Mobile First Platform Appcenter access from Mobile - ibm-mobilefirst

I Create the IBM Appcenter Installer for Iphone and deployed into the Appcenter and I access the appcenter console from the Mobile.
http://Honstname:9080/appcenterconsole/installers.html I am able to see the new installer(IBM App Center), When I click the install I am getting the error called.
cannot install application because the certificate is not valid.
I download the IOS enterprise development certificate from the, I don't know where I can install this certificate in server or?, if mobile means how can I gave this certificate to every customer.
Please correct me if I am wrong.

For iOS, you must setup the server with SSL support.
There are too many steps to detail here, so it is based for you to review the full set of instructions in the following user documentation topic:


Implement mobilefirst service in ios app

In IBM bluemix, i basically have to use mobileFirst service to host my ios application being implemented in it. I have seen several tutorials and stack overflow search for that but didn't got any satisfactory answer from that. If you can provide any sequential tutorial for that will be very helpful.
Set up your Mobile Foundation service instance, as instructed in the following doc:
Create an iOS application. It can be a native app or a Cordova app with the iOS platform.
Add the MobileFirst SDK to the application by following the instructions per the required platform, here:
Register the application in the server. You can do this either via CLI or via a graphical interface. You can see a "quick start" way, here:
Basically, to register an app from the command-line, simply navigate to the app root folder and run the command: mfpdev app register.
To ensure the connection between the server and client, you can make a simple call to obtain a token. You can find this code in the Quick Start docs mentioned above.
For iOS, be sure to enable "Keychain Sharing" in Xcode.

How to stop the user from using the app when the status is set to disabled/lost/stolen in IBM Mobilefirst console

I am using a native Android and IOS app which connects to Mobilefirst server. The app is connecting to MFP server for App authenticity and for creating user identity(Adapter authentication).
Now when I went console/devices
I see status specific to device which contains Active, Lost, Stolen, Expired and Disabled.
And under installed apps I see status Enabled and disabled. I see Certificate Serial Number value being No certificate. Do I need to add anything to get this certificate will this matter to enable or disable the status of the app.
My question is how do I use these features in Native apps?
You start by reading the documentation. You can go ahead and start reading here:
It has nothing to do with programming so I'm not going to write anymore about this in Stack Overflow (it is too much to cover anyway).

Push notification does not work on mobilefirst platform 7.1 server

We have develop a cross platform app with mobilefirst studio 7.0 and test it on production environment.
It was fine before we upgrade our project with mobilefirst studio and test it on clean staging server ( 20151012-1525).
It seems that the push notification functionality dedicated on mobilefirst 7.0 did not work properly on production server of mobilefirst platform version 7.1. The source code and configuration file of our mobilefirst push notifcation adapter and configuration files are here.
Inorder to fix the issue, we refer to official push notification tutorial which was documented here.
Surprisingly, although the source project in official tutorial looks fine on development server, it still not work on production server either.
We have test this project using iphone5s with ios 8.4 and HTC 816h phone with android 4.4.2, both of them fail to register push notification service after we login to the HybridEventSource sample application and tap the “Subscribe Notification” button.
The Mobilefirst server logs down internal server error message during the registration process of client devices.
I am wondering how to let the push notification mechanism work again on mobilefirst 7.1?
Either a valid push notification sample code of mobilefirst 7.1 or any fix pack which we do not know is welcomed.
Since we did not authenticate users via mobilefirst server, and devices were connected through vpn to server,
we prefer to have a solution which does not depends on particular mobilefirst server side authentication mechanism.
The server log message generated during this test is in this file.
The log file generated while we run EventSourceNotification app as xcode project is in this file.
For detail system log from ios device, please refer to device log file
And the Log message generated by HTC 816h android 4.4.2 phone is here
Information about our server environment:
Operating system : centos 5.8 linux
Java development kit : Oracle jdk 1.8 update 65 x86-64
Application server : Apache tomcat server 7.0.63
Worklight environment database : oracle database 11g.
Apple push notification service certificate : sandbox version
Well that's kinda suspicious, isn't it?
Since we did not authenticate users via mobilefirst server, and devices were connected through vpn to server, we prefer to have a solution which does not depends on particular mobilefirst server side authentication mechanism.
You are using the push mechanism provided by MFPF but you do not want to go through MFPF? You are required to go through MFPF if you want to use the push mechanism provided by MFPF... What did you mean by the above?
That said, did your DBA examine mf7-1-EventSourceNotifications-catalina.out.log? There are quite a few Oracle-related exceptions there that you should look at.
If you are still unable to resolve it I suggest to open a PMR instead so that the development team will be able to further investigate.

Worklight - Unable to Download App - "App Center" could not be installed at this time

I code sign the IBM AppCenter client for iOS using my Enterprise Certificate. I used a unique bundle identifier and provisioning profile for the same. The OTA installation works fine in most of the iOS devices.
In few devices iPhone5S powered with iOS 7.1.1, it fails to download and install and gives the error message "Unable to Download App" - App Center could not be installed at this time". I have checked the Code Signing properties in my codebase. Every thing looks fine. Note sure why this fails in few devices and works fine in most of the devices.
There could be multiple reasons:
as Idan said already, iOS 7.1 requires SSL (https) with a real SSL certificate, that is, self signed certificates don't work. Application Center must run on a server that has a CA authorized SSL certificate that matches the server URL. Earlier versions of iOS did not have this restriction.
the app might not be provisioned for the device. This depends on your provisioning profile. Development profiles are limited to preregistered devices. If you are able to side-load the app on the same device, the provisioning profile must be correct. Typically, when the provisioning profiles is wrong, the app appears to be downloaded to ca 75% and then the failure occurs.
the Apple server to validate the provisioning profile is not reachable. This happens seldom and is normally not specific to a device. This can only explain occasional random failures to install the app, but it cannot explain when an app fails always on the same device.
there might be a connection problem between the Application Center server and the device. In this case, you don't see the download to go to 75% but it stops earlier in the download process. In Worklight 6.1, the Application Center uses resumable downloads, hence a temporary connection problem should normally get resolved automatically. But it can be a permanent connection problem on specific devices. In order to check whether it is a connection problem, you could open the Worklight AppCenter Console on the device inside Safari and try to download any app binary ... The resulting network traffic is similar to the one that occurs during installation.
I hope this helps!

IBM Worklight 5.0.6 - How to configure the AppCenter application?

I am trying to configure and upload the AppCenter installer app.
I already have our actual mobile project deployed on our Worklight Server (running on WAS Liberty profile). Now, we'd like to install AppCenter installer app in order to distribute our app for testing.
I've read through this article here:, but didn't see any information on setting up the application descriptor file for the AppCenter Mobile Client.
Currently, my application descriptor file is pointing to localhost. Should this be pointing to our Application Center server URL or our Application Center console? Should it have the same configurations as our mobile app? And if I need to point it to our console, do I need another context set up for the AppCenter?
First thing first, I suggest that you take a look at the IBM Worklight Information Center topics for Application Center.
As for your questions:
You need not do anything to the AppCenter project (the AppCenter Installer app) other than:
Building it as-is (this varies depending on the platform you build it for) - this means not changing its worklightServerRootURL value, is it not required to connect to a Worklight Server (the apps you will install through it - will)
Uploading it to the Application Center management console
Downloading AND installing it to your device
Configuring it in-app to point to the Application Center server
As for after building your own Worklight project
Simply upload the .ipa, .apk or .cod file to the Application Center management console
Installing it via the previously-installed AppCenter Installer app
You will need to repeat downloading the AppCenter Installer app for each device you want to perform testing on.