country],#[payload.Phone],'pending','TFO')]]></db:parameterized-query>
when I process the last list , i am sending to another flow because i need to call the sub-flow in on complete, where as my last vm gets executed before the previous lists get executed.
I followed the below link
How to read huge CSV file in Mule
Can anyone give me any idea how to do that?.
I hear that we con't write two Inbound-endpoints in one flow, but below is my requirement, Second select query needs first query payload value. When I run this giving an exception. Please let me know if there is any alternate way to write this.
<flow name="Some">
<jdbc:inbound-endpoint queryKey="SelectSome"
connector-ref="ProConnector" doc:name="SomeFromPro"
pollingFrequency="10000" queryTimeout="-1">
<jdbc:transaction action="NONE" timeout="10" />
<jdbc:query key="SelectSome"
value="SELECT top 1 * from table1 where IsProcessed = 0" />
<jdbc:query key="SelectSome.ack"
value="update table1 set IsProcessed=1 where ID = #[map-payload:ID] " />
<jdbc:inbound-endpoint queryKey="SelectSomeBR"
connector-ref="ProConnector" doc:name="SomeBRFromPro"
pollingFrequency="1000" queryTimeout="-1">
<jdbc:transaction action="NONE" timeout="10" />
<jdbc:query key="SelectSomeBR"
value="SELECT * from table2 where IsProcessed = 0 and ParentID = #[map-payload:ID]" />
<jdbc:query key="SelectSomeBR.ack"
value="update table2 set IsProcessed=1 where ParentID = #[map-payload:ID] " />
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.
You need to use an outbound select query for your second query, like:
<jdbc:outbound-endpoint queryKey="SelectSomeBR"
connector-ref="ProConnector" doc:name="SomeBRFromPro"
pollingFrequency="1000" queryTimeout="-1"
<jdbc:transaction action="NONE" timeout="10" />
<jdbc:query key="SelectSomeBR"
value="SELECT * from table2 where IsProcessed = 0 and ParentID = #[map-payload:ID]" />
<jdbc:query key="SelectSomeBR.ack"
value="update table2 set IsProcessed=1 where ParentID = #[map-payload:ID] " />
Reference: https://developer.mulesoft.com/docs/display/current/JDBC+Transport+Reference#JDBCTransportReference-OutboundSELECTQueries
PS. This old expression syntax is obsolete: #[map-payload:ID] Use MEL instead: #[message.payload.ID]" (assuming the message payload is a map with a key named ID).
I have a flow in Mule where I want to use a date parameter i get from one query as an input for another query.
<jdbc:connector name="myConnector" transactionPerMessage="false" dataSource-ref="myDataSource">
<jdbc:query key="getPollTimes" value="SELECT to_char(last_poll_start, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as last_poll_start, to_char(last_poll_end, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as last_poll_end FROM db_sources WHERE source_system = 'mySystem'" />
<jdbc:query key="getCustomerIds" value="SELECT id FROM customers WHERE updated < TO_DATE(#[variable:last_poll_end],'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')" />
<flow name="myFlow">
<jdbc:outbound-endpoint queryKey="getPollTimes" exchange-pattern="request-response" />
<enrich target="#[variable:last_poll_end]" source="#[groovy:payload.last_poll_end]"/>
<logger level="INFO" message="last_poll_end = #[variable:last_poll_end]" />
<jdbc:outbound-endpoint queryKey="getCustomerIds" exchange-pattern="request-response" />
When running this I cannot get this to work (note that I am using an Oracle DB). I have included the exception below. Have anyone encountered this?
Exception stack is:
1. Invalid column type(SQL Code: 17004, SQL State: + null) (java.sql.SQLException)
oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError:113 (null)
2. Invalid column type Query: SELECT ID FROM CUSTOMERS WHERE UPDATED < TO_DATE(?,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') Parameters: [[2000-01-01]](SQL Code: 17004, SQL State: + null) (java.sql.SQLException)
org.apache.commons.dbutils.QueryRunner:540 (null)
3. Failed to route event via endpoint: DefaultOutboundEndpoint{endpointUri=jdbc://getCustomerIds, connector=JdbcConnector
, name='endpoint.jdbc.getCustomerIds', mep=REQUEST_RESPONSE, properties={queryTimeout=-1}, transactionConfig=Transaction{factory=null, action=INDIFFERENT, timeout=0}, deleteUnacceptedMessages=false, initialState=started, responseTimeout=10000, endpointEncoding=UTF-8, disableTransportTransformer=false}. Message payload is of type: ArrayList (org.mule.api.transport.DispatchException)
org.mule.transport.AbstractMessageDispatcher:106 (http://www.mulesoft.org/docs/site/current3/apidocs/org/mule/api/transport/DispatchException.html)
Problem is solved. The issue was partly that the date variable I got back from the first query was stored as an array. To resolve this i pick out the first element. Besides that I removed the to_date() in the second sql query.
This gets the first element in the array:
<enrich target="#[variable:last_poll_end]" source="#[groovy:payload.last_poll_end[0]]"/>
The updated sql:
<jdbc:query key="getCustomerIds" value="SELECT id FROM customers WHERE updated < #[variable:last_poll_end]" />