Pass by reference for blocks - objective-c-blocks

Is there a way to pass blocks by reference?
Below code prints out "Block is nil"
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
void (^block)(void) = nil;
[self assignBlock:block];
if ( block ) {block();}
else{NSLog(#"Block is nil");}
return YES;
- (void)assignBlock:(void (^)(void))blockToAssign
blockToAssign = ^(void){
NSLog(#"Block assigned");

Yes, you can do that. Declare a type:
typedef void (^MyBlock)();
Redefine the function assignBlock receiving a pointer:
- (void)assignBlock:(MyBlock *)blockToAssign
// assign the object pointing, not the pointer
*blockToAssign = ^(void){
NSLog(#"Block assigned");
Now initialize the block using the type:
MyBlock block = nil;
When you call the function pass the address of the block:
[self assignBlock:&block];
if ( block ) {block();}
else{NSLog(#"Block is nil");}


Get the true responder to an ObjC method when it is being forwarded

I came across a case where a UITableView/UICollectionView delegate is being forwarded by a proxy object (not an NSProxy, just a regular object).
Depending on the specific delegate method, the proxy will forward it to one of 2 objects which will actually respond to the method.
Given a delegate callback, I would like to know the "true" instance which is responding to the method call.
The proxy code looks like:
#implementation DelegateSplitter
- (instancetype)initWithFirstDelegate:(id<NSObject>)firstDelegate secondDelegate:(id<NSObject>)secondDelegate
if(self = [super init])
_firstDelegate = firstDelegate;
_secondDelegate = secondDelegate;
return self;
- (void)forwardInvocation:(NSInvocation *)anInvocation
SEL aSelector = [anInvocation selector];
if([self.firstDelegate respondsToSelector:aSelector])
[anInvocation invokeWithTarget:self.firstDelegate];
if([self.secondDelegate respondsToSelector:aSelector])
[anInvocation invokeWithTarget:self.secondDelegate];
- (NSMethodSignature *)methodSignatureForSelector:(SEL)aSelector
NSMethodSignature *first = [(NSObject *)self.firstDelegate methodSignatureForSelector:aSelector];
NSMethodSignature *second = [(NSObject *)self.secondDelegate methodSignatureForSelector:aSelector];
return first;
else if(second)
return second;
return nil;
- (BOOL)respondsToSelector:(SEL)aSelector
if([self.firstDelegate respondsToSelector:aSelector] || [self.secondDelegate respondsToSelector:aSelector])
return YES;
return NO;
My code looks like:
Given a delegate method I want to know which instance is responding:
// delegate is an instance of DelegateSplitter
id <UITableViewDelegate> delegate = tv.delegate;
SEL didSelectItemSelector = #selector(collectionView:didSelectItemAtIndexPath:);
if ([delegate respondsToSelector:didSelectItemSelector]) {
// the delegate splitter doesn't forward the call
// the delegate (proxy) forwards the method to a different instance
if (![delegate.class instancesRespondToSelector:didSelectItemSelector]) {
// the delegate responds to selector but the class instances themselves do not respond to the selector. This is possible if the delegate is forwarding all invocations to a different object
NSObject *d = (NSObject *)delegate;
NSMethodSignature *ms = [d methodSignatureForSelector:didSelectItemSelector];
if (ms) {
Current hack in place (would like something more holistic):
Make the forwarder invoke on a mock object and take the target object
#implementation NSObject (HACK)
- (id)responderToSelector:(SEL)selector
if ([self respondsToSelector:selector] && [self.class instancesRespondToSelector:selector]) {
return self; // the class and the instance actually will respond to the selector when called
if ([self respondsToSelector:selector]) {
// invocations are forwarded
id forward = [self forwardingTargetForSelector:selector];
if (forward && forward != self) {
return [forward responderToSelector:selector];
NSMethodSignature *ms = [self methodSignatureForSelector:selector];
if (ms) {
MockInvocation *mockInvocation = [MockInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:ms];
mockInvocation.selector = selector;
[self forwardInvocation:mockInvocation];
return ?: mockInvocation.innerTarget;
return nil;
#interface MockInvocation : NSInvocation
#property (nonatomic, weak) id innerTarget;
#implementation IIOMockInvocation
- (void)invoke
- (void)invokeWithTarget:(id)target
_innerTarget = target;

Wrapping a block with a block

I have a method that takes a block as an argument. That block needs to be augmented and then passed to a library function that block as an argument. An example:
typedef void (^eblock_t)(void);
void libraryFunction(eblock_t block);
- (void)myMethod:(eblock_t)block {
libraryFunction ( ^{
NSLog(#"block executed"); // This is the augmentation of the block
} );
That example is pretty straight forward and works for straight forward situations. I evolved that example a bit to the following using GHUnit. It is a bit contrived, but works to illustrate my problem as concisely as possible:
typedef void (^eblock_t)(void);
#interface EBlock : NSObject {
eblock_t _block;
#property (nonatomic, readwrite, strong) eblock_t blockOption1;
#property (nonatomic, readwrite, strong) eblock_t blockOption2;
- (void)chooseBlock:(NSUInteger)option;
- (void)executeBlock;
#import "EBlock.h"
#implementation EBlock
- (void)chooseBlock:(NSUInteger)option {
if (1 == option) {
// This is a block wrapping a block to augment the block
// This is the source of problem with test_switchOption_1For2
_block = ^{
NSLog(#"option1"); // This is the augmentation
} else {
// There is no block wrapping the block and thus no augmentation of the block
// There is no issue with test_switchOption_2For1
_block = self.blockOption2;
- (void)executeBlock { _block(); }
#class EBlock;
#interface Test_EBlock : GHTestCase
#property (nonatomic, readonly) NSUInteger counter1;
#property (nonatomic, readonly) NSUInteger counter2;
- (void)incrementCounter1;
- (void)incrementCounter2;
#import "Test_EBlock.h"
#import "EBlock.h"
#implementation Test_EBlock
- (void)incrementCounter1 { _counter1++; }
- (void)incrementCounter2 { _counter2++; }
- (void)setUp {
[super setUp];
_counter1 = _counter2 = 0u;
- (void)tearDown { [super tearDown]; }
- (void)test_option1 {
EBlock *foo = [[EBlock alloc] init];
foo.blockOption1 = ^{ [self incrementCounter1]; };
foo.blockOption2 = ^{ [self incrementCounter2]; };
[foo chooseBlock:1];
[foo executeBlock];
GHAssertEquals(self.counter1, 1u, nil);
GHAssertEquals(self.counter2, 0u, nil);
- (void)test_option2 {
EBlock *foo = [[EBlock alloc] init];
foo.blockOption1 = ^{ [self incrementCounter1]; };
foo.blockOption2 = ^{ [self incrementCounter2]; };
[foo chooseBlock:2];
[foo executeBlock];
GHAssertEquals(self.counter1, 0u, nil);
GHAssertEquals(self.counter2, 1u, nil);
- (void)test_switchOption_1For2 {
EBlock *foo = [[EBlock alloc] init];
foo.blockOption1 = ^{ [self incrementCounter1]; };
foo.blockOption2 = ^{ [self incrementCounter2]; };
[foo chooseBlock:1];
// switch what is done in the block
foo.blockOption1 = ^{ [self incrementCounter2]; };
[foo executeBlock];
GHAssertEquals(self.counter1, 1u, nil); // This fails
GHAssertEquals(self.counter2, 0u, nil); // This fails
- (void)test_switchOption_2For1 {
EBlock *foo = [[EBlock alloc] init];
foo.blockOption1 = ^{ [self incrementCounter1]; };
foo.blockOption2 = ^{ [self incrementCounter2]; };
[foo chooseBlock:2];
// switch what is done in the block
foo.blockOption2 = ^{ [self incrementCounter1]; };
[foo executeBlock];
GHAssertEquals(self.counter1, 0u, nil);
GHAssertEquals(self.counter2, 1u, nil);
Test: test_option1, test_option2, & test_switchOption_2For1 pass.
test_switchOption_1For2 fails because of GHAssertEquals(self.counter1, 0u, nil); and GHAssertEquals(self.counter2, 1u, nil);
This is because the block that is being executed self.blockOption1 is actually [self incrementCounter2] and not [self incrementCounter1]. This is because in EBlock.m chooseBlock the block wrapping the block has copied self.blockOption1 which at the time of evaluation is [self incrementCounter2]. Is there a better way to augment the block so the block does not have to be wrapped? Or is there a way not to delay the evaluation of self.blockOption1 so that it is [self incrementCounter1].
What is captured by your wrapping block is self, not the value of self.blockOption1. If you want to capture the latter, try:
- (void)chooseBlock:(NSUInteger)option {
if (1 == option) {
eblock_t local_block = self.blockOption1;
// This is a block wrapping a block to augment the block
_block = ^{
NSLog(#"option1"); // This is the augmentation
} else {
// There is no block wrapping the block and thus no augmentation of the block
// There is no issue with test_switchOption_2For1
_block = self.blockOption2;
If I understand you correctly you wish to delay the effect of chooseBlock until executeBlock to that the block can be changed between them. Just rearrange your logic (typed directly into SO, could be tided up):
#import "EBlock.h"
#implementation EBlock
NSUInteger currentChoice;
- (void)chooseBlock:(NSUInteger)option
currentChoice = option;
- (void)executeBlock
if (1 == option)
{ // This is a block wrapping a block to augment the block
// This is the source of problem with test_switchOption_1For2
_block = ^{
NSLog(#"option1"); // This is the augmentation
// There is no block wrapping the block and thus no augmentation of the block
// There is no issue with test_switchOption_2For1
_block = self.blockOption2;
You may want to copy the block that came in as a argument/property. Try go with:
#property (copy) eblock_t block;

Block does not react to outside property change

After some questions here I decided to run a server like this:
#implementation Server
if (self = [super init])
shouldRun = true;
__block Server* blocksafeSelf = self; // should prevent retain cycle
myServer = ^() {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
NSString* currentText = controller.output.text;
controller.outputTextField.text = [currentText stringByAppendingString:#"Server ready. \n"];
while (blocksafeSelf.shouldRun) {
int bytes_received = recvfrom(...);
if (bytes_received > 0) {
case 1: {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
NSString* currentText = controller.outputTextField.text;
controller.outputTextField.text = [currentText stringByAppendingString:#"S: Received Typ 1 "];
[blocksafeSelf methodToDealWithPacket:(PACKETTYPE*) buffer];
default: {
return self;
#synthesize shouldRun;
the corresponding .h file:
#interface Server : NSObject {
ServerBlock myServer;
#property BOOL shouldRun;
Now I have a ViewController, which has the Server as a property and following method in its implementation:
// called when the user clicks the stop button
- (IBAction) clickedStop
if(theServer != nil) {
theServer.shouldRun = false;
When I click the stop button however, the server does not exit his while loop. Why?
edit: Here is, how the server is started in the ViewController:
// called when the user clicks the start button
- (IBAction) clickedStart
dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT,0);
if (...) { // all needed data has been entered
// start server here
if(theServer == nil) {
theServer = [[SNPTServer alloc] initWithHost:serverIP.text AndPort: [serverPort.text intValue] AndViewController:self];
dispatch_async(queue, theServer.myServer);
As you see, I have altered the constructor above a bit.
My answer will only work if the body of your while loop looks similar to the following (I will assume it does)
while (blocksafeSelf.shouldRun) {
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode
beforeDate:[NSDate distantFuture]];
In this case, just setting shouldRun to NO is not enough. That while loop is running on a different thread/runLoop so an event must happen to cause the run loop to pop so that the condition is checked again.
The easiest way to do that is to set shouldRun to NO from the thread that server is running on. I would do something like this:
myServer = ^() {
self.runThread = [NSThread currentThread]; // runThread declared elsewhere
while (blocksafeSelf.shouldRun) {
And then when you want to cancel it do:
- (IBAction) clickedStop
if ([NSThread currentThread] == theServer.runThread) {
if(theServer != nil) {
theServer.shouldRun = NO;
} else if (theServer.runThread) {
[self performSelector:_cmd

iOS NSObject nil after initialisation in block

I have an NSObject that I create inside a block. As per the code below:
__block NSObject *myObject;
[self myMethod:^{
myObject = [[NSObject alloc] init];
if(myObject == nil){
NSLog(#"Why is my object nil?!");
In the definition of myMethod I have the following:
backgroundQueue = dispatch_queue_create("backgroundqueue", NULL);
block();//Never called.
However the block is never called.
The problem here is that you never seem to execute the block in which you instantiate myObject. For illustration, run this little program:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
typedef void(^MyTestBlock)(void);
#interface Foo:NSObject
- (id)initWithBlock:(MyTestBlock)aBlock;
- (void)someMethod;
#implementation Foo {
MyTestBlock _block;
- (id)initWithBlock:(MyTestBlock)aBlock {
self = [super init];
if( !self ) { return nil; }
_block = aBlock;
return self;
- (void)someMethod {
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
#autoreleasepool {
__block NSObject *myObject;
Foo *myFoo = [[Foo alloc] initWithBlock:^{
myObject = [[NSObject alloc] init];
[myFoo someMethod];
NSLog((myObject)?#"Your object was created":#"Why is my object nil?");
This prints 2012-11-26 05:00:58.519 Untitled 2[23467:707] Your object was created to the console. The point is that blocks don't execute themselves. In the code above, although we set the block as an ivar of the class, we don't execute it until we call someMethod on our Foo.
An edit to your question states that the block is not executed in the context of an asynchronous dispatch block sent to the main queue. If this is a command line application, then you must call dispatch_main() at the end of main. See the man page for dispatch_get_main_queue(). Here is a full working command line application to illustrate this, as well as issues related to race conditions:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
typedef void(^MyTestBlock)(void);
#interface Foo:NSObject
- (id)initWithBlock:(MyTestBlock)aBlock;
- (void)someMethod;
#implementation Foo {
MyTestBlock _block;
- (id)initWithBlock:(MyTestBlock)aBlock {
self = [super init];
if( !self ) { return nil; }
_block = aBlock;
return self;
- (void)someMethod {
dispatch_queue_t backgroundQueue = dispatch_queue_create("backgroundqueue", NULL);
dispatch_async(backgroundQueue, ^{
dispatch_queue_t innerQueue = dispatch_get_main_queue();
dispatch_async(innerQueue, ^{
if( _block){
NSLog(#"Will call block.");
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
#autoreleasepool {
__block NSObject *myObject;
Foo *myFoo = [[Foo alloc] initWithBlock:^{
myObject = [[NSObject alloc] init];
[myFoo someMethod];
// this log statement should show that myObject is nil because it will (probably)
// be executed before your block.
NSLog((myObject)?#"Your object was created":#"Why is my object nil?");
// wait a little bit to resolve race condition (just for illustrative purposes)
dispatch_time_t popTime = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, 0.4f * NSEC_PER_SEC);
dispatch_after(popTime, dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^(void){
NSLog((myObject)?#"Your object was created":#"Why is my object nil?");
// this isn't a Cocoa app, so must call dispatch_main() at end of main
You have forgotten to call your block in your myMethod. Try the code bellow.
typedef void(^MyBlock)();
- (void)myMethod:(MyBlock)aBlock

What should my Objective-C singleton look like? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 9 years ago.
Locked. This question and its answers are locked because the question is off-topic but has historical significance. It is not currently accepting new answers or interactions.
My singleton accessor method is usually some variant of:
static MyClass *gInstance = NULL;
+ (MyClass *)instance
if (gInstance == NULL)
gInstance = [[self alloc] init];
What could I be doing to improve this?
Another option is to use the +(void)initialize method. From the documentation:
The runtime sends initialize to each class in a program exactly one time just before the class, or any class that inherits from it, is sent its first message from within the program. (Thus the method may never be invoked if the class is not used.) The runtime sends the initialize message to classes in a thread-safe manner. Superclasses receive this message before their subclasses.
So you could do something akin to this:
static MySingleton *sharedSingleton;
+ (void)initialize
static BOOL initialized = NO;
initialized = YES;
sharedSingleton = [[MySingleton alloc] init];
#interface MySingleton : NSObject
+ (MySingleton *)sharedSingleton;
#implementation MySingleton
+ (MySingleton *)sharedSingleton
static MySingleton *sharedSingleton;
if (!sharedSingleton)
sharedSingleton = [[MySingleton alloc] init];
return sharedSingleton;
Per my other answer below, I think you should be doing:
+ (id)sharedFoo
static dispatch_once_t once;
static MyFoo *sharedFoo;
dispatch_once(&once, ^ { sharedFoo = [[self alloc] init]; });
return sharedFoo;
Since Kendall posted a threadsafe singleton that attempts to avoid locking costs, I thought I would toss one up as well:
#import <libkern/OSAtomic.h>
static void * volatile sharedInstance = nil;
+ (className *) sharedInstance {
while (!sharedInstance) {
className *temp = [[self alloc] init];
if(!OSAtomicCompareAndSwapPtrBarrier(0x0, temp, &sharedInstance)) {
[temp release];
return sharedInstance;
Okay, let me explain how this works:
Fast case: In normal execution sharedInstance has already been set, so the while loop is never executed and the function returns after simply testing for the variable's existence;
Slow case: If sharedInstance doesn't exist, then an instance is allocated and copied into it using a Compare And Swap ('CAS');
Contended case: If two threads both attempt to call sharedInstance at the same time AND sharedInstance doesn't exist at the same time then they will both initialize new instances of the singleton and attempt to CAS it into position. Whichever one wins the CAS returns immediately, whichever one loses releases the instance it just allocated and returns the (now set) sharedInstance. The single OSAtomicCompareAndSwapPtrBarrier acts as both a write barrier for the setting thread and a read barrier from the testing thread.
static MyClass *sharedInst = nil;
+ (id)sharedInstance
#synchronize( self ) {
if ( sharedInst == nil ) {
/* sharedInst set up in init */
[[self alloc] init];
return sharedInst;
- (id)init
if ( sharedInst != nil ) {
[NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException
format:#"[%# %#] cannot be called; use +[%# %#] instead"],
NSStringFromClass([self class]), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd),
NSStringFromClass([self class]),
} else if ( self = [super init] ) {
sharedInst = self;
/* Whatever class specific here */
return sharedInst;
/* These probably do nothing in
a GC app. Keeps singleton
as an actual singleton in a
non CG app
- (NSUInteger)retainCount
return NSUIntegerMax;
- (oneway void)release
- (id)retain
return sharedInst;
- (id)autorelease
return sharedInst;
Edit: This implementation obsoleted with ARC. Please have a look at How do I implement an Objective-C singleton that is compatible with ARC? for correct implementation.
All the implementations of initialize I've read in other answers share a common error.
+ (void) initialize {
_instance = [[MySingletonClass alloc] init] // <----- Wrong!
+ (void) initialize {
if (self == [MySingletonClass class]){ // <----- Correct!
_instance = [[MySingletonClass alloc] init]
The Apple documentation recommend you check the class type in your initialize block. Because subclasses call the initialize by default. There exists a non-obvious case where subclasses may be created indirectly through KVO. For if you add the following line in another class:
[[MySingletonClass getInstance] addObserver:self forKeyPath:#"foo" options:0 context:nil]
Objective-C will implicitly create a subclass of MySingletonClass resulting in a second triggering of +initialize.
You may think that you should implicitly check for duplicate initialization in your init block as such:
- (id) init { <----- Wrong!
if (_instance != nil) {
// Some hack
else {
// Do stuff
return self;
But you will shoot yourself in the foot; or worse give another developer the opportunity to shoot themselves in the foot.
- (id) init { <----- Correct!
NSAssert(_instance == nil, #"Duplication initialization of singleton");
self = [super init];
if (self){
// Do stuff
return self;
TL;DR, here's my implementation
#implementation MySingletonClass
static MySingletonClass * _instance;
+ (void) initialize {
if (self == [MySingletonClass class]){
_instance = [[MySingletonClass alloc] init];
- (id) init {
ZAssert (_instance == nil, #"Duplication initialization of singleton");
self = [super init];
if (self) {
// Initialization
return self;
+ (id) getInstance {
return _instance;
(Replace ZAssert with our own assertion macro; or just NSAssert.)
A thorough explanation of the Singleton macro code is on the blog Cocoa With Love
I have an interesting variation on sharedInstance that is thread safe, but does not lock after the initialization. I am not yet sure enough of it to modify the top answer as requested, but I present it for further discussion:
// Volatile to make sure we are not foiled by CPU caches
static volatile ALBackendRequestManager *sharedInstance;
// There's no need to call this directly, as method swizzling in sharedInstance
// means this will get called after the singleton is initialized.
+ (MySingleton *)simpleSharedInstance
return (MySingleton *)sharedInstance;
+ (MySingleton*)sharedInstance
if (sharedInstance == nil)
sharedInstance = [[MySingleton alloc] init];
// Replace expensive thread-safe method
// with the simpler one that just returns the allocated instance.
SEL origSel = #selector(sharedInstance);
SEL newSel = #selector(simpleSharedInstance);
Method origMethod = class_getClassMethod(self, origSel);
Method newMethod = class_getClassMethod(self, newSel);
method_exchangeImplementations(origMethod, newMethod);
return (MySingleton *)sharedInstance;
Short answer: Fabulous.
Long answer: Something like....
static SomeSingleton *instance = NULL;
#implementation SomeSingleton
+ (id) instance {
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
if (instance == NULL){
instance = [[super allocWithZone:NULL] init];
return instance;
+ (id) allocWithZone:(NSZone *)paramZone {
return [[self instance] retain];
- (id) copyWithZone:(NSZone *)paramZone {
return self;
- (id) autorelease {
return self;
- (NSUInteger) retainCount {
return NSUIntegerMax;
- (id) retain {
return self;
Be sure to read the dispatch/once.h header to understand what's going on. In this case the header comments are more applicable than the docs or man page.
I've rolled singleton into a class, so other classes can inherit singleton properties.
Singleton.h :
static id sharedInstance = nil;
#define DEFINE_SHARED_INSTANCE + (id) sharedInstance { return [self sharedInstance:&sharedInstance]; } \
+ (id) allocWithZone:(NSZone *)zone { return [self allocWithZone:zone forInstance:&sharedInstance]; }
#interface Singleton : NSObject {
+ (id) sharedInstance;
+ (id) sharedInstance:(id*)inst;
+ (id) allocWithZone:(NSZone *)zone forInstance:(id*)inst;
Singleton.m :
#import "Singleton.h"
#implementation Singleton
+ (id) sharedInstance {
return [self sharedInstance:&sharedInstance];
+ (id) sharedInstance:(id*)inst {
if (*inst == nil)
*inst = [[self alloc] init];
return *inst;
+ (id) allocWithZone:(NSZone *)zone forInstance:(id*)inst {
#synchronized(self) {
if (*inst == nil) {
*inst = [super allocWithZone:zone];
return *inst; // assignment and return on first allocation
return nil; // on subsequent allocation attempts return nil
- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {
return self;
- (id)retain {
return self;
- (unsigned)retainCount {
return UINT_MAX; // denotes an object that cannot be released
- (void)release {
//do nothing
- (id)autorelease {
return self;
And here is an example of some class, that you want to become singleton.
#import "Singleton.h"
#interface SomeClass : Singleton {
#implementation SomeClass
The only limitation about Singleton class, is that it is NSObject subclass. But most time I use singletons in my code they are in fact NSObject subclasses, so this class really ease my life and make code cleaner.
This works in a non-garbage collected environment also.
#interface MySingleton : NSObject {
+(MySingleton *)sharedManager;
#implementation MySingleton
static MySingleton *sharedMySingleton = nil;
+(MySingleton*)sharedManager {
#synchronized(self) {
if (sharedMySingleton == nil) {
[[self alloc] init]; // assignment not done here
return sharedMySingleton;
+(id)allocWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {
#synchronized(self) {
if (sharedMySingleton == nil) {
sharedMySingleton = [super allocWithZone:zone];
return sharedMySingleton; // assignment and return on first allocation
return nil; //on subsequent allocation attempts return nil
-(void)dealloc {
[super dealloc];
-(id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {
return self;
-(id)retain {
return self;
-(unsigned)retainCount {
return UINT_MAX; //denotes an object that cannot be release
-(void)release {
//do nothing
-(id)autorelease {
return self;
-(id)init {
self = [super init];
sharedMySingleton = self;
//initialize here
return self;
Shouln't this be threadsafe and avoid the expensive locking after the first call?
+ (MySingleton*)sharedInstance
if (sharedInstance == nil) {
#synchronized(self) {
if (sharedInstance == nil) {
sharedInstance = [[MySingleton alloc] init];
return (MySingleton *)sharedInstance;
Here's a macro that I put together:
It is based on the work here by Matt Gallagher
But changing the implementation to use method swizzling as described here by Dave MacLachlan of Google.
I welcome comments / contributions.
How about
static MyClass *gInstance = NULL;
+ (MyClass *)instance
if (gInstance == NULL) {
if (gInstance == NULL)
gInstance = [[self alloc] init];
So you avoid the synchronization cost after initialization?
For an in-depth discussion of the singleton pattern in Objective-C, look here:
Using the Singleton Pattern in Objective-C
KLSingleton is:
Subclassible (to the n-th degree)
ARC compatible
Safe with alloc and init
Loaded lazily
Lock-free (uses +initialize, not #synchronize)
You don't want to synchronize on self... Since the self object doesn't exist yet! You end up locking on a temporary id value. You want to ensure that no one else can run class methods ( sharedInstance, alloc, allocWithZone:, etc ), so you need to synchronize on the class object instead:
#implementation MYSingleton
static MYSingleton * sharedInstance = nil;
+( id )sharedInstance {
#synchronized( [ MYSingleton class ] ) {
if( sharedInstance == nil )
sharedInstance = [ [ MYSingleton alloc ] init ];
return sharedInstance;
+( id )allocWithZone:( NSZone * )zone {
#synchronized( [ MYSingleton class ] ) {
if( sharedInstance == nil )
sharedInstance = [ super allocWithZone:zone ];
return sharedInstance;
-( id )init {
#synchronized( [ MYSingleton class ] ) {
self = [ super init ];
if( self != nil ) {
// Insert initialization code here
return self;
Just wanted to leave this here so I don't lose it. The advantage to this one is that it's usable in InterfaceBuilder, which is a HUGE advantage. This is taken from another question that I asked:
static Server *instance;
+ (Server *)instance { return instance; }
+ (id)hiddenAlloc
return [super alloc];
+ (id)alloc
return [[self instance] retain];
+ (void)initialize
static BOOL initialized = NO;
initialized = YES;
instance = [[Server hiddenAlloc] init];
- (id) init
if (instance)
return self;
self = [super init];
if (self != nil) {
// whatever
return self;
static mySingleton *obj=nil;
#implementation mySingleton
-(id) init {
if(obj != nil){
[self release];
return obj;
} else if(self = [super init]) {
obj = self;
return obj;
+(mySingleton*) getSharedInstance {
if(obj == nil) {
obj = [[mySingleton alloc] init];
return obj;
- (id)retain {
return self;
- (id)copy {
return self;
- (unsigned)retainCount {
return UINT_MAX; // denotes an object that cannot be released
- (void)release {
if(obj != self){
[super release];
//do nothing
- (id)autorelease {
return self;
-(void) dealloc {
[super dealloc];
I know there are a lot of comments on this "question", but I don't see many people suggesting using a macro to define the singleton. It's such a common pattern and a macro greatly simplifies the singleton.
Here are the macros I wrote based on several Objc implementations I've seen.
#abstract Helps define the interface of a singleton.
#param TYPE The type of this singleton.
#param NAME The name of the singleton accessor. Must match the name used in the implementation.
Typcially the NAME is something like 'sharedThing' where 'Thing' is the prefix-removed type name of the class.
#define SingletonInterface(TYPE, NAME) \
#abstract Helps define the implementation of a singleton.
#param TYPE The type of this singleton.
#param NAME The name of the singleton accessor. Must match the name used in the interface.
Typcially the NAME is something like 'sharedThing' where 'Thing' is the prefix-removed type name of the class.
#define SingletonImplementation(TYPE, NAME) \
static TYPE *__ ## NAME; \
+ (void)initialize \
{ \
static BOOL initialized = NO; \
if(!initialized) \
{ \
initialized = YES; \
__ ## NAME = [[TYPE alloc] init]; \
} \
} \
+ (TYPE *)NAME \
{ \
return __ ## NAME; \
Example of use:
#interface MyManager
SingletonInterface(MyManager, sharedManager);
// ...
#implementation MyManager
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if (self) {
// Initialization code here.
return self;
SingletonImplementation(MyManager, sharedManager);
// ...
Why a interface macro when it's nearly empty? Code consistency between the header and code files; maintainability in case you want to add more automatic methods or change it around.
I'm using the initialize method to create the singleton as is used in the most popular answer here (at time of writing).
With Objective C class methods, we can just avoid using the singleton pattern the usual way, from:
[[Librarian sharedInstance] openLibrary]
[Librarian openLibrary]
by wrapping the class inside another class that just has Class Methods, that way there is no chance of accidentally creating duplicate instances, as we're not creating any instance!
I wrote a more detailed blog here :)
To extend the example from #robbie-hanson ...
static MySingleton* sharedSingleton = nil;
+ (void)initialize {
static BOOL initialized = NO;
if (!initialized) {
initialized = YES;
sharedSingleton = [[self alloc] init];
- (id)init {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
// Member initialization here.
return self;
My way is simple like this:
static id instanceOfXXX = nil;
+ (id) sharedXXX
static volatile BOOL initialized = NO;
if (!initialized)
#synchronized([XXX class])
if (!initialized)
instanceOfXXX = [[XXX alloc] init];
initialized = YES;
return instanceOfXXX;
If the singleton is initialized already, the LOCK block will not be entered. The second check if(!initialized) is to make sure it is not initialized yet when the current thread acquires the LOCK.
I've not read through all the solutions, so forgive if this code is redundant.
This is the most thread safe implementation in my opinion.
+(SingletonObject *) sharedManager
static SingletonObject * sharedResourcesObj = nil;
if (!sharedResourcesObj)
sharedResourcesObj = [[SingletonObject alloc] init];
return sharedResourcesObj;
I usually use code roughly similar to that in Ben Hoffstein's answer (which I also got out of Wikipedia). I use it for the reasons stated by Chris Hanson in his comment.
However, sometimes I have a need to place a singleton into a NIB, and in that case I use the following:
#implementation Singleton
static Singleton *singleton = nil;
- (id)init {
static BOOL initialized = NO;
if (!initialized) {
self = [super init];
singleton = self;
initialized = YES;
return self;
+ (id)allocWithZone:(NSZone*)zone {
#synchronized (self) {
if (!singleton)
singleton = [super allocWithZone:zone];
return singleton;
+ (Singleton*)sharedSingleton {
if (!singleton)
[[Singleton alloc] init];
return singleton;
I leave the implementation of -retain (etc.) to the reader, although the above code is all you need in a garbage collected environment.
The accepted answer, although it compiles, is incorrect.
+ (MySingleton*)sharedInstance
#synchronized(self) <-------- self does not exist at class scope
if (sharedInstance == nil)
sharedInstance = [[MySingleton alloc] init];
return sharedInstance;
Per Apple documentation:
... You can take a similar approach to synchronize the class methods of the associated class, using the Class object instead of self.
Even if using self works, it shouldn't and this looks like a copy and paste mistake to me.
The correct implementation for a class factory method would be:
+ (MySingleton*)getInstance
#synchronized([MySingleton class])
if (sharedInstance == nil)
sharedInstance = [[MySingleton alloc] init];
return sharedInstance;