3 way check box (toggle) - vb.net

I have a custom 'toggle' (using ButterscotchTheme) and I am trying to add a 3rd option.
This is how it currently is: (cant post pictures due to being new, but here is links to the pictures)
I would like a third option. I have checked the theme code and it is done by Checkbox rules. And I know a Tricheckbox is a thing, I am just unsure how to get it to work. I did some research and was unable to figure it out in this situation.
Here is all the Themes toggle code:
Public Class ButterscotchToggle : Inherits Control
Private _check As Boolean
Public Property Checked As Boolean
Return _check
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
_check = value
End Set
End Property
Sub New()
SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint Or ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw Or ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, True)
DoubleBuffered = True
BackColor = Color.Transparent
Size = New Size(80, 25)
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnClick(ByVal e As EventArgs)
Checked = Not Checked
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal e As PaintEventArgs)
Dim b As Bitmap = New Bitmap(Width, Height)
Dim g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(b)
Dim outerrect As Rectangle = New Rectangle(0, 0, Width - 1, Height - 1)
Dim maininnerrect As Rectangle = New Rectangle(7, 7, Width - 15, Height - 15)
Dim buttonrect As New LinearGradientBrush(outerrect, Color.FromArgb(100, 90, 80), Color.FromArgb(48, 43, 39), 90S)
g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality
g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic
g.FillPath(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(40, 37, 33)), RoundRect(outerrect, 5))
g.DrawPath(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0)), RoundRect(outerrect, 5))
g.FillPath(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(26, 25, 21)), RoundRect(maininnerrect, 3))
g.DrawPath(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0)), RoundRect(maininnerrect, 3))
If Checked Then
g.FillPath(buttonrect, RoundRect(New Rectangle(3, 3, CInt((Width / 2) - 3), Height - 7), 7))
g.DrawString("ON", New Font("Segoe UI", 10, FontStyle.Bold), New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(246, 180, 12)), New Rectangle(2, 2, CInt((Width / 2) - 1), Height - 5), New StringFormat() With {.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center, .LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center})
g.FillPath(buttonrect, RoundRect(New Rectangle(CInt((Width / 2) - 3), 3, CInt((Width / 2) - 3), Height - 7), 7))
g.DrawString("OFF", New Font("Segoe UI", 10, FontStyle.Bold), New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(246, 180, 12)), New Rectangle(CInt((Width / 2) - 2), 2, CInt((Width / 2) - 1), Height - 5), New StringFormat() With {.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center, .LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center})
End If
e.Graphics.DrawImage(b, New Point(0, 0))
g.Dispose() : b.Dispose()
End Sub
End Class
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Theme downloaded from Butterscotch Theme GDI+

You would have to change that boolean property to an integer (or even better, create an enum):
Private _check As Integer
Public Property Checked As Integer
Return _check
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Integer)
_check = value
End Set
End Property
Change the OnClick behavior:
Protected Overrides Sub OnClick(ByVal e As EventArgs)
If Checked + 1 > 2 Then
Checked = 0
Checked += 1
End If
End Sub
and then adjust the drawing accordingly (placing the third option in the middle I'm guessing):
Select Case Checked
Case 0
g.FillPath(buttonrect, RoundRect(New Rectangle(CInt((Width / 2) - 3), 3, CInt((Width / 2) - 3), Height - 7), 7))
g.DrawString("OFF", New Font("Segoe UI", 10, FontStyle.Bold), New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(246, 180, 12)), New Rectangle(CInt((Width / 2) - 2), 2, CInt((Width / 2) - 1), Height - 5), New StringFormat() With {.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center, .LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center})
Case 1
g.FillPath(buttonrect, RoundRect(New Rectangle(3, 3, CInt((Width / 2) - 3), Height - 7), 7))
g.DrawString("ON", New Font("Segoe UI", 10, FontStyle.Bold), New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(246, 180, 12)), New Rectangle(2, 2, CInt((Width / 2) - 1), Height - 5), New StringFormat() With {.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center, .LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center})
Case 2
g.FillPath(buttonrect, RoundRect(New Rectangle((Width / 2) - (Width / 4), 3, CInt((Width / 2) - 3), Height - 7), 7))
g.DrawString("???", New Font("Segoe UI", 10, FontStyle.Bold), New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(246, 180, 12)), New Rectangle((Width / 2) - (Width / 4), 2, CInt((Width / 2) - 1), Height - 5), New StringFormat() With {.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center, .LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center})
End Select


How to solve ArgumentException : The parameter is not valid for drawing Arcs

I'm making a custom winforms button in VB.Net with rounded edges and other features. I create a path using various inputs defined by the user and draw and fill it using pens and brushes.
When I call e.Graphics.FillEllipse(Brush1, Rect1) and e.Graphics.DrawEllips(Pen1, Rect1) it just works fine without any problems, but when I try e.Graphics.FillPath(Brush1, OuterPath) and e.Graphics.DrawPath(Pen1, OuterPath) it doesn't work at all. I get this error:
ArgumentException: The parameter is not valid
I tried giving the right types of each variable used in the process and not letting the compiler decide, creating more variables to calculate and manage the inputs individually to not make all the calculations in the inputs of each function, which makes my work easier honestly, and even using the CType function in the inputs of each function to make sure that the function understands what I want as inputs. But everything failed and I don't know what to do next to fix the issue.
Here is the code:
Private Sub MetaniumButton_Paint(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles Me.Paint
Dim PathWidth As Integer = Width - BorderSize / 2
Dim PathHeight As Integer = Height - BorderSize / 2
_Roundnes = RoundnesMemory
If PathHeight < Roundenes.Height Then
_Roundnes.Height = PathHeight - 1
End If
If PathWidth < Roundenes.Width Then
_Roundnes.Width = PathWidth - 1
End If
e.Graphics.SmoothingMode = Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias
Dim OuterPath As New GraphicsPath
Dim Rec1 As Rectangle = New Rectangle(CType(BorderSize / 2, Int32), CType(BorderSize / 2, Int32), CType(_Roundnes.Width, Int32), CType(_Roundnes.Height, Int32))
Dim Rec2 As Rectangle = New Rectangle(PathWidth - _Roundnes.Width, BorderSize / 2, _Roundnes.Width, _Roundnes.Height)
Dim Rec3 As Rectangle = New Rectangle(PathWidth - _Roundnes.Width, PathHeight - _Roundnes.Height, _Roundnes.Width, _Roundnes.Height)
Dim Rec4 As Rectangle = New Rectangle(BorderSize / 2, PathHeight - _Roundnes.Height, _Roundnes.Width, _Roundnes.Height)
OuterPath.AddLine(CInt(_Roundnes.Width / 2 + BorderSize / 2), CInt(BorderSize / 2), CInt(PathWidth - _Roundnes.Width / 2), CInt(BorderSize / 2))
OuterPath.AddArc(Rec1, 180.0, 90.0) ' Here is the problem and it could probably in any AddArc Function i used
OuterPath.AddLine(PathWidth, CInt(_Roundnes.Height / 2 + BorderSize / 2), PathWidth, CInt(PathHeight - _Roundnes.Height / 2))
OuterPath.AddArc(Rec2, -90, 90)
OuterPath.AddLine(CInt(_Roundnes.Width / 2 + BorderSize / 2), PathHeight, CInt(PathWidth - _Roundnes.Width / 2), PathHeight)
OuterPath.AddArc(Rec3, 0, 90)
OuterPath.AddLine(CInt(BorderSize / 2), CInt(_Roundnes.Height / 2), CInt(BorderSize / 2), CInt(PathHeight - _Roundnes.Height / 2))
OuterPath.AddArc(Rec4, 90, 90)
e.Graphics.FillPath(Brush1, OuterPath)
e.Graphics.DrawPath(Pen1, OuterPath)
Dim LabelCount As Integer = 0
For Each l As Label In Controls
LabelCount += 1
Dim TextPlace As New Label With {.Name = "TextLabel",
.Text = Text,
.AutoEllipsis = True,
.Size = New Size(Width -
Margin.Left + Margin.Right + 2 * _Roundnes.Width) / 2, Height - (Margin.Top + Margin.Bottom + 2 * _Roundnes.Height) / 2),
.TextAlign = _TextAlign,
.ForeColor = _FontColor,
.BackColor = _MetaniumBackColor,
.Location = New Point((Width - .Width) / 2, (Height - .Height) / 2)}
AddHandler TextPlace.TextChanged, AddressOf MetaniumButton_TextChanged
AddHandler Me.TextChanged, AddressOf MetaniumButton_TextChanged
T += 1
If LabelCount <= 0 Then
0: For Each l As Label In Controls
If l.Name = "TextLabel" Then
l.Text = Text
l.AutoEllipsis = True
l.Size = New Size(Width - (Margin.Left + Margin.Right + 2 * _Roundnes.Width) / 2, Height - (Margin.Top + Margin.Bottom + 2 * _Roundnes.Height) / 2)
l.TextAlign = _TextAlign
l.ForeColor = _FontColor
l.BackColor = _MetaniumBackColor
l.Location = New Point((Width - l.Width) / 2, (Height - l.Height) / 2)
End If
ElseIf LabelCount = 1 Then
For Each l As Label In Controls
If l.Name <> "TextLabel" Then
GoTo 1
End If
1: GoTo 0
End If
End Sub
When I track down the bug it seems the problem is in the AddArc() function, and I really don't know why it doesn't work. Any help appreciated.
BTW, I use VB.Net Express 2010 with .Net Framework 4.8.
PS: you can post an answer using either VB.Net or C# I can translate the code from both of them.
I solved My problem, and the answer was to initialize the value or Roundnes to (1,1) at least because my code creates the arcs of the edges using Roundnes to know how wide and long the curving edge
so the solution is to add this line of code before the code responsible for creating the arc.
If _Roundnes = New Size(0, 0) Then _Roundnes = New Size(1, 1)
And that's pretty much it! Thank you for helping me out!

Vb.net custom tab controls

what are some good tab control components out there for free. I have found the Krypton Navigator, but it isnt free. Others don't have the properties I need. Are there any good free tab controls with these properties:
tab page:
.image(on tab)
.color(on tab)
Yes, there are many custom tab controls, this is one (VB.NET):
Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D
Class DotNetBarTabcontrol
Inherits TabControl
Sub New()
SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint Or ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw Or ControlStyles.UserPaint Or ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, True)
DoubleBuffered = True
SizeMode = TabSizeMode.Fixed
ItemSize = New Size(44, 136)
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub CreateHandle()
Alignment = TabAlignment.Left
End Sub
Function ToPen(ByVal color As Color) As Pen
Return New Pen(color)
End Function
Function ToBrush(ByVal color As Color) As Brush
Return New SolidBrush(color)
End Function
Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal e As PaintEventArgs)
Dim B As New Bitmap(Width, Height)
Dim G As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(B)
Try : SelectedTab.BackColor = Color.White : Catch : End Try
G.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(246, 248, 252)), New Rectangle(0, 0, ItemSize.Height + 4, Height))
'G.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(170, 187, 204)), New Point(Width - 1, 0), New Point(Width - 1, Height - 1)) 'comment out to get rid of the borders
'G.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(170, 187, 204)), New Point(ItemSize.Height + 1, 0), New Point(Width - 1, 0)) 'comment out to get rid of the borders
'G.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(170, 187, 204)), New Point(ItemSize.Height + 3, Height - 1), New Point(Width - 1, Height - 1)) 'comment out to get rid of the borders
G.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(170, 187, 204)), New Point(ItemSize.Height + 3, 0), New Point(ItemSize.Height + 3, 999))
For i = 0 To TabCount - 1
If i = SelectedIndex Then
Dim x2 As Rectangle = New Rectangle(New Point(GetTabRect(i).Location.X - 2, GetTabRect(i).Location.Y - 2), New Size(GetTabRect(i).Width + 3, GetTabRect(i).Height - 1))
Dim myBlend As New ColorBlend()
myBlend.Colors = {Color.FromArgb(232, 232, 240), Color.FromArgb(232, 232, 240), Color.FromArgb(232, 232, 240)}
myBlend.Positions = {0.0F, 0.5F, 1.0F}
Dim lgBrush As New LinearGradientBrush(x2, Color.Black, Color.Black, 90.0F)
lgBrush.InterpolationColors = myBlend
G.FillRectangle(lgBrush, x2)
G.DrawRectangle(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(170, 187, 204)), x2)
G.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality
Dim p() As Point = {New Point(ItemSize.Height - 3, GetTabRect(i).Location.Y + 20), New Point(ItemSize.Height + 4, GetTabRect(i).Location.Y + 14), New Point(ItemSize.Height + 4, GetTabRect(i).Location.Y + 27)}
G.FillPolygon(Brushes.White, p)
G.DrawPolygon(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(170, 187, 204)), p)
If ImageList IsNot Nothing Then
If ImageList.Images(TabPages(i).ImageIndex) IsNot Nothing Then
G.DrawImage(ImageList.Images(TabPages(i).ImageIndex), New Point(x2.Location.X + 8, x2.Location.Y + 6))
G.DrawString(" " & TabPages(i).Text, Font, Brushes.DimGray, x2, New StringFormat With {.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center, .Alignment = StringAlignment.Center})
G.DrawString(TabPages(i).Text, New Font(Font.FontFamily, Font.Size, FontStyle.Bold), Brushes.DimGray, x2, New StringFormat With {.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center, .Alignment = StringAlignment.Center})
End If
Catch ex As Exception
G.DrawString(TabPages(i).Text, New Font(Font.FontFamily, Font.Size, FontStyle.Bold), Brushes.DimGray, x2, New StringFormat With {.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center, .Alignment = StringAlignment.Center})
End Try
G.DrawString(TabPages(i).Text, New Font(Font.FontFamily, Font.Size, FontStyle.Bold), Brushes.DimGray, x2, New StringFormat With {.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center, .Alignment = StringAlignment.Center})
End If
G.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(200, 200, 250)), New Point(x2.Location.X - 1, x2.Location.Y - 1), New Point(x2.Location.X, x2.Location.Y))
G.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(200, 200, 250)), New Point(x2.Location.X - 1, x2.Bottom - 1), New Point(x2.Location.X, x2.Bottom))
Dim x2 As Rectangle = New Rectangle(New Point(GetTabRect(i).Location.X - 2, GetTabRect(i).Location.Y - 2), New Size(GetTabRect(i).Width + 3, GetTabRect(i).Height + 1))
G.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(246, 248, 252)), x2)
G.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(170, 187, 204)), New Point(x2.Right, x2.Top), New Point(x2.Right, x2.Bottom))
If ImageList IsNot Nothing Then
If ImageList.Images(TabPages(i).ImageIndex) IsNot Nothing Then
G.DrawImage(ImageList.Images(TabPages(i).ImageIndex), New Point(x2.Location.X + 8, x2.Location.Y + 6))
G.DrawString(" " & TabPages(i).Text, Font, Brushes.DimGray, x2, New StringFormat With {.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center, .Alignment = StringAlignment.Center})
G.DrawString(TabPages(i).Text, Font, Brushes.DimGray, x2, New StringFormat With {.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center, .Alignment = StringAlignment.Center})
End If
Catch ex As Exception
G.DrawString(TabPages(i).Text, Font, Brushes.DimGray, x2, New StringFormat With {.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center, .Alignment = StringAlignment.Center})
End Try
G.DrawString(TabPages(i).Text, Font, Brushes.DimGray, x2, New StringFormat With {.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center, .Alignment = StringAlignment.Center})
End If
End If
e.Graphics.DrawImage(B.Clone, 0, 0)
G.Dispose() : B.Dispose()
End Sub
End Class
How to use:
Create a new class then paste the code.
Save your project or debug it, then you will see the new tab page in the toolbox.
Enjoy you new awesome tab page.

GUI doesn't move accordingly

i'm trying to display pitch, roll and yaw indications in term of graphic so i build an GUI using user control in visual basic. this is my code for the GUI only.
Private g As Graphics
Private _roll_angle As Double
Public Property roll_angle() As Double
Return _roll_angle
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Double)
_roll_angle = value
End Set
End Property
Private _pitch_angle As Double
Public Property pitch_angle() As Double
Return _pitch_angle
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Double)
_pitch_angle = value
End Set
End Property
Private Sub ArtificialHorizon_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub
Private Function pitch_to_pix(ByVal pitch As Double) As Integer
Return pitch / 35.0 * Me.Height / 2
'Return pitch / 45.0 * Me.Height / 2
End Function
Private Sub ArtificialHorizon_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles Me.Paint
g = e.Graphics
g.SmoothingMode = Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality
Dim sin As Double = Math.Sin(roll_angle / 180 * 3.14)
' g.FillRegion(Brushes.White, New Region(New Rectangle(0, 0, Me.Width, Me.Height)))
' rounded rectangle
Dim path As New Drawing2D.GraphicsPath()
Dim r As Single = 50
path.AddArc(0, 0, r, r, 180, 90)
path.AddArc(Me.Width - r, 0, r, r, 270, 90)
path.AddArc(Me.Width - r, Me.Height - r, r, r, 0, 90)
path.AddArc(0, Me.Height - r, r, r, 90, 90)
'path.AddEllipse(0, 0, Me.Width, Me.Height)
g.TranslateTransform(Me.Width / 2, Me.Height / 2)
g.TranslateTransform(0, pitch_to_pix(pitch_angle))
' chocolate
Dim b As New System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush(New RectangleF(-Me.Width, 0, Me.Height * 2, Me.Width * 2), Color.FromArgb(255, 219, 140, 21), Color.Brown, Drawing2D.LinearGradientMode.Vertical)
g.FillRectangle(b, New RectangleF(-Me.Width * 2, +1, Me.Height * 4, Me.Width * 4))
' color.aqua
b = New System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush(New RectangleF(-Me.Width, -1, Me.Height * 2, Me.Width * 2), Color.FromArgb(255, 28, 134, 186), Color.DarkBlue, Drawing2D.LinearGradientMode.Vertical)
g.FillRectangle(b, New RectangleF(-Me.Width * 2, 0, Me.Height * 4, Me.Width * 4))
Dim w2 As Single = Me.Width / 2
Dim s As Single = Me.Width / 38
g.TranslateTransform(Me.Width / 2, Me.Height / 2)
g.TranslateTransform(-w2 + s, 0)
g.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.White, 2), 0, 0, s * 2, 0)
g.TranslateTransform(+w2 - s, 0)
g.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.White, 2), -w2 + s, 0, -w2 + s * 2, 0)
g.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.White, 2), -w2 + s, 0, -w2 + s * 2, 0)
g.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.White, 2), -w2 + s, 0, -w2 + s * 3, 0)
'g.DrawString("0°", New System.Drawing.Font("sans-serif", 9), Brushes.White, -w2 + 40, -4)
g.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.White, 2), -w2 + s, 0, -w2 + s * 2, 0)
g.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.White, 2), -w2 + s, 0, -w2 + s * 2, 0)
g.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.White, 2), -w2 + s, 0, -w2 + s * 3, 0)
'g.DrawString("+45°", New System.Drawing.Font("sans-serif", 9), Brushes.White, -w2 + 40, -4)
Dim length As Single = Me.Width / 4
Dim notch As Single = Me.Width / 30
g.TranslateTransform(Me.Width / 2, Me.Height / 2)
g.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.White, 3), -length + notch * 2, 0, -notch, 0)
g.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.White, 3), notch, 0, length - notch * 2, 0)
g.DrawArc(New Pen(Color.White, 3), -notch, -notch, notch * 2, notch * 2, 180, -180)
' driehoekje
Dim ww As Single = Me.Width / 38
g.TranslateTransform(Me.Width / 2, Me.Height / 2)
g.RotateTransform(-90 + roll_angle)
path = New Drawing2D.GraphicsPath()
path.AddLine(w2 - ww * 3, 0, w2 - ww * 4, ww)
path.AddLine(w2 - ww * 4, -ww, w2 - ww * 4, ww)
path.AddLine(w2 - ww * 4, -ww, w2 - ww * 3, 0)
g.FillRegion(Brushes.White, New Region(path))
g.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.White, 1), w2 - ww * 3, 0, w2 - ww * 4, ww)
g.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.White, 1), w2 - ww * 4, -ww, w2 - ww * 4, ww)
g.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.White, 1), w2 - ww * 4, -ww, w2 - ww * 3, 0)
path = New Drawing2D.GraphicsPath()
path.AddPie(New Rectangle(ww * 3, ww * 3, Me.Width - ww * 6, Me.Height - ww * 6), 0, 360)
g.TranslateTransform(Me.Width / 2, Me.Height / 2)
g.TranslateTransform(0, pitch_to_pix(pitch_angle))
For i As Integer = -80 To 80 Step 10
drawpitchline(g, i)
Next i
End Sub
Private Sub drawpitchline(ByVal g As Graphics, ByVal pitch As Double)
Dim w As Single = Me.Width / 8
g.DrawLine(Pens.White, -w, pitch_to_pix(-pitch + 5), w, pitch_to_pix(-pitch + 5))
g.DrawLine(Pens.White, -w * 5 / 3, pitch_to_pix(-pitch), w * 5 / 3, pitch_to_pix(-pitch))
g.DrawString(pitch, Me.Font, Brushes.White, -w * 75 / 30, pitch_to_pix(-pitch) - 5)
g.DrawString(pitch, Me.Font, Brushes.White, w * 2, pitch_to_pix(-pitch) - 5)
End Sub
Private Sub drawrollline(ByVal g As Graphics, ByVal a As Single)
Dim w2 As Single = Me.Width / 2
g.RotateTransform(a + 90)
g.TranslateTransform(-w2 + 10, 0)
g.DrawLine(Pens.White, 0, 0, 20, 0)
g.TranslateTransform(10, 5)
g.RotateTransform(-a - 90)
g.DrawString("" & (a) & "°", New System.Drawing.Font("sans-serif", 9), Brushes.White, 0, 0)
g.RotateTransform(+90 + a)
g.TranslateTransform(-10, -5)
g.TranslateTransform(+w2 - 10, 0)
g.RotateTransform(-a - 90)
End Sub
then i added in a button to give some testing readings. code below
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
AH.roll_angle = 45
AH.pitch_angle = 10
End Sub
when the button is clicked, the GUI is supposed to turn/rotate according to the inputs. however, it stays still (btw, code is able to debug thou and the graphic did show up). i believe it's because i did not refer to the AH variable in my painting. can someone pls give me a guide on this?
thanks in advance!
I might have something which can be used, I created this to display azimuth heading of parabolic antenna.
the heading is using simple pen
superimpose on top of circle image
the pen will rotate according to the degree movement
With 3 main functions
DrawAntenna() --> draw the pen/line
FindPointOnCircle() --> find end point of the pen (start point always center of circle)
RotateAntenna() --> this will rotate the pen and updating the image accordingly
call RotateAntenna from your function (e.g. TextChanged), and pass the change angle to RotateAntenna
One key thing is to do a refresh on the image whenever the angle change, this will provide rotate effect.
I suggest making this on a different thread, as not to bogged down your main thread, because usually this data acquisition for the azm/elv/roll will happen continuously.
Down to the code:
Private Function FindPointOnCircle(ByVal originPoint As Point, ByVal radius As Double, ByVal angleDegrees As Double) As Point
Dim x As Double = radius * Math.Cos(Math.PI * angleDegrees / 180.0) + originPoint.X
Dim y As Double = radius * Math.Sin(Math.PI * angleDegrees / 180.0) + originPoint.Y
Return New Point(x, y)
End Function
Private Sub DrawAntenna(ByVal originPoint As Point, ByVal endPoint As Point, ByVal g As Graphics, Optional ByVal aPen As Pen = Nothing)
If aPen Is Nothing Then
Using BluePen = New Pen(Color.Blue)
BluePen.Width = 2
g.DrawLine(BluePen, originPoint.X, originPoint.Y, endPoint.X, endPoint.Y)
End Using
g.DrawLine(aPen, originPoint.X, originPoint.Y, endPoint.X, endPoint.Y)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub RotateAntenna(ByVal ang As Double, ByVal g As Graphics, ByVal typeOfDisplay As Integer)
' Radius of 95% of half the width of the panel
Dim radius As Double = (Me.picDestTop.Width / 2) * 0.95
' Origin half of width and height of panel
Dim origin As New Point(Me.picDestTop.Width / 2, Me.picDestTop.Height / 2)
Select Case typeOfDisplay
Case displayAntenna.DisplayTop
'rotate start at 270deg, pointing up
Dim antennaDegrees As Double = ang + 170
'find point
Dim secondsPoint As Point = FindPointOnCircle(origin, radius, antennaDegrees)
Using p As New Pen(Color.Red)
p.Width = 5
DrawAntenna(origin, secondsPoint, g, p)
End Using
Case displayAntenna.DisplaySide
'display elevation
Case displayAntenna.DisplayRoll
'display pitch
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub lblEncCurrent_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lblEncCurrent.TextChanged
Dim iint As Double
iint = CDbl(lblEncCurrent.Text)
If iint >= 360 Then
iint = iint - 360
End If
RotateAntenna(iint, Me.picDestTop.CreateGraphics, displayAntenna.DisplayTop)
End Sub
Hope this help!!. Thanks.

Spacing out 4 areas in a defined width

Hey all i am trying to add 4 boxes to an image that's 1280 x 720.
I am wanting to add the boxes to the top of the image but space them out evenly across the 1280 width.
Dim g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(image)
g.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(90, 255, 255, 255)), New Rectangle(3, 7, 270, 25)) 'The transparent square for Date
g.DrawString(Format(DateTime.Now, "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss tt"), New Font("Arial", 18), Brushes.Black, New PointF(3, 5)) 'The date
g.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(90, 255, 255, 255)), New Rectangle(350, 7, 170, 25)) 'The transparent square for Latitude
g.DrawString("Lat: " & "30.976154", New Font("Arial", 18), Brushes.Black, New PointF(352, 5))
g.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(90, 255, 255, 255)), New Rectangle(670, 7, 180, 25)) 'The transparent square for longitude
g.DrawString("Lng: " & "33.351328", New Font("Arial", 18), Brushes.Black, New PointF(672, 5))
g.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(90, 255, 255, 255)), New Rectangle(970, 7, 120, 25)) 'The transparent square for MPH
g.DrawString("MPH: " & "000", New Font("Arial", 18), Brushes.Black, New PointF(972, 5))
However i haven't found a sure fire way to making them even across the screen since each rectangle/text is a different width than the ones around it.
Any ideas, thoughts would be great!
Simply divide the width by the number of labels. Here's some pseudocode:
const int NUM_LABELS = 4;
int divWidth = width / NUM_LABELS;
int i;
for i = 0 to (NUM_LABELS - 1)
FillRect(i * divWidth, LABEL_HEIGHT, (i + 1) * divWidth, 0); // or whatever you want to do
MoveTo (i * divWidth, LABEL_HEIGHT);
DrawString("some string");

VB.NET: Finding the size of text to be drawn, before it is drawn to a control

I'm creating a user control and adding a text size property to it. I need to know how big the text size is going to be before drawing it on the control so that I can center it on the control in relation to its height and width.
I'm under the assumption that this is a windows API command. However I have not been able to locate any information on it.
Public Sub DrawImage(ByVal gr As Graphics)
If Me.Image Is Nothing Then Return
Dim r As Rectangle = New Rectangle(8, 8, Me.ImageSize.Width, Me.ImageSize.Height)
Select Case Me.ImageAlign
Case ContentAlignment.TopLeft
r = New Rectangle(4, 4, Me.ImageSize.Width, Me.ImageSize.Height)
Case ContentAlignment.TopCenter
r = New Rectangle((Me.Width / 2 - Me.ImageSize.Width / 2) / 2, 4, Me.ImageSize.Width, Me.ImageSize.Height)
Case ContentAlignment.TopRight
r = New Rectangle(Me.Width - 4 - Me.ImageSize.Width, 4, Me.ImageSize.Width, Me.ImageSize.Height)
Case ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft
r = New Rectangle(8, Me.Height / 2 - Me.ImageSize.Height / 2, Me.ImageSize.Width, Me.ImageSize.Height)
Case ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter
r = New Rectangle(Me.Width / 2 - Me.ImageSize.Width / 2, Me.Height / 2 - Me.ImageSize.Height / 2, Me.ImageSize.Width, Me.ImageSize.Height)
Case ContentAlignment.MiddleRight
r = New Rectangle(Me.Width - 8 - Me.ImageSize.Width, Me.Height / 2 - Me.ImageSize.Height / 2, Me.ImageSize.Width, Me.ImageSize.Height)
Case ContentAlignment.BottomLeft
r = New Rectangle(8, Me.Height - 8 - Me.ImageSize.Height, Me.ImageSize.Width, Me.ImageSize.Height)
Case ContentAlignment.BottomCenter
r = New Rectangle(Me.Width / 2 - Me.ImageSize.Width / 2, Me.Height - 8 - Me.ImageSize.Height, Me.ImageSize.Width, Me.ImageSize.Height)
Case ContentAlignment.BottomRight
r = New Rectangle(Me.Width - 8 - Me.ImageSize.Width, Me.Height - 8 - Me.ImageSize.Height, Me.ImageSize.Width, Me.ImageSize.Height)
End Select
gr.DrawString("Header", New Font("MS SANS SERIF", 8.25, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, 1, True), Brushes.Black, 0, 0)
'gr.DrawImage(Me.Image, r)
End Sub
As you can see # gr.DrawString, I need to know how big the text is predicted to be so that I can size the control and center the text within the control.
Try MeasureString()
gr.MeasureString("Header", New Font("MS SANS SERIF", 8.25, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, 1, True)).Width