Selecting the first day of the month in HIVE - sql

I am using Hive (which is similar to SQL, but the syntax can be little different for the SQL users). I have looked at the other stackoverflow, but they seems to be in the SQL with different syntax.
I am trying to the get the first day of the month through this query. This one gives me today's day. For example, if today is 2015-04-30, then result would be 2015-04-01. Thanks!
FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),'yyyy-MM-dd') as first_day_of_month_transaction
--DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, 0, GETDATE()), 0) as first_day_of_month_transaction --SQL format. Not compatible in Hive.

Try this

To get the first day of the month, you can use:
1 - day(<date>) )
Applied to your expression:
date_add(FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), 'yyyy-MM-dd'),
1 - day(FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), 'yyyy-MM-dd'))
But this will work for any column in the right format.

SELECT TRUNC(rpt.statement_date,'MM') will give you the first day of month.

You can use this query to calculate the First day of the current month
Select date_add(last_day(add_months(current_date, -1)),1);
Instead of current_date, you can use the date field name.
last_day => Gives the last day of current month
add_months with -1 => Gives previous month
date_add with 1 => Add one day

Another way - select concat(substring(current_date,1,7),'-01');


How to fix a datetime restriction problem in a sql query?

I'm developing a SQL Query, as a restriction, I want that the query returns data from the first day of the last month until now.
For example: If the query is executed today, the query will only return data entered from 01/03/2019 until today.
To do this, i created the following restriction:
SF1010.F1_DTDIGIT>=concat(YEAR(GETDATE()),'0',month(GETDATE())-1,'01') AND
The problem is in the months 01, 11 and 12:
If the month is "11", the algorithm will return "1901001" and not "191001".
If the month is "01", the algorithm will return "190001" and not "181201".
Thanks for any help.
SF1010.F1_DTDIGT BETWEEN $yourDate AND date_add($yourDate,interval -DAY($yourDate)+1 DAY)
This gets dates between your date and the first day of the month. first day logic works by subtracting the DAY part to get first of month.
This query will do the comparison of your DTDIGIT with the first day of the previous month in the DATE format:
DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH) returns the date exactly one month ago. We use that date to get the previous month
YEAR() and MONTH() functions use the date explained above
STR_TO_DATE() function converts a string representing a date to the
MySQL DATE format, using the mask (in this example, it's
How about this?
SF1010.F1_DTDIGT >= date_add(date_add(curdate(), interval 1 - day(curdate()) day), interval -1 month)
This assumes the date is not in the future. You can add another condition if that is possible.
If you happen to be using SQL Server, you can do this weird form of date arithmetic:
SF1010.F1_DTDIGT >= dateadd(month, datediff(month, 0, getdate()) - 1, 0)

T-SQL: How to get all records prior to the first day of the current month?

Using SQL Server: I am trying to find all records prior to the first day of the current month and set this as a parameter in an SSRS report (so I can't use a static value).
So, I need all records prior to the first day of the each current month going forward in column CREATEDDATETIME ('yyyy-mm-dd').
I have seen a lot of threads on how to find records for a specific month and various other searches but none specifically related to the above. Interested to see if the EOMONTH function will be of use here.
Thanks for the help and advice.
Here is an expression to use EOMONTH() function with optional parameter -1.
DateAdd: add 1 day to expression
getdate is current date
EOMONTH is end day of a given month; however, if you put an optional integer -1, this would mean last month
Thus: first day of current month is add one day to end of day last month
Result: 2018-04-01
SO in your query:
select *
from table
I would use datefromparts():
select t.*
from t
where CREATEDDATETIME < datefromparts(year(getdate()), month(getdate()), 1);
There's already two other answers that work, but for completeness here is a third common technique:
FROM [table]
WHERE CREATEDDATETIME < dateadd(month, datediff(month,0, current_timestamp), 0)
You might also get answers suggesting you build the date using strings. Don't do that. It's both the least efficient and most error prone option you could use.
all three answers are great, how ever you may find that it will select all the data prior to the 1st day of the current month until the 1st Createdate. This could cause the report to take forever to run, Maybe building in a limitation to the code I would use something like this to build a report that gives details for last month only.
Select [columns]
from [source]
where [Createdate] between
/*First day of last Month*/
DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm, 0, Getdate())-1, 0 and
/*First day of this Month*/

How do I get the number of days in a month for the specific date in that row of data using SQL?

For example, if I have a data set including two columns, one which shows the month as a number and the other which shows the year (result of grouping my data using GROUP BY), I want to add another column called 'Days in the month' which will display the number of days in the respective month. Is there a way I can do this? Is there some function I can add in the SELECT clause?
I want to do this since there are further calculations I need to do with that number for each row.
In SQL Server 2012+, you can use:
select day(eomonth(datecol))
eomonth() gets the last day of the month. day() just returns the day of the month -- the number of days in the month, in this case.
For older SQL Server versions, I use the following:
DAY(DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, -1, date_column)- 1, -1))
Much less elegant than the previous answer, but functional.

DB2 Between Statement for Last Sunday to This Coming Saturday

I am curious why this does not work:
current date - int((dayofweek(current date))-1)
current date + int(7-(dayofweek(current date)))
When this gives me exactly what I want:
select current date - int((dayofweek(current date))-1) days from sysibm.sysdummy1)
select current date + int(7-(dayofweek(current date))) days from sysibm.sysdummy1)
The above two will yield the correct dates that I want my specific date time column to be in between. What am I missing here?
current date - ((dayofweek(current date))-1) DAYS
current date + (7-(dayofweek(current date))) DAYS
You have to signify that you are reducing DAYS from current date as shown above.
"Does not work" is a little vague :). Your first query is missing the DAY part to tell DB2 what part you're doing the date math on.
However, it kind of sounds like you might want to use the WEEK scalar function:

Informix - extract day of month from date, and select only odd days

how to extract day of month from date, and select only odd days in Informix SQL?
Day of month is simply the DAY(date_or_datetime_column) function, related to the MONTH() and YEAR() functions. Getting only odd numbers is done with a simple modulo 2 expression.
So I think you only need:
SELECT date_col, DAY(date_col)
FROM table
WHERE MOD(DAY(date_col), 2) = 1
Hope that's useful.