How to check if sub-folder text file exists -

I am trying to search if a text file in a sub-folder exists.
This is the code I am using:
'Checks the program's root folder to see if the root folder exists.
Dim FolderName = New DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop), "Cake Orders\" & TextBox1.Text))
Dim McKnwoll As String = Path.Combine(FolderName.FullName, Trim(TextBox2.Text) & (" ") & Trim(TextBox3.Text) + ".RTO")
If Not McKnwoll.Exists Then
‘Message to user that file does not exist in sub-folder
‘Message to user that file does exists in sub-folder
End If
I am getting an error that 'Exists' is not a member of 'String'. How can I re-work my code to check if the text file whose name is in the format of "TextBox2.Text & (" ") & TextBox3.Text + ".RTO"; exists.
I am using Visual Basic 2010 Express. Thank you.

File.Exists returns a Boolean indicating whether a file at a certain path exists:
If File.Exists(pathToFile) Then
End If
Be sure to include Imports System.IO at the top of your source code file.

You seem quite new in programming. Welcome.
That error message you got ('Exists' is not a member of 'String') tells you exactely what is wrong: You try to ask a string (some text) whether it exists, but what you like to do is to ask a file whether it exists.
The class that provides information about a file is called "FileInfo", and FileInfo has an "Exists" property that you can call:
Dim myFileInfo As New FileInfo(McKnwoll)
If myFileInfo.Exists Then
'do something
End If
That's the object oriented answer, Heinzi's more service oriented one but works, of course, too.
There have been several other small issues I noticed with your code, e.g.
"Cake Orders\" & TextBox1.Text
does not use Path.Combine but makes a string concatenation using fix a "\" as directory separater. Or that the DirectoryInfo is not really used here, the string to the folder is enough.
You also try to handle 3 different issues (reading the values from the user interface, constructing the fullname of the file, checking whether the file exists) in one single code block. I would split them into 3 different ones (actually 4, I would add another one for displaying error messages).
Your simple few lines of codes could be complicated like this ;-)
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
ReadFileIfPossible(TextBox1.Text, TextBox2.Text, TextBox3.Text)
End Sub
Private Sub ReadFileIfPossible(subfolder As String, part1 As String, part2 As String)
'Get the path to the RTO file
Dim myFilePath As String = Nothing
myFilePath = GetRtoFilePath(subfolder, part1, part2)
Catch ex As Exception
DisplayErrorMessage("Error constructing file name! Please check the values of TextBox1, TextBox2 and TextBox3.")
End Try
'Get the file info
Dim myFile As FileInfo = Nothing
myFile = New FileInfo(myFilePath)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
'Check whether it exists
Dim myExists As Boolean = False
myExists = myFile.Exists 'it's IO, everything might throw an exception...
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
'Display message if not found
If (Not myExists) Then
DisplayErrorMessage("File ""{0}"" could not be found!", myFilePath)
End If
'Read the file
Dim myLines As String() = Nothing
myLines = File.ReadAllLines(myFile.FullName, New UTF8Encoding(True))
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
'Do something with it...
End Sub
Private Shared Function GetRtoFilePath(subfolder As String, part1 As String, part2 As String) As String
'Check args
If (subfolder Is Nothing) Then Throw New ArgumentNullException("subfolder")
If (part1 Is Nothing) Then Throw New ArgumentNullException("part1")
If (part2 Is Nothing) Then Throw New ArgumentNullException("part2")
'Normalize args
part1 = part1.Trim()
part2 = part2.Trim()
'Build path
Dim myDesktopPath As String = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop)
Dim myFolderPath As String = Path.Combine(myDesktopPath, "Cake Orders")
myFolderPath = Path.Combine(myFolderPath, subfolder)
Dim myFileName As String = String.Format("{0} {1}.RTO", part1, part2)
Dim myResult As String = Path.Combine(myFolderPath, myFileName)
myResult = Path.GetFullPath(myResult)
'Return result
Return myResult
End Function
Private Sub DisplayErrorMessage(message As String, ParamArray args As Object())
Dim myMsg As String = String.Format(message, CType(args, Object()))
MsgBox(myMsg, MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "Error")
End Sub
End Class
Have fun.


How to check if a file/folder exists in the C drive VB.NET

i'm trying to create a simple anti-cheat which detects external cheats in all the C drive, but i don't know how to check if a determinate file exists in all the C drive, any help?
Here is code that I adapted from How to: Iterate Through a Directory Tree. In the example, the FileExists() function returns True if the file bit32.txt is found anywhere on the C drive. Not all files and directories may be accessible. In that case, the function display the paths of these files and directories. You may want to adapt the code to do whatever you want in these cases.
Imports System.IO
Module Module1
Private Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
Dim exists As Boolean = FileExists(New DriveInfo("C").RootDirectory, "bit32.txt")
End Sub
Private Function FileExists(ByVal root As DirectoryInfo, ByVal filename As String) As Boolean
Dim files() As FileInfo = Nothing
Dim subDirs() As DirectoryInfo = Nothing
' First, process all the files directly under this folder
files = root.GetFiles("*.*")
Catch e As Exception
' This code just writes out the message and continues to recurse.
' You may decide to do something different here. For example, you
' can try to elevate your privileges and access the file again.
End Try
If (Not (files) Is Nothing) Then
For Each fi As FileInfo In files
' In this example, we only access the existing FileInfo object. If we
' want to open, delete or modify the file, then
' a try-catch block is required here to handle the case
' where the file has been deleted since the call to TraverseTree().
If (fi.Name = filename) Then
Return True
End If
End If
' Now find all the subdirectories under this directory.
subDirs = root.GetDirectories
For Each dirInfo As DirectoryInfo In subDirs
' Resursive call for each subdirectory.
If FileExists(dirInfo, filename) Then
Return True
End If
Catch e As Exception
' This code just writes out the message and continues to recurse.
' You may decide to do something different here. For example, you
' can try to elevate your privileges and access the file again.
End Try
Return False
End Function
End Module
You can have an extension on DirectoryInfo that non-recursively iterates through the root directory looking for files.
Public Iterator Function GetFilesDepthFirst(ByVal root As DirectoryInfo, ByVal Optional dirPattern As String = "*", ByVal Optional filePattern As String = "*.*") As IEnumerable(Of FileInfo)
Dim stack = New Stack(Of DirectoryInfo)()
While stack.Count > 0
Dim current = stack.Pop()
Dim files = Enumerable.Empty(Of FileInfo)()
Dim dirs = Enumerable.Empty(Of DirectoryInfo)()
dirs = current.EnumerateDirectories(searchPattern:=dirPattern)
files = current.EnumerateFiles(searchPattern:=filePattern)
Catch ex1 As UnauthorizedAccessException
Catch ex2 As PathTooLongException
End Try
For Each file As FileInfo In files
Yield file
For Each dir As DirectoryInfo In dirs
End While
End Function
You could then call it fairly easily like this:
Dim dInfo = New DirectoryInfo("C:\")
Dim matches = dInfo.GetFilesDepthFirst(filePattern:="somefile.dll")
Dim exists = matches.Any()
Also, the more specific you are at the starting directory, the quicker it will run. Usually searching from the root of C:\ is a very slow and bad idea.

Why am I getting an error when I try to print the contents of a file I am searching for?

Can you help me with searching for and printing a file specified by text in textbox1? I have the following code but textbox1 shows me an error. I don't know if the code is correctly written and functioning right.
First class:
Public Class tisk
Public Shared Function printers()
Dim printThis
Dim strDir As String
Dim strFile As String
Dim Textbox1 As String
strDir = "C:\_Montix a.s. - cloud\iMontix\Testy"
strFile = "C:\_Montix a.s. - cloud\iMontix\Testy\" & Textbox1.text & ".lbe"
If Not fileexprint.FileExists Then
MsgBox("Soubor neexistuje")
printers = False
printers = True
End If
End Function
End Class
Second class:
Public Class fileprint
Public Shared Function PrintThisfile()
Dim formname As Long
Dim FileName As String
On Error Resume Next
Dim X As Long
X = Shell(formname, "Print", FileName, 0&)
End Function
End Class
Third class:
Public Class fileexprint
Public Shared Function FileExists()
Dim fname As Boolean
' Returns TRUE if the file exists
Dim X As String
X = Dir(fname)
If X <> "" Then FileExists = True _
Else FileExists = False
End Function
End Class
When I fill a textbox with text, how can I search for a file in the computer using this text and print this file?
Your "Textbox1" is a variable and not actually getting the value from a textbox. If I'm not wrong, I believe you intend to get the value of a textbox and concatenate to form your directory url. You'll first need to add a text box to your windows/web form, give that textbox an id then call that id in your code behind. E.g. You add a text box with id "textbox001", in your code behind you'll do something like "textbox001.text". In your case it'll now be: strFile = "C:_Montix a.s. - cloud\iMontix\Testy\" & textbox001.text & ".lbe". Hope this helps.
Not sure this will fix your issue, but there are some poor practices in that code that are addressed below. This will certainly get you closer than what you have right now.
Public Class tisk
Public Shared Function printers(ByVal fileName As String) As Boolean
Dim basePath As String = "C:\_Montix a.s. - cloud\iMontix\Testy"
Dim filePath As String = IO.Path.Combine(basePath, fileName & ".lbe")
If IO.File.Exists(filePath) Then
Return True
End If
'Don't show a message box here. Do it in the calling code
Return False
End Function
End Class
Public Class fileprint
Public Shared Sub PrintThisfile(ByVal fileName As String)
'Not sure how well this will work, but it has better chances than the original
Dim p As New Process()
p.StartInfo.FileName = fileName
p.StartInfo.Verb = "Print"
End Sub
End Class
One additional comment on the File.Exists() check. It's actually poor practice to check if the file exists here at all. The file system is volatile. It's possible for things to change in the short time between when you check and when you try to use the file. In addition, whether the file exists is only one thing you need to look at. There's also access permissions and whether the file is locked or in use. The better practice is to just try to do whatever you need with the file, and then handle the exception if it fails.

Delete a single .txt file if exist in Visual Basic?

i have been trying to figure out how to delete a .txt file that constantly change name exept the first 4 ex: THISTEXT-123-45.txt where THISTEXT stays the same but -123-45 changes.
I have found a way to detect it, but i don't know how to delete it.
Dim paths() As String = IO.Directory.GetFiles("C:\", "THISTEXT*.txt")
If paths.Length > 0 Then
Anyone knows the command line to delete that special .txt file?
I am using Visual Basic on visual studio 2013 framework 3.5.
Use the Delete method of System.IO.
Assuming you have write access to C:\
Dim FileDelete As String
FileDelete = "C:\testDelete.txt"
If System.IO.File.Exists( FileDelete ) = True Then
System.IO.File.Delete( FileDelete )
MsgBox("File Deleted")
End If
Deleting a file is quite simple - but dangerous! So be very careful when you're trying out this code.
To delete all file use *(asterisk) followed with the file extension
example C:\*.txt"
For multiple files
Dim FileDelete As String
FileDelete = "C:\"
For Each FileDelete As String In IO.Directory.GetFiles(FileDelete & "THISTEXT*.txt")
If you read the MSDN page on GetFiles, you will realize that you have the file name and path in your paths array. You can then iterate through the array deleting your matches.
Dim x as Integer
Dim paths() as String = IO.Directory.GetFiles("C:\", "THISTEXT*.txt")
If paths.Length > 0 Then
For x = 0 to paths.Length -1
End If
To build on the feedback you provided to Omar's answer, it appears that your file path and file name are separate.
You cannot provide them separated by a comma, as commas denote separate parameters passed to a subroutine or function.
To fix this, you need to concatenate them, for example:
Dim fileName As String = "foo.txt"
Dim filePath As String = "C:\"
Dim FileToDelete As String = fileName + filePath
To delete a single .*txt file if it exists:
If (deleteFile("C:\")) Then
MsgBox("File deletion successful")
MsgBox("File couldn't be deleted with the following error: " + exception)
End If
alternatively with concatenation:
If (deleteFile("C:\") Then
MsgBox("File deletion successful")
MsgBox("File couldn't be deleted with the following error: " + exception)
End If
Dim exception As String 'Place this at the beginning of your app's class.
Dim path As String = "C:\"
If (deleteFile(path)) Then
MsgBox("File deletion successful")
MsgBox("File couldn't be deleted with the following error: " + exception)
End If
Private Function deleteFile(ByVal dir) As Boolean
Dim fileToRemove As String
Dim paths() As String = IO.Directory.GetFiles(dir, "THISTEXT*.txt")
For i As Integer = 0 To paths.Length
fileToRemove = paths(i).ToString
If (Not System.IO.File.Exists(fileToRemove)) Then
Return True
exception = "Unknown error."
Return False
End If
Return False
Catch ex As Exception
exception = ex.Message
Return False
End Try
Return False
End Function
The above function checks if the file exists, if it does it tries to delete it. If the file cannot be deleted, or an error occurs (which is handled), the Function returns False.
Simple example:
For Each path As String In IO.Directory.GetFiles("C:\", "THISTEXT*.txt")
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show(path, "Unable to Delete File")
End Try

Avoid exiting a for/next on error

I should know better than to not give enough information/good information when asking for help. I have another question which I need to delete/link or merge here... any comment on how to do that would be great.
So the problem is I am trying to write a simple app (yeah, right) to locate a specific file on the local HDD. There WILL be multiple instances of the file (backups etc.) and I want to find each. Issues are that I cannot know how many local hdd there are and I cannot know what directory the file might be in.
So I wanted to
iterate through all fixed HDD
search the hdd for the file (I always know the name of the file)
I search HDD like this...
For Each drive As IO.DriveInfo In IO.DriveInfo.GetDrives
If drive.DriveType.ToString = "Fixed" Then
So if the found hdd is fixed I do this...
For Each filename As String In IO.Directory.GetFiles(hdd, "user.config", IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories)
The issue is that I throw an exception, I have the for block above in a try catch, the exception is caught and the code exits.
OK, so I guess this is to be expected. Any suggestions on how to avoid this? Meaning I know I will run across files/directories I do not have permission for, how do I carry on and ignore what I don't care about?
Private Sub Command1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Command1.Click
'variable to hold each hdd name eg: c:\
Dim hdd As String
Dim directories As Integer = 0
Dim files As Integer = 0
For Each drive As IO.DriveInfo In IO.DriveInfo.GetDrives
If drive.DriveType.ToString = "Fixed" Then
'asign the variable hdd a name for this run through
hdd = drive.Name
'assign label value for directories
directories = directories + 1
Label6.Text = directories.ToString
'search the hdd for the file user.config
For Each filename As String In IO.Directory.GetFiles(hdd, "user.config", IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories)
' 'assign label value for files
files = files + 1
Label2.Text = files.ToString
' 'variable to hold the path for each found file
Dim file As String = IO.Path.GetFullPath(filename)
' 'update file checking label
Label4.Text = file.ToString
' 'add each found file to the list
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
'iterate through each found drive
End Sub
You need to write it out long-wise because you need to handle the IO security issues. And of course a recursive function.
Called by:
FindFileOnAllDrivesOfType(System.IO.DriveType.Fixed, "test.txt")
Public Function FindFileOnAllDrivesOfType(ByVal DriveType As System.IO.DriveType, ByVal FileToFind As String) As List(Of String)
Dim AllLocations As New List(Of String)
For Each drive As IO.DriveInfo In IO.DriveInfo.GetDrives
If drive.DriveType = DriveType Then
AllLocations = FindFile(drive.ToString(), FileToFind)
End If
Return AllLocations
End Function
Public Function FindFile(ByVal StartDirectory As String, ByVal FileToFind As String) As List(Of String)
Dim AllLocations As New List(Of String)
For Each dirname As String In IO.Directory.GetDirectories(StartDirectory)
AllLocations.AddRange(FindFile(dirname, FileToFind))
For Each filename As String In IO.Directory.GetFiles(StartDirectory, FileToFind, IO.SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)
Catch ex As Exception
' MessageBox.Show(ex.Message)
'Do nothing as we can't get a directory listing
End Try
Return AllLocations
End Function

ByPassing System Files Permissions VB.Net

I started making a file manager which scans a folder selected by user through folderbrowserdialog in, extract the extentions of every file in every directory or subdirectory using GetFiles() Method with SearchOption.AllDirectories. I am having an UnauthorizedAccessException when it scans the Recycle Bin Folder in logical drive whereas i have seen Softwares like WinRar or R-Studio Scanning and showing every directory without having an exception or error. Following is my code:
Public Sub WriteExtentionsToFile()
Dim Path As String = Title_Window.FolderBrowserDialog.SelectedPath
'Getting FilesNames
Dim FileNames As String() = GetFilesNames(Path)
Title_Window.LblStatusBar.Text = "File Names Saved"
Dim MaximumForProgressBar As Integer = FileNames.Length
Title_Window.ToolStripProgressBar1.Maximum = MaximumForProgressBar
Title_Window.ToolStripProgressBar1.Step = 1
'Getting Extentions
Dim ExtentionsList As New List(Of String)
For Each item In FileNames
'Deleting Duplicate Extentions
Dim NoDuplicateExtentionList As New List(Of String)
Dim ExtentionReadFromFile As String() = ReadExtentionsFromFile()'Another Function in my Class Which Reads previously saved extentions in a file and store them in an array
For Each item In ExtentionReadFromFile
For Each E In ExtentionsList
Dim LastIndexOfDot As Integer = E.LastIndexOf(".")
E = E.Remove(0, LastIndexOfDot + 1)
If NoDuplicateExtentionList.Contains(E.ToLower) = False Then
My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("d:\ExtentionsList.txt", E.ToString & vbCrLf, True)
End If
MessageBox.Show("Writing Process Completed", "Success")
Catch ex As UnauthorizedAccessException
Dim Buttons As MessageBoxButtons = MessageBoxButtons.AbortRetryIgnore
Dim result As DialogResult
MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString, "Access Denied", Buttons)
If result = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Ignore Then
'What should be Done Here????
ElseIf result = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Abort Then
'What should be Done Here????
'What should be Done Here????
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
What should be the solution for thsi problem? Is this about getting the permissions through FileIoPermission Class or something else??