XCode copies only changed xib files to the target binary - xcode6

In my project I have almost 30 xib files located in an en.lproj folder and henced listed as english localization in XCode. When I compile my project, however, these xib files are not copied to the target folder (Resources/en.lproj) unless I modify them. All other resources are always copied, regardless of their change state. Of course all the xib files are in the "Copy Bundle Resources" build phase (along with a lot of other resources like images).
This behavior gives me some trouble, e.g. when I manually remove the .app from the DerivedData folder. The app is rebuilt completely on next build in XCode, only the xibs are all missing until I touch all of them.
How can I solve this problem and make XCode always copy my xib files too?

Seems to have been fixed with one of the latest XCode versions. I just checked with XCode 7.1.1 and the nibs are copied regardless of their change status, if they don't exist in the target folder already.


Moving Project file in Xcode Interface Builder

I have somehow managed to get the Xcode project file for "My System" in a different folder from all the other project files. Everything works but is there an easy way to get the files together in one folder (ie. either by moving "My System.xcodeproj" into the lower folder or moving all the other files up with it in the higher folder.
If I made this change, what parameters I would need to change inside Xcode.
I'm using Xcode 11.3.1 on Mojave and Objective-C (no storyboard).
I'm not sure if it is worth moving these or whether I should just leave it.
File and Folder Structure:
The arrangement shown in your screen shot of the Finder is correct: a project folder, containing the project file (xcodeproj) along with a single folder that contains the actual code files. That is the standard. Don't mess with it.
Actually you shouldn't even look at it. Look at your project through Xcode, and let Xcode worry about where the files "really" are. Under no circumstances should you touch any of these files in the Finder or you will risk breaking the project entirely.

Copied Xcode Project won't build

OS X Version 10.10.5
Xcode version 7.2.1
Very simple steps, yet Xcode can't fathom what to do when you duplicate a folder that contains an Xcode project.
Start with Xcode CLOSED.
Start with an Xcode project that builds and runs perfectly.
Go to Finder window and right click on the directory that contains the buildable Xcode project and hit "Duplicate"
New directory is created, called "SomeProject copy"
Go into this new directory and double-click on the SomeProject.xcodeproj file to open it in Xcode.
Bam... enjoy your build errors.
In my case, it's complaining about an enum.
Tried deleting derived data folder (did so directly using finder)
Tried super-cleaning the build folder by holding down the option key.
Tried removing and re-adding complained about file that contains errors.
Tried changing path to file in Xcode File Inspector from "Relative To Group" to "Absolute Path"
I should also point out that either Finder -> Duplicate doesn't actually do what it says it does. Neither does Finder -> Copy, ~OR~ Xcode for some reason has now adopted not only the original source location as where to get its build files, but also the new location, hence the "Redefinition" error. I noticed that if I open the "copied" project and edit a file, then go back to my original project in an entirely different folder, the file is changed THERE.
And my paths (according to Xcode File Inspector), are RELATIVE TO THE PROJECT IN QUESTION. So in other words, ProjectAAA's files are pointed to the path under ProjectAAA's directory, and the same with copied project, ProjectBBB's files.
So somehow, the copy/duplicate is refusing to actually copy/duplicate.
Any ideas how to solve this?
Per John Elemans comment, moving my original project then revealed in the copied Xcode project a number of build paths and issues that needed resolving. I fixed those, and it worked as expected.
I solved this issue as follows:
After duplicating the root folder of the project, open the podfile of the duplicated project:
then comment all the previously added pods by adding "#":
Commented Pods
hit CTRL + S in order to save the changes
Open the terminal and change the directory to the folder of the duplicated project and then perform: "pod install". Yes it will delete all the pods but don't worry we will install again in the next step
Pods deletion
Open again podfile and uncomment the previously commented pods:
Uncommented pods
hit CTRL + S to save the changes
Open the terminal and change the directory to the folder of the duplicated project and then perform "pod install". it will install again all the pods:
Pods installation
Finally, run the Project and it should run without any problem.

xcode searches for prefix.pch file in wrong directory

i made a xcode project and changed the name of the folder in xcode as well as in finder. then i proceeded to relink them via the method shown here: Renaming xcode 4 project and the actual folder
so originally the folder was weatherScan2 which i renamed to weatherScan and xcode shows that there are no issues. However when i click build, there's a clang error that says:
no such file or directory: '/Users/user/Documents/Xcode/WeatherScan/WeatherScan2(thisis the folder that i renamed to weatherScan)/WeatherScan-Prefix.pch
clearly it should be looking for the pch file in weatherscan as there is no longer any weatherscan2 folder in existence. How should i redirect this?
i already tried deleting the pch file from xcode and then readding it but the same thing happens. what part of xcode is trying to look for the pch file in the old place and not the new renamed folder? all the other files seems to be working fine.
ok, i realized the issue was in the target/build setting section where it still shows my app looking for the info and pch files in weatherScan2 folder. i edit that and everything works.

Files removed from Xcode project, but still available in game

My cocos2d-iphone project has tiled maps (.tmx files along with .png textures).
Recently, I deleted all the .png textures in my project (in Xcode, you hit the delete key and then choose to send to trash).
Then, I ran the project, and it tried to load up the CCTMXTiledMap. I was expected it to crash (there shouldn't be any textures in the project, anyway), but it didn't. In fact, it ran just fine, and the maps did load. No idea why - is Xcode keeping some kind of reference to such files somehow?
I checked the .tmx file, and this is the line that defines the source image:
<image source="myMap-hd.png" width="973" height="1024"/>
There definitely is no myMap-hd.png nor myMap.png file in my project folder. Not even Xcode's search toolbar shows it!
Oh, and I also cleaned the project.
As I wrote in question's comment. Problem was not in your Xcode project. Deleted resource files will most likely be still available on device/simulator if you had run application with these resources previously. The reason is that Xcode doesn't track files that are in application bundle, they're just simply copied. That's why they land in Copy Bundle Resources build phase.
You should delete application from device/simulator and run it again. Or if you have precious data already in application, you could navigate to application bundle and delete file manually. Files won't appear again.
In the simulator, iOS Simulator (menu item) > Reset Content and Settings. Clean your project, then run again. Same thing happens without cocos2D.
I've found this to be an issue when nib files are automagically loaded, and while not in the referenced files seem to still be loaded (or attempted). Can cause some brain pain bc the files don't appear in the Xcode IDE though they do exist in the file system.

Moving .lproj file inside Resources

I'm trying to begin localization on a project, and I've already got an English version of Localizable.strings going. I'm now trying to add French to that file, which is creating an fr.lproj folder, as I'd expect. However, it's putting it in my project root, and I'd like it inside my project's Resources directory.
Xcode seems to have no interest in letting me move the file, and if I move it in Finder, it goes red in Xcode as expected, but doesn't let me click to locate the file.
I've tried moving it in Finder, then editing project.pbxproj in a text editor to add Resources/ in front of the only line in there that mentions fr.lproj/Localizable.strings, and that has worked, but after doing that, the project's targets also turned red in Xcode, and building the app doesn't change that fact. Very odd.. any idea what could be going on, or how to get this going?
This can be a real pain. I even had XCode crash on me when trying to correct unwanted file locations. I found that the best way is to create the localized file (be it .strings or .xib) as a copy of the source language version outside of XCode, then drag and drop it into XCode. If you do this then XCode will display it correctly and your targets' Build Phases > Copy Bundle Resources settings will include it with its correct location. I don't know why your targets are displayed in red, perhaps you could look under Copy Bundle Resources in case anything is wrong there, or also select your project and click Validate Settings in case you haven't already done so.
Also, if you have been testing in the simulator beware of how XCode does not clean up the files in your app bundle--you may want to delete the app and run it again to make sure it's working with your new location.