Message sent to Topic not forwarded by ActiveMQ - apache

Just wondering if anyone has come across this problem with ActiveMQ.
I am using network of brokers to forward messages using AMQ 5.11.0
<networkConnector name="linkToBrokerB" uri="static (tcp://(brokerAddress):61616)">
<queue physicalName="QueueName"/>
<topic physicalName="VirtualTopic.Message.Event.EventName"/>
when I queue a message on broker A it gets forwarded to broker B respective queue using the configuration above. However, it does not work for topics. When I send a topic to broker A it does not get forwarded to broker B Topic. I have a consumer on both brokers listening to that respective topic. If I try to forward messages using one or more queues it works without any issues, but I cannot figure out why it does not work for topics.
I tried using the ">" but it does not forward anything. I can see that the topic has a consumer and that broker B is connected to broker A in the "network" tab but it does not forward my topic as it does with my queues. I have also checked that the physical name used in the configuration is the same one as it appears under "topics" category
Any help would be appreciated


ActiveMQ Messages appear to be dequeued from one broker but not arrive at other in Network of Brokers

I have a network of brokers, whereby messages are produced from a Java app onto a small local broker in the field, this then has a static network destination for the queue pointing at a broker (in AWS), which has a consumer sat across all the queues for the remote brokers.
If there is any interruption in the connection, the remote broker will reconnect successfully. The issue is that in some cases, the remote broker will reconnect, the queue on the remote broker will appear to rack up the dequeue count, however the central broker to which it is meant to be forwarding doesn't show up an increasing enqueue for the queue.
The messages enqueued at the remote end are Persistent = YES, priority = 4. If I manually add a message on the broker with Persistent = Yes, the same behaviour exhibits. If I set persistent = NO, the message successfully hits the other end. If I restart the broker, the persistent messages flow again (although the ones it thought it was successfully sending are lost).
What situation could cause this loss of messages, and is there a configuration option that can be tweaked to fix this?
The configuration for the remote brokers is a standard AMQ install, with the following network connector defined:
<queue physicalName="cloud.${X.environment}.queue.${X.queuebase}"/>
The connection string for the static remote is:

How to listen to multiple brokers in activemq

I'm facing difficulty in finding a solution where my listener code in activemq should listen messages from multiple brokers. For an example: we have 4 brokers(1,2,3,4) which serves messages to consumers which is hosted in 4 servers (A,B,C,D). The consumerA should listen for response messages from broker1,2,3 & 4. If its finds the message, then consumerA should pick and process the message. If in case consumerA is down for any reason consumerB should listen to all 4 brokers.
Configuring failover transport in below way doesn't help me to achieve above design.,tcp://localhost:61717,tcp://localhost:61718,tcp://localhost:61719)?randomize=false,timeout=5000,maxReconnectAttempts=3
With above uri configuration my listener code only listens to broker on port 61716 and if the message is available on another broker say on port 61717 its not able to pick and process it. Any help will be really appreciated.
P.S: Is there any example for one consumer listening to multiple brokers at the same time?
As i'm not finding a solution from activemq for one consumer listening to multiple brokers, we have implemented a solution of creating multiple beans each pointing to one specific broker url. That way we are pointing to 4 urls from same server and from same listener configuration file.

Replicate Activemq Message to once server to another server activemq

Q: we want publish same message in different Activemq servers. can we have any approach. like we will publish once and activemq changes will give a forward that message to another instance.
or is there any way we can do it by the activemq config changes?
There is not much context in the question but a simple Topic together with Network of brokers should do that.
The idea is that you connect multiple brokers using "network of brokers", then messages sent to a topic will be available to all clients on all brokers throughout the network.
There are a lot of corner cases when it comes to network of brokers and topics, but it should do the work.

How Activemq Virtual topic subscription propagation in Network of brokers works?

Could somebody clarify behavior of activemq virtual topics in a context of Network of Brokers?
I have a confusion about subscription propagation.
For example, there is one broker which has network connector to another one. Lets say broker mq001 has following network connector open to the broker mq002:
<networkConnector name="connectorToRemoteBroker" uri="static:(tcp://mq002:61616)?maxReconnectAttempts=0" duplex="false" networkTTL="3" decreaseNetworkConsumerPriority="true">
Then I run consumer (A) to a Virtual topic on the broker mq001:
endpointURI: activemq:Consumer.A.VirtualTopic.tempTopic
I can notice some interesting behavior in the activemq console. First of all, there is no topic "VirtualTopic.tempTopic" created. However, there is queue (underlying physical queue of virtual topic) available - Consumer.A.VirtualTopic.tempTopic
And this queue has one active local consumer.
Then I start another consumer (B) to the same virtual topic but already on the broker 2 (mq002).
endpointURI - activemq:Consumer.B.VirtualTopic.tempTopic
If I take a look at activemq console on the broker 2 now. I still do not see any virtual topic available. There is another physical queue created Consumer.B.VirtualTopic.tempTopic which has one active consumer (also local for mq002).
When I take a look at console on the broker one I see two queues now:
Consumer.A.VirtualTopic.tempTopic - with an active local consumer
Consumer.B.VirtualTopic.tempTopic - with an active remote consumer.
So subscription propagation works on the level of physical queues at least. And because it is not an duplex it works from mq002 to mq001 only.
Then I publish message to the topic:
It is being consumed by both consumers on mq001 and mq002. Also there is finally topic available in the activemq console (VirtualTopic.tempTopic).
So each consumer consumed exactly one message. If I repeat it with bigger number of messages it still works the same. No duplicates arrived and there are also no lost messages. The number of enqueued messages on the each physical queue matches with the number on the virtual topic.
That is exactly behavior I would expect from a virtual topic in case of network of brokers.
But now the source of my confusion:
it is likely you will get duplicate messages if you use the default
network configuration. This is because a network node will not only
forward message sent to the virtual topic, but also the associated
physical queues.
First of all I have not seen any duplicates, and it worked well. But what would happen if I will follow the advice and disable the physical queue destination?
<networkConnector name="connectorToRemoteBroker" uri="static:(tcp://mq002:61616)?maxReconnectAttempts=0" duplex="false" networkTTL="3" decreaseNetworkConsumerPriority="true">
<queue physicalName="Consumer.*.VirtualTopic.>"/>
Then when I do start consumers, I do not see remote consumer anymore listening to the physical queue Consumer.B on the broker mq001. And if I publish a messages to the virtual topic, then it is consumed by Consumer.A (local) only. So it looks like subscription propagation is ignored for virtual topics and works on the physical queues only.
It looks for me like activemq documentation is a little bit outdated. Can anybody confirm or refute it?
Thanks in advance!
So your tests above are correct.
I just updated the docs to specify that you can get the dups when using both traditional topic subscribers AND virtual topic subscribers to the same destination over the network. That means, in your example, if I had a topic subscriber to "VirtualTopic.tempTopic" on mq002 as well as a consumer to queue "Consumer.B.VirtualTopic.tempTopic" then I can end up with dups. Hope that's clears things up. If you're using ONLY queue-based subscribers, then don't exclude the queue-based demand forwarding.
I have written a unit test that you can take a look at here:

activemq failover : primary node recover consumers?

I am new to activemq. I have configured two servers of activemq and using them in failover transport. They are working fine. I mean if one activemq goes down another pick up the queues. My problem is when main server comes up it do not restore the queues. Is there any such configuration or protocol that can manage it if main server is up then consumers should come back to to it.
Currently my configuration is :
<transportConnector name="openwire" uri="tcp://" updateClusterClients="true" rebalanceClusterClients="true"/>
<networkConnector uri="static:(tcp://"
decreaseNetworkConsumerPriority="true" />
and my connection uri is :
Also i want to send mail in case of failover occurs so that i could know if activemq is down.
What you have configured there is not a true HA deployment, but a network of brokers. If you have two brokers configured in a network, each has its own message store, which at any time contains a partial set of messages (see how networks of brokers work).
The behaviour that you would likely expect to see is that if one broker falls over, the other takes its place resuming from where the failed one left off (with all of the undelivered messages that the failed broker held). For that you need to use a (preferably shared-storage) master-slave configuration.
I have done that. And posting solution in case any one is having same problem.
This feature is available in activemq 5.6. priorityBackup=true in connection url is the key to tell to tell consumer to come back on primary node if available.
My new connection uri is :
see here for more details.