I have a program for buying shirts, I'm changing it so the error trapping happens through a function, so I deleted my previous error trapping, created the function, and tried it out. But somewhere I must of screwed up, because it's not working properly. I was following step by step the video guide from my class, but I can't find where I went wrong. I've been trying to figure it out for a few hours now but have gotten nowhere. Any help would be appreciated. What's happening is when I click Calculate or Next Sale, it will always give me my error message "Please enter a valid number" I've tried entering 0, 1, 25, 50, 51, 55, and 5a. It should give me an error message for 5a saying "Please enter a valid number", because it's not numeric. And it should give me the error message "Please enter a number from 1 to 50" for 0, 51, and 55. I couldn't even get that error message to work because every number I entered gave the "Please enter a valid number" error message. Where did I go wrong? Help me find the error please.
Here is the function:
Private Function CheckTextBox(ByVal TextBoxName As TextBox, ByVal Min As Single, ByVal Max As Single, ByVal IntCheck As Boolean) As Boolean
If Not IsNumeric(TextBoxName) Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a valid number", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK)
TextBoxName.Text = ""
Exit Function
End If
If Val(TextBoxName.Text) < Min Or Val(TextBoxName.Text) > Max Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a number from " & Min & " to " & Max, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK)
TextBoxName.Text = ""
Exit Function
End If
If IntCheck Then
If Val(TextBoxName.Text) <> Int(TextBoxName.Text) Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a whole number", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK)
TextBoxName.Text = ""
Exit Function
End If
End If
Return True
End Function
Here is the code for the Calculate button:
Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click
'Local Variable Declaration Section
Dim sngSalesTax As Single
Dim sngOrderTotal As Single
Dim intQuantity As Integer
Dim sngItemTotal As Single
'Data Input Section
If msngShippingCost = -1 Then
MessageBox.Show("Please choose a shipping method", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK) 'Displays an error messsage when no shipping method is chosen
Exit Sub 'Terminates the click event to allow shipping method to be chosen first
End If
If CheckTextBox(txtQuantity, 1, 50, True) = False Then
Exit Sub
End If
intQuantity = CInt(txtQuantity.Text) 'not sure if this line is needed?
'Calculation Section
sngItemTotal = msngItemPrice * intQuantity
msngSubtotal += sngItemTotal 'Calculates the subtotal
sngSalesTax = msngSubtotal * csngSalesTaxRate 'Calculates Sales Tax based on the sales tax rate constant
sngOrderTotal = msngSubtotal + sngSalesTax + msngShippingCost 'Calculates total for the sale
mintOrdersPlacedToday = mintOrdersPlacedToday + 1 'Calculates the number of orders placed today, adds one to the previous number
msngTotalOfOrdersToday = msngTotalOfOrdersToday + sngOrderTotal 'Calculates the Total of all the orders placed today
'Output section
lblShowSubTotal.Text = FormatCurrency(msngSubtotal) 'Displays the Sub Total
lblShowSalesTax.Text = FormatCurrency(sngSalesTax) 'Displays the Sales Tax
lblShowOrderTotal.Text = FormatCurrency(sngOrderTotal) 'Displays the Order Total
lblShowOrdersPlacedToday.Text = mintOrdersPlacedToday 'Displays the Orders placed today
lblShowTotalOfOrders.Text = FormatCurrency(msngTotalOfOrdersToday) 'Displays the Total of the Orders placed today
lblShowShippingCost.Text = FormatCurrency(msngShippingCost) 'Displays the total of the shipping cost
End Sub
And here is the code for the next item button:
Private Sub btnNextItem_Click(Sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnNextItem.Click
'Local Variable Declaration Section
Dim sngSalesTax As Single
Dim intQuantity As Integer
Dim sngItemTotal As Single
'Data Input Section
If CheckTextBox(txtQuantity, 1, 50, True) = False Then 'Uses the function to error trap exits sub if functions returns as false
Exit Sub
End If
intQuantity = CInt(txtQuantity.Text)
'Calculation Section
sngItemTotal = msngItemPrice * intQuantity 'Calculates item total
msngSubtotal += sngItemTotal 'Calculates the subtotal
sngSalesTax = msngSubtotal * csngSalesTaxRate 'Calculates Sales Tax based on the sales tax rate constant
'Output section
lblShowShippingCost.Text = ""
lblShowOrderTotal.Text = ""
lblShowSubTotal.Text = FormatCurrency(msngSubtotal) 'Displays the Sub Total
lblShowSalesTax.Text = FormatCurrency(sngSalesTax) 'Displays the Sales Tax
End Sub
I am a new programmer learning Visual Basic.
Right now, I'm working on a project about a softball scoreboard. I have been working on this project for a bit, and I am confused on 1 thing.
The thing I am confused on is that I put in a messagebox that said invalid input for negative numbers, but it does not delete it from lstScores and even though the message box appears it still counts as a inning input.
If runs < 0 Then
This is the code:
Public Class frmSoftballScoreboard
Const VALID_MESSAGE As String = "Enter valid runs value"
Const ONLY_MESSAGE As String = "Only seven innings are allowed"
'Declaring array
Dim scores(6) As Double
'declaring variables
Dim runs As String
Dim runningScore As Integer = 0
Dim i As Integer = 0
Dim out As Double
'page load event
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
lstScores.Items.Add("Runs : Running Score")
End Sub
'Enter score button
Private Sub btnScore_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnScore.Click
If i < scores.Length Then
'display inputbox to the user
runs = InputBox("Enter score for " & (i + 1) & " innings", "Score")
'if runs is entered
If runs <> "" Then
'parse the value of runs
If (Double.TryParse(runs, out)) Then
'parse the runs and add it to the array scores()
scores(i) = Double.Parse(runs)
runningScore += scores(i)
'add the rainfall value to the listbox along with month name
lstScores.Items.Add(scores(i) & " :" & runningScore)
'increment the value of i
i = i + 1
'display error message
lblTotal.Text = ""
End If
'if runs is empty then display error message
MessageBox.Show("Enter runs for " & i & "innings")
End If
End If
If runs < 0 Then
End If
'calculate total runs And display on the lable
If scores(6) = 7 Then
lblTotal.Text = String.Format("final score is {0}", scores.Sum())
End If
End Sub
'Clear Menu click
Private Sub ClearToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles mnuClear.Click
lblTotal.Text = ""
'reset i to 0
i = 0
End Sub
'Exit Menu click
Private Sub ExitToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles mnuExit.Click
'close application
End Sub
End Class
I would really appreciate it if you could help. Thank you.
Private Sub btnScore_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnScore.Click
If i < scores.Length Then
'display inputbox to the user
runs = InputBox("Enter score for " & (i + 1) & " innings", "Score")
'if runs is entered
If runs < 0 Then
Exit Sub
ElseIf runs <> "" Then
'parse the value of runs
If (Double.TryParse(runs, out)) Then
'parse the runs and add it to the array scores()
scores(i) = Double.Parse(runs)
runningScore += scores(i)
'add the rainfall value to the listbox along with month name
lstScores.Items.Add(scores(i) & " :" & runningScore)
'increment the value of i
i = i + 1
'display error message
lblTotal.Text = ""
End If
'if runs is empty then display error message
MessageBox.Show("Enter runs for " & i & "innings")
End If
End If
If runs < 0 Then
End If
'calculate total runs And display on the lable
If scores(6) = 7 Then
lblTotal.Text = String.Format("final score is {0}", scores.Sum())
End If
End Sub
This is the reason why if you input invalid data it will add into lstScores, because your If statement.. is in bottom of your code, although is not recommend where you put the If else statement... Remember reading of the code is start in top to bottom.
Your first If statement is like this. If runs <> "" then ...., of course if you type the -1 value in the Input Text the Boolean will result to true, If -1 <> "" = true, then it will proceed to the statement which is
If (Double.TryParse(runs, out)) Then
'parse the runs and add it to the array scores()
scores(i) = Double.Parse(runs)
runningScore += scores(i)
'add the rainfall value to the listbox along with month name
lstScores.Items.Add(scores(i) & " :" & runningScore)
'increment the value of i
i = i + 1
This is the line of code even the value is invalid or not it still adding value in the lstScores, lstScores.Items.Add(scores(i) & " :" & runningScore)
Now after that statement you will receive a message which is :
Enter valid runs value
If runs < 0 Then
End If
That code is the reason why you receiving the message. If you input -1 of course the result of boolean is true, why? -1 is lessthan to 0 which is true.
The thing i do is, I've insert If statement.. above, which is If runs < 0 then .... and also Exit Sub to instantly end the statement. If you input -1 to Input Text the result is something like this, if runs(-1) lessthan to 0 the Boolean result is true then it will proceed to statement which is the Message and Exit Sub.
Try my code above, and also use Breakpoints.. Hope this helps..
I have to write a program that calculates costs for a catering company. i have that part down, but whats stumping me is I have trouble displaying the total. What also is stumping me is that i have to make a summary button that adds everything up into a grand total from the previous calculations and display it in a message box. displaying and calculations aren't really my issues, but getting the data to calculate is.
Thank you
HERE's the code.
Const decPRIME_RIB As Decimal = 25.95D
Const decCHICKEN As Decimal = 18.95D
Const decPASTA As Decimal = 12.95D
Const decOPEN_BAR As Decimal = 25D
Const decWINE As Decimal = 8D
Const decBEER As Decimal = 10D
'Declare module-level variables for summary information.
Private TotalDollar As Decimal
Private AmountDue As Decimal
Private SubTotalDecimal As Decimal
Private TotalDecimal As Decimal
Private Guest As Integer
Private EventCountInteger As Integer
Private Sub CalcBtn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles CalcBtn.Click
' Calculate and display the current amounts and add to totals.
Dim FoodChoiceDecimal As Decimal
Dim OpenBarDecimal As Decimal
Dim WineDecimal As Decimal
Dim DrinksDecimal As Decimal
' Find the price.
If PrimeRB.Checked Then
FoodChoiceDecimal = decPRIME_RIB
ElseIf ChickRB.Checked Then
FoodChoiceDecimal = decCHICKEN
ElseIf PastaRB.Checked Then
FoodChoiceDecimal = decPASTA
End If
If OpenCB.Checked Then
OpenBarDecimal = decOPEN_BAR
End If
If WineCB.Checked Then
WineDecimal = decWINE
End If
'Multiply price by number of guest and drink selection.
DrinksDecimal = (OpenBarDecimal + WineDecimal)
AmountDue = (FoodChoiceDecimal + DrinksDecimal) * Guest
' display totals.
TotalLbl.Text = TotalLbl.ToString("C")
' Allow change for new event.
OpenCB.Enabled = False
WineCB.Enabled = False
ClearBtn.Enabled = True
SummaryBtn.Enabled = True
Catch NumberOfGuestsException As FormatException
MessageBox.Show("Number of Guests must be Numeric", _
"Data entry Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, _
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub SummaryBtn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles SummaryBtn.Click
' Calculate total dollar amounts and number of events.
Dim MessageString As String
If EventCountInteger > 0 Then
' Calculate the summary sales totals.
TotalDollar += AmountDue
'Concatenate the message string.
MessageString = "Number of Events:" & EventCountInteger.ToString() _
& Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine _
& "Total Sales: " & TotalDollar.ToString("C")
MessageBox.Show(MessageString, "Sales Summary", _
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
End If
I am attempting to create a grade calculator program and I am having some two problems:
Getting the right outputs (because I am getting ridiculous numbers) and
Getting my counters to work.
The basic form is basically one enters 7 input grades:
3 exams (weighed 15%, 20%, and 20% respectively)
A project (weighed 10%),
Assignments (weighed 20%),
Peer reviews (weighed 5%) ,
A programming language presentation (weighed 10%)
and the individual is supposed to get an output of their numeric grade, their letter grade, and two counters that count how many people got A's and F's.
For an example when I enter 3 exam grades: 82,87,91; Assignments: 94; Peer reviews: 100; programming language presentation: 90; and final project: 92,
I get a final numeric grade of 253.90 and a letter grade of F when it clearly should be a letter grade of A and numeric 89.90.
My counters also are not working properly because they aren't displaying the count, but I feel like I put it in the right place (displaying outputs). What exactly am I doing wrong here? Here's my code
Option Strict On
Public Class frmGradeCalculator
'declare Constants
Const EXAM1GRADE_WEIGHT As Decimal = 0.15D
Const EXAM2GRADE_WEIGHT As Decimal = 0.2D
Const EXAM3GRADE_WEIGHT As Decimal = 0.2D
'Declare module variables
Dim mdecFinalNumericGrade As Decimal
Dim mstrFinalLetterGrade As String
Dim mintStudentsWithAs As Integer
Dim mintStudentsWithFs As Integer
Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click
'declare variables
Dim decExam1Grade As Decimal
Dim decExam2Grade As Decimal
Dim decExam3Grade As Decimal
Dim decHomeworkGrade As Decimal
Dim decPeerReviewGrade As Decimal
Dim decLanguageReferenceGrade As Decimal
Dim decFinalProjectGrade As Decimal
Dim decPercent As Decimal
'check for blanks
If (txtExam1Grade.Text) = "" Then
MessageBox.Show("You Can't Leave Exam 1 Blank")
Exit Sub
End If
'check for numeric
If IsNumeric(txtExam1Grade.Text) = False Then 'value is not numeric
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a numeric value for Exam 1!")
Exit Sub
End If
'check for blanks
If (txtExam2Grade.Text) = "" Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter Exam 2!")
Exit Sub
End If
'check for everything else
If IsNumeric(txtExam2Grade.Text) = False Then 'Value is not numeric
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a numeric value for Exam 2!")
Exit Sub
End If
'check for blanks
If (txtExam3Grade.Text) = "" Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter Exam 3!")
Exit Sub
End If
'check for numerics
If IsNumeric(txtExam3Grade.Text) = False Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a positive numeric value for Exam3!")
Exit Sub
End If
'check for blanks
If (txtHomeworkGrade.Text) = "" Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter Homework Grade!")
Exit Sub
End If
'check for numerics
If IsNumeric(txtHomeworkGrade.Text) = False Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a numeric positive value for Homework Grade!")
Exit Sub
End If
'check for blanks
If (txtPeerReviewGrade.Text) = "" Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a Peer Review Grade!")
Exit Sub
End If
'check for numerics
If IsNumeric(txtPeerReviewGrade.Text) = False Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a numeric positive value for Peer Review Grade!")
Exit Sub
End If
'check for blanks
If (txtLanguageReferenceGrade.Text) = "" Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a Language Reference Grade!")
Exit Sub
End If
'check for numerics
If IsNumeric(txtLanguageReferenceGrade.Text) = False Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a numeric positive value for Language Reference Grade!")
Exit Sub
End If
'check for blanks
If (txtFinalProjectGrade.Text) = "" Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a Final Project Grade!")
Exit Sub
End If
'check for numerics
If IsNumeric(txtFinalProjectGrade.Text) = False Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a numeric positive value for Final Project Grade!")
Exit Sub
End If
'convert data types
decExam1Grade = Convert.ToDecimal(txtExam1Grade.Text)
decExam2Grade = Convert.ToDecimal(txtExam2Grade.Text)
decExam3Grade = Convert.ToDecimal(txtExam3Grade.Text)
decHomeworkGrade = Convert.ToDecimal(txtHomeworkGrade.Text)
decPeerReviewGrade = Convert.ToDecimal(txtPeerReviewGrade.Text)
decLanguageReferenceGrade = Convert.ToDecimal(txtLanguageReferenceGrade.Text)
decFinalProjectGrade = Convert.ToDecimal(txtFinalProjectGrade.Text)
mdecFinalNumericGrade = (decExam1Grade * EXAM1GRADE_WEIGHT) + _
(decExam2Grade * EXAM2GRADE_WEIGHT) + _
(decExam3Grade * EXAM3GRADE_WEIGHT) + _
(decHomeworkGrade * HOMEWORKGRADE_WEIGHT) + _
(decLanguageReferenceGrade + LANGUAGEQUICKREFERENCE_WEIGHT) + _
(decFinalProjectGrade + FINALPROJECT_WEIGHT)
'check for 0 or positive
If decExam1Grade < 0 Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a positive value or zero for Exam 1!")
Exit Sub
End If
'check for 0 or positive
If decExam2Grade < 0 Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a positive value or zero for Exam 2!")
Exit Sub
End If
'check for 0 or positive
If decExam3Grade < 0 Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a positive value or zero for Exam 3!")
Exit Sub
End If
'check for 0 or positive
If decHomeworkGrade < 0 Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a positive value or zero for Homework Grade!")
Exit Sub
End If
'check for 0 or positive
If decPeerReviewGrade < 0 Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a positive value or zero for Peer Review Grade!")
Exit Sub
End If
'check for 0 or positive
If decLanguageReferenceGrade < 0 Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a positive value or zero for Language Reference!")
Exit Sub
End If
'check for 0 or positive
If decFinalProjectGrade < 0 Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a positive value or zero for Final Project Grade!")
Exit Sub
End If
'make sure values are less than 100
If decExam1Grade > 100 Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a value thats 100 or less!")
End If
If decExam2Grade > 100 Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a value thats 100 or less!")
End If
If decExam3Grade > 100 Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a value thats 100 or less!")
End If
If decHomeworkGrade > 100 Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a value thats 100 or less!")
End If
If decPeerReviewGrade > 100 Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a value thats 100 or less!")
End If
If decLanguageReferenceGrade > 100 Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a value thats 100 or less!")
End If
If decFinalProjectGrade > 100 Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a value thats 100 or less!")
End If
'Determine grade per letter
Select Case decpercent
Case Is >= 89.5D
mstrFinalLetterGrade = "A"
mintStudentsWithAs += 1
Case Is >= 79.5D
mstrFinalLetterGrade = "B"
Case Is >= 69.5D
mstrFinalLetterGrade = "C"
Case Is >= 59.5D
mstrFinalLetterGrade = "D"
Case Else
mstrFinalLetterGrade = "F"
mintStudentsWithFs += 1
End Select
lblFinalLetterGrade.Text = mstrFinalLetterGrade
'display outputs
lblFinalNumericGrade.Text = mdecFinalNumericGrade.ToString("f2")
End Sub
Private Sub btnClear_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnClear.Click
'clear the texboxes and labels
lblFinalLetterGrade.Text = ""
lblFinalNumericGrade.Text = ""
'setcursor back to top textbox
End Sub
Private Sub btnReset_Click(ByVal sende As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnReset.Click
'reset module level variables
mdecFinalNumericGrade = 0
mstrFinalLetterGrade = ""
mintStudentsWithAs = 0
mintStudentsWithFs = 0
End Sub
Private Sub btnExit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnExit.Click
'close the form
End Sub
Private Sub frmGradeCalculator_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub
End Class
Your final grade total is wrong because you're not multiplying the language presentation and final project by their weights, but adding the weight to the score:
Exam1 = 82 * .15 = 12.3
Exam2 = 87 * .20 = 17.4
Exam3 = 91 * .20 = 18.2
Assignments = 94 * .20 = 18.8
Peer Review = 100 * .05 = 5
Language Presentation = 90 + .10 = 90.1
Final Project = 92 + .10 = 92.1
Notice the addition (rather than multiplication) on the last two values. The total is 253.9.
Change the last two calculations for medcFinalNumericGrade to:
(decLanguageReferenceGrade * LANGUAGEQUICKREFERENCE_WEIGHT) + _
(decFinalProjectGrade * FINALPROJECT_WEIGHT)
You will always get an "F" because decpercent is never assigned a value, and therefore the Else Case is executed. Either assign decpercent a value, or use mdecFinalNumericGrade.
For example:
Select Case mdecFinalNumericGrade
instead of
Select Case decpercent
Once you fix the Select Case, your counts should work (unless you reset the form).
Hey guys I have been having this crashing problem with my program.
I am trying to create a program where it calculates a persons account balance by inputting their beginning balance, credit limit, total charges, and total credits. In this case I am having specific problems with the Total Charges and Total Credits Code.
I have a message box set up to where if the Total Charges and total credits box are blank it will say "please enter a numeric value for ....". The problem is that when I do run it and enter a blank, the message shows up and then the program crashes.
After crashing, the The program then highlights in yellow the specific conversion code (in this case: decTotalCharges = Convert.ToDecimal(txtTotalCharges.Text)) and the error says Input string was not in correct format.
What's going on, I converted it into a correct format right? (decimal to decimal?). Here's an in depth look at my code:
Public Class frmEndingBalance
'Declare module level variables
Dim mdecEndingBalance As Decimal
Dim mdecAllCharges As Decimal
Dim mdecAllCredits As Decimal
Dim mintCustomersOverLimit As Integer
Private Sub btnClear_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnClear.Click
'clears the form
'clears the labels
txtAccountNumber.Text = ""
txtBeginningBalance.Text = ""
txtTotalCharges.Text = ""
txtTotalCredits.Text = ""
txtCreditLimit.Text = ""
lblEndingBalance.Text = ""
lblCreditMessage.Text = ""
lblAllCharges.Text = ""
lblAllCredits.Text = ""
lblCustomersOverLimit.Text = ""
lblCreditMessage.Text = ""
'clear the textboxes
'clear module level variables
mdecEndingBalance = 0
mdecAllCharges = 0
mdecAllCredits = 0
mintCustomersOverLimit = 0
End Sub
Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click
'Declare Variables
Dim intAccountNumber As Integer
Dim intBeginningBalance As Integer
Dim decTotalCharges As Decimal
Dim decTotalCredits As Decimal
Dim decCreditLimit As Decimal
Dim mdecEndingBalance As Decimal 'Beginning Balance + Charges - Credits()
Dim decCreditMessage As Decimal
'check for numeric
If IsNumeric(txtAccountNumber.Text) = False Then 'value is not numeric
MessageBox.Show("You can't enter anything blank!")
Exit Sub
End If
'convert to a numeric data type
intAccountNumber = Convert.ToInt32(txtAccountNumber.Text)
'check for numeric
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtBeginningBalance.Text) Then MessageBox.Show("Beginning Balance Cannot Be Blank!")
'check for everything else
If IsNumeric(txtBeginningBalance.Text) = False Then 'Value is not numeric
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a numeric value for Beginning Balance!")
Exit Sub
End If
'convert to a numeric data type
intBeginningBalance = Convert.ToInt32(txtBeginningBalance.Text)
'check for numeric
If IsNumeric(txtTotalCharges.Text) = False Then 'value is not numeric
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a numeric value for Total Charges!")
End If
decTotalCharges = Convert.ToDecimal(txtTotalCharges.Text)
'check for 0 or positive
If decTotalCharges < 0 Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a positive value or zero for number of Total Charges!")
Exit Sub
End If
'check for numeric
If IsNumeric(txtTotalCredits.Text) = False Then 'value is not numeric
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a numeric value for Total Credits")
End If
'convert to a numeric data type
decTotalCredits = Convert.ToDecimal(txtTotalCredits.Text)
'check for 0 or positive
If decTotalCredits < 0 Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a positive value or zero for total credits!")
End If
'check numeric
If IsNumeric(txtCreditLimit.Text) = False Then 'value is not numeric
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a numeric value for the Credit Limit!")
End If
'convert to a numeric data type
decCreditLimit = Convert.ToDecimal(txtCreditLimit.Text)
'check for a 0 or positive
If decCreditLimit < 0 Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a positive value or zero for Credit Limit!")
End If
'check for customers over limit
decCreditMessage = decCreditLimit - (mdecEndingBalance)
'running totals
mdecAllCharges += decTotalCharges
mdecAllCredits += decTotalCredits
'calculate Ending Balance
mdecEndingBalance = Convert.ToDecimal(intBeginningBalance + decTotalCharges - (decTotalCredits))
'display outputs
lblEndingBalance.Text = mdecEndingBalance.ToString("c")
lblAllCharges.Text = mdecAllCharges.ToString("c")
lblAllCredits.Text = mdecAllCredits.ToString("c")
lblCustomersOverLimit.Text = mintCustomersOverLimit.ToString("n0")
End Class
Any Help would be greatly appreciated!
You've missed Exit Sub out of the test
If IsNumeric(txtTotalCharges.Text) = False Then 'value is not numeric
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a numeric value for Total Charges!")
End If
You've done it in a few other places as well (as have we all , in fact as do we all :( ). Be worth refactoring with a little helper method or something similar.
If IsValidDecimal(txtTotalCharges.Text, "Total Charges")
' etc
End If
I am having problem with a button the code of my button is.
Private Sub btnCalculateCosts_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles btnCalculateCosts.Click
it handles:
' This Calculate Costs button click event handler edits the
' registration(costs) form to ensure it contains valid data.
' Then, after passing control to the business class, it
' displays the registration cost.
Dim objCourse As Course
Dim objCourseCostsFile As Course
Dim InputError As Boolean = False
' Is student ID entered properly
If Me.txtCorporateID.MaskFull = False Then
MessageBox.Show("Enter your Corporate ID in the Corporate ID box", "Error")
InputError = True
' Is student name entered properly
ElseIf Me.txtFirstName.TextLength < 1 Or _
Me.txtFirstName.Text < "A" Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter your first name in the First Name box", "Error")
InputError = True
' Is number of units entered properly
ElseIf Me.txtLastName.TextLength < 1 Or _
Me.txtLastName.Text < "A" Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter your last name in the Last Name box", "Error")
InputError = True
' Is number of units entered properly
ElseIf Not IsNumeric(Me.txtNumberOfDays.Text) Then
MessageBox.Show("Enter the units in the Number of Units box", "Error")
InputError = True
' Has 1-4 units been entered
ElseIf Convert.ToInt32(Me.txtNumberOfDays.Text) < 1 _
Or Convert.ToInt32(Me.txtNumberOfDays.Text) > 4 Then
MessageBox.Show("Units must be 1 - 4", "Error")
InputError = True
End If
' If no input error, process the registration costs
If Not InputError Then
If Me.radPreConferenceCourse.Checked = False Then
objCourse = New Course(txtCorporateID.Text, txtFirstName.Text, txtLastName.Text, txtNumberOfDays.Text)
Me.lblCosts.Visible = True
Me.lblCosts.Text = "Total Conference Costs Are: " & (objCourse.ComputeCosts()).ToString("C2")
objCourse = New Course(txtCorporateID.Text, txtFirstName.Text, txtLastName.Text, txtNumberOfDays.Text, g)
Me.lblCosts.Visible = True
Me.lblCosts.Text = "Total Conference Costs Are: " & (objCourse.ComputeCosts()).ToString("C2")
Receiving the error:
Handles clause requires a WithEvents variable defined in the
containing type or one of its base types.
Where is btnCalculateCosts defined? – SLaks 14 hours ago