SVN commit popup disappers - git-svn

I am using an ubuntu system & Rabbit SVN. I am trying to commit huge files on an SVN Server. When I click on the "OK" button on the SVN commit window, it starts processing and committing those files. After 2 minutes that window disappears without displaying any error message.

You would have to check the log of the SVN server (usually Apache) to see what is going on (they are not visible directly from a client-side RabbitVCS GUI.
Usually, such a listener includes a size limit for any given web request: if it is too big, it would return an error, which might end up not being display by the client (your RbbitVCS).


Laravel keeping remote connection until all commands have finished

Laravel 5.2.*
LaravelCollective remote package ^5.2
Let's say I have a route when I hit this route I process some request parameters and then ssh into a remote server using the LaravelCollective remote package.
After some time I see in my logs that the connection is closed. I know this because that message is logged after the ssh command. So my applications tells me that my command is executed successfully.
But when I go and check the server there is no node_modules folder, but after hitting the route 10x is suddenly is there.
That made me think that my connection is closed even the commands where not finished. To be sure about that I started monitoring the process on ther server with the following command
ps aux
This resulted in the fact that I got my success message but the process was still running on my server, which means the output I get is not correct and it prevents a follow-up command to fail (gulp production)
I dug a bit into the source code to see that there is a way to keep that connection open but no luck so far.
The question: can I keep this connection open until the commands are definitely finished so that my response to the end user is correct?

How to perform a command in a shell on remote server immediately after deploying some code from intellij idea?

I have a web server running on a virtual machine and I need some actions (e.g. "service apache2 reload") to be performed there automatically after I'll deploy my code from Idea
Automatically -- no way AFAIK. -- watch this ticket (star/vote/comment) to get notified on any progress.
You may also watch related tickets:
The only manual solutions I may suggest right now are:
either keep SSH console opened (IDE has it built-in) and execute such command manually once deployed
or create "Remote SSH External Tools" entry that will do such job (connect and issue specified command) manually after deployment (once created you can assign custom shortcut to it so it can be run more easier).
In both cases -- check this manual.

SVN Checkout failed because of logon failure

I am trying to do a SVN checkout using tortoise SVN on a folder that is on a different server using the file:// method. Instead of doing it, it only gives me the error:
Unable to connect to a repository at URL
Unable to open an ra_local session to URL
Can't open file '\xxxxxx\svnrep\xxx\trunk\format': Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.
What could be wrong?
If you have a problem connecting to your host server, try this:
Do a TortoiseSvn-checkout in the folder of your choice.
Press the "..." button next to the repository url input field.
In the file selection window, enter \\SERVER_NAME and press ENTER.
When prompted, enter your network credentials and check "remember my credentials".
Browse to your repository and select it.
Back in the SVN checkout window press the same "..." again.
You are now browsing into your SVN repository.
Do your checkout as usual.
Using SVN over file:/// is not the most optimal way but it's not going to break your SVN repository even if the network fails. SVN creates a transaction then promote it to a revision once completed. Worst case you'll end up with an uncommitted transaction in the SVN database but your repository will still be fully functional. To clean up these failed transactions, see

OSX: "Window Server: failed setting the front application to My App"

I am launching a launchAgent from a post install script using the following command:
su -l $LOGGED_IN_USER -c "/bin/launchctl load /Library/LaunchAgents/com.myApp.mac.agent.plist"
The agent displays a status item (NSStatusItem) with a couple of menu options. One of them has a settings option. Clicking this will open an NSWindow, with few NSTextFields. At times, though this window is the top most, whatever I type goes to the underlying app. I am unable to type anything into the text field. Whenever this happens, I notice the following log in the console:
WindowServer[97]: [cps/setfront] Failed setting the front application to MyApp, psn 0x0-0xb20b2, securitySessionID=0x186c5, err=-600
This is not a consistent behaviour. Any idea why this log comes? And is there any work around for this? Is it ok to launch the agent using su -l?
I don't know exactly why you're getting that error and behavior. I recommend reading Technical Note TN2083: Daemons and Agents. It explains in detail the various facets of the execution context of a process and how that affects what a process can do. That includes whether or not a process can connect to the Window Server.
For what it's worth, error -600 is procNotFound, whose description is "no eligible process with specified descriptor". It seems that the Window Server is not able to find a process with the given process serial number (PSN) in the given security session.
I would not use -l in your sudo command. A user's login scripts can do all sorts of crazy things and you don't those done by your installer. However, I don't believe that's related to the main problem.

Magento 1.8.1 Can't login admin

Clean install Magento 1.8.1. (2 hours old) I experienced the Magneto application booted off two separate users simultaneously on two separate Chrome Browsers(PCs) once I enter the Paypal tab to set up a new configuration on a clean install of 1.8.1. Do not remember if I got to save any Paypal edits. I had been in the back end editing for than 2 hours. I set the session time out at 36000 early on in the setup. Now it appears to give me as session id but will not allow access to the back end. It just keeps showing the login form after providing the correct credentials. Nothing in logs, cookies were wiped, cache cleared, even tried FF and observed the same effect.
Find the following code in /app/design/frontend/package_name/theme_name/template/persistent/customer/form/login.phtml
and put this line below the ablove code :
getFormKey(); ?>" />