How to remove mail queue from cpanel? - cpanel

How to remove mail queue from cpanel?
I want to remove only spammed mail. Other client data are never lost his mail data.
From example: in my cpanel one domain is spamming and It will be affected to other client mail service. So, how to remove mail frozen email.

Please try with following command.
exim -bp|grep frozen|awk '{print $3}' |xargs exim -Mrm


WHM Debug Email Sending Issue

I have a WHM server - with several PHP scripts on it that send off emails. It used to work until apparently just recently. Now, it seems to have stopped sending emails from those scripts.
Given that I know there's no problem with the scripts themselves, how would I go about debugging why they're no longer being sent?
Here's what I know so far:
PHP Scripts should be fine, nothing has changed on them
Server does not appear on any spam blacklists
Test email script does not generate any errors, nor is there anything hung up in the WHM queue
Nothing shows up in the gmail accounts (regular or spam boxes) for what's supposed to have been sent.
Any ideas?
WHM 60 Build 35, CentOS 6
Please try to follow the instructions bellow which could help you in debbuging your email issue(s):
1) - check if you server has a valid hostname like host.domain.tld and that hostname actually points to the server's ip address
2) - check if you have rDNS setup correctly for your server's ip address and the reverse DNS should match the hostname
3) - Use Mail Queue Manager from WHM (in the left search in WHM got o Email -> Mail Queue Manager) and see if there are any emails in the mail queue there
4) - Use Mail Troubleshooter from WHM ( Email -> Mail Troubleshooter) and see what happens when you try to send an email to a gmail address
5) - You could check the Exim server logs by logging in via ssh and do a tail -f /var/log/exim_mainlog
Most probably your emails are in the server's mail queue and for some reason they are not delivered

How config Exim accept email form other server

I am trying config Exim to accept email sent from an other server, but I can not.
On my server, I can sent email to local user:
# echo "This is test 1." | mail -s Testing_1
so i want send an email to user_a (with add: from other domain (eg: gmail, yahoo)
I try sent an email from gmail account to, so check exim log (/var/log/exim_mainlog) nothing here?
maybe this email can't sent to my server with . Or Exim can't receive any email?
os: CentOs, dedicated!
Many times when you have a problem with exim, you can simply Google the word "exim" and the error message to find others who have had the same problem. Most of the time, whatever you find will be someone asking nearly the question as you in a webhosting forum and the fix for it later in the same thread. I searched for exim Failed to find user "system" from expanded string and found the full thread and the exact answer further down in that discussion.
Based on the results of that discussion thread, you appear to be using CPanel and its custom Exim configuration. Per the instruction in that thread, fix the entries in your /etc/userdomains and that problem will go away.

PHP mail() troubles Mac

I am trying to send an email from my mac using the php mail() function, but I cannot seem to get it to work. I can start sendmail from the terminal with no errors, and have edited my system's php.ini file found at /private/etc to set sendmail_path to /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i and uncommented it. I created a simple php script:
mail("<my email address>", "Test", "This is a Test Message", "From:" . "<another of my email addresses>");
echo "Mail Sent\n";
and I am running it from the terminal using php mail.php. It echoes "Mail Sent", however it seems that no email is being sent. It is getting lost somewhere, but I have no clue where. I have restarted Apache, double checked that sendmail is running, yet nothing works. Any ideas?
you can not send mail using "mail()" function from your localhost, for that you have to host your code on any hosting provider then you can send the mail from it
see this link for more information.
if you want to send mail from localhost then you go for specific API like, if you want to send mail using your gmail credential then try this php mailer

fix for X-Authentication-Warning

i am getting some line of message in /var/spool/mail/ec2-user log file, when alert mail is not delivering to the user by using cronjob .
all emails sent from my amazon ec2 server via php programs such as windows live mail would have following header message
X-Authentication-Warning: ec2-user set sender to email using -f
i m getting this problem from recently only, at the beginning i didnot face this problem
i m using following windows live mail configuration
ini_set('SMTP', "");
ini_set('smtp_port', "25");
ini_set('sendmail_from', "");
ini_set('Security','Enable TLS');

Send mail programmatically w/attachments is undeliverable

I am trying to send mail using from iis through a smart host (mailenable) and out through the internet. When I send mail without attachments it goes out just fine. When I send mail created the same way with an attachment the smart host gets an error sending the email.
"mailenable the remote server appears to have failed or to have rejected the contents of the message"
The smart host is correctly set up with reverse dns and MX records set up correctly. What am I missing?
Happens with .txt and .jpg files both - Attached using, attachmentname, mimetype)
The remote server is rejecting it
the smarthost is making an attempt
Sending attachments to the remote server using outlook works fine
I would concentrate on this portion of the error:
"...rejected the contents of the message"
.. since you have confirmed that sending mail works fine without the attachment.
What time of attachment is it?
How are you attaching it?
Have you checked with the server admin (might be yourself) to see what types of files may be sent through that system?
Be aware that a lot of mail servers rejects email with attachments with files .exe, .bat, .cmd, etc (executables) and zip files containing any of this files.
Can you send the same message with a standard SMTP mail client? Alternatively, can you send the same message using your code via a different mail server (i.e., Google's Gmail IMAP server)?