Does Passbook support delta updates for a pass - passbook

When Passbook requests a new pass from the server is it possible to return a delta update instead of the full pass? The Apple documentation for "Getting the Latest Version of a Pass" only mentions that the GET request should return a HTTP status 200 with a payload of the pass data.

No, when updating the pass you have to provide a full new signed .pkpass bundle as per the documentation.
One of the reasons for this is that Passbook facilitates sharing and needs a complete, signed .pkpass bundle to attach to an email or iMessage. Sending the pass plus files of incremental updates would add complexity, and sending an unsigned bundle would break the integrity of Passbook's security, effectively allowing users to modify the content of the pass.


Rest API and UUID

One of the reasons, and probably the main one, to use UUID is to avoid having a "centralized" point responsible for creating and assigning ids to resources.
That means that, for REST APIs, the clients could (and should) be able to generate, and give the UUID for a certain resource when they POST that specific resource for the first time. That would minimize problems related with successfully posting a resource for the first time but not getting the ID back as response (connectivity problems for example). That can result in a new post for some of the clients, generating duplicated resources.
My question are:
Having UUID generated by clients and being exposed in the REST API is a best practice?
Are there any other alternatives to that?
REST does not really care if the UUID is generated by the server or by the client. It just needs a unique resource-identifier in form of an URI.
What form the URI has, is not important to clients and servers - only that they are unique and may be obtained by clients (HATEOAS). You need of course also a resource on the server side which is able to create the sub-resource for you and understands that you want to provide the UUID instead of generating an own one. Instead of a UUID you could f.e. also use a url-encoded title of a blog-post or like this question a combination of hash-value and question-title 31584303/rest-api-and-uuid to uniquely identify a resource.
Generating a UUID by a client is in my opinion not used that ofen in practice, but I may be wrong on this matter. The actual question is rather, why should a client really provide an own UUID instead of letting the server create one? The client is, IMO, only interested in getting the data to the server and having some way to retrieve it at some later point, which will be provided through the location header returned in the response of a POST request.
If connection issues are an actual concern, you could let the client send an empty POST to create a resource and send back the location within the header. The content is than added via a PUT request.
There still can be some connection issues involved:
request does not reach the server
response does not reach the client
While the primer one is no issue for the client as well as for the server as no operation is executed and the request can simply be resent, the latter one will actually create a resource at the server side, though the link never reaches the client. Therefore the actual resource is in an unreferencable state unless you provide a way to iterate over all resources, which contains also the empty ones.
A server can have a cleanup thread in the back which removes empty resources after a given amount of time. If a client sends a further empty POST request but this time also receives the URI of the created resource, he can update the state of the resource via PUT. PUT is idempotent. If the server did not receive the request, the client can simply resent it. PUT has the semantic of updating existing or creating a new resource if it is not yet available. So, the server can create the resource in that case with the provided content. If the request did reach the server, a further update does not change the state of the resource.
one advantage of client-generated UUID is: the client knows the resource key even before creating the resource. no need to read the response of the POST/PUT except for errors

GCM 3.0: New registration does not expire tokens registered with GCMRegistrar

We are switching our notifications infrastructure to use new GCM 3.0 registration mechanism using Instance ID API. Previously we were using old mechanism using GCMRegistrar.register() method.
The problem we have is that we have noticed that if device was registered with old GCMRegistrar, after update and registering with new Instance ID API, both registration tokens are valid and can receive notifications.
I expected old registration token to be deactivated and that our push server would receive canonical registration ID when sending notification to old token (as described here GCM registering with two different working registration ids), especially that application version has changed, but such case seems not to happen.
Is this correct behavior of GCM? Is there any way we can detect on push server that device received new token (without unregistering from app)?
I have finally received an answer from Google support regarding my issue. It turned out that this was intended behavior:
What you observed is in the intended behavior due to the need to support backward compatible
registration ID.
We recommend you to flag the old registration ID from gcmregistrar() and don't use that to send anymore once you have the registration token from getToken(). (I believe you probably has implemented a solution to detect such)
Our solution was to simply remove old registration tokens from our push server before registering new user.
We did not use GCMRegistrar.unregister() as we observed that it was able to unregister new tokens (obtained via getToken()).
I just wanted to provide a quick update to anyone interested in this subject.
It seems that this issue was fixed as when we tested our registration mechanism recently, it turned out that new GCM tokens replace (and unregister) old tokens.
Registration token may change upon certain scenarios even going forward. While cononical registration ID is also a good idea. Use tokenRefresh as shown here as well.
public void onTokenRefresh() {
// Fetch updated Instance ID token and notify our app's server of any changes (if applicable).
Intent intent = new Intent(this, RegistrationIntentService.class);
Suggesting based on this line "it is needed for key rotation and to handle special cases" in method reference.

Is it possible to allow Worklight users to use app before updating?

Let's say I push new code to the Worklight server for purposes of a Direct Update. Can I allow users to still use the application for a set amount time before they actually have to accept the update or is the application essentially unavailable to them until they download the new code?
If you are developing your application using Worklight 6.2, then you as a developer can take over the entire Direct Update flow and can essentially decide how to handle a received update from the server.
Note that by taking full control, you own the flow end-to-end; the default Worklight framework handling will not be available and the full responsibility is on the developer to ensure the validity of every step.
You can read more about customizing Direct Update, here:
Initial reading, starting slide #14:
In depth reading:
In your scenario, I think you could probably go in a less extreme way and just do some tweaks before letting the Worklight framework handle the update from the server. Meaning, you could use the example provided in the training module (slide #18 from the PDF above), where you intercept the update:
wl_directUpdateChallengeHandler.handleDirectUpdate = function(directUpdateData,
directUpdateContext) {
... // display message or counter
And display a message and start a counter, and when time's up just directUpdateContext.start(); the update.

Best practice for initial return in a REST-like image upload api endpoint?

When sending a file, e.g. an image, over HTTP to an API, how should the server respond?
respond as soon as file is written to disk
respond only when file is written, processed, checksummed, thumbnailed, watermarked etc.
respond as fast as possible with a link to the resource (even if it's a 404 for a few moments afterwards)
add a 'task' endpoint and respond instantly with a task ID to track the progress before data transfer & processing (eventually including path to resource)
Edit: Added one idea from an answer to a similar question: rest api design and workflow to upload images.
The client doesn't know about disks, processing, checksumming, thumbnailing, etc.
The options then are pretty simple. You either want to return the HTTP request as quickly as possible, or you want the client to wait until you know the operation was successful.
If you want the client to wait, return 201 Created. If you want to return as quickly as possible, return 202 Accepted.
Both are acceptable designs. You should let your own requirements dictate which is better for your case. I would say that by default it's a good idea to 'default' to waiting until the HTTP request was guaranteed to be successful, and only use 202 Accepted if that was a specific requirement.
You could also let the client decide with a Prefer header:
Prefer: respond-async, wait=100

How to design a REStful API for a media analysis engine

I am new to Restful concept and have to design a simple API for a media analysis service I need to set up, to perform various tasks, e.g. face analysis, region detection, etc. on uploaded images and video.
Outline of my initial design is as follows:
Client POSTs a configuration XML file to This creates a profile that can be used for multiple analysis sessions. Response XML includes a ProfileID to refer to this profile. Clients can skip this step to use the default config parameters
Client POSTs video data to be analyzed to (with ProfileID as a parameter, if it's set up). This creates an analysis session. Return XML has the SessionID.
Client can send a GET to to receive the status of the session.
Am I on the right track? Specifically, I have the following questions:
Should I include facerecognition in the URL? Roy Fielding says that "a REST API must not define fixed resource names or hierarchies" Is this an instance of that mistake?
The analysis results can either be returned to the client in one large XML file or when each event is detected. How should I tell the analysis engine where to return the results?
Should I explicitly delete a profile when analysis is done, through a DELETE call?
You can fix the entry point url,
GET /facerecognition
<Profiles href="/facerecognition/profiles"/>
<AnalysisRequests href="/facerecognition/analysisrequests"/>
Create a new profile by posting the XML profile to the URL in the href attribute of the Profiles element
POST /facerecognition/profiles
201 - Created
Location: /facerecognition/profile/33
Initiate the analysis by creating a new Analysis Request. I would avoid using the term session as it is too generic and has lots of negative associations in the REST world.
POST /facerecognition/analysisrequests?profileId=33
201 - Created
Location: /facerecognition/analysisrequest/2103
Check the status of the process
GET /facerecognition/analysisrequest/2103
<Cancel Method="DELETE" href="/facerecognition/analysisrequest/2103" />
when the processing has finished, the same GET could return
<Results href="/facerecognition/analysisrequest/2103/results" />
The specific URLs that I have chosen are relatively arbitrary, you can use whatever is the clearest to you.