The provider is not compatible with the version of Oracle client version 12 -

I know that this is an issue that was fixed in the past, I even saw the post about it:
I encountered this issue and followed the post with one difference, instead of 11 I am using version 12 so I looked for the dll's with 12 in their name, I found all except OraOps12w.dll (I found OraOps12.dll).
is there a difference in the actions in this post between version 11 and 12 that I need to follow?
Thank you.


What is difference between http://qgis.demo/qgisserver? and http://qgis.demo/cgi-bin/qgis_mapserv.fcgi?

There are some variations to documentation for QGIS server 3.22 to 3.28 that I am trying to understand so that I have a better appreciation of the technology stack I am using. I am not experienced with QGIS server nor apache nor fast cgi.
I have just completed an installation of QGIS server 3.28 on Ubuntu 22.04 following exactly these steps as outlined in the QGIS documentation: and
This URL works as stated:
In the 3.22 documentation, found here:
it indicates that this query will work, however, I get a 404:
When I substitute /cgi-bin/qgis_mapserv.fcgi? for /qgisserver? the query works as it is supposed to. I than noted that in the 3.22 training documentation here:
it never uses the qgisserver? URL variant.
So, is this just a mistake in QGIS documentation or is there a deeper reason for this difference? Thank you.

Disabling your Web Add-in if you have an Equivalent COM/VSTO Add-in doesn't work?

Like described in the feb 2021 community call I want to disable by web-addin by setting an equivalent com add-in. I update to the latest beta version (build 2103) and set all the registry key values, but does not seem to work.... What is the best way to check what is wrong? Can we debug? Any tips/examples of people that got this working?
PATH: HKCU\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\addins\equivalentcomaddin
KEY (string/REG_SZ): {OfficeJS GUID}
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hey Rick to summarize the answer here:
Make sure you are on the latest Beta release.
if you are using the registry directly make sure to NOT use the curly braces for the GUID.
OR use the policy editor as described in

Single quote not allowed in Html.elm elm 0.18

Hi everybody habe a strange problem in elm.
Just updated elm form 0.17 to 0.18.
Project was running fine in 0.17
Now the complier throws an error in 018.
That's what he's saying:
-- SYNTAX PROBLEM ---------- elm-stuff/packages/elm- lang/html/1.1.0/src/Html.elm
Ran into a single quote in a variable name. This was removed in 0.18!
9| , section, nav, article, aside, header, footer, address, main', body ^
Change it to a number or an underscore, like main_ or main1
Or better yet, choose a more descriptive name!
Anyone else has this problem?
What might be the problem: I use "main" already in
main : Program Never
Elm seems to have a problem because Html has the function main, too..
Might this be the case?
kind regards
Based on your error message, it looks like you are referencing an older version of the elm-lang/html package. You'll need to upgrade to the latest version.
The old source code had a function called main', which was causing the problem after the 0.18 upgrade. The single quote, or prime, was removed in Elm 0.18. Here's Evan's comment from the blog post about the 0.18 release:
Primes — Names like x' are no longer permitted. A younger me (one who was less concerned about nice variable names) certainly thought writing “x prime” was pretty neat! But in general, this syntax is too confusing to be worth it. Single quotes are generally associated with strings and characters. To see it unbalanced and part of a variable throws people off, and the benefit of having it is pretty small.
I've run into this problem. I've cloned the example project a long time ago and ran it then. I've ran the examples today after upgrading to Elm 0.18 and the problem occur. The solution was to delete the elm-stuff directory and restart elm-reactor which download the latest packages including html-2.0.0

F#: Is Profile 47 required for Microsoft.FSharp.Data.TypeProviders?

This is a follow-up to my post yesterday. To recap, I received this error message when trying to build my project:
FSC: Error FS2024: Static linking may not use assembly that targets
different profile
I consulted some kind people in the F# channel, and one of them suggested that the error could be due to the fact that I did not have Profile 47, because FSharp.Data uses Profile 47. I tried downloading the target pack for Profile 47, but was redirected to the Microsoft homepage instead. I tried the second answer on this SO page, but that did not work either. As of now, I am still unable to acquire Profile 47.
I consulted the FSharp.Data GitHub page, but it is not clear to me why Profile 47 is needed. I use VS2013 compiling to FSharp.Core; shouldn't that be sufficient, since the GitHub page lists it as one of the supported platforms?
I have created a new project, re-added all my source files and references, and tried re-building. I have even tried uninstalling and then re-installing Microsoft VS, even though I know it is likely irrelevant.
I think it is most probable that the problem lies with referencing FSharp.Data.TypeProviders. The error message does not appear insofar as I exclude reference to FSharp.Data.TypeProviders. The strangest thing is that I have not changed my references at all over the past week or so, but the error message only appeared yesterday.
So, my questions are:
Is Profile 47 really required? If so, how may I acquire it?
Even if I do acquire Profile 47, wouldn't I still experience trouble building my project, since my other references do not target Profile 47?
Are there any approaches that I may not have considered?
After tearing my hair out trying a variety of suggested solutions I found online, I discovered that the only way to resolve the issue was to change my Target Framework from 4.5 to 4.0, re-install all of my references to ensure compatibility with .NET 4.0, and then re-build my solution. Using .NET 4.0 means that I am no longer able to use Microsoft.Experimental.Collections, since it is compatible only with .NET 4.5. This means that I will have to re-write all of my code that makes use of Microsoft.Experimental.Collections, but I consider that a lesser evil than not being able to build my project at all.
So, to answer my own question mentioned in the title, Profile 47 is not required to use FSharp.Data.TypeProviders. :-)
I have found another solution to my problem. I created a new project (again), migrated all my source files over, re-installed all the DLLs I need, and this time I have no trouble whatsoever building my project. I think Carsten (who wrote the first comment to this answer) is correct in saying that the versions became messed up in the original solution files.

Problems using cfAES

I need to use HMACSHA256-Encryption on a Windows CE device.
I tried to use BouncyCastle / cfAES (in combination with OpenNETCF), but I can't get them to work.
BouncyCastle: I always get the error "Missing method exception: " regard macUtilities.GetMac-method.
cfAES: There's a whole bunch of error messages... "Type or namespace 'HashAlgorithm' not found" and so on...
What's the best practice to use cfAES or BouncyCastle on .NET Compact Framework? Where are the pitfalls? What are the requirements for cfAES (which version of OpenNETCF)?
I built BouncyCastle 1.7 for the Compact Framework back in 2011 with no problems. I put the solution on my blog since there was no way to add an attachment here.
For the OpenNETCF solution, the latest versions of the SDF have have HMACSHA256 already in it - why are you pulling in cfAES as well (Casey merged in his code long ago).