Yarn shop with related patterns and multiple color buying - e-commerce

Hello i was tasked with creating a online yarn shop something like http://www.redheart.com. For them the most important features that they want, are the features to be able to buy multiple different colors of one kind of yarn and they want there to be related free pattern that you can knit with it. So i currently find myself at a loss at what would be the most proper way to do it. What would be the best CMS to use for those features i am a bit experienced with Prestashop and i have done a few shops with it, but i think that the build in add to cart doesn't support to buy multiple colors at the same time and am not sure how i will go about the related patterns. So any ideas and suggestions from anyone more experienced would be appreciated.

I'm not sure there's an out of box that's going to just do it without some modification. You can try WooCommerce but I think you're going to need to modify any of the 'out of box' CMSes or themes to do what you want. You should be able to fairly easily modify the back end to add a second item to the cart with a first. A possible alternative solution is using Magento and the Wordpress Bridge, as Magento supports this feature.


Amazon search bar api Product advertising

I am trying to place amazon search bar for books category in my website, where user searches for a book and is redirected to amazon website. My URL should be tagged with my associate ID so that i can earn some money.
The problem is i am unable to find any procedure to create such search bar. I have browsed through Product advertising API section, but it is very confusing.
I want exactly like this: http://amasearchbar.com/demo-blog/
Can someone help me how to make such autocomplete search bar, or provide me directly the code for it.
Any help is appreciated.
Amazon isn't likely to give instructions for how to create something like that - but they do give you the tools necessary to figure it out yourself if you're willing to learn their API.
Without more information, it's hard for anyone here to "help" you either.
That link you gave is to a WP plugin. Are you using WP? If so, your easiest bet is to buy the plugin and use that (I am not endorsing that plugin specifically, I have no experience with it).
If you give more specifics on what language you're wanting to use to create the search bar and its interaction with the API, and specific problems you run into while working on it, this community will be much more likely to help you. Questions to point you to a free source for the finished code of your project are not likely to get very far though.
Based on your previous questions, it seems likely that you are using Wordpress. If that's the case, and you don't know how to write the scripts to interact with the API then the easiest answer to your question by far is to either buy a plugin (perhaps the one you linked) or hire someone to write one. If you'd like to learn, there are a lot of resources online to help you start learning to write WP plugins.

Magento Dropshipping - How to automate catalog updates?

I am new to Magento and impressed by the MVC framework that powers it, making module development a well thought out solution. I am strong CakePHP developer.
I am working on a project that uses a dropshipper for the physical products. As a result, every day at 4am a feed needs to be parsed and the products / categories modified, plus stock information. A CRON will be setup to do this.
Additional requirements are:
Upon a sucessful order, the system must upload a CSV feed to the Dropshipper via FTP with the order details for distribution.
Realtime stock checks, either every hour by CRON or a lookup on the product page
I can think of 2 approaches:
Write everything natively into Magento. As a newbie, this is going to be a big learning curve, but it is the right solution?
Write a simple CakePHP app that runs as a shell. This will use the Magento API to manage all dropshipper processes. This solution will be easier to rollout but introduces an additional system to support.
Does anyone have an advice relating to dropshipping in Magento?
First, with respect to the product import (product, stock data), make sure to do the real data saving inside of Magento. There have been changes to the catalog implementation in the past, and it's likely with a framework like Magento that there will be more. Keeping it inside the framework will reduce the likelihood of it simply no longer operating and you getting a very unpleasant phone call.
Another advantage to this approach is that, in contrast to the API approach, the native code will not try to spin up the entire framework for every request. This is expensive and to be avoided. Depending on how many products there are, you may need to break the script into multiple executions due to memory leaks when saving catalog products.
Don't tie the stock checks to a catalog page view. Some web crawler will come eat your lunch.
Finally, there's no easy FTP library built into Magento, but throwing that on another cronjob and using system calls to perform the actual (S)FTP call is possibly your easiest option.
Hope that helps!
I think the answer to this question is simple. Write it in what you know. The biggest reason is "UPGRADES"... with Magento being as high profile, the possibility of being hacked with older versions increase every day. Therefore, when they release new versions, you are going to want to upgrade. With that in mind, are you going to want to add all of your changes into each new version as it is released? Probably not. If there is a solution to write this as a separate tool, that is what you should do.
No need to re-integrate the upgrades
every time a new version of Magento
is released.
Code is easier to maintain.
Tool is easier to write in something
you are familiar with.
No learning curve.
Integration speed will be much
More flexibility since you do not
have to fit inside Magento code

Tool to track use of "best practices" for each of our apps

We have over 100 applications in my company and we are trying to come up with a dashboard to show which applications use continuous integration and unit testing and other best practices.
I was going to put together my own database and a small website to start tracking this but first wanted to ask if there are any products on the market that allow you to track this.
Hmm, I will just throw this :)
We have smth similar on our company, we use inside wiki for that, there are list of our software and each responsible developer can comment it, is it using Unit Testing, little documentation attached, maybe an screenshoot, class diagram, a bit of design review. You can customize it as you want. No difference where it will be, on wiki, database, whiteboard, spreadsheet, the most important think is that ppl will have possiblity to edit that, and they will use it.
I really think a custom database with a pretty front-end is your best bet. Hell, a spreadsheet would even do the trick.
$41.29 on Amazon

What's the easiest, cheapest solution to build a E-Commerce website

It is for a small business, looking for the best solution... Did a search and only came up with very specific question related to ecommerce
May be worth taking a look at http://shopify.com/
OSCommerce is a well proven, free ecommerce solution, which is easy to set up
You might also consider just opening up an eBay store :) That way you essentially get free advertising, search engine indexing etc.
I always suggest that a company that is very small start with an open source solution such as DashCommerce. This way you get the development experience of the people supporting that project, plus the tested framework that many other companies are already using. The more people that use the code base the more reliable it is. Also, the more plugin type features that it might support such as tax, shipping, etc.
Take a look at DashCommerce's feature list to get an idea of what a complete ecommerce system should have.
Yahoo! Stores has one of the easiest ecommerce setups and has low upfront costs. The ongoing fees is how they make their money, and it becomes expensive with more volume.

What is the best way to develop a shopping site, that others can use

I'd like to develop an ecommerce site where I could allow others to sell items, things like pictures, videos, flash, etc. I want to be able to keep a percentage, and pay the rest back to the seller.
Is there anything available, DotNetNuke, etc. that would do this or help get this started. If not what's a good way to approach this with the goal to avoid upfront time and cost.
I'd like to think there would be some revenue that could be reinvested over time, so might grow into something that has some cost after a while.
You should have a look at osCommerce.
I'd take a look at Shopify if you want something with a minimum of development time, otherwise, if you have some development budget, why not take a look at Spree.
You could use DotNetNuke, or another similar framework if you have additional content that you need to include other than the shopping.
If you went with DotNetNuke, you could look at the Catalook store which I believe supports your desired format for selling. It isn't perfect, but it does work, eventually with a little experience. Otherwise ASP .NET Storefront might have what you need as well, either in a DNN based version or their standalone.
You could use WordPress, or another similar framework if you have additional content that you need to include other than the shopping.
If you went with WordPress, you could look at the Catalook store which I believe supports your desired format for selling. It isn't perfect, but it does work, eventually with a little experience