LUA windows: How do I launch windows metro app with Unified Remote script - scripting

I'm trying to make a custom remote for unified remote server in windows 8.1
The sample scripts have os.start(command). It works for something like calc, but I'm trying to launch a metro app 'netflix://' and Lua doesn't seem to want to accept it - I think it's not taking the front slashes.
Is there a way to get Lua to launch a metro app in windows? Thanks

Assuming you mean os.execute() command, to run commands that open files and run based on protocol association, you need to use start command:
If you need to put the parameter in quotes, then make sure to include a pair of empty quotes as the first parameter:
os.execute([[start "" "netflix://..."]])

For os.start(), it seems that you have to pass the whole path to a command. The Unified Remote API states that it should match installed applications, but I believe it might only be applicable to applications with binaries in the PATH, which is why their example of calc works.
With this in mind, and knowing that start works well directly from PoweShell, this command does what we need:
os.start("C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\cmd.exe", "/c", "start", "netflix:");
Answering this old question since it's the top google hit when looking for launching windows10 apps with Lua for Unified Remote
As a side note, due to limitations on the Netflix Win10 app, I ended up simply opening Firefox and giving it the Netflix URL. Assuming default installation:
os.start("C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe", "");


Is it possible to edit an IntellijIDEA project remotely via a web browser?

I am looking for something similar to RStudio-server (r-studio), but for programming in Java/Scala.
RStudio-server accessed via web is the same as the desktop version.
May be there are other equivalent solutions, given that my problem is scarce local resources to run my programs, but plenty of resources in a remote computer.
The more seamless, the better.
It would be also good if I could just run my program remotely seamlessly (outputing like if it was local and inside the IDE).
I recently starting using Chromoting to remote into a different machine that has IntelliJ. It's convenient in that it's built into chrome and I can pretty much do this anywhere because everyone has Chrome these days. It's a very good remoting tool but it still is remoting, it has its delays and minor problems (some keyboard shortcuts don't get sent through and those options haven't been added yet).
Just an idea for something to try.
It is not seamless, but I just managed to solve the problem using the right workflow:
In the local machine:
edit files in IDEA
[optional] set the output path, if any, to your favorite file hosting service (dropbox in my case)
commit with your favorite VCS (bzr in my case, it can need a push to the remote machine)
In the remote machine:
update with your favorite VCS
compile and run with your favorite build tool (sbt in my case):
sbt 'run-main experiments.AtomicBombMain'
[optional] In the local machine again:
[optional] get the generated files at the output path at the shared folder of your favorite file hosting service
Link with more details about the entire process since instalation until compiling:

Trouble using ssh in a Mac Automator Service

I am trying to create an Automator Service that runs an applescript that eventually runs a bash script to ssh/scp to a server:
I have this applescript that saves my current photoshop document and calls a bash script to scp the image to a server. The bash script then runs ssh to do some stuff on said server with the image.
I have an ssh-askpass file and it seems to work well in most situations. I even tried reinstalling it to make sure I didn't goof on permissions, but it seems to be in good shape.
If I just run the applescript through Applescript Editor, it works fine and goes through ssh-askpass.
I want to create an Automator action (using the "service" template) to run my applescript, so I can just make it into a keyboard shortcut.
If I just run the script in Automator, everything works fine. Unfortunately, when I try to use the service outside automator (ie App Menu > Services), it seems that my Automator action is not attempting to go through ssh-askpass at all (which I verified with temporary logging)- everything works fine up to that point.
I looked into it a bit more, and it appears that a similar issue occurs when I try to run the applescript from the terminal (and not Applescript Editor)
Is there something different I need to do to ensure that an applescript (in Automator) uses ssh-askpass?
I found the issue. In the bash script I was calling, I was exporting the SSH_ASKPASS path, but not the display:
export DISPLAY=":0"
Apparently the AppleScript Editor (and XCode and Automator) does the exports for you, which is why it was working in those cases.
If you have control over your account on the server (e.g. shell account), I would just generate an SSH keypair and use it for authentication. That way, you can truly automate the exchange and not have to deal with ssh-askpass at all.
See for a guide to making and deploying SSH keys.

How to remotely develop software?

Suppose I have a server that runs on Linux on which I would like to develop software (mainly OCaml, C/C++ and Java).
Is there a way to "remote develop" these things? I mean an IDE that allows me to modify files remotely (they are then uploaded when modified and saved) and to compile through SSH (basically invoking make or omake).
I was looking for something that makes this process transparent to the developer, without caring of doing things by hand. I'm used to use Eclipse so I wonder if a plugin to achieve this exists or if are there other choices?
Mind that it may happen that the local machine it not able to build software I intend to (for example for OCaml) so it should rely just on remote connection.
Thanks in advance
You can use X11 forwarding. Even if you are connecting from a Windows machine.
If you are on Linux, connecting with ssh -Y might work right out of the box for you:
ssh -Y user#your_server
eclipse &
Well the simplest idea I can think of, though it is rather brute force would be to just open up a file share to the server and then edit the file directly through Eclipse.
If that doesn't work for Java at least you could make use of Maven to do some of those tasks. I am less certain about invoking Make though.
I think your answer is IDE-centric.
KDE's ioslaves support access over both SFTP and SSH (using fish, which uses a Perl script uploaded to the remote machine). I believe Gnome also has a virtual file system (gvfs) which supports remote filesystem access.
My recommendation, therefore, is to choose an IDE which supports a virtual filesystem that can operate over SSH/SFTP and allows you to specify the build command. You would then only need to specify the build command which would get its output from the remote make command (for example, vim has a makeprg option which can be set to any arbitrary command).
Depending on how 'remote' this is; why not ssh in and run the IDE remotely over X?
Using a build tool (Hudson for example) you could put a build agent on your remote server, check your changes into your repository as normal, and have it do a build when you check in changes (it will either do a repository hook or poll for changes, probably). Your build process will be the same, it will simply be automated. :-)
emacs has tramp, which lets you both open and save remote files, and open a shell on a remote system. Working with tramp is almost exactly like working with local files, except for the filename. To open 'foo.c' on the machine 'bork' as user 'joe' I open it with the standard emacs commands, giving it the pathname /joe#bork:foo.c
I use vim for remote development. (Well, I use vim also non-remote.)
If building is the problem, have you thought about simply using an automated build system where you commit to svn and the system then automatically builds the software? I've heard many good things about these sorts of systems, although I haven't quite tried any out myself.
As for remote development, a SVnDAV solution might be reasonable. It basically commits your every save and is completely transparent to the text editor you're using. However a probably much nicer solution would simply be to use a networked drive/directory and edit files remotely. On all unix-based systems this should work completely transparently to both the developer and the text editor.
Your choice of IDE will have the most impact on the answer to "can I?". If your IDE of choice is CLI based than you can always just SSH in, fire up screen (so that your CLI session is persistent across SSH sessions), and have at it!
Use vim or emacs since they will offer you speed. I know there is a learning curve associated with these editors; but once you get comfortable in any of them; you will be able to work on them as good as with Eclipse or any other IDE.
If you already have a linux server then I would suggest setting up a simple VPN server. I have done this in the past and it works pretty well. This way you can connect and modify/build your files with any "local" OS. I did this cause I use mac, pc and linux through various parts of the day and in multiple locations, so the VPN allowed me to edit files remotely w/out having to allow file sharing over the internet.
There are plenty of tutorials about how to achieve this even if you are newer to linux. I use ubuntu server on my linux box and here are the tutorial I have used.
Netbeans 7.3 has a new feature which addresses your problem (and mine). Here's the tutorial.
note: I realize it has been 3 years since this question was asked so the answer may be irrelevant to #Jack now.
One IDE that supports exactly your language set is Nuclide. It adds some packages to Atom and is used internally in Facebook exactly as you have described - full-fledged remote development in C++, Java, and Ocaml.
If a friendly file editor is enough for you then I'd recommend to use Jupyter.
Super fast installation
Built in server/file editor that starts with one command

Powerbuilder run

I'm using Powerbuilder to call an external function from a DLL created in C#
If I generate an executable it works fine, it call the web service perfectly well, but when I'm trying to run it in "development" mode it don't use the "application_name.exe.config" file.
I tried to set "app.config" file hard coded in the DLL, but I was unsuccessful
Clues to resolve this issue?
I think you described it yourself: you're looking for it to use something used by the EXE when you're running from development mode. When you run from development mode, there is no EXE generated or used, so Windows won't be leveraging functionality linked to the EXE. (PB starts your application so quickly because it is only loading the application to the virtual machine and running its Open event.) If you need this, it sounds like you'll have to include Deploying of the EXE and running it as part of your testing cycle.
Good luck,
When you compile and run from the exe you're using your exe. But when you run from the dev environment you're actually using pbxxx.exe (pb115.exe, pb110.exe etc.). You may be able to copy the "application_name.exe.config" into your pb directory and rename it something like pbxxx.exe.config. At least that's the way it works with manifest files -- I had two, one called appname.exe.manifest and one called pb115.exe.manifest.
Just curious but how many libraries/objects are in your application?
I have some very large applications and the longest any of them takes to do a full build is about 30 minutes. Something odd about your aapplication for it to take 2 hours to do a full build.
DLL's dont have config files. Only EXE's.

Windows CE Device: Deploy using a .zip or a .cab on headless device?

I have a Windows CE device that we are deploying, but we have complete control of the software installed on it.
This is not a typical Windows Mobile device, this is a headless device that the user will not interact with. I know that on PDA-style WinCE devices, the .cab file is the preferred application distribution method.
However, on a headless device, we will be writing some type of upgrade/patch server that will ping a server for updates, download them, and auto-install when they are available.
Do I still want a .cab file, or is a .zip (or even something else) better?
What are the requirements for a .cab file - what kind of restrictions / requirements might get in the way and be an annoyance? What are the benefits?
I'd stick with CAB as a package since even headless devices can use the CAB extraction tool. If you ZIP it, then you have to add a ZIP support library and app. CAB also has the ability to add registry entries and define far more disparate target locations than a zip (I want x.dll in \Windows but prog.exe in my program folder - try that with a ZIP).
One thing to keep in mind is that wceload (the CAB extractor) uses a UI by default, so you're going to want to use things like the /noui switch for it.
If you're true headless this may not be an issue (not done that in a long while) but a fairly common "headless" configuration has display support and either the display simply isn't hooked up or is something like a NOP VGAFLAT driver. This allows you to run a shell and have access to all the nice shell APIs, but adds to the challenge that GWES will render dialogs onto the non-existent display.
OpenNETCF also has a CAB Installer SDK that you can use to completely remove any UI with by creating your own installer app. This may or may not be useful depending on the how and when the install happens (through HKLM\Init or otehr for example).