Plagiarism Checker C# based API [closed] - api

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am looking for a plagiarism checker API that is based on C# code. I need to use it on my web service. I need to easily query plagiarism checking engine and get result for the originality of the text.
If you know any service that is similar to what I am asking it would be great!

I’m using an online plagiarism checker service called Copyleaks which offers an interface to integrate with their API (HTTP REST). It also provides interface which is fully compatible with C#.
Steps to integrate with Copyleaks API:
Register on Copyleaks website.
Create a new C# Console application project and install Copyleaks’ Nuget Package.
Use the following code which performs a webpage scan.
This code was taken from its SDK (GitHub):
public void Scan(string username, string apiKey, string url)
// Login to Copyleaks server.
Console.Write("User login... ");
LoginToken token = UsersAuthentication.Login(username, apiKey);
// Create a new process on server.
Console.Write("Submiting new request... ");
Detector detector = new Detector(token);
ScannerProcess process = detector.CreateProcess(url);
// Waiting to process to be finished.
Console.Write("Waiting for completion... ");
while (!process.IsCompleted())
// Getting results.
Console.Write("Getting results... ");
var results = process.GetResults();
if (results.Length == 0)
Console.WriteLine("\tNo results.");
for (int i = 0; i < results.Length; ++i)
Console.WriteLine("Result {0}:", i + 1);
Console.WriteLine("Domain: {0}", results[i].Domain);
Console.WriteLine("Url: {0}", results[i].URL);
Console.WriteLine("Precents: {0}", results[i].Precents);
Console.WriteLine("CopiedWords: {0}", results[i].NumberOfCopiedWords);
Call the function with your Username, API-Key and the URL of the content you wish to scan for plagiarism.
You can read more about its server in "How To" tutorial.


Difference between Wrapper and Native razor components [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I have some clarifications on blazor-server-side. what is the difference between blazor native and wrapper components? Can any one please help me?
Disclaimer: I am not using blazor, but following it a little bit since its first presentation, but I never heard of native and wrapper components nor does the documentation include this wording. Therefore I might be wrong, but from the wording I get the idea, that by "wrapper" the interoperability is meant.
I am going to quote some text from this excelent blog post
Probably native, because the component is created only by .NET bl(r)azor without javascript:
Since Razor Components runs server side as a .NET Standard app, logic is written using .NET technologies. This is possible due to the Blazor framework which employs the RenderTree, a DOM abstraction similar to virtual DOMs used in popular JavaScript frameworks like Angular and React. Let's look at UI side of the framework to understand how components are written.
<p>Current count: #currentCount</p>
<button class="btn btn-primary" onclick="#IncrementCount">
Click me
#functions {
int currentCount = 0;
[Parameter] protected int CountBy { get; set; } = 1;
void IncrementCount()
currentCount += CountBy;
Probably wrapper, because we use in our component the interoperability layer a JS Function.
Additionally a Razor Components app can use dependencies the JavaScript ecosystems and through an interoperability layer the app can communicate bidirectionally with both .NET and JavaScript dependencies. This is helpful for situations where the Razor Components does not support a necessary browser/DOM API or an existing JavaScript library is useful.
GeoLocation.cs (.NET)
public class Geolocation
// ...
public async Task GetCurrentPosition(
Action<Position> onSuccess,
Action<PositionError> onError,
PositionOptions options = null)
OnGetPosition = onSuccess;
OnGetPositionError = onError;
await JSRuntime.Current.InvokeAsync<bool>(
new DotNetObjectRef(this),
// ...
interopGeolocation.js (Browser)
window.interopGeolocation = {
getCurrentPosition: function (geolocationRef, options) {
const success = (result) => {
const error = (er) =>
// ...

Hydbrid App In IBM Worklight [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I Already done updating the password in database using SQLAdpaters in IBM Worklight Hybrid App.
I am Working on Hybrid App using IBM Worklight. I am updating user password in database using SQLAdapter, but I want to store password in encrypted format. I already have the encryption and decryption logic in java class. How can I integrate that java class with my hybrid app?
var procedure1Statement = WL.Server.createSQLStatement("UPDATE USERS SET USERPASSWORD=? WHERE USERNAME = ? AND USERPASSWORD=? ");
function updateUserPassword(newPassword,userName,password) {
return WL.Server.invokeSQLStatement({
preparedStatement : procedure1Statement,
parameters : [newPassword,userName,password]
changed code as follows
var userpwdUpdateStatement = WL.Server.createSQLStatement("UPDATE USERS SET USERPASSWORD=? WHERE USERNAME = ? AND USERPASSWORD=? ");
function updateUserPassword(newPassword,userName,password) {
var encryptdecryptutility = new com.abcd.bgf.SysCRAESencrpDecrp();
var encryptnewPassword = encryptdecryptutility.encrypt(newPassword);
var encryptoldPassword = encryptdecryptutility.encrypt(password);
return WL.Server.invokeSQLStatement({
preparedStatement : userpwdUpdateStatement,
parameters : [encryptnewPassword,userName,encryptoldPassword]

7" GPS with wince 6 cf 3.5 can't open com port [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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i am using vb 2008 and the serialport object from the system.IO.Ports.SerialPort to connect to com2 serial port on my device to read data from the gps.But when i try to open the port windows troughs an IO Exception. My first thinking was that some other program is using the port but do be sure i tried to open the port with pocket-putty (COM2:) including the colon and all functions and the gps data is flowing. In the documentation of the device the manufacturer writes this:
Pls note for GPS virtual serial port using, Data read not rely on the ComState. CbInQue, read serial data need to specify the length. To test the normal In the Sygic, Igo8, Careland map, detailed methods please use reference in CommTest ReadPortThread.
I don't understand what exactly he means.
My code functions on another Wince device but with wince 5.0 and CF 2.0
i am thankful for every answer
Your port name is wrong. Windows CE requires port names to be suffixed with a colon. The exception message probably told you that the requested port name was not found.
Change the code to this:
mySerialPort.PortName = "COM2:"
Some device do not offer SerialPort access to GPS but a streamed access. Try to open the GPS port as file:
You may need this interop:
and then try opening as file:
#region CN50raw
bgThread2 myStreamReaderThread;
private void OpenStream()
//background thread already running?
if (myStreamReaderThread == null)
string szPort="";
szPort = GetGPSPort();
if (szPort != "")
AddRawText("Start reading stream at '" + szPort +"'");
//start a new thread
myStreamReaderThread = new bgThread2(szPort);
myStreamReaderThread.bgThread2Event += new bgThread2.bgThread2EventHandler(myStreamReaderThread_bgThread2Event);
AddRawText("No raw GPS port found");
private void OpenStream(string szPort)
//background thread already running?
if (myStreamReaderThread == null)
if (szPort != "")
AddRawText("Start reading stream at '" + szPort + "'");
//start a new thread
myStreamReaderThread = new bgThread2(szPort);
myStreamReaderThread.bgThread2Event += new bgThread2.bgThread2EventHandler(myStreamReaderThread_bgThread2Event);
AddRawText("No raw GPS port found");
void myStreamReaderThread_bgThread2Event(object sender, bgThread2.BgThreadEventArgs bte)
private void CloseStream()
if (myStreamReaderThread != null)
myStreamReaderThread = null;
mnuRAWStart.Enabled = true;
mnuRAWStop.Enabled = false;
the getGpsPort function above uses MS GPSID registry setting to find the raw port name. If your devcice does support GPSID, you do not need all the above and can use GPSID API to get location data of GPS.
Check your device's registry:
private string GetGPSPort()
string szStr="";
if (Registry.GetStringValue(Registry.HKLM,
"System\\CurrentControlSet\\GPS Intermediate Driver\\Multiplexer",
ref szStr)
== 0)
return szStr;
if (Registry.GetStringValue(Registry.HKLM,
"System\\CurrentControlSet\\GPS Intermediate Driver\\Drivers",
ref szStr) == 0)
string szPath = "System\\CurrentControlSet\\GPS Intermediate Driver\\Drivers\\" + szStr;
if (Registry.GetStringValue(Registry.HKLM, szPath, "CommPort", ref szStr) == 0)
return szStr;
return "";
The above code lines are sources of my GpsSample application for Windows Mobile (Compact Framework)

Best practice for co-ordinating a SyncAdapter and GCM within the same app [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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My app uses a SyncAdapter to periodically sync server data with SQLite. It also syncs this data in response to a GCM message that indicates new/updated server data; via. an IntentService.
These components each do their work in different background threads and are created by different system processes (SyncManager/GCM broadcast) and have different lifecycles; unpredictably!
What is the best approach to fault-tolerantly co-ordinate these components: e.g.
for an Activity to signal to each that they should do no work
to signal to the SyncAdapter to do no work when the GCM IntentService is working, and vice versa.
You should
Put all your syncing code into the SyncAdapter
Remove the IntentService
In the GcmBroadcastReceiver you start the SyncAdapter instead of the IntentService.
Below is example code copied from the SyncAdapter documentation.
public class GcmBroadcastReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
// Constants
// Content provider authority
public static final String AUTHORITY = ""
// Account type
public static final String ACCOUNT_TYPE = "";
// Account
public static final String ACCOUNT = "default_account";
// Incoming Intent key for extended data
public static final String KEY_SYNC_REQUEST =
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
// Get a GCM object instance
GoogleCloudMessaging gcm =
// Get the type of GCM message
String messageType = gcm.getMessageType(intent);
* Test the message type and examine the message contents.
* Since GCM is a general-purpose messaging system, you
* may receive normal messages that don't require a sync
* adapter run.
* The following code tests for a a boolean flag indicating
* that the message is requesting a transfer from the device.
if (GoogleCloudMessaging.MESSAGE_TYPE_MESSAGE.equals(messageType)
intent.getBooleanExtra(KEY_SYNC_REQUEST)) {
* Signal the framework to run your sync adapter. Assume that
* app initialization has already created the account.
ContentResolver.requestSync(ACCOUNT, AUTHORITY, null);

Send email without GUI [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Is there any framework that will allow me to send email without going through a GUI?
Add this framework to your project and then use my Swift class:
class EmailSender : SKPSMTPMessageDelegate {
private init() {}
static let sharedInstance = EmailSender();
func sendEmail(email : String, subject : String, message : String) {
let EMAIL_FROM = "";
let EMAIL_PASS = "TestPassword";
let SMTP_SERVER = "";
let EMAIL_TO = email;
let emailMessage = SKPSMTPMessage();
emailMessage.delegate = self;
emailMessage.fromEmail = EMAIL_FROM;
emailMessage.toEmail = EMAIL_TO;
emailMessage.relayHost = SMTP_SERVER;
emailMessage.requiresAuth = true;
emailMessage.login = EMAIL_FROM;
emailMessage.pass = EMAIL_PASS;
emailMessage.subject = subject;
emailMessage.wantsSecure = true;
let plainMsg = [
kSKPSMTPPartContentTypeKey : "text/plain",
kSKPSMTPPartMessageKey : message,
kSKPSMTPPartContentTransferEncodingKey : "8bit"
]; = [plainMsg];
//MARK SKPSMTPMessageDelegate
#objc func messageSent(_ message: SKPSMTPMessage!) {
#objc func messageFailed(_ message: SKPSMTPMessage!, error: Error!) {
You should check out the SKPSMTPMessage framework. This allows you to send emails in the background. It is not possible to do so yet, unless you code around MFMailComposeViewController which would presumably get your app rejected from the store (iOS5.0)
If you don't need to have the email sent from the iPhone users mail app, you could offload the action to a server and have the server mail it on the users behalf.
The only problem with this is that you may have spam issues depending on what service you use (Mail Chimp etc...).