SQL Server: Function of database's logical name? - sql

Say my code looks like this:
create database name1 on (name = N'name2', filename = N'C:\SQL\name3')
name3 I understand.
Now, 'name2' is supposed to be the "logical name". From what I can find, this means that this is the appropriate name to refer to this database in database engine. However USE name2, returns an error. In contrast, USE name1 works just fine.
The best answer I could find was here, but it was closed before the answer could be clarified (what would be an example where I would use it rather than name1?).
My question: What is the purpose of name2? When would I ever need to use it over name 1? Why is it a required component for file_spec?
Thanks. (SQL Server 2008 R2)

A database can reside in multiple files, for example:
ON (NAME='LogicalName1', FILENAME='C:\SQL\PhysicalName1.mdf'),
(NAME='LogicalName2', FILENAME='C:\SQL\PhysicalName2.mdf')
USE DatabaseName
SELECT * FROM sys.database_files
In the above example, you can see that in addition to the two data files specified, a transaction log file was also created. This file has a different role than the data files (it records every change in the database, so it can be rolled-back if the transaction is not completed).
If you use multiple data files (in the same filegroup), they are both filled proportionally and this is useful for performance, if they are stored on separate disks.
If you use multiple data files in separate filegroups, you can specify the location of each table (and index), so you are able to place a table that is accessed more frequently on a separate, high-performance (and high-cost) disk.
See https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms187087.aspx for details.
As Gordon already said, the logical file name is used in the ALTER DATABASE statement, when you need to refer to a particular file. Using this command, you may change the size of the file, the auto-growth settings or put a particular file offline. Also, you can move the file to another physical location. See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb522469.aspx


Does an information schema exist before it is queried?

In a SQL database, I can run a query to present information as it exists, and I can create new compilations of data that did not previously exist.
For instance, SELECT * FROM Table1 would return information that already existed, while a series of nested joins and WHERE statements could present data in ways that didn't exist before the query was run.
My question is whether the database's information schema -- assuming it's never been pulled up before -- falls into the first category or the second.
Information schema views query already existent system tables in database. You can control yourself as sys.tables etc which are called catalog views in Sql server.
Therefore using these views falls to second type of usage in your question. Using existent data in a different way.
Everything in INFORMATION_SCHEMA is just a view on the system tables. So the answer to your question is both that the data has always been there (because every object in the database has one or more rows in system tables somewhere representing it) and also that it's generated for your viewing pleasure upon querying (to present it in the form that INFORMATION_SCHEMA requires).
Note that even what we normally call "the system tables" (sys.tables and related) are also just views on the real, actual, physical system tables, which are not accessible to any user but only to the database engine itself -- viewing those directly requires a direct administrator connection and tweaking some flags, and is typically not something done by anyone other than SQL Server developers.
As to what this implies in a FOIA context is probably best answered in a legal setting, not an information-theoretical one.

How store a large file into SQL Server 2012

I want to store large files in SQL Server 2012. I have been suggested to use BLOB. All I want to do is to create a table which map the Employee id and the path of his image in database. Whenever user want to access the image he will get the path from the database first and then get the image from referenced database using BLOB.
Can you help me how to access different database from one database.
Generally speaking for large files (over 1 MB, but not a rule) you should use FILESTREAM (Overview) which stores the files on filesystem and not in the database itself.
See this article for a guide to set up using FILESTREAM in your database.
As for your question "Can you help me how to access different database from one database." Referencing objects in SQL is done with dot notation like this
So you can use it to reference objects (tables) in different databases. For more info see Using Identifiers As Object Names not to reiterate what's there already.

How to add database to pervasive sql Control Center?

I've never touched PervasiveSql before and now I have a bunch of .ddf and .Btr files. I read that all I had to do was create a new database in the control center and point to the folder that contains these files.
When I do this and look at the database there is nothing in it. Since I am new to Pervasive, I'm more than likely sure that I'm doing something wrong.
EDIT: Added a screen shot after running command prompt
To create a database name in the PCC, you need to connect to the engine then right click the engine name and select New then Database. Once you do that, the following dialog should be displayed:
Enter the database name, and path. The path being where the DDFs are located. In most cases the default options are sufficient.
A longer process is documented at http://docs.pervasive.com/products/database/psqlv11/wwhelp/wwhimpl/js/html/wwhelp.htm#href=uguide/using.02.5.html.
If you pointed to a directory that had DDF files (FILE.DDF, FIELD.DDF,and INDEX.DDF) when you created the database name, you should see tables listed.
If you pointed to a directory that does not have DDF files, the database will still be created but will have no tables defined. You'll either need to get DDFs from the vendor or create the table entries using CREATE TABLE (with IN DICTIONARY clauses) or use DDF BUilder to add table entries.
Based on your screen shot, you only have 10 records in FILE.DDF. This is not enough. There are minimum system tables required (X$FILE, X$FIELD, X$INDEX, and a few others). It appears your DDFs are not a valid set. Contact the client / vendor that provided the DDFs and ask for a set that include all of the table definitions.
Once you have tables listed in your Database Name, you can use ODBC to access the data.

How to script out stored procedures to files?

Is there a way that I can find where stored procedures are saved so that I can just copy the files to my desktop?
Stored procedures aren't stored as files, they're stored as metadata and exposed to us peons (thanks Michael for the reminder about sysschobjs) in the catalog views sys.objects, sys.procedures, sys.sql_modules, etc. For an individual stored procedure, you can query the definition directly using these views (most importantly sys.sql_modules.definition) or using the OBJECT_DEFINITION() function as Nicholas pointed out (though his description of syscomments is not entirely accurate).
To extract all stored procedures to a single file, one option would be to open Object Explorer, expand your server > databases > your database > programmability and highlight the stored procedures node. Then hit F7 (View > Object Explorer Details). On the right-hand side, select all of the procedures you want, then right-click, script stored procedure as > create to > file. This will produce a single file with all of the procedures you've selected. If you want a single file for each procedure, you could use this method by only selecting one procedure at a time, but that could be tedious. You could also use this method to script all accounting-related procedures to one file, all finance-related procedures to another file, etc.
An easier way to generate exactly one file per stored procedure would be to use the Generate Scripts wizard - again, starting from Object Explorer - right-click your database and choose Tasks > Generate scripts. Choose Select specific database objects and check the top-level Stored Procedures box. Click Next. For output choose Save scripts to a specific location, Save to file, and Single file per object.
These steps may be slightly different depending on your version of SSMS.
Stored procedures are not "stored" as a separate file that you're free to browse and read without the database. It's stored in the database it belongs to in a set of system tables. The table that contains the definition is called [sysschobjs] which isn't even accessible (directly) to any of us end users.
To retrieve the definition of these stored procedures from the database, I like to use this query:
select definition from sys.sql_modules
where object_id = object_id('sp_myprocedure')
But I like Aaron's answer. He gives some other nice options.
It depends on which version of SQL Server you're running. For recent versions, source code for stored procedures is available via the system view sys.sql_modules, but a simpler way to get the source for a stored procedure or user-defined function (UDF) is by using system function object_definition() (which the view definition of sys.ssql_modules uses):
select object_definition( object_id('dbo.my_stored_procedure_or_user_defined_function') )
In older versions, stored procedure and UDF was available via the now-deprecated view system view sys.syscomments.
And in older yet versions of SQL Server, it was available via the system table `dbo.syscomments'
It should be notdd that depending on your access and how the database is configured, the source may not be available to you or it may be encrypted, which makes it not terribly useful.
You can also get the source programmatically using SMO (Sql Server Management Objects).
I recently came across an issue with programmatically extracting Stored Procedure scripts to file. I started off using the routine_definition approach, but quickly realised that I hit the 4000 character limit... No matter what I tried, I couldn't find a way to get over that hump. (Still interested to know if there's a way around this!)
Instead, I stumbled across a powerful built-in helper; sp_helptext
In short, for the purposes of extracting Stored Procedure Scripts, specifically, sp_helptext extracts each line to a row in the output. ie, 2000 lines of code = 2000 rows in a returned dataset. As long as your individual lines don't exceed the 4000 character limit, nothing will be clipped.
Of course, you can then write the entire table contents to file pretty easily either in SQL, or in my case SSIS.
In Case someone comes across this problem, I guess the fastest way to extract all the items (Stored Procedures, Views, User Defied Tables, Functions) is to create a Database project in any solution, then Import everything with Schema Compare and wholaaa you have all the items nicely created in corresponding folders.

Batch file to get sql backup scripts

Is there any way where I can use Batch files to get backup of the selected scripts from the SQL database...?
Say - I have one stored procedure, one function and one view in a folder.
Before run the batch file I want to take the backup of these files.
Kindly note: I do not want to take entire database backup. Just the provided scripts alone.
Help me to achieve this one pls...
The specific answer depends entirely on the flavor of your database engine. But the general answer is you need to SELECT the definition from your database's data catalog (meta data). The function and procedure definition will probably come out intact. But the view definition may come out as just the SELECT statement - you might have to prefix it with the CREATE VIEW XXXXXXX AS part.