Some Modification Required for Social Engine Software - socialengine

I'm Using Trail of Social Engine 4, i installed on localhost xampp
Here is the question Social engine Directory is like this
But I required like this how to remove this members from url please help me out

For this you have to make changes in defined routes at file path: "application/modules/User/settings/manifest.php". But change in routes also can affect other urls.

At the current time its not possible to do this with socialEngine, our routing depends on members being present.


Hybris: cannot find CMSSite associated with current URL

I created a new Hybris extension using one of the given templates.
The build was successful and I am able to start the server, too.
But when opening the weblink from the HAC I get the error "Cannot find CMSSite associated with current URL".
Are there suggestions to solve or investigate this issue?
You need to use hosts file mappings or use the site-ID parameter to avoid a 500 error.
Please follow these link (Hybris 6)
If you have administrator rights, it is a good idea to add the following entries in your host file. hybris.local [Example]
The etc hosts modification allows the accelerator to identify sites (CMSSites) from the url. This makes the URL neat and clean.
After host file change, You can access the site like this
If you don't do this, the sites would need to be identified with an additional request parameter like this
Error "Cannot find CMSSite associated with current URL".
This is because you are not telling hybris which site you want to access.
There are three ways to do that
Simply pass your siteID as a request parameter(?site=SiteID) in your first request which helps the Hybris to understand which site you are trying to access. Let's say I'm trying to access powertools site then URL would be
Access site with siteID as DNS name. You can make host with <siteID>.local. Let's say I want to access a powertools (It's CMSSite id for powertools), then add an entry like powertools.local in your host file and then access your site using http://powertools.local:9001/yacceleratorstorefront/ instead of localhost
Add a new regular expression of your choice in the urlPatterns of your CMSSite. So that you can access your site as you want. Let's say I want to access site using localhost URL only and without passing ?site=powertools ever. So I need to add a new regex like (?i)^https?://[^/].*$ to urlPatterns of powertools CMSSite. Now I can directly open powertools site using https://localhost:9002/yacceleratorstorefront/
You can do that using Impex as well
# CMS Site
INSERT_UPDATE CMSSite ; uid[unique=true] ; urlPatterns ;
; $siteUid ; (?i)^https?://[^/]+(/[^?]*)?\?(.*\&)?(site=$siteUid)(|\&.*)$,(?i)^https?://$siteUid\.[^/]+(|/.*|\?.*)$,(?i)^https?://[^/].*$ ;
Find the detailed answer here
In addition to the host entry, make sure to add the appropriate regular expression for your website.
The CMS site has an attribute called urlPatterns. This is a list of regular expressions that the website CMS filters match to determine which storefront a user is trying to access.
The simplest thing is to add a further regular expression to the CMS site like the one below:
At run time, you can can do it in the hybris Management Console(hMC). Navigate to WCMS Website Your Site Name Properties tab and edit URL Patterns section.
To make the change permanent, add the appropriate code to the CMS site setup ImpEx script run during the project data phase of initialization e.g. for electronics storefront
# CMS Site
UPDATE CMSSite;uid[unique=true];urlPatterns;
This issue usually comes up if the server was started with unsatisfied spring bean dependencies. Please check your server startup log to confirm which particular bean or beans failed to initialise.

Simulate dynamically subdomains with .htaccess with a different database but same code base in Drupal

Sorry about my english level.
I researched so much, and i found that can i use ".htaccess" to get redirection to subdomain folder and this is OK.
In Drupal i need to create a folder for each subdomain in "/sites/" and copy "default.settings.php" from default folder "/sites/default/default.setting.php" and rename it to "settings.php", after that, enable "$databases" variable in the same file, when it's done, i need to add a wildcard and modify "hosts" file.
Well, i should "automate" all this, but i don't know if it's is more hard because it's important hold the server safety with writing permissions or try another way, someone could advise me.
Im working on OSX and Drupal 7.x (recent release)
Thank you very much.
For each site that you want to use separate database, create own sites/ directory with settings.php. For example, if you want to have one database for, another one for and third one for, all using same code base, setup your files like this:
each settings.php using different database credentials.
Read more here -
Also, if you want to automate this and if there is supposed to be bigger number of sites to be managed, consider deploying aegir -
I hope I understood your question correctly.

Using groups in mercurial's allow_read, allow_push etc

I was wondering if it is possible to use groups specified in e.g., an apache authgroup file in allow_read and/or allow_push etc.
So basically what I do is I am using apache with an authfile and authgroup file to authenticate users.
Now I want to restrict some repositories using allow_read from being shown to users in a specific group specified in the authgroup file.
Let's say I have sam, frodo and sauron in my auth file and I have a group hobbits containing sam and frodo in the authgroup file.
So instead of writing:
allow_read = frodo, sam
I tried
allow_read = #hobbits
but that does not seem to work. Does anybody know whether this is actually supported? The idea is if I have say 10 Repositories only readable for hobbits and I add a hobbit I only have to change the authgroup and auth file and not each repository hgrc file.
Thanks in advance
Mercurial does not have any builtin support for groups. There is a patch from a user that adds group support, but the coders seemed hesitant to include it by default, they want the contributor to make a plugin out of it instead. As of April 2013 they seem to have accepted it, but I still see no trace of it in the version currently shipped with Ubuntu (2.7).
Controlling groups in Apache, as suggested by Joel, doesn't give you any fine granular control when you have more than one repository, so it's no use (at least not for me).
I ended up using the open source tool SCM-Manager for it. SCM-Manager acts as a frontend for SVN, Git and Mercurial and has support for various user directories (including LDAP and Crowd) as well as its own user directory.
I'm using mod_proxy to integrate it in my Apache configuration and it works quite well.
It appears you'll need to do your group controlling in Apache rather than in hgrc files, as the documentation for hgrc mentions only user names.
You'll want to have a read of Configuring Apache on the Publishing Repositories page. Section 7.4 seems to contain the information you'll need to set up what you want.

How to use relative URL's in website with two base URL's

I have our basic corporate static html website installed in our web root directory and our billing software installed in /portal. I have integrated the websites to look like a single site by including the /menu.tpl smarty template file in the /portal/header.tpl file. However, if I use relative URL's, the menu sysem doesnt work as the base url for the billing script is /portal. i.e. if I create a link to faq.php in the menu.tpl and I load a page on the portal site, the link in the menu back to the faq page is now /portal/faq.php whereby if I load a page off the root site the link is just /faq.php as it should be.
The obvious answer is to just use absolute URL's, but I need the site to be portable as I have many developers who need to install and test it.
I cant find anyway to resolve this. Any ideas?
I ran into the same problem as you a while ago, and after trying a lot of dead ends, I finally ended up with the following solution:
For any URL you need to be a chamelion, i.e. change its path depending on the environment, insert a PHP function that writes out the correct URL.
If you include the PHP function from a single central file, then you can change all of the URL's in the entire site automatically, based on a setting, or some pre-detected switch such as the current domain name, etc.
<?php print_base_url_plus("/menu.php"); ?>
... where print_base_url_plus() is a function which appends the base URL onto the output.
You may find that you have to change some of the URL's to be php, so they are preprocessed by the PHP engine, or, you can alter the web settings so that standard .htm files are piped through the PHP engine, just like .php files.

A web application that lets users choose a domain name for the website they are about to create?

I want to create a web application that allows users to sign up, register a domain name and create their own website. This will be done in Ubuntu 9.10, Apache 2, Mysql 5 and Php 5.
At the moment, the only area of development I'm uncertain about is the domain name registration and mapping it to the web application.
I'm going to postpone developing the web interface that lets users register domains because I don't have the slightest idea how to do it. For the time being, I'll let an employee register the domain name on the user's behalf. I'll automate the process in te future (any advice on this matter would be appreciated). The employee will also input the registered domain name into my CMS, which will also update the Apache VirtualHost files with new domain information. I will have a cron job reload Apache every 5 minutes to capture the virtualhost changes.
Does this sound like the right approach? Will what I'm about to do be very disruptive to the server? Can anyone offer suggestions or point out issues I need to be aware of?
Additional details
the documentroot will remain the same at /var/www/public_html/websitemaker/ for all domains. I'll track user settings and styles based on the PHP's $_SERVER variable
I don't believe restarting apache every 5 minutes is the way to go as it won't be good for scaling.
One option would be to use logic grab the the domain name used to access the site. Verify that against your list of accounts in MySQL. If there is a match then load the users site and if not then behave like normal or send to error page.
As for registering domain names you will need to create (or use and existing) a script implenting an API to the registrar of your choice. They will provide the ability to check if a domain is available or not and to register it assigning it specific DNS values (plus other options as well) all in real time.
I think what you're looking for is Apache with mass virtual hosting so that you don't have to restart/reload Apache every 5 mins. Any specific questions about this would be more appropriate for Serverfault.