How Can I set the background of a browser window blend with the desktop background? - node-webkit

I'm trying to build an app with nwjs, and I want it to have the look and feel of a desktop app. Desktop apps on OSX (Specifically the ones on the upper menu) have their background blend with the desktop background.
Does anyone know how can I do this in a browser, or simply in nwjs (Node-Webkit)?

Are you thinking of window transparency? If so this is possible in newish versions of NWJS. (node-webkit >= v0.11.2)

It seems I was going the wrong way. The blend mode is available for menus only.


Cocoa Background Mode When all windows closed

I am developing an OS X app
That uses StatusBar and Also has Windows
I would to move my app to "background" (That only StatusBar will be shown and windows ofc and not applications main menu)
When all it's windows are closed.
(I want to do it so, the app won't appear in cmd+tab menu etc, I want only StatusBar to be).
I am quite don't know where in documents to look for it and if it is even possible.
I have found that in Info.Plist I can put a flag to enable "LSBackgroundOnly" - then I see only my StatusBar.
But I want to switch between background and foreground, Since I want to allow my user to open the main Application Window via the StatusBar menu as well.
What would be the best approach or where to look for this ?
Sorry to flag as a possible duplicate. The other question doesn't exactly have good keywords for searching, but the answer is the same:
Use or modify the code in the answer here.
The info.plist settings are or OSX versions before 10.9 and cannot be changed at runtime. 10.9+ you can use NSApplication's setActivationPolicy and application delegate functions to do what you want. See discussion here and here as well.

How to disable toast notifications in window 8.1 desktop

Now, we are developing a window application for play video like TV.
But When it's running full screen, we must block all window notifications.
so i found many ways to disable notifications.
But we can't use this way, because it's for only Window App Store Applications.
We want to block all Notifications.
connected USB noti, window update noti, etc.
In addition, Our application has property of the Topmost(base on .net C#).
But it can't Blocked.
is it possible to use the user32.dll??
How to solve it, anyway is ok.
sorry for my poor English. Thanks.

Safari in kiosk mode or full screen with no tool bars

I have created a html5 video gallery that will be used as a kiosk in a casino. The videos play the best in safari but I cannot get safari to go completely full screen. Is there a way to do this or a application I can use? I've looked into saft but it is not compatible with the new version of safari.
Thanks in advance
At least on Windows version of Safari (5.1.7), To make it go full-screen you have to press F11.
You will still see a tool-bar, but it should automatically hide after a few seconds, and then you will be in complete full-screen mode.
Note: If you press F11 before all the content of your page are loaded, you might have some layout problems, so I recommend to wait for the content to be loaded.
I wish there was a way to make full-screen mode enabled from start up like you can do with Google Chrome with the kiosk mode, but I don't know if that is possible.
You should probably use a third-party kiosk application designed for this purpose such as xStand, since Safari doesn't contain any actual kiosk mode (unlike Internet Explorer).
Even then, you'll need to be aware of the risk of users using keyboard shortcuts to exit the application (like Cmd+Q, or Cmd+Opt+Escape to bring up the "Force Quit Applications" list).
Most dedicated kiosk browsers are designed to disallow that sort of behaviour, but you should definitely test them yourself before you trust them (or disconnect the keyboard altogether if users don't need a keyboard).
On the other hand, if you can safely remove the keyboard and mouse, you're able to simply use the built-in full-screen mode in Safari (as of OS X Lion), to achieve what you're looking for.

Change the window area in Windows

I have an application (chat) that I am developing for our company (special requirements). We are mostly using WinXP computers. I want it to be topmost and docked to the right, the problem is, I don't want it to overlap other windows that people are working on.
Is there a way to change the default area that other programs can maximize to? Basically, I want it to look something like this:
Is something like this possible? I'm using so all .net answers are accepted.
Take a look at the following codeproject article:
Application Desktop Toolbars
It seems to do what you require.
This article is about Application Desktop Toolbars, which are
applications that can align to the screen much like the taskbar. The
article will develop a base class for developing such apps.

Does anyone know a Safari style Tab Control for Mac OS X applications?

I am looking for a tab control that is different from the default NSTabControl. I am looking for a sample or existing control that replicates the newer style tab controls that are used within Safari, Firefox, Camino etc.
From looking into the Safari app bundle resources it seems the tabs are created from images. I would prefer a control that already exists and has been tested rather than re-inventing the wheel though.
Thank you!
Update: I found PSMTabBarControl however this doesn't work on Leopard and is very old, from 2006. Anything that is more recent available?
This publicly-available framework comes to my mind: PSMTabBarControl.
It doesn't seem to be maintained recently, but might serve as a point to start from.