Has anyone try the plumber endpoint function on KMS 6?
Does KMS 6 support Pulmber Endpoint?
If yes, can please provide the pulmber endpoint performance?
Such as streaming latency on second KMS?(quality, max connection number..)
And what kind of server running the KMS 6 ?(CPU, RAM, OS..)
How can I get the plumber endpoint installed on my KMS 6?
PlumberEndpoint is under heavy refactorization since KMS v5.1 and it is not available since that version. The PlumberEndpoint issued after that refactorization shall probably not be released to the public as open source. Hence, KMS v6.0 shall most probably not have PlumberEndpoint either.
I want to view AmazonS3 JMX metrics. Specifically the number of retries performed by the client. The only problem is that according to this article it seems that it supports only Cloudwatch, and I want to see it momentarily using jconsole.
Enabling without credential file, doesn't seem to work.
Is there some kind of workaround?
I am aware that a Java client can register as a client in a client-server model and register the Regions it is interested in. Also, when the data changes on the server, the data will automatically be sent to the client.
Is it possible to have this with a C++ client and a Java server?
Definitely. Gemfire has a C++ client that supports pretty much everything the java client supports, including getting updates pushed to the client. Check out the documentation here:
Is it possible to run Hangfire on AWS Elasticache?
Amazon says Elasticache implements Reddis protocols and Hangfire Pro is supports Reddis, so in theory it should be possible. Does anyone know if it's possible in practice?
Some customers of mine are using Hangfire.Redis with AWS Elasticache. However, please note that SSL isn't supported by Hangfire.Redis yet.
I have a web farm in amazon and one of my sites need some caching.
I am considering the use of Elasticache redis.
Can anyone shed some ligth on how I would connect and interact with this cache?
I have read about several client sdks like stackexchange redis, service stack etc.
.NET is my preferred platform.
Can these client sdks be used to interact with redis on elasticache?
Anyone know about some documentation and/or code examples using elasticache redis (with the stackexchange redis sdk)?
Im guessing I will have to authenticate using a key / secret pair, is this supported in any of these client sdks?
thanks in advance!
Elasticache is connected to the same way you connect to any other Redis instance. Once you create a new Elasticache instance, you'll be given the hostname to connect to. No need for secret/key pair. All access to the Redis instance there is configured through security groups just like with other AWS instances in EC2, RDS, etc...
With that said, there are two important caveats:
You will only be able to connect to elasticache from within the region and/or VPC in which it's launched, even if you open up the security group to outside IPs (for me, this is one of the biggest reasons not to use Elasticache).
You cannot set a password on your Redis instance. Anyone on a box that is given access to the instance in security groups (keeping in mind the limitations from caveat 1) will be able to get access to your Redis instance with full rights to add/delete/modify whatever keys they like. This is the other big reason not to use Elasticache, though it certainly still has use-cases where these drawbacks are less important.
I thought I understood this technology, but maybe I don't. What's the difference between the two? Why would you choose one over the other?
Usecase: ~Realtime updates.
I'm the author of Faye. Conceptually, Faye and Redis pub/sub do very similar things, indeed the latest release of Faye can use Redis as a back-end. As Tom says, Redis is appropriate for inter-process messaging within your server cluster since the Redis client will get access to your whole Redis database.
Faye is more appropriate if you want to provide a publicly accessible pub/sub service over the web, for example to power the UI for your website. It only does pub/sub, not any other storage like Redis provides, and works over HTTP and WebSocket rather than over a raw TCP socket. It also allows for user-defined client- and server-side extensions to expand the messaging protocol it uses.
Redis publish/subscribe is a very simple system for internal use in a server cluster - it requires an open connection to redis (unauthenticated and giving complete access to everything in redis).
Obviously this is the most efficient way to handle scenarios where this is appropriate, but if you need authentication, reliable delivery, or http connections you will need to add a more complete messaging system on top of redis. Faye is one of the options in this space.