Single WMS from single mapfile with several rasters in MapServer - layer

I have several rasters in a single mapfile, I put them as layers like here:
NAME "Layer 1"
GROUP "All Layers"
DATA "layer1.png"
"wms_title" "Layer 1"
"wms_srs" "EPSG:4326"
"wms_group_title" "All layers"
"wms_abstract" "No abstract"
"wms_server_version" "1.1.1"
"wms_format" "image/png"
"wms_include_items" "all"
"gml_include_items" "all"
"gml_geom_type" "raster"
NAME "Layer 2"
GROUP "All Layers"
DATA "layer2.png"
"wms_title" "Layer 2"
"wms_srs" "EPSG:4326"
"wms_group_title" "All layers"
"wms_abstract" "No abstract"
"wms_server_version" "1.1.1"
"wms_format" "image/png"
"wms_include_items" "all"
"gml_include_items" "all"
"gml_geom_type" "raster"
NAME "Layer 3"
GROUP "All Layers"
DATA "layer3.png"
"wms_title" "Layer 3"
"wms_srs" "EPSG:4326"
"wms_group_title" "All layers"
"wms_abstract" "No abstract"
"wms_server_version" "1.1.1"
"wms_format" "image/png"
"wms_include_items" "all"
"gml_include_items" "all"
"gml_geom_type" "raster"
The problem is that I want to have a single WMS layer (named as in GroupTitle) as output from this mapfile (because it is only one mapfile), instead I have four WMS layers (three coming from each LAYER and one from the GROUP LAYER).
How can I achieve what I want? I use Mapserver 6.4.1 in OL 2.11.
Any ideas are welcomed, thanks in advance,

You can just use the GROUP element:
NAME "layer1"
GROUP "both_layers"
DATA "layer1.tif"
NAME "layer2"
GROUP "both_layers"
DATA "layer2.tif"
Then you reference "both_layers" in your WMS requests.

It appears that a Union Layer would do what you're asking. I haven't tried it myself. From the documentation linked above:
NAME "union-layer"
CONNECTION "layer1,layer2,layer3" # reference to the source layers
PROCESSING "ITEMS=itemname1,itemname2,itemname3"
NAME "layer1"

I believe that what you are looking for is the TILEINDEX approach that was introduced in 6.4.
To quote the reference:
When handling very large raster layers it is often convenient, and higher performance to split the raster image into a number of smaller images. Each file is a tile of the larger raster mosaic available for display. The list of files forming a layer can be stored in a shapefile with polygons representing the footprint of each file, and the name of the files.
See Rasters and Tile Indexing


SpaCy: Set entity information for a token which is included in more than one span

I am trying to use SpaCy for entity context recognition in the world of ontologies. I'm a novice at using SpaCy and just playing around for starters.
I am using the ENVO Ontology as my 'patterns' list for creating a dictionary for entity recognition. In simple terms the data is an ID (CURIE) and the name of the entity it corresponds to along with its category.
Screenshot of my sample data:
The following is the workflow of my initial code:
Creating patterns and terms
# Set terms and patterns
terms = {}
patterns = []
for curie, name, category in envoTerms.to_records(index=False):
if name is not None:
terms[name.lower()] = {'id': curie, 'category': category}
Setup a custom pipeline
def envo_extractor(doc):
matches = matcher(doc)
spans = [Span(doc, start, end, label = 'ENVO') for matchId, start, end in matches]
doc.ents = spans
for i, span in enumerate(spans):
span._.set("has_envo_ids", True)
for token in span:
token._.set("is_envo_term", True)
token._.set("envo_id", terms[span.text.lower()]["id"])
token._.set("category", terms[span.text.lower()]["category"])
return doc
# Setter function for doc level
def has_envo_ids(self, tokens):
return any([t._.get("is_envo_term") for t in tokens])
##EDIT: #################################################################
def resolve_substrings(matcher, doc, i, matches):
# Get the current match and create tuple of entity label, start and end.
# Append entity to the doc's entity. (Don't overwrite doc.ents!)
match_id, start, end = matches[i]
entity = Span(doc, start, end, label="ENVO")
doc.ents += (entity,)
Implement the custom pipeline
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
matcher = PhraseMatcher(nlp.vocab)
#### EDIT: Added 'on_match' rule ################################
matcher.add("ENVO", None, *patterns, on_match=resolve_substrings)
nlp.add_pipe('envo_extractor', after='ner')
and the pipeline looks like this
[('tok2vec', <spacy.pipeline.tok2vec.Tok2Vec at 0x7fac00c03bd0>),
('tagger', <spacy.pipeline.tagger.Tagger at 0x7fac0303fcc0>),
('parser', <spacy.pipeline.dep_parser.DependencyParser at 0x7fac02fe7460>),
('ner', <spacy.pipeline.ner.EntityRecognizer at 0x7fac02f234c0>),
('envo_extractor', <function __main__.envo_extractor(doc)>),
<spacy.pipeline.attributeruler.AttributeRuler at 0x7fac0304a940>),
<spacy.lang.en.lemmatizer.EnglishLemmatizer at 0x7fac03068c40>)]
Set extensions
# Set extensions to tokens, spans and docs
Token.set_extension('is_envo_term', default=False, force=True)
Token.set_extension("envo_id", default=False, force=True)
Token.set_extension("category", default=False, force=True)
Doc.set_extension("has_envo_ids", getter=has_envo_ids, force=True)
Doc.set_extension("envo_ids", default=[], force=True)
Span.set_extension("has_envo_ids", getter=has_envo_ids, force=True)
Now when I run the text 'tissue culture', it throws me an error:
nlp('tissue culture')
ValueError: [E1010] Unable to set entity information for token 0 which is included in more than one span in entities, blocked, missing or outside.
I know why the error occurred. It is because there are 2 entries for the 'tissue culture' phrase in the ENVO database as shown below:
Ideally I'd expect the appropriate CURIE to be tagged depending on the phrase that was present in the text. How do I address this error?
My SpaCy Info:
============================== Info about spaCy ==============================
spaCy version 3.0.5
Location *irrelevant*
Platform macOS-10.15.7-x86_64-i386-64bit
Python version 3.9.2
Pipelines en_core_web_sm (3.0.0)
It might be a little late nowadays but, complementing Sofie VL's answer a little bit, and to anyone who might be still interested in it, what I (another spaCy newbie, lol) have done to get rid of overlapping spans, goes as follows:
import spacy
from spacy.util import filter_spans
# [Code to obtain 'entity']...
# 'entity' should be a list, i.e.:
# entity = ["Carolina", "North Carolina"]
pat_orig = len(entity)
filtered = filter_spans(ents) # THIS DOES THE TRICK
pat_filt =len(filtered)
doc.ents = filtered
print("Original number of patterns:", pat_orig)
print("Number of patterns after overlapping removal:", pat_filt)
Important to mention that I am using the most recent version of spaCy at this date, v3.1.1. Additionally, it will work only if you actually do not mind about overlapping spans being removed, but if you do, then you might want to give this thread a look. More info regarding 'filter_spans' here.
Best regards.
Since spacy v3, you can use doc.spans to store entities that may be overlapping. This functionality is not supported by doc.ents.
So you have two options:
Implement an on_match callback that will filter out the results of the matcher before you use the result to set doc.ents. From a quick glance at your code (and the later edits), I don't think resolve_substrings is actually resolving conflicts? Ideally, the on_match function should check whether there are conflicts with existing ents, and decide which of them to keep.
Use doc.spans instead of doc.ents if that works for your use-case.

Tensorboard: why is family name prefixed twice?

I'm using tf.summary.histogram(var_name, var, family='my_family') to log a histogram. In the tensorboard interface it appears as
Does anybody know what the logic is behind duplicating the family name?
It does seem intentional, as I find the following in tensorflow/tensorflow/python/ops/ :
# Use family name in the scope to ensure uniqueness of scope/tag.
scope_base_name = name if family is None else '{}/{}'.format(family, name)
with ops.name_scope(scope_base_name, default_name, values) as scope:
if family is None:
tag = scope.rstrip('/')
# Prefix our scope with family again so it displays in the right tab.
tag = '{}/{}'.format(family, scope.rstrip('/'))
The first time family is inserted in scope_base_name = name if family is None else '{}/{}'.format(family, name), and the second time in tag = '{}/{}'.format(family, scope.rstrip('/')), which according to the comments in the code was deliberate.
I too was frustrated by this, but in the context of using tf.summary.scalar. I've resorted to using:
tf.summary.scalar('myfamily/myname', var)
Now the variables show up in Tensorboard without the duplication of the family name.
P.S. I would have made this a "comment" instead of an answer, but my reputation is too low.

How to get name of streams in MinibatchSource?

How can I get the names of each of the streams in a MinibatchSource?
Can I get the names associated with with the stream information returned by stream_infos?
I also have a follow-up-question:
The result from:
dict_keys(['labels', 'features'
How does these names relate to the construction of the MiniBatchSource, which is done like this?
return MinibatchSource(ImageDeserializer(map_file, StreamDefs(
features = StreamDef(field='image', transforms=transforms), # first column in map file is referred to as 'image'
labels = StreamDef(field='label', shape=num_classes) # and second as 'label'
I would have thought that my streams would be named ‘image’ and ‘label’, but they were named ‘labels’ and ‘features’.
I guess those names are somehow default names?
For your original question:
See for example this tutorial under the section "A Brief Look at Data and Data Reading".
For your followup question: The names returned by keys() are the arguments of StreamDefs(). This is all you need in your program. If you define your MinibatchSource like this
return MinibatchSource(ImageDeserializer(map_file, StreamDefs(
image = StreamDef(field='image', transforms=transforms), # first column in map file is referred to as 'image'
label = StreamDef(field='label', shape=num_classes) # and second as 'label')))
then the names will match. You can choose any names you want but the value of the field inside StreamDef() should match the source (which depends on your input data and the Deserializer you are using).

Issue regarding the Attribute Names

Xml Document
I am having a problem regarding the xml attribute names coming from sharepoint which contains the attributes names like description0,ows_x0020_long_desc coming in the xmldoc
<z:row ows_LinkFilename="Aerospace Energy.jpg"
ows_PreviewOnForm="Aerospace Energy.jpg"
ows_ThumbnailOnForm="Technology Experience/Aerospace Energy.jpg"
ows_Modified="2011-12-07 12:02:34"
ows_Editor="1073741823;#System Account"
ows_Description0="Honeywell's SmartPath® Ground-Based Augmentation System (GBAS), which offers airports improved efficiency and capacity, greater navigational accuracy, and fewer weather-related delays."
ows_Created="2011-12-02 11:26:01"
ows_Author="1073741823;#System Account"
ows_Long_x0020_Desc="Honeywell's SmartTraffic™ and IntuVue® 3-D Weather Radar technologies make the skies safer and enable pilots to more efficiently route flights. SmartTraffic ."
ows_Brief_x0020_Desc="Honeywell's Required Navigation Performance (RNP) capabilities enable aircraft to fly more precise approaches through tight corridors and congested airports, leading to fewer delays."
ows_Created_x0020_Date="28;#2011-12-02 11:26:01"
ows_FileRef="28;#Technology Experience/Aerospace Energy.jpg"
ows_MetaInfo="28;#Solution:SW|Business vti_thumbnailexists:BW|true vti_parserversion:SR| Category:SW|Enter Choice #1 Description0:LW|Honeywell's SmartPath® Ground-Based Augmentation System (GBAS), which offers airports improved efficiency and capacity, greater navigational accuracy, and fewer weather-related delays. vti_stickycachedpluggableparserprops:VX|wic_XResolution Subject vti_lastheight vti_title vti_lastwidth wic_YResolution oisimg_imageparsedversion vti_lastwidth:IW|294 vti_author:SR|SHAREPOINT\\system vti_previewexists:BW|true vti_modifiedby:SR|SHAREPOINT\\system Long Desc:LW|Honeywell's SmartTraffic™ and IntuVue® 3-D Weather Radar technologies make the skies safer and enable pilots to more efficiently route flights. SmartTraffic . Keywords:LW| vti_foldersubfolderitemcount:IR|0 vti_lastheight:IW|172 ContentTypeId:SW|0x0101009148F5A04DDD49CBA7127AADA5FB792B00AADE34325A8B49CDA8BB4DB53328F21400623D4FCEEB2ADC4EA8269BF873F0BB6F _Author:SW| vti_title:SW|Aerospace wic_System_Copyright:SW| Mode:SW|Energy Tags:SW|True wic_YResolution:DW|96.0000000000000 oisimg_imageparsedversion:IW|4 Brief Desc:LW|Honeywell's Required Navigation Performance (RNP) capabilities enable aircraft to fly more precise approaches through tight corridors and congested airports, leading to fewer delays. _Comments:LW| wic_XResolution:DW|96.0000000000000 Subject:SW|Aerospace vti_folderitemcount:IR|0"
ows_Last_x0020_Modified="28;#2011-12-07 12:02:34"
ows_FileLeafRef="28;#Aerospace Energy.jpg"
xmlns:z="#RowsetSchema" />
Could you please tell the solution for this.
SharePoint when returning data in xml will always use this fromat.
Field names will be prepended by ows_
Internal names of field will be used not display names.
Internal field names in SharePoint contain unicode equivalents for special characters
e.g. if you create a field with name 'Field Name' from SharePoint UI,
SharePoint will create internal name as 'Field_x0020_Name'
where 0020 is unicode representation of space.
If fields are created by code or feature however you can specify your own internal and display names.
So if you are parsing such xml you will have to code remembering these rules.
SharePoint does not add x0020 escape sequence in field's internal name unless there is a space in the display name while creating the field from UI.
Also once the field is created, changing the display name has no effect on the internal name of a field.
So if you create a field 'Long Desc' from UI and the later change the name to 'LongDesc', the internal name will still be Long_x0020_Desc.

Issue regarding the attributes in sharepoint [duplicate]

Xml Document
I am having a problem regarding the xml attribute names coming from sharepoint which contains the attributes names like description0,ows_x0020_long_desc coming in the xmldoc
<z:row ows_LinkFilename="Aerospace Energy.jpg"
ows_PreviewOnForm="Aerospace Energy.jpg"
ows_ThumbnailOnForm="Technology Experience/Aerospace Energy.jpg"
ows_Modified="2011-12-07 12:02:34"
ows_Editor="1073741823;#System Account"
ows_Description0="Honeywell's SmartPath® Ground-Based Augmentation System (GBAS), which offers airports improved efficiency and capacity, greater navigational accuracy, and fewer weather-related delays."
ows_Created="2011-12-02 11:26:01"
ows_Author="1073741823;#System Account"
ows_Long_x0020_Desc="Honeywell's SmartTraffic™ and IntuVue® 3-D Weather Radar technologies make the skies safer and enable pilots to more efficiently route flights. SmartTraffic ."
ows_Brief_x0020_Desc="Honeywell's Required Navigation Performance (RNP) capabilities enable aircraft to fly more precise approaches through tight corridors and congested airports, leading to fewer delays."
ows_Created_x0020_Date="28;#2011-12-02 11:26:01"
ows_FileRef="28;#Technology Experience/Aerospace Energy.jpg"
ows_MetaInfo="28;#Solution:SW|Business vti_thumbnailexists:BW|true vti_parserversion:SR| Category:SW|Enter Choice #1 Description0:LW|Honeywell's SmartPath® Ground-Based Augmentation System (GBAS), which offers airports improved efficiency and capacity, greater navigational accuracy, and fewer weather-related delays. vti_stickycachedpluggableparserprops:VX|wic_XResolution Subject vti_lastheight vti_title vti_lastwidth wic_YResolution oisimg_imageparsedversion vti_lastwidth:IW|294 vti_author:SR|SHAREPOINT\\system vti_previewexists:BW|true vti_modifiedby:SR|SHAREPOINT\\system Long Desc:LW|Honeywell's SmartTraffic™ and IntuVue® 3-D Weather Radar technologies make the skies safer and enable pilots to more efficiently route flights. SmartTraffic . Keywords:LW| vti_foldersubfolderitemcount:IR|0 vti_lastheight:IW|172 ContentTypeId:SW|0x0101009148F5A04DDD49CBA7127AADA5FB792B00AADE34325A8B49CDA8BB4DB53328F21400623D4FCEEB2ADC4EA8269BF873F0BB6F _Author:SW| vti_title:SW|Aerospace wic_System_Copyright:SW| Mode:SW|Energy Tags:SW|True wic_YResolution:DW|96.0000000000000 oisimg_imageparsedversion:IW|4 Brief Desc:LW|Honeywell's Required Navigation Performance (RNP) capabilities enable aircraft to fly more precise approaches through tight corridors and congested airports, leading to fewer delays. _Comments:LW| wic_XResolution:DW|96.0000000000000 Subject:SW|Aerospace vti_folderitemcount:IR|0"
ows_Last_x0020_Modified="28;#2011-12-07 12:02:34"
ows_FileLeafRef="28;#Aerospace Energy.jpg"
xmlns:z="#RowsetSchema" />
Could you please tell the solution for this.
SharePoint when returning data in xml will always use this fromat.
Field names will be prepended by ows_
Internal names of field will be used not display names.
Internal field names in SharePoint contain unicode equivalents for special characters
e.g. if you create a field with name 'Field Name' from SharePoint UI,
SharePoint will create internal name as 'Field_x0020_Name'
where 0020 is unicode representation of space.
If fields are created by code or feature however you can specify your own internal and display names.
So if you are parsing such xml you will have to code remembering these rules.
SharePoint does not add x0020 escape sequence in field's internal name unless there is a space in the display name while creating the field from UI.
Also once the field is created, changing the display name has no effect on the internal name of a field.
So if you create a field 'Long Desc' from UI and the later change the name to 'LongDesc', the internal name will still be Long_x0020_Desc.