Change locale dynamically after plugin is applied - formvalidation-plugin

How can I change locale after the plugin has been applied?
Let say I have "en_US" locale assigned. Now I want to change it on runtime.
I tried to re-apply plugin to element:
$(element).formValidation({locale: 'es_ES',....});
But no effect. Any idea?
How can I refresh the view?

EDIT: 2015-06-18
Before you follow the solution bellow (step 1 & step 2 (option 3)), make sure that you downloaded the i18n add-on from here, this add-on will help you define messages in different languages.
Include it and then use it as following:
framework: '...',
icon: {
// ...
addOns: {
i18n: {}
fields: {
// ...
For more information, see
This is how to solve your problem:
Include the language file es_ES.(min.)js after including formvalidation.(min.)js.
Set the locale:
Option 1: Use the locale option as you provided in your question.
Option 2: You can add the attribute data-fv-locale="es_ES" to your form.
Option 3: Use the setLocale method:
$('#yourFormId').formValidation('setLocale', 'es_ES');
the setLocale method is not documented, to see its usage see
the example here
Option 1 & 2 should be used before you initialize the plugin and without using the i18n add-on.
Option 3 after initialization.


Global macros for KaTeX in docusaurus

I'm trying out docusaurus to write a rather technical manual.
One of the requirements is LaTeX support with macros.
Macros allow me to make fewer mistakes and easily change how some output looks for the entire document at once.
E.g. in stead of writing \text{P}_\text{location} = 5 \text{mbar} I could write \def\plocation#1{<definition>} and then \plocation{5}.
Docusaurus supports KaTeX, which in turn supports global macros. At least, in theory. I can't get it to work, unfortunately.
I've tried setting globalGroup: true in the config. I've also tried adding macros to the config itself. Stripped version of my config below.
Just to check defining macros does work, \def\x#1{x+#1}\x{5} results in x+5.
Adding \global or replacing \def with \gdef does not work.
What am I doing wrong? Or is this just not supported?
const macros = {
"\\x": "x+1"
/** #type {import('#docusaurus/types').Config} */
const config = {
presets: [
/** #type {import('#docusaurus/preset-classic').Options} */
docs: {
remarkPlugins: [math],
rehypePlugins: [katex, {
throwOnError: true,
globalGroup: true,
As one should, I figured out what I did wrong 34 minutes after posting this.
When adding config to a plugin, the plugin and config need to be inside [...].
The proper config is:
rehypePlugins: [[katex, {
throwOnError: true,
globalGroup: true,

Translations Service

I'm looking for a solution/idea to dynamically change the translation value of each key in Sparatcus translations files outside the code. I don't want only to create a file and override the I18nModule config, I'm looking for some kind of service/API like Lokalize API to be able to change the translation values outside the code.
Thanks in advance!
The internationalisation features are prepared for this. Although we do not have a service at hand for the localised labels, Spartacus is prepared for this. You can read more about this at You can configure loadPath to an API endpoint, including the variable language (lng) and namespace (ns).
imports: [
i18n: {
backend: {
loadPath: 'assets/i18n-assets/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.json'
// crossOrigin: true (use this option when i18n assets come from a different domain)
chunks: translationChunksConfig

How to configure Create-react-app less module with customize-cra(2.x)?

I used create-react-app(typescripts) to build a project, and added antd#3.26.13 with customize-cra as the website I was following told me.
I would like use the module.css, and I want to use module.less, like css, but encountered some error messages:
./src/layout/basic.module.less (./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--6-oneOf-8-1!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??postcss!./node_modules/less-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--6-oneOf-8-3!./src/layout/basic.module.less)
ValidationError: Invalid options object. CSS Loader has been initialized using an options object that does not match the API schema.
- options has an unknown property 'localIdentName'. These properties are valid:
object { url?, import?, modules?, sourceMap?, importLoaders?, localsConvention?, onlyLocals?, esModule? }
My code follows:
const {
} = require('customize-cra');
module.exports = override(
The current version of customize-cra isn't compatible with the latest version of create-react-app, to be precise with css-loader. Try to install customize-cra#next to get alpha version. They fixed that issue there.

Map Plugin shows no service providers

I'm trying to render an empty Map in QML 5.7, in order to draw geolocated polylines. However, no plugins are available to supply the map data:
Map {
plugin: Plugin {
name: "osm"
Component.onCompleted: console.log('a',availableServiceProviders.length)
MapPolyline {
line.color: "#299FE7"; line.width: 3
path: parent.points
Timer {
running:true; interval:1000
onTriggered: console.log('b',parent.supportedMapTypes.length)
The above outputs:
qml: a 0
qml: b 0
Why don't I have any plugins available, and how can I get one to work?
You don't have a default provider because Qt does not enforce the usage of a specific one. Even more now that all of the available ones require a registration (and the acceptance of an agreement/ToS) to use their services.
The list of available plugins can be found here.
Following the links you can read about the specific setup for the usage of each one.
Adding a provider in QML is just a matter of declaring a Plugin type, something along the line of that:
Plugin {
name: <provider_name> // { "here" | "mapbox" | "osm" }
PluginParameter { name: <param_name>; value: <param_value> }
// other parameters
The very same task can be carried out in a C++/non-QML project via QGeoServiceProvider class.
Mind that the access to MapQuest changed few months ago, breaking the Open Street Map plugin. You now need credentials to access their service, e.g. read this comment. The relevant patch has been pushed and merged, as stated in the bug report page of last linked comment, and will be available in Qt 5.6.2 (and Qt 5.7.1) patch release.

Alfresco custom action permission

I have done a custom action. I can see the action in documentary library but i canot see it on faceted search result page.
<action id="custom-action" type="javascript" label="actions.custom.action">
<param name="function">onCustomActionlick</param>
So I went in the aikau-\META-INF\js\aikau\\alfresco\renderers\_ActionsMixin.js file.
I see that we do a test to determine if action is allowed in this file :
if (this.filterActions === false || AlfArray.arrayContains(this.allowedActions,
On firebug i see that my costum action is not in the allowedActions object. My question is why ?
I think that actions wich have not permission are always allowed to all users. Am I right ?
What can i do to allow this action et make it visible on faceted search result page?
Thank you in advance.
You need to write an extension module which is described here:
In the JavaScript code you need to get the widget id of MERGED_ACTIONS and add your customAction to the array of allowdActions and define it in CustomActions.
This is the Aikau code from the link, probably it has been updated in the newer Alfresco version. So you need to extend this within your extension module.
You can probably just use org\alfresco\share\pages\faceted-search as your <sourcePackageRoot> in the module.
widgets: [{
name: "alfresco/renderers/Actions",
config: {
filterActions: true,
mergeActions: true,
allowedActions: ["folder-manage-rules", "folder-download", "folder-view-details", "CUSTOM3"],
customActions: [{
id: "CUSTOM3",
label: "Custom Action 3",
icon: "document-delete",
index: "10",
publishTopic: "DELETE_ACTION_TOPIC",
type: "javascript"
widgetsForActions: [{
name: "alfresco/renderers/actions/ManageAspects"
The Document Library (at least up until Alfresco Share 5.1) is built with YUI, whereas the search page is built using Aikau. At the time of writing there is not yet parity of action handling between the search page and the Document Library, and the process of adding actions is very different.
In order to get your custom action to display in the faceted search page you'll need to do a couple of things:
Extend the search page to update the configuration for the "alfresco/search/AlfSearchResult" (it has the id "FCTSRCH_SEARCH_RESULT") to add your custom actions to the "additionalDocumentAndFolderActions" array (see
Your custom action will publish a topic, so you need to create a new service to subscribe to that topic to perform the action. You will need to further extend the faceted search page so that your service is included on the page.
I'm paraphrasing from our latest blog the method we've used for this.
Our use case was we had existing actions in the document library view we didn't want to have to recreate, with standard configuration xml.
The first step is to create a Share Extension Module to add a Javascript controller in web-extensions/site-data/extensions/example.xml:
<id>Example Service</id>
This will load some extra javascript, allowing you to adjust the widget config.
Create a file in web-extension/site-webscripts/com/parashift/example/faceted-search.get.js (or whatever package name you've used in sourcePackageRoot), add in a file called faceted-search.get.js with the following contents:
var searchResultPage = widgetUtils.findObject(model.jsonModel.widgets, "id", "FCTSRCH_SEARCH_RESULT");
if(searchResultPage != null) {
searchResultPage.config = {
enableContextMenu : false,
mergeActions : true,
additionalDocumentAndFolderActions : ["example-action"]
name: "parashift/action/example"
This will:
Add example-action to the list of actions in the search results. This should already be a configured action in some share-config.xml file.
Add a new listener widget for you to listen to when the action button is clicked.
Add a file for your listener widget: META-INF/parashift/action/example.js
function(declare, _Widget, Core) {
return declare([_Widget, Core], {
postCreate: function () {
this.alfSubscribe("ALF_SINGLE_DOCUMENT_ACTION_REQUEST", lang.hitch(this, this._onPayloadReceive));
_onPayloadReceive: function (payload) {
if( == "example-action") {
this.alfLog("log", "Received action, handling accordingly");
This code will listen for ALF_SINGLE_DOCUMENT_ACTION_REQUEST and execute the _onPayloadReceive function. In this function we filter to the example-action and execute any custom code.
The payload variable will include document and action objects. Using Debug Logging you can see what their shape is.
This is roughly equivalent to the old YUI method:"registerAction", {
actionName: "onExampleAction",
fn: function(file) {
console.log("Received action, handling accordingly");