How to pass parameter to service call? - moqui

In the PopCommerce's Detail.xml there is a parameter productId being passed to screen. How do I pass that parameter to service-call ?
I have tried below code in service call but this doesn't work
<field-map field-name="productId" from="productId"/>
The parameter in the screen is
<parameter name="productId" required="true"/>
and the service I have defined is
<transition name="createProductReview">
<service-call name="create#ProductReview" web-send-json-response="true">
<field-map field-name="productStoreId" value="POPC_DEFAULT"/>
<field-map field-name="productId" from="how do I use the productId parameter here ?"/>
<field-map field-name="userId" from="ec.user.userAccount.userId"/>
<field-map field-name="statusId" value="PrvwPending"/>
<default-response type="none"/>

The line you mentioned is the correct approach, all parameters are put into the context and can be used as fields from there. To be specific, this line:
<field-map field-name="productId" from="productId"/>
Note that you can use the in-map with the Groovy Map syntax ([:]) for these as well, and it's a bit cleaner.
If that isn't working then the issue is most likely that the productId isn't being passed to the request that calls the transition.


Component mounted twice

I have a simple component which is rendered by a click function, but it gets rendered twice, this is my code.
when i clicked in the button i change the create value to 'SeeCompany' so it gets mounted, but it repeats the same component text twice on the screen.
<b-button block
#click="create = 'SeeCompany'"
here is the image:
EDIT: Here is the code in the mounted
export default class SeeCompany extends Vue {
#Prop({ default: 0 }) private companyId !: number;
constructor() {
private mounted() {
console.log(this.companyId); --> This is consoling two ceros (0) and the passed value for instance = 1;
There are two main uses for is.
Working around limitations in in-DOM templates.
Dynamic components.
For more information see
We can ignore the former case as it isn't relevant here.
Typically the second case looks a bit like this:
<component :is="childName" />
Here childName is a property of the component and determines the name of the child component to use. In your example you called it create.
The actual tag name used in the template doesn't really matter. It is common to use the dummy tag <component> for this purpose to avoid misleading future maintainers who may not immediately notice the :is. Whenever you see <component> you know you're in a dynamic component scenario.
When we talk about dynamic components it is important to appreciate exactly what we mean by 'dynamic' in this context. We are specifically talking about which component to use. We are not talking about determining whether or not to create the component in the first place.
In the code in the question the value of create is initially set to an empty string, ''. This is then passed to :is. If you inspect the DOM you'll find that this creates a comment node. While this does make some sense I am unclear if this is officially supported. I've not seen this behaviour documented anywhere and I suspect you may be getting lucky by falling down an internal code path that's intended for other things. It is not something I would be confident relying on in future versions of Vue.
The specific code of interest is:
So if you inspect the DOM when create is '' you should find two comment nodes.
When create gets set to SeeCompany this is equivalent to:
In turn this is equivalent to:
The result is the creation of two SeeCompany components. The original SeeOther tag is irrelevant here. This is why, as noted earlier, the convention exists to use a <component> tag to avoid being misleading.
Of course this isn't what you actually wanted the code to do. I'm unclear what the target behaviour is so I'm going to cover a few variations.
If you just want to show the components conditionally you'd use v-if instead:
Usually you'd want create to be a proper boolean, false or true. So set the initial value to false with #click="create = true".
Of course this would show both SeeCompany and SeeOther at the same time. That may not be what you want either. Perhaps you only want to show one at once. For that you might do something like this:
v-if="create === 'SeeCompany'"
v-if="create === 'SeeOther'"
Here the initial value of create should be a falsey value of some kind, possibly '', with #click="create = 'SeeCompany'" and #click="create = 'SeeOther'" on appropriate buttons.
If the props for the components are all the same, and especially if there are more than two components involved, you could try to simplify this using is:
This is shorter but arguably not as clear.

Argument type of parameterized method call in EL

I was making a method call objectMapper.writeValueAsString in EL like this.
<%# attribute name="actionItems" required="true" rtexprvalue="true" type="java.util.List"%>
<jsp:useBean id="objectMapper" class="" scope="page" />
<jsp:useBean id="actionItemsMap" class="java.util.HashMap" />
<c:set target="${actionItemsMap}" property="actionItems" value="${objectMapper.writeValueAsString(actionItems)}" />
writeValueAsString takes an Object parameter in method signature. It was working when I pass in actionItems which is an ArrayList.
Now I am upgrading my ApacheTomcat 7 from 7.0.52 to 7.0.70, and the code is broken with MethodNotFoundException:
javax.el.MethodNotFoundException: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException:
at javax.el.BeanELResolver.invoke(
at org.apache.jasper.el.JasperELResolver.invoke(
It is trying to find a method writeValueAsString with argument type ArrayList. It seems related to this change in 7.0.53. How should I change my code to make it work? Do I have to make the method call with an Object argument? If so, is there a way I can cast the ArrayList to an Object in EL and then make the method call?
Turns out this is an issue on our side. These parameterized method calls are supported.

Coldfusion, default ORM object?

so I have a form that I'm using for new items, and to edit items.
The input fields therefore may have a value or not. I'm using this code in the value field.
<input name="uuid" value="<cfif isNull(item.GetUuid())>#item.GetUuid()#</cfif>"/>
Is this the best way to do it? I would have thought the ORM returning a blank object or something maybe cleaner, but not sure of a tider way to do it?
This might work
<cfproperty name="uuid" default="">

Understanding the struts2 configuration file

The below piece of code was written in struts-config file.but i am not able to understand it.
<action path="/showWelcome"
<set-property property="requestDTOKeyName" value="ItemDataRequest" />
<set-property property="responseDTOKeyName" value="ItemDataResponse" />
<set-property property="exceptionDTOKeyName" value="ProfileSekerException" />
<set-property property="businessServiceId" value="ItemsDataMgmtService" />
<forward name="success" path="welcomePage" />
<forward name="failure" path="sysError" />
My question is
what is the usage of path attribute?
what is the usage of parameter attribute?
what is the usage of input attribute?
what is the usage of <set-Property>?
Help me guys on this.
as per my understanding there should be "showWelcome.jsp" page in the application but it is not there.(then what is use of that?)
It specifies where the action is mounted. For example, this action would respond on http://yourservice.dom/showWelcome.
Parameter is the string you get by calling ActionMapping.getParameter(). Any string you want to pass to your action.
Input is a path where the user would be redirected if he fills the form incorrectly. As there's validate=false, I'd say that would never happen.
Obviously, it sets a property on com.code.base.presentation.struts.actions.StrutsIoCAction. I think it calls setter, i.e. it would call setRequestDTOKeyName(), setResponseDTOKeyName() etc.
But if you're going to use struts for a considerable time, QA won't get you far, read some docs on struts' config file.
Following on from #Alamar's response...
There is no showWelcome.jsp. "/showWelcome" is the URL, but that does not correspond to the name of any actual filename on the server. If this action's configuration contained a line like this:
<forward name="success" path="showWelcome.jsp" />
Then it would mean that if the action class (StrutsIoCAction) returns success, a file called showWelcome.jsp would be executed. However, as you can see, the actual configuration is a forward to "welcomePage", which is probably not a file but instead the name of another action (also defined in struts-config).
Note: "forward" just means that execution is passed to this other action, it does not mean that the user is redirected to another URL.

XML configuration of Zend_Form: child nodes and attributes not always equal?

A set of forms (using Zend_Form) that I have been working on were causing me some headaches trying to figure out what was wrong with my XML configuration, as I kept getting unexpected HTML output for a particular INPUT element. It was supposed to be getting a default value, but nothing appeared.
It appears that the following 2 pieces of XML are not equal when used to instantiate Zend_Form:
Snippet #1:
<test type="hidden">
<options ignore="true" value="foo"/>
Snippet #2:
<test type="hidden">
<options ignore="true">
The type of the element doesn't appear to make a difference, so it doesn't appear to be related to hidden fields.
Is this expected or not?
As it was rather quiet on here, I took a look further into the source code and documentation.
On line 259 of Zend_Config_Xml, the SimpleXMLElement object attributes are converted to a string, resulting in:
options Object of: SimpleXMLElement
#attributes Array [2]
label (string:7) I can't see this because
value (string:21) something happens to this
options (string:21) something happens to this
So, I hunted through the documentation only to find that "value" is a reserved keyword when used as an attribute in an XML file that is loaded into Zend_Config_Xml:
Example #2 Using Tag Attributes in Zend_Config_Xml
"..Zend_Config_Xml also supports two
additional ways of defining nodes in
the configuration. Both make use of
attributes. Since the extends and the
value attributes are reserved keywords
(the latter one by the second way of
using attributes), they may not be
Thus, it would appear to be "expected" according to the documentation.
I'm not entirely happy that this is a good idea though, considering "value" is an attribute of form elements.
Don't worry about this. The reserved keywords were moved to their own namespace, and the previous attributes were depricated. In Zend Framework 2.0 the non-namespaced attributes will be removed so you can use them again.