SSMS Intellisense is not consistent - sql

I have a problem with my SSMS. For every 5 minutes of interval Intellisense
is not working. Is there something wrong with my SSMS software or something wrong with the local server.
I won't say it is not working but it is not consistent. Can anyone give me a insight of whats the problem.
I tired Refreshing Local cache(Ctrl+shift+R) with no luck. For next 5 minutes it will work then it wont work.

You can install sqlcompletefree.exe for the Intellisense. It's free version of Sql Server intellisense.
You will get it from the below link
dbForge SQL Complete Express

If SQL server you are connected to is very busy with CPU or IO intensive load, intellisense may be lagging as well. As it is async, you may be happily typing away, but not getting any code completion. I found that due to an extreme case where the host was pinning CPU and SQL server was slow, but ran queries fine, while intellisense did not work at all. As soon as I got the admin to kill the runaway service, intellisense immediately started working again, while "small" query performance hardly changed.


ColdFusion 11 to 2018 Upgrade -- Server Locking Up, How to Test Better?

We are currently testing an upgrade from CF11 to CF2018 for my company's intranet. To give you an idea how long this site has been running, our first version of CF was 3.1! It is still using application.cfm, and there is code from 1998, when I started writing this thing. Yes, 21 years -- I'm astonished, too. It is a hodgepodge of all kinds of older frameworks, too, including Fusebox.
Anyway, we're running Win 2012 VM connected to a SQL 2016 farm. Everything looked OK initially, but in the Week I've been testing, the server has come to a slowdown once (a page took more than 5 seconds to run, something that usually takes 100ms, no DB involvement), and another time, the server came to a grinding halt. The only way I could restart CF App service was by connecting to the server with another server via Services, because doing it via Remote Desktop was so slow.
Now keep in mind -- it's just me testing. This is a site that doesn't have a ton of users, but still, having 5 concurrent connections is normal and there are upwards of 200-400 users hitting this thing every day.
I have FusionReactor running on this thing now, so the next time a lockup happens, I will be able to take a closer look, but what do you think is the best way I can test this? Our site is mostly transactional, users going and filling out forms to put internal orders through. We also connect to XML web services and REST services; we also provide REST services, too. Obviously there's no way to completely replicate a production server's requests onto a test server, but I need to do more thorough testing. Any advice would be hugely appreciated.
I realize your focus for now is trying to recreate the problem on test. That may not be as easy as hoped. Instead, you should be able to understand and resolve it in production. FusionReactor can help, but the answer may well be in the cf logs.
You don't mention assessing the logs at the time of the hangup. See especially the coldfusion-error log, for outofmemory conditions.
You mention raising the heap, but the problem may be with the metaspace instead. If so, consider simply removing the maxmetaspace setting in the jvm args. That may be the sole and likely cause of such new and unexpected outages.
Or if it's not, and there's nothing in the logs at the time, THEN do consider FR. Does IT show anything happening at the time?
If not then consider a need to tune the cf/web server connector. I assume you're using iis. How many sites do you have? And how many connectors (folders in the cf config/wsconfig folder)? What are the settings in their file? Are they optimized for the number of sites using that connector?
Also, have you updated cf2018? Are there any errors in the update error log? Did you update the web server connector also?
Are you running the cf2018 pmt (performance monitoring tool set)? Have you updated it?
There could be still more to consider, but let's see how it goes with those. I have blog posts on these and many more topics that would elaborate on things, both at my site ( and the Adobe cf portal (
But let's hear if any of this gets you going.

SqlDataAdapter.Fill suddenly taking a long time

I have an application with a central DataTier that can execute a query to a data table using an SQLDataAdapter. None of this code has changed but now all queries are taking at least 10x as long to execute a query returning even one record.
The only difference is that I have been using the app in a VM but the issue has started mid way through using the application. eg, the speed issue has not manifested itself from the start of using the VM, rather half way through.
Has anyone else had an issue with the SQL Data Adapter taking a long time to fill for no reason? executing the query in Management studio it runs in less than a second.
Firewalls are disabled
ok, after another half day wasted on this it seems to be an issue relating to networking on the Virtual PC.
I have seen a massive improvement by changing the network adapter in the VM to Shared NAT and no longer experience the long delay when populating data tables.
Its obviously having an issue resolving the SQL server.
For anyone else that stumbles across this post here are the settings

SQL Query hangs and makes version store grow

First of, I apologize if this is the wrong place for this questions, but I haven't found any other location that might help me out.
I have a query that is running on a sql server that keeps running indefinitely and as a result the version store on SQL Server grows and tempdb grows as well. Currently I don't have the source code.
I would like to get a few pointers for where to search for the cause of this problem.
In activity monitor all I see is a process with a taskstate of SUSPENDED, and Wait Type of ASYNC_NETWORK_IO_WRITELOG. I'm running this on SQL Server 2008.
Again sorry if this is the wrong place for asking this.
First, I've got no experience with SQL2008, but from my experience with SQL2000, it managed itself sometimes into nasty locking situations running multicore environment. I would try rerun query with Option (MAXDOP 1). Cost you almost nothing to check it out.
At least with older SQL Server versions a SELECT could be blocked by other sessions, so I would suspect something like that in your case (even though your mentioning the "version store" which seems to indicate that you have enabled the new snapshot isolation mode).
Running sp_who2 will give you more details about whether it is a blocking problem or not

sql 2008 express slow on first request? Goes to sleep?

I have read somewhere about SQL express running as a user instance or something.. and as such, the instance/service "goes to sleep" if not used for x time.. (don't know the actual timings etc)
So the scenario is:
If my website (in this case) doesn't have anyone using it for "a few hours", SQL Express "seems" to go to sleep.
The next time someone comes along (after the pause for however long), the initial response takes quite a few seconds more to action.
Subsequent requests directly after the initial one seem very fast.. again until there is a pause "for a few hours" or whatever the timing is?
Any ideas? if so, any examples/directions of what to do?
Yes, there is the so called RANU instance, which is what you get when you specify User Instance=True in the connection string. Read more about this in SQL Server 2005 Express Edition User Instances. I would recommend you stay as far away as possible from anything related to User Instances. They are impossible to debug and troubleshoot when things go wrong, they sometimes have a ramp up time to create the new instance of minutes, and they really offer no advantage in the real world. Besides, they are deprecated in SQL Server Express 2008.
If you're using SQL Express 2008 and you do not specify User Instance=True in your connection string then you do no get an user instance, so probably the first request time comes from the IIS app pool warm up, as other have suggested. It may also occur due to ordinary process workingset attrition that would cause the SQL buffer pools to go cold. You can easily identify whether it is IIS or SQL by monitoring appropriate performance counters on your system.
This isn't the database going to sleep, this is the Application Pool in IIS. If no users are connected/using the website, then the application pool will reset and the session(s) will shutdown. Then, when a user comes to the website, it has to restart the website.
There is a term called Database Warmup pal, you can find out more here and probably this is your solution
Are you sure it's the database going to sleep and not IIS? IIS will unload websites after a certain period of inactivity, and they can be very slow to reload.

SQL Server taking a long time to return data to ColdFusion when using Flex

I am working on a Flex application that is connecting via Flash Remoting to ColdFusion 8 with a SQL Server 2005 database. Most of the time, everything runs fine. However, from time to time, it will take an exceptionally long time for SQL Server to return data from a stored procedure call to ColdFusion; returning data from CF to Flex is very fast. When this happens, I can run the exact same call from Management Studio on the SQL Server or a ColdFusion page on the CF server and get results immediately. The most recent occurrence of the issue took about 90 seconds to return data to CF. During the 90 second window, I was able to run the stored procedure in Management Studio several times.
I have tried using different drivers and this doesn't seem to matter. I have also kept an eye on server performance and haven't noticed anything unusual while this is happening. Has anyone seen this behavior before? Any ideas as to what I should be looking for.
While it's working slowly, can you run "sp_who2" against your SQL Server? If it's a blocking issue, you'll see rows that have a value in the "BlkBy" column, meaning that they'r waiting for another process to complete before they can continue.
If that's the case, then there's other troubleshooting to do so you can figure out what's causing the blocks. This article provides an overview of locking and troubleshooting blocks. If that's your issue, please update your question and add more details, and we can help you go from there!
Are you absolutely sure that the query being run in the sp is the same every time? For example, is it possible that when it slows down, the query has a different sort order? Possibly 9 times out of 10, the query returns quickly, and that 10th time is slow b/c the data you're getting is being sorted by some column that isn't indexed?
In these situations, I'd try to have a SQL Trace set up (using sql profiler) and let it run for a while. Once the situation happens, let it run through, and then analyze the trace. Confirm beyond doubt that the query being run is the same as other executions of the same sp