Run a build step on a specific branch only - teamcity-9.0

I have a build configuration containing two build steps "Build" and "Deploy".
This build configuration is using a Git VCS and is configured to run all branches.
Let's assume that I currently have two branches "master" and "Feature in Development".
I want to divide the "Deploy" step into two. "Deploy Production" and "Deploy Beta".
The "Deploy Production" step should only be executed when the master branch was changed and is currently building.
Is there a built in possibility to do that or do I have to check the variable manually within the script?

It seems that JetBrains added this feature in TeamCity v9.1.
For v9.0 I used a Powershell script and checked '' -eq 'true' build property.

You can add a condition to a build step in TC using the dropdown:

Why not create a two build configuration for that, one checking code from master, second from branch? IMHO it should not be steps in the same build as they are not chained.


Deploying Vue.js App using azure devops release pipeline

I have a vue.js application that is creating and building using vue-cli 3. I have some environment variables in .env.test and files.
To build the app I'm using a azure devops build pipeline where I run the command:
npm run build:test or npm run build:prod
That generates different artifacts that are input for Stage in azure devops release pipeline.
The problem I'm facing is I don't want to have separate builds for every environment. I want to build one and deploy to different environments is that possible?
How do I handle those variables to build once package for all environments? Is it a good practice? Or should I have different pipelines for different environments as I have right now?
From perspective of CI
There should be only single build pipeline that will build artifact regardless of the environment where it will run. might be used to deploy artifacts to any environments (Development, Production, etc.)
You have to provide configuration with tokens, which will be replaced on Deployment/Release stage:
Therefore, just build project and publish artifact using single configuration file for all environments.
From perspective of CD
I would recommend to use single release pipeline with multiple stages
(Development, Production, etc).
Provide separate variables groups based on stages. It allows to keep variables separate, logically grouped and use Azure Key Vault as source of secrets. Variable names must be equal to environment tokens (without prefix and suffix).
Add any Task you wish into Stage, which will find and replace tokens.
Currently, I use Replace Tokens extension from marketplace. Depend on stage, different group of variables will be substituted. Replace Tokens task does all of the job automatically, e.i. scans js files and replaces tokens. Default token prefix and suffix are: #{ }#, but task allow to provide custom you wish.
So we had a similar problem. We are about to update our solution to work with a variable group, but if you want a way to do it without one you can always do something like this:
- script: |
npm install
npm run test:unit
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
exit 1
npm run build-prod
condition: and(succeeded(), not(in(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest', 'Manual')))
displayName: 'npm install, test and build for prod'
- script: |
npm install
npm run test:unit
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
exit 1
npm run build
condition: and(succeeded(), in(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest', 'Manual'))
displayName: 'npm install, test and build for test'
So quick breakdown on the scripts. If the build was part of a PullRequet or manual we wanted a staging build which used the default build script. Otherwise we assumed the build was meant for production (You will want some branch policies to enforce this). Then the release pipe-line checked for the a build tag which we set with the following:
- task: PowerShell#2
condition: and(succeeded(), not(in(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest', 'Manual')))
targetType: 'inline'
script: 'Write-Host "##vso[build.addbuildtag]release"'
- task: PowerShell#2
condition: and(succeeded(), in(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest', 'Manual'))
targetType: 'inline'
script: 'Write-Host "##vso[build.addbuildtag]test"'
Now, like I said we are moving away from this, but it did work pretty well and it allowed us to have one build that would deploy with the correct settings without needing to do anything too fancy.
If you use something like this the last step is filter the builds when they get to the release pipeline based on the build tag and branch.

How to access artifacts folder after build in TFS online?

PreInfo: I have .net core web api (vs2015) mixed with just ordinary projects.
I have spent almost 2 days now to get this to work and search and tried everything I can think of, but I just cant for the live of me get the build and release in TFS online to play together.
The build (publish artifact step) says "Directory 'D:\a\1\a' is empty. Nothing will be added to build artifact 'drop'."
but the "run dot net" step says
"Published to D:\a\1\s\Operator\MobileService\root\MobileService\src\AMP.Operator.MobileService\bin\release\net452\win7-x64\publish" it must be somewhere the release can pick it up but no matter what I try I can´t get it to be picked up.
Here is my build setup
dotnet run
And the realse with $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/MobileService-Dev please note that I have tried every combo of $(build.artifactstagingdirectory) in the build to publish without luck but I sure this should point to the publishing folder for the build
I so hope somebody can point me to a solution. I just can´t understand how hard it is to make this work..
Within your build definition, I recommend adding a Copy Files step that will copy your the build artifacts from your msbuild results to the Build's Artifact Staging Directory before you run the Publish Artifact step.
Source Folder: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
Contents: **\bin\$(BuildConfiguration)\**
Target Folder: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)
I am assuming that the $(BuildConfiguration) variable is custom to your definition and is probably Debug or Release. I am not sure what exactly the Run dotnet step does, but this build definition I setup published my build artifacts correctly. The Publish Build Artifacts step I'm running has the same steps as yours, except the only control option enabled is Enabled.
I am also running on TFS 2015 update 2.
You can download the files if you just want to take a look at them. Go to the build, click on the Artifacts tab, and then download as shown below:
You need to specify output argument (--output/-o) for dotnet publish command.
Publish -c $(BuildConfiguration) -o $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)
BTW: You said “run dot net” step says “Published to D:\a\1\s....”, the files are in D:\a\1\s, no files in D:\a\1\a (one is s and another is a).

Accessing TeamCity artifacts in Build Step

I have been playing around with TeamCity to get a CI environment up and running.
I started by following Troy Hunt's 'You're deploying wrong', which was very useful, however I wanted to split the packaging and deployment into 2 seperate steps, for the following reasons:
I wanted to pass some additional flags to msdeploy, which isnt possible (to m,y knowledge) by using the MSBuild Package and Deploy that Troy describes.
I can easily disable the Second Build Step i.e. deployment, if I ever need to build the package but not deploy it.
I wanted to use the -skip flag on msdeploy to prevent it from deleting certain folders, which again I couldn't find any method of doing without passing as an argument to the command line.
So, in my first MSBuild step I just have the parameters:
And then I have a second Build Step that uses a command line build runner to execute the following msdeploy command:
"C:\Program Files\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy V3\msdeploy.exe" -verb:sync -source:package="C:\ProgramData\JetBrains\TeamCity\system\artifacts\MyProject\%system.teamcity.buildConfName%\\" -dest:auto,ComputerName='https://devserver:8172/msdeploy.axd?site=MyWebsite',UserName='domain\username',Password='password',IncludeAcls='False',AuthType='Basic' -skip:objectName=dirPath,absolutePath=media$ -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension -disableLink:CertificateExtension -retryAttempts=2 -allowuntrusted
The problem with this is that apparently TeamCity doesnt publish the artifacts until all the build steps are complete, so therefore the Command Line process fails because the package zip file doesnt actually exist at that point.
I have read something about publishing artifacts whilst the Build is still in progress but that does seem like a bit of a hack.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
You would be better have two builds vs two build steps.
The first (Build A) would have 1 build step that would do the building then the second (Build B) would just do the deployment in one build step using the artifacts from the first.
So under the first configuration tab of build A, you would specify the artifacts that would need to be made available from the first build. You can then run the build and confirm that under the artifacts section everything you need is available. (These will show when build A has completed running).
Then under the dependencies section (Can't remember the exact name, and I'm away from my TC instance) of Build B you can set it up to use the artifacts of build A which would then be used for the deployment.
Once you have all that working, you could add a build trigger to have Build B run after a successfull execution of Build A, then if you at one point just wanted to run Build A, disable the trigger on build B or pause the Build B configuration which will stop the trigger from firing.

Deploy a specific revison based on pinned build using MSBuild in TeamCity

My setup in TeamCity:
I've got a "CI configuration" running a singular build step that uses a MSBuild script checked-in to the from the project. The configuration has a number of sub targets such as unit tests, deployment to test site etc.
I also have a "Deploy configuration" with a singular target using another MSBuild script that only does deployment (using msdeploy). This is triggered manually.
My problem:
The "Deploy configuration" need to deploy a revision based on the latest pinned build from "CI configuration". The whole idea is essentially to get a one-click-deployment functionality based on latest pinned build in CI. Does anyone know how to do this in MSBuild using TeamCity?
Im guessing I need to use "Snapshot Dependencies" to get the latest pinned revision, but I have not been able to figure out how to deploy that snapshop in the MSBuild script.
Also I'd like to specify that I would like to do this within MSBuild script and not by using the "Custom build" dialog in TeamCity.
Ok, figured it out on my own.
You need to set a row in the "Artifacts path" like so "*/ => source" in the CI configuration.
Then add a "Artifact dependency" in the Deploy configuration pointing to the CI configuration in the "Depend on" select and set "Get artifacts from" to "Last pinned build" and then point to the "Artifact rules" like so: "source => source".
And at last, inside my MSBuild file, I added "/source/", to my project path in the Target-node with the deploy.
Works like a sharm every deployment. :-)

Running rsvars.bat before Teamcity build starts

I have a C++ Builder 2010 project that's being built using TeamCity. I noticed some strange errors and after reading up on them I understand that I have to set a few variables located in rsvars.bat. I would like the build script to execute the bat file to set up the environment before performing the actual build. How do I best accomplish this?
Can I just use a <exec /> command at the very beginning of the file or is there a better way?
One way would be to run wrap the build in a script that calls rsvars.bat AND build commands. That would make the variables survive during the execution of the build.
But since I use TeamCity I like it to be a real msbuild step and not msbuild wrapped in something else. I was thinking of having the buildscript setting the variables from rsvars.bat into Machine or User at the start of the build and then remove them at the end, not nice though.
I finally just went with just adding the configurations to the Build Agents environment configuration in TeamCity and keeping installation paths identical between agents.
You can create a new build step and then specify a custom build step order so a new build step will be the first one.
See Configuring Build Steps
Add them as Build Parameters -> Environment Variables (in the build configuration), straight forward and generally works. The build parameter/environment variables will be setup automatically as environment variables on the build agent running the job.
You can then make a template of the build and reuse it.
Assumes that the 'paths' are the same on all build agents, which is generally the case. If not your suggestion of doing it by build agent is the way to go.