I have the following code. I debugged and got that the problem is with the IF inside the for.
The exact error is: Run Time Error 438 - Object Doesn't Support this Property or Method
Any clues what it could be?
I appreciate any help.
Sub dimensiones()
Dim Hoja1 As Object
Dim Hoja2 As Object
Set Hoja1 = Worksheets("INPUT")
Set Hoja2 = Worksheets("OUTPUT")
Dim inicio_filas As Integer
Dim col_s1 As Integer
Dim col_s2 As Integer
Dim limite_filas As Integer
Dim m As Integer
col_s1 = 38
col_s2 = col_s1 + 2
inicio_filas = 3
limite_filas = 1000
Dim k As Integer
k = inicio_filas
For i = inicio_filas To limite_filas
For m = 1 To col_s2 - 1
Hoja2.Cells(k, m) = Hoja1.Cells(i, m)
Next m
k = k + 1
If Hoja1(i, col_s2) <> "" Then
For m = 1 To col_s1 - 1
Hoja2.Cells(k, m) = Hoja1.Cells(i, m)
Next m
Hoja2.Cells(k, col_s2) = Hoja1.Cells(i, col_s2)
Hoja2.Cells(k, col_s2 + 1) = Hoja1.Cells(i, col_s2 + 1)
Hoja2.Cells(k, col_s2 + 2) = Hoja1.Cells(i, col_s2 + 2)
k = k + 1
End If
Next i
End Sub
Got it, noob error but forgot the Cells command missing when looking for Hoja1.Cells(i,col_s2)
Whenever I want to find out a grade in the program I made.
It highlights the statement k = k + 1 and says:
Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow
Can someone help?
Sub SearchStudentData()
Dim Sname, G As String
Dim Lname, Lgradetext, position, j, k, position1 As Integer
Dim gradefile As IO.StreamReader
Dim Valid As Boolean
Valid = False
Console.WriteLine("Enter the name of the student of whom you want the grade!")
Sname = Console.ReadLine()
Lname = Len(Sname)
gradefile = New IO.StreamReader("D:\Grades.txt")
Do Until gradefile.EndOfStream
gradetext = gradefile.ReadLine()
Lgradetext = Len(gradetext)
j = 0
k = 0
k = k + 1 'It highlights this line of code
position1 = k
Loop Until Mid(gradetext, k, 1) = ":"
j = j + 1
position = j
Loop Until Mid(Lgradetext, j, 1) = ","
If Sname = Right(gradetext, position1 + 1) And Sname = Left(gradetext, position - 1) Then
Valid = True
End If
If Valid = True Then
G = Right(Lgradetext, Lgradetext - 1)
Valid = False
Console.WriteLine("Ypu have failed this PROGRAM")
End If
End Sub
Your input is not what you expected. The line from your file has no ":" or "," in it, resulting in an infinite loop, and eventually the error when the counter goes past the max. You could use String.IndexOf() to determine if the value is present, instead of a loop. When the value is not present, -1 will be returned. Here's an example:
Dim indexOfColon As Integer = gradetext.IndexOf(":")
Dim indexOfComma As Integer = gradetext.IndexOf(",")
If indexOfColon <> -1 AndAlso indexOfComma <> -1 Then
' ... both ":" and "," were present in the string, do something with those values ...
End If
I have the following function that when I run it says #value! error.
I would appreciate any help.
Function Bootstrap(S As Object, Z As Object, L As Double)
Dim j As Integer
Dim a() As Double
Dim b() As Double
Dim n As Integer
Dim Q() As Double
Dim sum As Double
Dim P As Double
ReDim a(1 To n)
ReDim b(1 To n)
ReDim Q(1 To n)
dt = 1
sum = 0
Q(0) = 0
For j = 1 To n - 1
S.Cells(j, 1).Value = a(j)
Z.Cells(j, 2).Value = b(j)
P = Z(j) * (L * Q(j-1) - (L + dt * a(n) * Q(j))
sum = sum + P
Next j
Bootstrap = sum
End Function
Bootstrapping function calculates the following value
In fact I am trying to calculate this formula
Q(t,Tn)=(∑(j=1)to(n-1) Z(t,Tj)[LQ(t,Tj-1)-(L+dtSn)Q(t,Tj)]/[Z(t,Tn)(L+dt*Sn)] +(Q(t,Tn-1)L)/(L+dtSn)
Inputs given are[S1 ,S2,….Sn ],[Z(t,T1),Z(t,T2)…..Z(t,Tn)]and and L=0.4
Try this code : entered as =Bootstrap(A1:B1,A2:B2,0.4)
I have corrected the following
- Assigning the ranges to variants
- defining dt as double
- Dim Q() as 0 to n
- using A() and b() in the formula
- the input ranges are rows not columns
Function Bootstrap(S As Range, Z As Range, L As Double) As Double
Dim j As Integer
Dim a As Variant
Dim b As Variant
Dim n As Integer
Dim Q() As Double
Dim sum As Double
Dim P As Double
Dim dt As Double
n = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(S.Columns.Count, Z.Columns.Count)
a = S.Value
b = Z.Value
dt = 1
sum = 0
ReDim Q(0 To n)
Q(0) = 0
For j = 1 To n - 1
P = b(1, j) * (L * Q(j - 1)) - (L + dt * a(1, j) * Q(j - 1))
sum = sum + P
Q(j) = sum
Next j
Bootstrap = sum
End Function
Take the habit to format and increment your code, especially before posting it!
You need to type the output of the function (on the line of the function name)
A parenthesis is missing from the line P = Z(j) * (L*Q(j-1)-(L+ dt * a(n) * Q(j))
n is empty (and so are a, b and Q) when you try to redim your arrays, so you need to define them!
Z(j) will also give you an error, because it is a Range, you need Z.Cells(i,j)
Try this :
Function Bootstrap(S As Range, Z As Range, L As Double) As Double
Dim j As Integer
Dim a() As Double
Dim b() As Double
Dim n As Integer
Dim Q() As Double
Dim sum As Double
Dim P As Double
n = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(S.Columns.count, Z.Columns.count)
a = S.Value
b = Z.Value
dt = 1
sum = 0
ReDim Q(1 To n)
Q(0) = 0
'Q(1) = "??"
For j = 1 To n - 1
P = b(1, j) * (L * Q(j - 1)) - (L + dt * a(1, j) * Q(j - 1))
sum = sum + P
Q(j) = sum
Next j
Bootstrap = sum
End Function
I'll start off by saying i have jut started teaching myself VBA about a week ago, so I may not be asking the right question, but...
I am attempting to write a loop in Word VBA that will increment a number calculated partially from text retrieved from bookmarks. I want it to round up to the nearest .05, so .87 becomes .90 and .21 becomes .25.
The module that I have written follows:
A = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("SRebateIncome").Range.Text
B = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("RebateDefault").Range.Text
C = ((A - 6000) * 0.15)
D = B - C
E = B + D
F = (18200 + ((445 + E) / 0.19)) + 1
G = (0.19 * 18200) + 445 + E + (37000 * (0.015 + 0.325 - 0.19))
H = (G / (0.015 + 0.325)) + 1
I = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("TRebateIncome").Range.Text
If F < 37000 = True Then
J = (0.125 * (I - F))
J = (0.125 * (I - H))
End If
K = E - J
K = Format(Round(K, 2), "###,##0.00")
'round K up to the nearest .00 or .05
If K <> "###,###.#0" = False or K <> "###,###.#5") = False Then
K = K + 0.01
Loop Until K = "###,###.#0" = True or K <> "###,###.#5") = True
End If
Set RebateOutput = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("RebateOutput").Range
RebateOutput.Text = K
Now assuming that the value input for bookmarks "SRebateIncome", "RebateDefault" and "TRebateIncome" are 10175, 1602 and 43046 respectively, I expected the output to be 1460.80, but instead "K" is returned as 1460.78.
At this stage I don't know anything about using Excel within word (except copy/paste a spreadsheet into a document and I don't want to do that with this).
Any help would be appreciated
You can do it with an excel object and the Ceiling function
Option Explicit
Sub RoundText()
Dim dblSRebateIncome As Double
Dim dblRebateDefault As Double
Dim dblTRebateIncome As Double
Dim dblFinal As Double
Dim rngOutput As Range
Dim oExcel As Object
' Load the variables
Set oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set rngOutput = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("RebateOutput").Range
dblSRebateIncome = CDbl(ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("SRebateIncome").Range.Text)
dblRebateDefault = CDbl(ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("RebateDefault").Range.Text)
dblSRebateIncome = CDbl(ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("TRebateIncome").Range.Text)
dblFinal = GetCalculatedValue(dblSRebateIncome, dblRebateDefault, dblTRebateIncome)
dblFinal = oExcel.worksheetfunction.Ceiling(dblFinal, 0.05)
rngOutput.Text = Format$(dblFinal, "###,##0.00")
End Sub
Function GetCalculatedValue(ByVal dblSIncome As Double, _
ByVal dblDefault As Double, _
ByVal dblTIncome) As Double
' Declare all the intermediate variables.
Dim c As Double, d As Double, e As Double
Dim f As Double, g As Double, h As Double
Dim j As Double, ret As Double
' Perform the complicated calculation
c = ((dblSIncome - 6000) * 0.15)
d = dblDefault - c
e = dblDefault + d
f = (18200 + ((445 + e) / 0.19)) + 1
g = (0.19 * 18200) + 445 + e + (37000 * (0.015 + 0.325 - 0.19))
h = (g / (0.015 + 0.325)) + 1
If f < 37000 Then
j = (0.125 * (dblTIncome - f))
j = (0.125 * (dblTIncome - h))
End If
ret = e - j
' Return the value of the fucntion
GetCalculatedValue = ret
End Function
Hope this helps. :)
Dim x As Double
x = 1.111 'E.g.
Debug.Print Round(x * 20, 0)/20 '>> 1.10
I am creating a function in Excel VBA. I am trying to set a variable equal to the first cell in a selection on the worksheet. Basically the equivalent of something like
x = Worksheets("Data").Range("D2").Offset(i - 1, 0)
y = Worksheets("Data").Range("E2").Offset(i - 1, 0)
z = Worksheets("Data").Range("F2").Offset(i - 1, 0)
except I want "Range("D2")" E2 and F2 to instead refer to the first, second and third cell of whatever I've got highlighted on the sheet, rather than a preset cell.
The specific code I've got is:
Function VarunModel(Table As Range, Optional EndCondition As Integer = 0) As Variant
Dim iNumCols As Integer, iNumRows As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim SelectedRange As Range
Set SelectedRange = Selection
iNumCols = Table.Columns.Count
iNumRows = Table.Rows.Count
maturity = Worksheets("KMV-Merton").Range("B2").Value
For i = 1 To iNumRows
equity(i) = SelectedRange.Cells(1).Value
debt(i) = SelectedRange.Cells(2).Value
riskFree(i) = Selection.Cells(3).Value
Next i
Dim equityReturn As Variant: ReDim equityReturn(2 To iNumRows)
Dim sigmaEquity As Double
Dim asset() As Double: ReDim asset(1 To iNumRows)
Dim assetReturn As Variant: ReDim assetReturn(2 To iNumRows)
Dim sigmaAsset As Double, meanAsset As Double
Dim x(1 To 1) As Double, n As Integer, prec As Double, precFlag As Boolean, maxDev As Double
For i = 2 To iNumRows: equityReturn(i) = Log(equity(i) / equity(i - 1)): Next i
sigmaEquity = WorksheetFunction.StDev(equityReturn) * Sqr(260)
sigmaAsset = sigmaEquity * equity(iNumRows) / (equity(iNumRows) + debt(iNumRows))
NextItr: sigmaAssetLast = sigmaAsset
For iptr = 1 To iNumRows
x(1) = equity(iptr) + debt(iptr)
n = 1
prec = 0.00000001
Call NewtonRaphson(n, prec, x, precFlag, maxDev)
asset(iptr) = x(1)
Next iptr
For i = 2 To iNumRows: assetReturn(i) = Log(asset(i) / asset(i - 1)): Next i
sigmaAsset = WorksheetFunction.StDev(assetReturn) * Sqr(260)
meanAsset = WorksheetFunction.Average(assetReturn) * 260
If (Abs(sigmaAssetLast - sigmaAsset) > prec) Then GoTo NextItr
Dim disToDef As Double: disToDef = (Log(asset(iNumRows) / debt(iNumRows)) + (meanAsset - sigmaAsset ^ 2 / 2) * maturity) / (sigmaAsset * Sqr(maturity))
Dim defProb As Double: defProb = WorksheetFunction.NormSDist(-disToDef)
VarunModel = defProb
End Function
Try the below code
Dim SelectedRange As Range
Set SelectedRange = Selection
x = SelectedRange.Cells(1).Value
y = SelectedRange.Cells(2).Value
z = SelectedRange.Cells(3).Value
try this:
Dim Row as integer
Dim Col as Integer
Row = 2
Col = 4 'column "D"
x = Worksheets("Data").cells(row, col).Offset(i - 1, 0)
col = col + 1
y = Worksheets("Data").cells(row, col).Offset(i - 1, 0)
col = col + 1
z = Worksheets("Data").cells(row, col).Offset(i - 1, 0)
See the example below for using the selection on the excel, you can control the column you want by changing the column index. If you select only 1 cell, it will also work:
Sub Solution()
x = Selection.Cells(1, 0) 'By using the zero index on the column, it will get the left cell from the selected one.
y = Selection.Cells(2, 0)
Z = Selection.Cells(3, 0)
End Sub
I am attempting to write a macro that matches up x/y coordinates to ellipses that they fit into. I get the automation error at the "Else" line in my code. I have reviewed a lot of other posts but I can't figure out what is wrong with my code. Any assistance is much appreciated. Thank you!
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim XR As Integer
Dim XC As Integer
Dim YR As Integer
Dim YC As Integer
Dim areaR As Integer
Dim areaC As Integer
Dim hR As Integer
Dim hC As Integer
Dim kR As Integer
Dim kC As Integer
Dim aR As Integer
Dim aC As Integer
Dim bR As Integer
Dim bC As Integer
Dim angleR As Integer
Dim angleC As Integer
Dim matchR As Integer
Dim matchC As Integer
XR = 2
XC = 1
YR = 2
YC = 2
Do Until ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(XR, XC).Value = ""
areaR = 2
areaC = 6
hR = 2
hC = 7
kR = 2
kC = 8
aR = 2
aC = 9
bR = 2
bC = 10
angleR = 2
angleC = 11
matchR = XR
matchC = 12
Do Until ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(hR, hC).Value = ""
If (((((ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(XR, XC).Value) _
- (ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(hR, hC).Value)) * _
Cos((ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(angleR, angleC).Value)) _
+ ((ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(YR, YC).Value) - _
(ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(kR, kC).Value)) * Sin _
((ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(angleR, angleC).Value))) ^ 2) _
/ ((Cells(aR, aC).Value) ^ 2)) + (((((Cells(XR, XC).Value) - _
(Cells(hR, hC).Value)) * Sin((ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells _
(angleR, angleC).Value)) - ((ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(YR, YC).Value) _
- (ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(kR, kC).Value)) _
* Cos((Cells(angleR, angleC).Value))) ^ 2) / ((Cells(bR, bC).Value) ^ 2)) _
<= 1 Then
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(matchR, matchC).Value = _
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(areaR, areaC)
areaR = areaR + 1
hR = hR + 1
kR = kR + 1
aR = aR + 1
bR = bR + 1
angleR = angleR + 1
End If
XR = XR + 1
YR = YR + 1
End Sub
That's a lot of code, and doing direct math with cell reference values is very hard to read...probably even for you.
It may not be much of an answer, but if you create variables (yes, more variables), inside your loops, then your code will be easier to read for everyone and very possibly your error will emerge.
So instead of using ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(XR, XC).Value in your calculation, first do this: X = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(XR, XC).Value
But don't stop there. Include intermediate variable that will self-describe your code and the calculation process.
This will hopefully allow you to see the code for what it really does.
isMatch = cosX <= 1
If isMatch Then
And, by the way, my suspission is that your error is coming from the fact that you are not qualifying all of your Cells methods with a sheets reference.