How to get the children-item in listItem of a listView (Titanium)? - titanium

I had defined an imageview in my layout for the individual items of a list, and they were set invisible. When I clicked a button, they will be show,but I can't get this action act. I want to achieve this effect. Here is my code:
Button#btn(title = "Show" onClick = "show_the_image_view")
ListView#list_view(defaultItemTemplate = "list_style")
ItemTemplate(name = "list_style")
View#item_view(bindId = "bind_item_view")
ImageView#image_view(bindId = "bind_image_view")
ListItem(bind_item_view:backgroundImage = "/images/backgroundImage_1.png"
bind_image_view:image = "/images/unchecked_image.png")
ListItem(bind_item_view:backgroundImage = "/images/backgroundImage_2.png"
bind_image_view:image = "/images/unchecked_image.png")
show_the_image_view = ->
if "Show" == $.btn.getTitle()
//$.image_view.setVisible(true) (this code had been commented, cause it's wrong)
else if "Hide" == $.btn.getTitle()
//$.image_view.setVisible(false) (this code had been commented, cause it's wrong)
$.list_view.addEventListener('itemclick', = (e) ->
if e.itemIndex == 0
//$.image_view.setImage('/images/checked_image.png') (this code had been commented, cause it's wrong)
else if e.itemIndex == 1
//$.image_view.setImage('/images/checked_image.png') (this code had been commented, cause it's wrong)
Is there anyone who has a good method to solve the problem?


How to exclude certain images from autosave in Gatan Digital Micrograph (GMS) in DM-script

I am trying to mimic the autosave function in GMS v3 so that I can use in version 1 and 2. I would like to first acknowledge that the main bulk of the script originates from Dr Bernhard Schaffer's "How to script... Digital Micrograph Scripting Handbook". I have modified it a bit, so that any new image recorded by the camera can be autosave into the file. However, I met some problems because if I decide to click on live-view image and move the image around, or using live-fft, the live view image or the FFT image will be saved as well. One of the ideas I have is to use the taggroup information such as the "Acquisition:Parameters:Parameter Set Name" because for live view or live-FFT, this would be either in search or focus mode. Another idea is to use the document ID e.g iDocID = idoc.ImageDocumentGETID() to locate the ID of the live image. However, i am clueless then how to use this information to exclude them from autosaving. Can anyone point to me how i can proceed with this script?
Below is the script
Class PeriodicAutoSave : Object
Number output
PeriodicAutoSave(Object self) Result("\n Object ID"+self.ScriptObjectGetID()+" created.")
~PeriodicAutoSave(Object self) Result("\n Object ID"+self.ScriptObjectGetID()+" destroyed")
Void Init2(Object self, Number op)
Void AutoSave_SaveAll(Object self)
String path, name, targettype, targettype1, area, mag, mode, search, result1
ImageDocument idoc
Number nr_idoc, count, index_i, index, iDocID, iDocID_search
path = "c:\\path\\"
name = "test"
targettype=="Gatan Format (*.dm4)"
targettype1 = "dm4"
If (output) Result("\n AutoSave...")
nr_idoc = CountImageDocuments()
For (count = 1; count<nr_idoc; count++)
idoc = GetImageDocument(count) //imagedocument
index = 1 // user decide the index to start with
index_i= nr_idoc - index
If (idoc.ImageDocumentIsDirty())
idoc = getfrontimagedocument()
iDocID = idoc.ImageDocumentGetID()
TagGroup tg = ImageGetTagGroup(idoc.ImageDocumentGetImage(0)) // cannot declare an 'img' for this line as it will prompt an error?
tg.TagGroupGetTagAsString("Microscope Info:Formatted Indicated Mag", mag)
idoc.ImageDocumentSavetoFile( "Gatan Format", path+index_i+"-"+name+"-"+mag+".dm4")
idoc.ImageDocumentSetName(index_i + "-"+name+"-"+mag+".dm4")
If (Output) Result("\n\t saving: "+idoc.ImageDocumentGetCurrentFile())
Result("\n image cannot be saved at the moment:" + GetExceptionString())
Result("\ Continue autosave...")
Void LaunchAutoSave()
Object obj = Alloc(PeriodicAutoSave)
Number task_id = obj.AddMainThreadPeriodicTask("AutoSave_SaveALL",6)
while(!shiftdown()) 1==2
thank you very much for your pointers! I have tried and it works very well with my script. as the 'TagGroupDoesTagExist' only refers to the taggroup, I modified further to include the tags I want to filter e.g "Search" or "Focus" and it seems to work well. The script that I modified to your existing ones is as below :
If (idoc.ImageDocumentIsDirty())
//now find out what is a filter condition and skip if it is true
skip = 0
TagGroup tg = idoc.ImageDocumentGetImage(0).ImageGetTagGroup()
tg.TagGroupGetTagAsString("Microscope Info:Formatted Indicated Mag", mag)
tg.TagGroupGetTagAsString("Acquisition:Parameters:Parameter Set Name", mode)
skip = tg.TagGroupDoesTagExist("Acquisition:Parameters:Parameter Set Name")
if(skip && (mode == "Search" || mode== "Focus")) continue
Your idea of filtering is a good one, but there is something strange with your for loop.
nr_idoc = CountImageDocuments()
For (count = 1; count<nr_idoc; count++)
idoc = GetImageDocument(count) //imagedocument
you iterate over all currently open imageDocuments (except the first one!?) and get them one by one, but then in
If (idoc.ImageDocumentIsDirty())
idoc = getfrontimagedocument()
you actually get the front-most (selected) document instead each time. Why are you doing this?
Why not go with:
number nr_idoc = CountImageDocuments()
for (number count = 0; count<nr_idoc; count++)
imagedocument idoc = GetImageDocument(count)
If (idoc.ImageDocumentIsDirty())
// now find out what is a filter condition and skip if it is true
number skip = 0
TagGroup tg = idoc.ImageDocumentGetImage(0).ImageGetTagGroup()
skip = tg.TagGroupDoesTagExist("Microscope Info:Formatted Indicated Mag")
if (skip) continue
// do saving

AmCharts 4 : Can't customize (color, strokeWidth) my series

EDIT : OK, It was my css page which had a rule on path, 'cause I use svg a lot. Removed that rule and the problem was gone !
I'm facing something pretty annoying and which I do not understand.
I'm using amChart to make a XY chart with multiple series. Not that hard.
The thing is, I can't customize my series ! Bullets and legend are ok, but not series.
Here's a screenshot for better understanding :
MyWeirdChart (new OP can't embed images, sorry)
As you can see I have my custom bullet pushed on my series and my legend is exactly what I want for my chart BUT series are staying unchanged.
Here is my JS draw function :
function drawChart(dateArray, casesArray, deathsArray, healedArray, hospitalizationsArray, reanimationsArray) {
var chart = am4core.create("chartdiv", am4charts.XYChart); = generateChartData(dateArray, casesArray, deathsArray, healedArray, hospitalizationsArray, reanimationsArray);
var dateAxis = chart.xAxes.push(new am4charts.DateAxis());
var valueAxis = chart.yAxes.push(new am4charts.ValueAxis());
function pushSeries(field, name, color) {
let series = chart.series.push(new am4charts.LineSeries());
series.dataFields.valueY = field;
series.dataFields.dateX = "date"; = name;
series.tooltipText = name + ": [b]{valueY}[/]";
series.stroke = am4core.color(color);
series.strokeWidth = 3;
series.fill = am4core.color(color);
series.fillOpacity = 0.5;
let bullet = series.bullets.push(new am4charts.CircleBullet()); = am4core.color(color); = 2; = am4core.color(color); = 0.5; = 3;
pushSeries("cases", "Cas confirmés", "#32B3E3");
pushSeries("healed", "Guéris", "#00C750");
pushSeries("hospitalizations", "Hospitalisations", "#FFBB33");
pushSeries("reanimations", "Réanimations", "#FE3446");
pushSeries("deaths", "Morts", "black");
chart.cursor = new am4charts.XYCursor();
chart.scrollbarX = new am4core.Scrollbar();
chart.legend = new am4charts.Legend();
chart.cursor.maxTooltipDistance = 0;
Did I miss something ? I crawled forums and documentations and I'm now helpless.
My code is in my webpack app.js file. But I include amCharts with HTML scripts,
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
not with webpack import. But I guess that if this was the problem, I would not be able to draw a chart at all.
OK, It was my css page which had a rule on path, 'cause I use svg a lot. Removed that rule and the problem was gone !

display certain code based on variable passed in url using php

Goal: display 1 of 4 Wistia videos based on url variable passed to php page.
Example url:
showvid.php?vid=1 or
showvid.php?vid=2 or
showvid.php?vid=3 or
In showvid.php:
some if/then statement where
if vid=1 then show wistia embed code 1
if vid=2 then show wistia embed code 2
if vid=3 then show wistia embed code 3
if vid=4 then show wistia embed code 4
Pretty straight forward. I apologize if this is answered elsewhere, I looked fairly extensively and couldn't find an answer that would work (plus I'm fairly new and my head is spinning after digging for a while).
Thanks in advance for your help.
EDIT: pulled code from comment
URL: pagename.php?bucket=1
$bucket = $_GET["bucket"]
if ($bucket == 1) {
$bucketdesc = 'Memory Vapor';
if ($bucket == 2) {
$bucketdesc = 'Brain Trauma Syndrome';
else {
goto "/pagetwo.php"
Thanks for the help. The resulting code that worked was...
if ($bucket == 1) {
$bucketdesc = 'desc1';
$bucketvid = 'embed code';}
elseif ($bucket == 2) {
$bucketdesc = 'desc2';
$bucketvid = 'embed code2';}
elseif ($bucket == 3) {
$bucketdesc = 'desc3';
$bucketvid = 'embed code3';}
elseif ($bucket == 4) {
$bucketdesc = 'desc4';
$bucketvid = 'embed code4';}
I had forgotten the ; at then end of each statement! doh...

Override helper list footer in prestashop

I would like to change admin products actions bulks, so i'm creating a module to do the trick,
In my module, i have not any controller, i'm overriding the adminProductsController, and i would like to override ADMIN/themes/default/template/helpers/list/footer_list.tpl, i tried to place it under /override/controllers/admin/templates/helpers/list, but i'm getting the default template.
In Helper.php
public function createTemplate($tpl_name)
if ($this->override_folder)
if ($this->context->controller instanceof ModuleAdminController)
$override_tpl_path = $this->context->controller->getTemplatePath().$this->override_folder.$this->base_folder.$tpl_name;
elseif ($this->module)
$override_tpl_path = _PS_MODULE_DIR_.$this->module->name.'/views/templates/admin/_configure/'.$this->override_folder.$this->base_folder.$tpl_name;
if (file_exists($this->context->smarty->getTemplateDir(1).$this->override_folder.$this->base_folder.$tpl_name))
$override_tpl_path = $this->context->smarty->getTemplateDir(1).$this->override_folder.$this->base_folder.$tpl_name;
elseif (file_exists($this->context->smarty->getTemplateDir(0).'controllers'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$this->override_folder.$this->base_folder.$tpl_name))
$override_tpl_path = $this->context->smarty->getTemplateDir(0).'controllers'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$this->override_folder.$this->base_folder.$tpl_name;
elseif ($this->module)
$override_tpl_path = _PS_MODULE_DIR_.$this->module->name.'/views/templates/admin/_configure/'.$this->base_folder.$tpl_name;
I'm getting NULL for $this->override_folder, i tried
$helper->override_folder = $this->tpl_folder;
In AdminController.php, renderList function.
Any one could help?
I solved the problem by adding the file in override/controllers/admin/templates/products/helpers/list

How to describe or further isolate this apparent Webkit SVG bug?

I pared down some odd behavior I was experiencing in SVG and I came up with this test case:
<circle r="10" />
<rect width="18" height="18" />
<polygon points="10,20 30,30 40,15 25,10" />
var svg = document.querySelector('svg'),
els = document.querySelectorAll('svg *');
for (var i=els.length;i--;){
var el = els[i];
el._dragXForm = el.transform.baseVal.appendItem(svg.createSVGTransform());
return function(){
var tx = el._dragXForm.matrix;
tx.e += Math.random()*2-1;
tx.f += Math.random()*2-1;
In Safariv5 and Chromev18 on OS X the circle and polygon both jitter, but the rect does not. It does nothing. The SVGMatrix is getting a new value, but the appearance on screen is not updated. (In Firefox, it works as expected.)
If I change the script to remove _dragXForm like so:
for (var i=draggables.length;i--;){
var el = draggables[i];
return function(){
var tx = el.transform.baseVal.getItem(0).matrix;
tx.e += Math.random()*2-1;
tx.f += Math.random()*2-1;
…then the <rect> moves along with the others.
Besides seeming like an insane bug (how can this only affect a <rect>?!) I feel that this has not yet isolated the source of the bug.
What's the simplest possible code that can reproduce this odd behavior? (And if there's already a bug filed for this, I'd love to know about it.)
This code appears to be getting closer to the heart of the matter:
var svg = document.querySelector('svg'),
els = document.querySelectorAll('svg *');
for (var i=els.length;i--;){
var el = els[i],
tx = el.transform.baseVal.appendItem(svg.createSVGTransform());
console.log( el.tagName, tx===el.transform.baseVal.getItem(0) );
return function(){
console.log( el.tagName, tx===el.transform.baseVal.getItem(0) );
polygon true // The return value of appendItem is the same as the first item
rect true // The return value of appendItem is the same as the first item
circle true // The return value of appendItem is the same as the first item
polygon true // The returned value is STILL the same as the first item
rect false // The returned value is NO LONGER the same as the first item
circle true // The returned value is STILL the same as the first item