webcenter content documents translate in other languages - webcenter

I am developing a portal using webcenter portal builder and I would like to ask how to translate the contents of the portal, because I have not found something relevant.
The portal is in greek and english. Following the guide I have achieved to translate the menu but for the content it only says:
Presenting Translated Content Through a Content Presenter Template
What does this mean?

They just provide you with a pointer there. Translating menus and labels is relatively easy, but for the content itself there is no standard way.
The Content Presenter is a task flow that comes out of the box with Oracle WebCenter Portal. You use it to display content that is stored in Oracle WebCenter Content as part of the portal.
By combining WebCenter Content metadata (or folder paths) with the language that is set in your portal, the suggestion is to dynamically retrieve the desired content in the correct language.
For more information please see Oracle's A-Team blog at:
There's also an informative post in this thread on the Oracle Forum:


Adding manual schema (rich snippet) code to wordpress website( template) without yoast

we are working on SEO for one of the content related (article, videos) website and using wordpress template to build the website. Now if I use yoast generated schema the standard webpage schema is being used to all the pages which I really don't want and won’t be useful. I need to insert the schema according to the page category that can be manually coded (json-ld) or using any plugin that supports category wise schema uploading.
Please help me how to add schema code manually to wordpress website each page or any plugin that will help me to do the same.
you can use to Custom Fields.
you need add your schema code to article and Video Custom field and choose that on every post.

Exporting WebCenter Content to XML

I am attempting to migrate content from an Oracle's WebCenter CMS into our organizations primary CMS. All the different parts of the page templates are separate xml snippets that get pull together and converted into html for production deployments. I am trying to find a way to export the page into xml to just get at the content. I don't need styles or js or images.
There are some built in web services and an ability to create custom ones. Is there any way to get the system to output xml or get the xml to give me a mapping of all the files so I can merge them myself?
Not sure if this will do what you want, but if you add &IsSoap=1 to the end of the URL then the request is returned in XML format. You can view the page data by using the following settings:
• IsJava
• IsSoap
• IsJson
• IsPageDebug
These may help as well. Here and here.
If this is for a Site Studio website, you should be able to turn on sitestudio section tracing, clear the server ouput, view the website page, refresh the output and it should show you details about the content items it retrieved.

How to retrieve Salesforce Page Layout Field Properties via API?

The Web interface coded in .NET (Grantee Portal for nonprofits applying for grants) is pulling information from the Salesforce Page Layout.
The Salesforce user we use to connect the Web interface with Salesforce via API has 'view all and edit all' rights
As it is now, if a field is defined as Read-Only on the Page Layout in Salesforce, it is still editable on the web page (the Salesforce User we use has to have 'view all and edit all' rights)
What we are trying to achieve:
IF a field is defined as Read-Only on the Salesforce Page Layout
THEN the same field should be Read-Only on the Web interface page
To achieve the above, I guess that I need to fetch the field property for the Page Layout via API. Any ideas on how to do so?
Thank you!
You'll need Metadata API (the set of webservices that let you add new objects, fields, picklist values or even create classes & run unit tests).
Here's the API Guide: http://www.salesforce.com/us/developer/docs/api_meta/index.htm
Depending on how often you modify layouts you might decide "screw it, I'll just use Eclipse IDE". In that case you'd download all page layouts (they're XML files), point your C# app to them and let the magic happen.
Slightly more advanced is to use Migration Tool (Ant / Java based application that can be scripted for periodic download of same stuff).
Super advanced would be to use this API guide to write it in C#. It's not rocket science (here's the specification for Page Layout object and here's the Java sample code for the operation that retrieves the metadata... sorry, no C#). Actually you might be better off looking at this example though: http://www.salesforce.com/us/developer/docs/api/Content/sforce_api_calls_describelayout.htm
Seeing that you'll probably want to cache this info somewhere anyway (I can't imagine your user coming to your page, having to wait for the webservice callout to complete, then having his UI rendered) - pick your poison.
Or share the work within the team (1 person kicks off with files downloaded with Eclipse, other tries to figure out the C# code to retrieve them on demand).

using Search Server 2010 Express web service results are returning .aspx pages instead of documents

I have a Search web reference (from a Search Server 2010 express install) in a vb.net application that is utilizing the QueryService Class to search a production Sharepoint foundation 2010 site.
At a previous point in time, we had created a proof of concept on an entirely test system that has since been turfed. From my recollection on this test system when documents were uploaded as a specific site content type (that inherits from document) and metadata was provided, we could search for specific metadata by making managed properties for each, and search results would be returned as documents (with the isdocument flag set to true). Viewing the document then became simple, as we could simply use the filename and path to display the stored file.
Now we are developing a production system and we have encountered a new behavior, where these results now are returned as aspx results such as
http://digitizaton/Company/Client Documents/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=1703
This of course makes it terribly difficult to locate and view the document, we can extract the Title which will then give us the name of the file with no extension, but that hardly helps, as the FileExtension data is aspx, not the documents file extension, so we don't have a full filename. We could display the page returned as a result, but would much prefer the document itself.
I've made a test document library, with just bare bones setup, (not using the site content type, or site columns) and uploaded some documents on the same site, and they are returned in the same fashion, so I don't believe the document library, or content type are the issue.
With a fairly limited understanding of both Sharepoint and Search Server, I don't know if this is a setup issue with the search service itself, with the site configuration, or with the querypacket I am sending. We also have a third party application (Knowledgelake) installed on the server that ties into sharepoint which could have changed configuration somewhere as well?
I don't think the query packet has changed since it was working in the proof of concept, other than the custom data column names. I will provide it here in case there is something glaringly obvious to an external reader.
<QueryPacket xmlns='urn:Microsoft.Search.Query.Document'>"
<QueryText type='MSSQLFT'>
SELECT Filename, Title, FileExtension, IsDocument, Path from Scope() WHERE ""Scope"" = 'Department1' AND CustomData = 'X' --
Any guidance would be incredibly appreciated. If I have not provided some relevant information, please let me know and I can track it down.
Thanks everyone
So now I feel like an idiot, I've searched for hours with no luck, and literally seconds after composing this post, I find the nugget of gold I've been searching for.
It appears that our primary file type, PDF, has a known issue with Sharepoint 2010, as shown at the following site.
and further to that, this registry entry setting is required to link it all together

Localization of a DotNetNuke website

I am working on a website in dnn. I want to change the language of website or particular page. So I download the language package for spanish(es-es),chinese(zh-cn) and install them from host. Next when I changed the language of browser then the website language didn't change. Working on dnn 5.0.
Please let me know how I can use language packages in dnn website.
For initial translations and maintenance of DotNetNuke translations, I recommend the use of OmegaT. It handles resx files directly. And content (such as HTML or Blogs) can be downloaded, translated and then uploaded thanks to the APIs of DNN (drop me a note if you need the scripts).
OmegaT stores the translations in it's memory (a TMX file, which is actually some kind of XML). It also uses Google Translate and similars, and has a fast user interface which increases translation speed a lot when compared against continously waiting for DotNetNuke to handle your updated resources.
More info on OmegaT. An example of a translated site and modules: site translated from Dutch into English
You should probably ask this in the DotNetNuke forums: http://www.dotnetnuke.com/tabid/795/default.aspx.
There's one dedicated forum for questions about language packs and localization. You will probably find your answer there: http://www.dotnetnuke.com/Community/Forums/tabid/795/forumid/77/scope/threads/Default.aspx
The language packs don't always have translations for everything on the site, especially content that you added yourself. You'll need to do two things to get them working properly:
Go to Admin > Languages, and enable the languages you want to use.
Open the Language Editor and start translating. Under each resource name, you will see an edit text box for the localized value, and a read-only text box for the default value. In most cases, you'll need to translate verbatim what you see under "default value".
We had to write our own menu provider to get the menu to do this - instead of going for the resource files we went for a database solution - other reasons applied to this as well - we also built an interface for doing this - as for things like the text/html module there are some third party builds that allow you to nationalize content. Apollo comes to mind Apollo Software they have some multilanguage modules
The language packs will typically only localize text used by the core such as "Login" and "Settings". It is designed so that you can have a site in a language other than English, not so you can have multiple languages on one site. You can easily have multiple portals, each with a different language.
In order to have multiple locales on one portal you will need to use a third party module or develop your own.