Can we use Windows 10 (for phone ) model design in Windows phone 8.1 App? [closed] - windows-phone

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am developing an app for windows phone 8.1 . Based on MSDN design guidelines I am using pivots and panorama controls in my application.
I heard there are some significant changes in UI in windows 10 OS and MSFT is not using popular controls like pivot and panorama in Windows 10.
MSFT uses buttons ,top bar, hamburger menu etc. mostly in their new OS version. See the link
My questions is , can we design my new application in 'windows 10' model ? (using hamburger,top bar etc.) . I want to make sure they will put my app in store. I am afraid of certification failure (there is a chance for rejection because app may not follow WP 8.1 app design guidelines)
This is actually a big app and need at least 8 months to get done .

Those design guidelines are not certification requirements, they're just here to help you get a clue of WP design principles. There are some UI requirements for publication, but those are more semantic (i.e. text on buttons should always be clearly legible). The official requirements are stated here. As long as the UI is responsive an not misleading for users, you won't have any problems.
Personally, I've published several apps to WP, including some with special, non-standard UIs, and got rejected quite a few times, but never because of disregarding design guidelines. Mostly, it was due to technical reasons, or the button example I stated above.


Can I start a call from a hybrid application by clicking on one button using MobileFirst? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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i want to develop a hybrid application which makes a phone call to a static number automatically when clicking on a button using mobilefirst.can you help me?
It's not specific to IBM MobileFirst. A bit of googling would've given you the answer you needed...
Here are a couple of options to open the dialer with a number:
Directly in the HTML (you can style the a to look like a 'button'): call this number
Using JavaScript code to be called in a function: document.location.href = "tel:+375292771265";
It seems that you want to auto-dial.
iOS: In iOS this is not allowed in webpages. Worklight apps are essentially web code and thus considered a "webpage" by the OS and will thus first display an alert confirming if the end-user truly wants to call this number or not. In a native app the dialer will auto-dial. This can be read in the iOS documentation:
Android: not allowed by the OS. You may be able to achieve this using a Cordova plug-in: see how to create Cordova plug-ins in MobileFirst Platform Foundation and a possible functionality implementation.

To what extent does 'optimized for iOS7' refer to the iOS7 UI? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Apple's announcement of the 'Optimized for iOS7' mandate is as follows:
Starting February 1, new apps and app updates submitted to the App Store must be built with the latest version of Xcode 5 and must be optimized for iOS 7. Learn more about preparing your apps by reviewing the iOS Human Interface Guidelines.
There's been several questions regarding this already regarding the Xcode part, which seems fairly straight-forward (use Xcode 5!)
But the 'optimized for' part along with the HIGs is much more vague.
It appears that some interpret this to mean "It has to look like a native iOS7 app...Helvetica Thin, extremely flat icons, translucency, etc"
But I find that hard to accept given how broad app UIs tend to be. I don't see EA Sports changing all their UIs to match, for example. Has apple published any clarifying documentation in regards to what they mean by 'optimized for' and how closely the UI must adhere to iOS7 conventions and to what range of apps this would apply to (all apps? Only native apps? HTML5 apps? Games? etc.)?
Coming from someone who has submitted a lot of apps, this isn't something I would see Apple enforcing unless you stray very far from the iOS 7 look and feel.
For example, I could imagine someone trying to submit an application that looks & feels a lot like an iOS 6 app, which is something they wouldn't want (confusing). Or, imagine somebody creating a new UIDatePicker that looks like the iOS 6 date picker (confusing). They're simply looking for consistency.
So, rule of thumb when it comes to HIG--use what apple provides. For custom views, respect the platform and don't confuse the user.
More specifics
One current completely unsupported working hypothesis seems to be that, as of Feb 1st, an iOS app has to be built with the iOS 7 as Base SDK, and that the newer iOS 7 metrics can't break anything in the UI (as in non-operable buttons or alerts, views partially-hidden under the status bar or behind tool bars, text half off-screen, etc.), and the app can't attempt to call any deprecated APIs removed from iOS 7.

What's the difference between Windows Dev-Center and Microsoft Developer Network pages? [closed]

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This question does not appear to be about programming within the scope defined in the help center.
Closed 9 years ago.
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Often times when I search MSDN, I get results from either of those two pages:
Windows Dev-Center
Microsoft Developer Network
Both of those pages appear to contain articles from the 'same' MSDN library. What's the difference between those two pages / why are they split like that?
What I have understood from my experience:
MSDN is more of a social platform which Microsoft uses to build a relationship with developers, engineers around the world; It is surely Microsoft centric but not Windows specific.
For e.g. I have read articles in MSDN magazines which were related to general programming problems, C++, Developer blogs etc.
Windows Dev-Center, on other hand is something that emerged after Microsoft introduced Windows 8, it is purely Windows Centric (Phone & Desktop) focusing developers related to these platform.
As stated here
The Windows 8 Dev Center: Everything you need to design, build, and sell a Metro style app
Key thing to note is Windows Dev Center also resides on the domain of MSDN itself >

What's the latest in touch screen programming? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I want to code some applications to use touch screen gestures. What is the latest technology available?
What functionalities to APIs provide? Is it just the casual select and click functionality or are advanced gestures are also exposed through the API? Is it possible to extend the APIs to code my own gestures?
I can't arrange a touch screen device immediately. Is it possible to do some coding now and test my code using an on screen emulator with my mouse? Later for thorough testing I will get an actual touch screen device.
I am open to Linux and Windows platforms.
Also would like to explore both desktop (PC and laptops) and mobile platforms (smartphones) with greater stress on the former. Desktop because the computing power available is high and don't want to be bogged down with mobile related issues in the beginning.
Windows 7 Mulit-Touch has APIs for both touch and gestures. Gestures are extensible. (See
The Surface Toolkit for Windows Touch Beta ( gives you additional, multitouch enabled controls that were introduced with Microsoft Surface.
Finally, the CodePlex project "Multitouch Vista" allows you to simulate multitouch on a normal computer using 2 mice ( It takes a little fiddling to get to work, but it does work nicely under Winodws 7, 32bit and 64bit.
Hope this helps!

How to know that, the system you are building is a better as Desktop Application than an Web Application? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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How to know that, the system you are building is a better as Desktop Application than an Web Application?
My top 3:
I need to use/control the hardware directly (printer, graphic card...).
I don't care if my project is platform dependant.
Need complex user interface (OK Web 2.0 is better than ever, but it's still hell to make advanced specialized stuff to work in all Web browsers).
Interesting question. in practice the answer hinges primarily on the deployment requirements:
If you want very broad and "instant" deployment - then use HTML and HTTP.
if you or your organization have administrative control over the computers on which the app will be deployed, making it a "desktop app" is acceptable.
Most apps lie between those extremes.
It depends on your target audience, desired features, and what delivery method makes the most sense.
It might help to answer these questions:
1) Who will use this?
2) What will they do with it? (think about thinks like media operations, data storage,..)
3) How will they best be able to get this app?
4) What operating system(s) will it support?