SQL Developer Commit - sql

I'm using Oracle SQL Developer tool, version 3.0.02 and I'm having some trouble understanding the following: if I Commit an update and the time response is '0 seconds' the commit is done properly? Because it happened a few times and the DB wasn't updated. I don't know if it's a coincidence or not. When I commit for the second time(just to be sure) after it shows me '0 seconds', it appears '0,016 seconds' and the update shows correctly. But I don't wanna commit 4 times in a row just to get it right. What do you guys think about this? Oh and it doesn't give me no errors.
Thank you in advance

The time taken by commit has nothing to do with any malfunctioning. The work is done by the query and commit just notes somewhere in the metadata that the transaction is finished. Commit does almost anything(just force to save on the disk some log files). If something gets wrong (i.e. commit don't work) you'll get an error.
The absence of the error signals that everything is ok, the database has done all you have asked to it.
For example, your updates may do nothing:
UPDATE db SET user='name' where file='name_of_file' and answer='okay' ;
if there is no file named 'name_of_the_file' with answer = 'okay' the database will do no work. And nothing to commit.
For the sake of a complete answer i'll add these points from this blog:
When a transaction is committed, the following occurs:
The internal transaction table for the associated undo table space records that the transaction has committed, and the
corresponding unique system change number (SCN) of the transaction is
assigned and recorded in the table
The log writer process (LGWR) writes redo log entries in the SGA's redo log buffers to the redo log file. It also writes the
transaction's SCN to the redo log file. This atomic event constitutes
the commit of the transaction
Oracle releases locks held on rows and tables
Oracle marks the transaction complete

You can check Oracle documentation to learn why commit is such a fast operation (rollback takes much longer, it has to refer to undo segments).
'Lost' commits may happen if somebody else commits their data, which appears to be the same as the 'old' data for you.


Undoing sql scripts

I have a problem to solve which requires undo operation of each executed sql file in Oracle Database.
I execute them in an xml file with MSBuild - exec command sqlplus with log in and #*.sql.
Obviously rollback won't do, because it can't rollback already commited transaction.
I have been searching for several days and still can't find the answer. What I learned is Oracle Flashback and Point in Time Recovery. The problem is that I want the changes to be undone only for the current user i.e. if another user makes some changes at the same time then my solution performs undo only on user 'X' not 'Y'.
I found the start_scn and commit_scn in flashback_transaction_query. But does it identify only one user? What if I flashback to a given SCN? Will that undo only for me or for other users as well? I have taken out
select start_scn from flashback_transaction_query WHERE logon_user='MY_USER_NAME'
WHERE table_name = "MY_TABLE NAME"
and performed
FLASHBACK TO SCN"here its number"
on a chosen operation's SCN. Will that work for me?
I also found out about Point in Time Recovery but as I read it makes the whole database unavailable so other users will be unable to work with it.
So I need something that will undo a whole *.sql file.
This is possible but maybe not with the tools that you use. sqlplus can rollback your transaction, you just have to make sure auto commit isn't enabled and that your scripts only contain a single commit right before you end the sqlplus session (if you don't commit at all, sqlplus will always roll back all changes when it exits).
The problems start when you have several scripts and you want, for example, to rollback a script that you ran yesterday. This is a whole new can of worms and there is no general solution that will always work (it's part of the "merge problem" group of problems, i.e. how can you merge transactions by different users when everyone can keep transactions open for as long as they like).
It can be done but you need to carefully design your database for it, the business rules must be OK with it, etc.
To general approach would be to have a table which contains the information which rows were modified (= created,updated,deleted) by the script plus the script name plus the time when it was executed.
With this information, you can generate SQL which can undo the changes created by a script. To fill such a table, use triggers or generate your scripts in such a way that they write this information as well (note: This is probably beyond a "simple" sqlplus solution; you will have to write your own data loader for this).
Ok I solved the problem by creating a DDL and DML TRIGGER. The first one takes "extra" column (which is the DDL statement you have just entered) from v$open_cursor and inserts into my table. The second gets "undo_sql" from flashback_transaction_query which is the opposite action of your DML action - if INSERT then undo_sql is DELETE with all necessary data.
Triggers work before DELETE,INSERT (DML) on specific table and ALTER,DROP,CREATE (DDL) on specific SCHEMA or VIEW.

How to stop oracle undo process?

I want to know how to stop undo process of oracle ? I tried to delete millions of rows of a big table and in the middle of process I killed session but It started to undo delete and for a bout two hours database got dramatically slow. I didn't want the undo process to be continued. Is there any way to stop it ?
You can't stop the process of rolling back the transaction because doing so would leave the database in an inconsistent state.
When you are executing a long-running delete process, Oracle will likely be writing the changed blocks to your data files before you decide whether to commit or rollback the transaction. If you interrupted the process in the middle of executing the transaction, there will be some changed blocks on disk, some changed blocks in memory, and some unchanged blocks. Rolling back the transaction is the only way to return the database to the state it was in before you started executing the DELETE statement.
Row-by-row delete processes can, as you've found, be exceedingly slow. If the deletions are all done in a single transaction, as appears to be the case here, they can become even slower. You might want to consider the following options:
If you're deleting all the rows in the table you might want to consider using the TRUNCATE TABLE statement.
If you're not deleting all the rows in the table you should probably change your procedure to COMMIT after a certain number of rows are deleted.
In the meantime you're going to have to wait until that rollback process completes.
Share and enjoy.
and when you try truncating the table while it's still deleting you'll be seeing an ORA-00054 "resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified or timeout expired"

batch procedure, when to commit transactions?

I'm pretty new to PL-SQL although I've got lots of db experience with other RDBMS's. Here's my current issue.
procedure CreateWorkUnit
update workunit
set workunitstatus = 2 --workunit loaded
and workunitstatus = 1 --workunit created;
--commit here?
call loader; --loads records based on status, will have a commit of its own
update workunit wu
set workunititemcount = (select count(*) from workunititems wui where wui.wuid = wu.wuid)
where workunitstatus = 2
So the behaviour I'm seeing, with or without commit statements is that I have to execute twice. Once to flip the statuses, then the loader will run on the second execution. I'd like it all to run in one go.
I'd appreciate any words of oracle wisdom.
When to commit transactions in a batch procedure? It is a good question, although it only seems vaguely related to the problems with the code you post. But let's answer it anyway.
We need to commit when the PL/SQL procedure has completed a unit of work. A unit of work is a business transaction. This would normally be at the end of the program, the last statement before the EXCEPTION section.
Sometimes not even then. The decision to commit or rollback properly lies with the top of the calling stack. If our PL/SQL is being called from a client (may a user clicking a button on a screen) then perhaps the client should issue the commit.
But it is not unreasonable for a batch process to manage its own commit (and rollback in the case of errors). But the main point is that the only the toppermost procedure should issue COMMIT. If a procedure calls other procedures those called programs should not issue commits or rollbacks. If they should handle any errors (log etc) and re-raise them to the calling program. Let it decode whether to rollback. Because all the called procedures run in the same session and hence the same transaction: a rollback in a called program will revert all the changes in the batch process. That's not right. The same reasoning applies to commits.
You will sometimes read advice on using intermittent commits to break up long running processes into smaller units e.g. every 1000 inserts. This is bad advice for several reasons, not all of them related to transactions. The pertinent ones are:
Issuing a commit frees locks on resources. This is the cause of ORA-1555 Snapshot too old errors.
It also affects read consistency, which only applies at the statement and/or transaction level. This is the cause of ORA-1002 Fetch out of sequence errors.
It affects re-startability. If the program fails having processed 30% of the records, can we be confident it will only process the remaining 70% when we re-run the batch?
Once we commit records other sessions can see those changes: does it make sense for other users to see a partially changed view of the data?
So, the words of "Oracle wisdom" are: always align the database transaction with the business transaction, with a single commit per unit of work.
Somebody mentioned autonmous transactions as a way of issuing commits in sub-processes. This is usually a bad idea. Changes made in an autonomous transaction are visible to other sessions but not to our own. That very rarely makes sense. It also creates the same problems with re-startability which I discussed earlier.
The only acceptable use for automomous transactions is recording activity (error log, trace, audit records). We need that data to persist regardless of what happens in the wider transaction. Any other use of the pragma is almost certainly a workaround for a porr design, which actually just makes the problem worse.
You may not need to commit in pl/sql procedure. the procedures that you call inside another procedure will use same session so you don't need to commit. by the way procedure must completely rollback if it session rollbacked or has an exception.
I mis-classfied my problem. I thought this was a transaction problem and really it was one of my flags not being set as expected.A number field was null when I was expecting 0.
Sorry for that.
Josh Robinson

When is a row actually inserted into DB?

When is a row actually inserted into the database? Is it when "INSERT" statement is finished? or when "COMMIT" statement is finished after "INSERT" statement?
Later than you think. The principles here apply generally.
The whole point of the transaction log is to ensure ACID works in case of a power failure just as the INSERT finishes. The INSERT will be rolled forward or rolled back as part of the recovery phase (in most RDBMS)
So, it's more important that the transaction log entry is acknowledged as stored on the media. Then the INSERT can commit.
The data page containing the changed row will end up on disk eventually (checkpoint etc) but not necessarily at the point of successful commit.
However, the data page is in memory and available for use.
Note, an INSERT could cause a page split, indexes to be updated, triggers to fire etc so what I've said is simplified.
And it doesn't matter one way or the other when the data ends up on disk: as long as I can get the data and it's safe in case of, say, power failure
An oldie but still relevant for SQL Server: SQL Server 2000 I/O Basics
And what I've summarized is Write Ahead Logging
If you are running inside a transaction, when the transaction is committed. Otherwise, immediately.
Depends on the database/table implementation. It might just be when the transaction log is integrated - until which time the row is only inserted in the transaction log, and in memory.

Update a newly created row before final commit

insert into XYZ(col1, col2) values (1,2)
update XYZ set ... where col1 = 1
As in can see in the above code, we havent yet commited our insert statement, and we performed an update operation on the same row, and finally we commit the whole batch.
What exactly would happen in this case? Are there any chances of losing data in this scenario?
your session is always able to see its own modifications, even before you issue a commit.
the newly inserted row would by updated.
The only way you can "lose data" would be an interruption before the commit, in which case no operations would happen at all
The important words in Vincent's response are "your session".
A separate session will only see the unmodified data until you commit. That's part of read consistency means.
Depending on the frameworks and tools you're using, your session may get a lock on the record when you perform the update, preventing other sessions from updating it until you commit or rollback.
For further reading, here is a link to the "Data Concurrency and Consistency" section of the excellent Oracle Concepts Guide 10gR2
Infact All transactions are stored in Rollback Segmant with in Table space memory of that particular instance.. A Rollback segment is a storage space within a table space that holds transaction information used to guarantee data integrity during a ROLLBACK and used to provide read consistency across multiple transactions.