What is the name of global variable in bigcommerce which is used to store customer group name - bigcommerce

What is the name of global variable in bigcommerce which is used to store customer group name? And how can I get the current customer's group name?

It's %%GLOBAL_CustomerGroupName%%
Note that there is also %%GLOBAL_CustomerGroupId%%, if you need.


Is there customer group in virtocommerce 2?

I need to have a customer group on the pricing module and some of the modules.
Is there customer group in virtocommerce 2? If there is, where is the admin panel?
You can specify customer group using tags, tags need to be added to customer object on storefront, also custom expressions can be easily created - https://virtocommerce.com/docs/vc2devguide/working-with-platform-manager/extending-functionality/composing-dynamic-conditions:

How to set customer specific pricelists which is common in B2B

How to set customer specific pricelists which is common in B2B.
Pricelists per customer or organisation.
If this not exist out of the box, should i tag pricelists witch dynamic properties or add a custom condition, what is tag (TagsContainsCondition).
It dosnt seems to be possible to add own conditions for pricelist assignments!?
I guess this is the best method to override if you dont want to send to many pricelists to the client:
This is already possible out of the box. Simply go to price list assignments and then add a new condition: "Tags contains". In the frontend, you'll need to populate the tags passed to the pricing engine with whatever values you'd like, for instance it can be customerid, or organization name.
You can also extend and add your own conditions as described here: http://docs.virtocommerce.com/display/vc2devguide/Composing+dynamic+conditions.

Filtering records in Shopify API based on order_number

Is it possible to filter records in Shopify API based on the order_number? I did not see anything for this in the docs. I also tried /admin/orders.json?order_number=1001, but it returns all the records.
However, I do see that the "order_number" is the same as the "name" parameter. Would this always be the case? If so, can I filter using the name parameter instead of the order_number?
Thanks in advance.
Yes, you can rely on name and order_number being the same. Therefore, in order to fetch an order by order_number, you can query for "/admin/orders.json?status=any&name=%23" + order_number. The %23 represents the # prepended to the number in name. You probably also want to keep the status=any in there because by default it uses status=open, which would ignore your order if it's been closed/cancelled, thereby falsely indicating that no order exists by the name.
There's no filtering on order number, but you can filter on order IDs.
For a specific list of orders:
For a range:

Adding supplier name to product listing

Using OpenERP 7
I have a client that needs to see the supplier name (Just one if there are multiple suppliers) in the product listing. I've tried using related fields but can't seem to get the syntax right. Can anyone help me on this?
Its not possible to define related field to one2many, in the product object have one2many product.supplierinfo object, so if you want to get only one supplier name then define a function field to get supplier name

iPhone Addressbook and contact id? does it ever change?

Each contact in the address book, has a unique Id,
1) will this Id ever change? if so when does it change? ie a user deletes a contact, will the other contact id change? how do we make sure of this? will not change now or in the future.
EDIT: would like to uniquely identify a contact, which id should I use as a reference?
The documentation says:
The recommended way to keep a
long-term reference to a particular
record is to store the first and last
name, or a hash of the first and last
name, in addition to the identifier.
When you look up a record by ID,
compare the record’s name to your
stored name. If they don’t match, use
the stored name to find the record,
and store the new ID for the record.
Have one unique field like contact or address and compare the record's name with that field as well as id.