I am working in a project of SmartAgrifood and I have to use Fispace platform. This platform supports widgets. Currently I store data in Cosmos, and I need read this data from Cosmos using Wirecloud. Is there any example for this?
I can create an Azure data lake database with pre-built tables using Azure Synapse database templates from the Synapse Studio UI, but is there a way to use these templates programmatically? So far from my research I have not found a command, API, or SDK for this. Perhaps I could create the database and tables via the UI, then generate the associated spark sql creation scripts, but don't see a way how to do that either. Does anyone have any ideas on how to do either of the prior?
You can create the data lake storage, tables and data insertion programmatically using Azure SDKs. But these templates have been made available to overcome these series of manual tasks. Using these templates save your time and efforts to create an environment and sample data for your development.
Therefore, asking to deploy these templates programmatically challenging the complete concept of templates. If you want to deploy these resources manually, you can use Azure SDKs.
is there an azure API to import/export an existing collection from Azure Table Storage in .csv?
The Table Storage REST API does not provide a response as CSV directly, so it's always necessary to transform the data accordingly, as for example the Azure Storage Explorer does using an older version of the azcopy v7.3.
I've built a little C# library that basically does the same. It currently caches all rows in memory though to create the CSV headers so that's something to be aware of.
Is there a way if ODATA can be established on top of azure data lake analytics table via REST API's?
It seems there are REST API's to get ADLA job informations, account information etc.,
Is there any such existing API's to get data or is it possible to create API to access data via ODATA concept?
If you want to access data in ADLS files, there are REST APIs to get data from the lake. ADLS supports WebHDFS APIs with OAuth.
If you want to send queries and see their results or get U-SQL table data, you would have to write your own shim that translates the query you submit via your API into a U-SQL Script that outputs a file and then transparently download the file and returns it as the result.
Note that so-called interactive support is on the roadmap and being worked on. Once that is available, you can access the data using standard query APIs (such as ODBC, JDBC etc).
Can you please suggest can i use Usql with Azure Data Lake Store .net SDK.
Actually i need to upload some files to data lake store so i need to use Azure Data Lake Store SDK and i also need to add some record in Azure sql server database.
So i created a class library where i created a function to upload files to Data lake store as mentioned on below link:
Then i am calling this function by usql. But its not working fine and throwing error.
Can you please suggest is it actually possible or not or i need to use any other approach for the same.
The SDK is meant to be used from outside U-SQL, e.g., your client machine, or a VM outside of ADL, where the data lives that you want to upload.
If your files live inside ADLS already, see the answer to this question.
For more information why you cannot connect to web end points, see this reply.
I want to use Core Data for managing remote sql server. Is that possible? I checked through the apple documentation and it only shows about SQLite, but on CS193P stanford lectures they say that it is possible to do, but don't say how?
I currently use a bridge with php queries, but that is not OOP way
Thank you.
According to Apple, the answer is no:
How do I use my existing SQLite database with Core Data?
You don’t. Although Core Data supports SQLite as one of its persistent store types, the database format is private. You cannot create a SQLite database using native SQLite API and use it directly with Core Data (nor should you manipulate an existing Core Data SQLite store using native SQLite API). If you have an existing SQLite database, you need to import it into a Core Data store (see “Efficiently Importing Data”).