Could not build module GoogleMobileAds on ios 6.1 - objective-c

I am trying to create a demo ios project based on
Everything works if i choose iphone 5 simulator to build and run the app, but when i try building the project for my ipod touch 4g (ios 6.1), it doesn't build and gives error "Could not build module GoogleMobileAds"
i am importing the mobile as :
#import GoogleMobileAds;
I am using GoogleMobileAds SDK version 7.2.1 .
Looking for the solution.

I have done following things it works fine.
goto build settings and say yes to always search user path.
then put your google mobile ads local path on frame work search path.


Appcelerator/ Titanium Alloy - No Andriod SDKs were found under the specified SDK Location

I am running Appcelerator on OSX.
When I try to set up an emulator on the Appcelerator IDE, by clicking:
"Run Configurations..." >
"Appcekerator Android Emulator - appname" >
On the bottom of the screen it shows up with an error message saying:
Problems detected with the SDK settings. Click here for details
Upon clicking for more details, it shows the error message:
An error was detected with the SDKs configuration
[Android SDK Home] No Android SDKs were found under the specified SDK location
The value i have put for Android SDK home was:
How do I solve this issue?
Instead of using the Emulator which are slow and heavy in terms of Memory Usage, I would suggest you to use the GenyMotion for Android which is quite fast and easy to use and has close features to a physical device.
But First this First, setup the Android SDK for Appcelerator through Preference > Platform > Android and browse the Android SDK folder and Android NDK.
Note : This can be anywhere in the system folder.
You can download the GenyMotion Tool from the below link :
Setting up the tool is quite simple and is given in the image itself.
Good Luck, Cheers
I had the same problem as above. I did move my Android SDK home out of '~/Library/' folder.
Previously it was:
Then i moved it like:
Most probably, the Library folder not visible to AppceleratorStudio. My guess.
Thanks a lot, guys.

MapKit.framework linking error

Strange error happening on Xcode 8 with iOS 10. An app uses MapKit. I was working with simulator and all was fine. And I wanted to run on a device.
And I was getting these errors. After that, I restarted my Mac, and now I'm unable to run even on simulator.
OSX: El Capitan,
Xcode 8,
iOS 10
Check your Project's Capabilities and turn Map - ON.
Check Your Build Phases if you have MapKit framework imported.
If you already have the framework try to remove and re add .
Good luck :)

Issue with building Apache cordova app for wp8 on win 8 desktop

I am trying to build a simple app using Apache cordova. Things went well for android. However when I try to add the wp8 platform on my win 8 notebook, It show the following error:
Creating Cordova-WP8 Project:
App Name : abc
Namespace :
Path : C:\Development\abc\platforms\wp8
CREATE SUCCESS : C:\Development\abc\platforms\wp8
ERROR: Could not find 'create.js' in 'bin' folder, aborting..
Could someone please point out what I am doing wrong!
Check and see if you have all the system requirement to add and build cordova project
Sometime if the proper sdk set up is not present this error may occur.It happened in my case.

Tips/help to debug no apk file

My environment :
Eclipse sdk 3.7.2
Worklight pluin 5.0.5
Android sdk 2.2
First I tried a simple Hello World, everything works fine, android native project was created and I see the corresponding apk file was generated after a build and deploy.
Next I imported a sample project, successfully got it run on the test (localhost) server, able to see the expected result on the android Mobile Browser Simulator but the problem now is I am not seeing the corresponding android apk file got generated (the android native project was created). No errors on the logs, Any idea what could be the problem? How one debug such a problem.
APK will be generated under \bin\ folder once you run your app for the first time.
Connect your Android device to dev machine via USB cable (assuming you got Android SDK etc installed), right click on Android project and do Run as->Android app.
The app will be installed and started on Android device. APK will be generated in \bin folder.
In general, you don't need the device, same thing can be done with emulator.
You can also do an export on the android application project. This is what you would do if you are looking at doing some key signing. This is the way you would want to export it if you are uploading to Google play or an enterprise app store.
Keep in mind, Worklight doesn't build your .ipa, .apk, or etc. It builds you compile ready resources. It will build you the folder structure and the project layers needed to build in the corresponding Native Environment (for apple, you would export to xcode, build it, and run).

Library not loaded

I added Social.framework in my application in the same way i use to add the other frame works. I have downloaded xcode 4.5 and iOS 6 . but my application crashes with follwing error only on device. It works fine on simulator.
dyld: Library not loaded: /System/Library/Frameworks/Social.framework/Social
Referenced from: /var/mobile/Applications/FC88291D-2052-45D6-A7BB-65CE340F07BF/Uploading Image
Reason: image not found
I was getting this exact error. My app currently has a deployment target of 5.1. I wanted to add Facebook sharing. I found this old post, Conditionally including a library for different iOS SDK versions?. All I did was set "Social.framework" to 'optional' and it did the trick, then my app would run on ios 5.1 and ios 6.0. Of course you need to do checks at runtime for what OS the device is running otherwise you could run into a crash if you try to access social.framework in ios 5.1 or earlier. Hope that helps!
In Xcode go to targets, Go to build phase and search for Social frame work you will find that under "Link Binary with Libraries" section. There select social frame work and see there is an option on right hand side required/optional in that just change required to optional. Now you are able to run on all ios devices without any crashes.