I'm trying to extract text content from Excel using a macro. This is my code:
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim v1 As Variant
Dim Txt As String
v1 = Range("A2:C15")
For i = 1 To UBound(v1)
For j = 1 To UBound(v1, 2)
Txt = Txt & v1(i, j)
Next j
Txt = Txt & vbCrLf
Next i
MsgBox Txt
But it is showing the raw characters only meaning that it doesn't show any formatting information like bold, italic, underline, etc..
I want to extract the text along with the formatting information.
Example: This is sample text
Expected output: This is sample text
Actual output: This is sample text
Can someone explain what's wrong with the code and tell if anything is wrong?
A messagebox does not permit formatiing without changing system defaults, which is not a starightforward approach. If you want to display formatted text in a prompt then you are probably easiest to create a userform and format the label appropriately.
For example, you can determine if a cell has bold fomatting using:
Dim isBold As Boolean
isBold = v1(i, j).Font.Bold
And apply this to a userform label font using:
label.Font.Bold = isBold
If you want to output to a text (ie .txt) file then this cannot store any formatting information. The best you could hope to achieve is to create a markup style output where:
If isBold Then
txt = "<b >mytext< /b>" 'Ignore the spaces
txt = "mytext"
End If
The range.Font.Bold property has three return options:
v1(i, j).Font.Bold = True 'if the entire cell IS bold
v1(i, j).Font.Bold = False 'if the entire cell IS NOT bold
v1(i, j).Font.Bold = Null 'if the cell is PARTIALLY bold
Calling IsNull(v1(i, j).Font.Bold) will tell you whether you have partial fomatting in a cell. Unfortunately you must then assess each character in the string individually to determine the bold characters. This function should determine where the bold formatting is switched on or off in a string contained in the Range object passed and add the appropriate markup tag:
Function markup(rng As Range) As String
Dim chr As Integer
Dim isCharBold As Boolean
Dim str As String
Dim tempChar As Characters
isCharBold = False
str = ""
If IsNull(rng.Font.Bold) Then
For chr = 1 To rng.Characters.Count
Set tempChar = rng.Characters(chr, 1)
If isCharBold Then
If tempChar.Font.Bold Then
str = str + tempChar.Text
isCharBold = False
str = str & "</b>" & tempChar.Text
End If
If tempChar.Font.Bold Then
isCharBold = True
str = str + "<b>" & tempChar.Text
str = str & tempChar.Text
End If
End If
Next chr
str = rng.Value
End If
markup = str
End Function
Notice that the Else case just returns the default string values. You can modify this approach to work for any of the .Font properties e.g. strikethrough, underline, italic....
The framework in the OP suggests that you are assigning the contents of a range of cells into an array of type Variant. This essentially leaves you with an unformatted string of characters in each array index. In this case you won't be able to extract any formatting from the array strings. To access the Characters().Font.Bold property you must be operating on a Range object so it might be best to iterate through each cell in Range("A2:C15") directly. This could be achieved by modifying your initial code as such, so it now calls the markup function:
Sub OutputText()
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim rng As Range
Dim Txt As String
Set rng = Range("A2:C15")
For i = 1 To rng.Rows.Count
For j = 1 To rng.Columns.Count
Txt = Txt & markup(rng(i, j)) & " "
Next j
Txt = Txt & vbCrLf
Next i
Debug.Print Txt
End Sub
OK, let's have the algorithm from #stucharo a little bit simpler to extend.
Public Function getHTMLFormattedString(r As Range) As String
isBold = False
isItalic = False
isUnderlined = False
s = ""
cCount = 0
On Error Resume Next
cCount = r.Characters.Count
On Error GoTo 0
If cCount > 0 Then
For i = 1 To cCount
Set c = r.Characters(i, 1)
If isUnderlined And c.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone Then
isUnderlined = False
s = s & "</u>"
End If
If isItalic And Not c.Font.Italic Then
isItalic = False
s = s & "</i>"
End If
If isBold And Not c.Font.Bold Then
isBold = False
s = s & "</b>"
End If
If c.Font.Bold And Not isBold Then
isBold = True
s = s + "<b>"
End If
If c.Font.Italic And Not isItalic Then
isItalic = True
s = s + "<i>"
End If
If Not (c.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone) And Not isUnderlined Then
isUnderlined = True
s = s + "<u>"
End If
s = s & c.Text
If i = cCount Then
If isUnderlined Then s = s & "</u>"
If isItalic Then s = s & "</i>"
If isBold Then s = s & "</b>"
End If
Next i
s = r.Text
If r.Font.Bold Then s = "<b>" & s & "</b>"
If r.Font.Italic Then s = "<i>" & s & "</i>"
If Not (r.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone) Then s = "<u>" & s & "</u>"
End If
getHTMLFormattedString = s
End Function
To be clear, this function works only with a range containing a single cell. But it should be easy calling this function for each cell in a bigger range and concatenating the returned strings into one.
Edit by the OP:
I called the function by the below code:
Sub ReplaceFormattingTags()
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim rng As Range
Dim Txt As String
Set rng = Range("A2:C15")
For i = 1 To rng.Rows.Count
For j = 1 To rng.Columns.Count
Txt = Txt & getHTMLFormattedString(rng(i, j)) & " "
Next j
Txt = Txt & vbCrLf
Next i
Debug.Print Txt
End Sub
VBA string does not support formatting like that. It will purely take the string from the range. No formatting at all. If you want to format the string, you can not see this through msgbox.
Only way to do it would be to store it in a cell then format the cell. But then that does not give you the output in a messagebox as a formatted string.
If you are planning to then put the string in a cell with formatting, you will need to save the formatting somewhere, or copy it from the cell you got the text from. And then apply the formatting to the cell
So... I have this form where people select different controls (We call safety measures controls, these are not content controls) from a listbox and add them to a list. This is in a repeating table. Each control has a heading label (either "engineering" "administrative" or "PPE" that I want to make bold and underlined but I want the options selected in the listboxes to be in normal formatting.
the portion of code that is printing this to the document looks like this:
Set tableSequence = ActiveDocument.Tables(1)
Set NewRow = tableSequence.Rows.Add
NewRow.Cells(5).Range.Text = "Engineering: " & MyString3 _
& vbCrLf & "Administrative: " _
& MyString4 & vbCrLf _
& "PPE: " & MyString5
I want the words Engineering, Administrative, and PPE to be bold and underlined, and the items represented by the MyString objects to appear in standard formatting. Thank you.
The string portion is as follows:
Private Sub CommandButton6_Click()
Dim tableSequence As Table
Dim NewRow As Row
Dim MyString5 As String
Dim v As Variant
Dim var3
Dim p As String
Dim M As Long
For var3 = 0 To ListBox7.ListCount - 1
If ListBox7.Selected(var3) = True Then
MyString5 = MyString5 & ListBox7.List(var3)
v = Split(MyString5, ",")
p = ""
For M = LBound(v) To UBound(v)
p = p + v(M)
If M Mod 3 = 2 Then
p = p + vbCr
p = p + ","
End If
Next M
p = Left(p, Len(p) - 1)
Debug.Print p
End If
sorry for leaving that out
How to format a part (or multiple parts) of a Cell's Value in a Word table:
I have to admit i am not very fond of Word VBA, but i stitched this Sub together for you and it works in my test document. Adjust it to your needing.
Option Explicit
Sub asd()
Dim tableSequence As Table
Set tableSequence = ActiveDocument.Tables(1)
Dim NewRow As Row
Set NewRow = tableSequence.Rows.Add
NewRow.Cells(5).Range.Text = "Engineering: asd" & vbCrLf & "Administrative: vvv" & vbCrLf & "test" & vbCrLf & "PPE: blabla"
NewRow.Cells(5).Range.Bold = False
NewRow.Cells(5).Range.Underline = False
Dim keywordArr As Variant
keywordArr = Array("Engineering:", "Administrative:", "PPE:")
Dim keyword As Variant
Dim myRange As Variant
Dim startPos As Integer
Dim endPos As Integer
Dim length As Integer
Dim i As Integer
i = 1
For Each keyword In keywordArr
Do While InStr(1, myRange, keyword) = 0
Set myRange = NewRow.Cells(5).Range.Paragraphs(i).Range
i = i + 1
startPos = InStr(1, myRange, keyword)
startPos = myRange.Characters(startPos).Start
length = Len(keyword)
endPos = startPos + length
Set myRange = ActiveDocument.Range(startPos, endPos)
With myRange.Font
.Bold = True
.Underline = True
End With
Next keyword
End Sub
Below is a solution for the same thing in Excel:
First off you would have to write the text into the cell just like you already do.
Next would be to find the position of your keywords in the cell's value + the length of your keywords like so
startPos = Instr(1, NewRow.Cells(5), "Engineering:")
length = len("Engineering:")
Then you can set up the Font of the found substring via Range.Characters.Font
NewRow.Cells(5).Characters(startPos, Length).Font.Bold = True
NewRow.Cells(5).Characters(startPos, Length).Font.Underline = True
Now the elegant way would be to have an array of keywords and iterate through them to change the font for all them
Dim keywordArr As Variant
keywordArr = Array("Engineering:", "Administrative:", "PPE:")
Dim keyword As Variant
Dim startPos as Integer
Dim length as Integer
For Each keyword In keywordArr
startPos = InStr(1, NewRow.Cells(5), keyword)
length = Len(keyword)
With NewRow.Cells(5).Characters(startPos, Length).Font
.Bold = True
.Underline = True
End With
Next keyword
I have a column containing formulas as "strings", i.e. "=+I11+I192+I245+I280"
I need to replace the cells (I11, I192,I245andI280`) ID with the content (strings) contained in the cells themselves.
Cell X --> "=+I11+I192+I245+I280"
Cell I11 = 'A'
Cell I192 = 'B'
Cell I245 = 'C'
Cell I280 = 'D'
The formula should generate "=+A+B+C+D".
="=+" & I11 &"+" & I192 &"+" & I245 & "+" & I280
Well, how about :
=I11 & I192 & I245 & I280
Or you can include spaces
=I11 & " " & I192
But straight quotes - my phone is being funny...
The formula should generate --> "=+A+B+C+D"
="=+"&textjoin("+", true, I11, I192, I245, I280)
Don't know what you will be doing with empty cells so here is draft
Public Sub test()
[I11] = "A": [I192] = "B": [I245] = "C": [I280] = "D"
Debug.Print ConvertedString("=+I11+I192+I245+I280")
End Sub
Public Function ConvertedString(ByVal inputString As String) As Variant
Dim arr() As String, i As Long
On Error GoTo errHand
If Not InStr(inputString, Chr$(43)) > 0 Then
ConvertedString = CVErr(xlErrNA)
Exit Function
End If
arr = Split(inputString, Chr$(43))
For i = 1 To UBound(arr)
arr(i) = Range(arr(i))
Next i
ConvertedString = Join(arr, Chr$(43))
Exit Function
ConvertedString = CVErr(xlErrNA)
End Function
I think you mean something like
but please note that Indirect is a volatile function, and can slow your calculations down if used extensively.
Using VBA (with only single delimiter):
Function ReplaceAddr(sInput As String, Optional sDelimiter As String = "+") As String
Dim sArr
Dim i As Long
sArr = Split(sInput, sDelimiter)
For i = 1 To UBound(sArr)
sArr = Range(sArr(i))
Next i
ReplaceAddr = Join(sArr, sDelimiter)
End Function
From OP's comment:
The problem is that formulas changes, so I can't only change manually. The one I gave you is only an example, but I have so many different ones with all math operators.
You can try finding cell addresses with regular expression and replace with cell's value:
Function ReplaceAddr2(sInput As String) As String
Dim oRegEx As Object
Dim oMatches As Object
Dim i As Long, lStart As Long, lLength As Long
Set oRegEx = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
oRegEx.Pattern = "[A-Za-z]{1,3}\d{1,7}"
oRegEx.Global = True
oRegEx.MultiLine = True
Set oMatches = oRegEx.Execute(sInput)
lStart = 0
For i = 0 To oMatches.Count - 1
lLength = oMatches(i).FirstIndex - lStart
ReplaceAddr2 = ReplaceAddr2 & Mid$(sInput, lStart + 1, lLength) & Range(oMatches(i).Value)
lStart = lStart + lLength + oMatches(i).length
ReplaceAddr2 = ReplaceAddr2 & Mid(sInput, lStart + 1, Len(sInput) - lStart)
End Function
Pattern is 1-3 letters followed by 1-7 digits.
Both functions are not volatile - will be recalculated only when input string changes, but not when cells addressed there change. Adding this line:
Application.Volatile True
will make it recalculate on every change, but it may affect performance.
I was wondering how to remove duplicate names/text's in a cell. For example
Jean Donea Jean Doneasee
R.L. Foye R.L. Foyesee
J.E. Zimmer J.E. Zimmersee
R.P. Reed R.P. Reedsee D.E. Munson D.E. Munsonsee
While googling, I stumbled upon a macro/code, it's like:
Function RemoveDupes1(pWorkRng As Range) As String
Dim xValue As String
Dim xChar As String
Dim xOutValue As String
Set xDic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
xValue = pWorkRng.Value
For i = 1 To VBA.Len(xValue)
xChar = VBA.Mid(xValue, i, 1)
If xDic.exists(xChar) Then
xDic(xChar) = ""
xOutValue = xOutValue & xChar
End If
RemoveDupes1 = xOutValue
End Function
The macro is working, but it is comparing every letter, and if it finds any repeated letters, it's removing that.
When I use the code over those names, the result is somewhat like this:
Jean Dos
R.L Foyes
J.E Zimers
R.P edsDEMuno
By looking at the result I can make out it is not what I want, yet I got no clue how to correct the code.
The desired output should look like:
Jean Donea
R.L. Foye
J.E. Zimmer
R.P. Reed
Any suggestions?
Thanks in Advance.
With the input on the image:
The Debug.Print output
A regex can be used dynamically iterating on the cell, to work as a Find tool. So it will extract only the shortest match. \w*( OUTPUT_OF_EXTRACTELEMENT )\w*, e.g.: \w*(Jean)\w*
The Regex's reference must be enabled.
Function EXTRACTELEMENT(Txt As String, n, Separator As String) As String
On Error GoTo ErrHandler:
EXTRACTELEMENT = Split(Application.Trim(Mid(Txt, 1)), Separator)(n - 1)
Exit Function
' error handling code
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Sub test()
Dim str As String
Dim objMatches As Object
Set objRegExp = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") 'New regexp
lastrow = ActiveSheet.Cells(ActiveSheet.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
For Row = 1 To lastrow
str = Range("A" & Row)
F_str = ""
N_Elements = UBound(Split(str, " "))
If N_Elements > 0 Then
For k = 1 To N_Elements + 1
strPattern = "\w*(" & EXTRACTELEMENT(CStr(str), k, " ") & ")\w*"
With objRegExp
.Pattern = strPattern
.Global = True
End With
If objRegExp.test(strPattern) Then
Set objMatches = objRegExp.Execute(str)
If objMatches.Count > 1 Then
If objRegExp.test(F_str) = False Then
F_str = F_str & " " & objMatches(0).Submatches(0)
End If
ElseIf k <= 2 And objMatches.Count = 1 Then
F_str = F_str & " " & objMatches(0).Submatches(0)
End If
End If
Next k
F_str = str
End If
Debug.Print Trim(F_str)
Next Row
End Sub
Note that you can Replace the Debug.Print to write on the target
cell, if it is column B to Cells(Row,2)=Trim(F_str)
You can use this UDF, that uses the Split Function to obtain the element separated by spaces (" "). So it can get every element to compare on the cell.
It will loop from 1 to the number of elements k in each cell and from row 1 to lastrow.
The Regex is used to find the matches on the cell and Join a new string with the shortest element of each match.
This solution operates on the assumption that 'see' (or some other three-letter string) will always be on the end of the cell value. If that isn't the case then this won't work.
Function RemoveDupeInCell(dString As String) As String
Dim x As Long, ct As Long
Dim str As String
'define str as half the length of the cell, minus the right three characters
str = Trim(Left(dString, WorksheetFunction.RoundUp((Len(dString) - 3) / 2, 0)))
'loop through the entire cell and count the number of instances of str
For x = 1 To Len(dString)
If Mid(dString, x, Len(str)) = str Then ct = ct + 1
Next x
'if it's more than one, set to str, otherwise error
If ct > 1 Then
RemoveDupeInCell = str
RemoveDupeInCell = "#N/A"
End If
End Function
I am coding a VBA function to merge two cells and then highlight the text of cell 2 with bold formatting
The merging goes well
The call to Sub goes well
But the text format is not applied
I believe it might be caused by the sub executing before the cell is populated with the string - but that's pure guessing - this is my first VBA script
Function boldIt(navn As String, ekstra As String)
Dim ln1 As Integer
Dim ln2 As Integer
Dim st1 As String
ln1 = Len(navn)
ln2 = Len(navn) + Len(ekstra)
If (ln1 = ln2) Then
boldIt = navn
boldIt = navn & " - " & ekstra
boldTxt ln1, ln2
End If
End Function
Public Sub boldTxt(startPos As Integer, charCount As Integer)
With ActiveCell.Characters(Start:=startPos, Length:=charCount).Font
.FontStyle = "Bold"
End With
End Sub
I think I would just run two subs; the function is not returning anything.
Option Explicit
Sub boldIt()
Dim secondOne As String
With Selection
secondOne = .Cells(2).Value2
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
.Cells(1) = .Cells(1).Value2 & secondOne
boldTxt .Cells(1), Len(.Cells(1).Value2) - Len(secondOne) + 1, Len(secondOne)
End With
End Sub
Public Sub boldTxt(rng As Range, startPos As Integer, charCount As Integer)
With rng.Characters(Start:=startPos, Length:=charCount).Font
.FontStyle = "Bold"
End With
End Sub
This Sub loops through the columns, takes the strings of the two cells, combines the strings and add them to the target cell, while bolding the text of the second cell
Thanks to #Jeeped for the pointers!
Sub boldIt()
Dim pos_bold As Integer
Dim celltxt As String
For i = 2 To 200000
' first cell will always be populated - if not - exit
If (Range("Plan!E" & i).Value = "") Then Exit For
' if second cell is empty - take only first cell as normal txt
If (Range("Plan!F" & i).Value = "") Then
Range("Kalender!F" & i).Value = Range("Plan!E" & i).Value
' calculate start of bold text
pos_bold = Len(Range("Plan!E" & i).Value) + 1
' create the string
celltxt = Range("Plan!E" & i).Value & " - " & Range("Plan!F" & i).Value
' add string to field and add bold to last part
With Worksheets("Kalender").Range("F" & i)
.Value = celltxt
.Characters(pos_bold).Font.Bold = True
End With
End If
Next i
End Sub
I'm working with the worksheetfunction.averageifs() and worksheetfunction.countifs() functions.
I have some conditionals that specify what criteria should be looked for, so I'd like to just have an array that could be added new criteria to, so that instead of a series of cluttered conditionals:
If (dep = 0) Then
sortspg = True
colcount = .CountIfs(column, "<3", badCol, "1")
If (colcount > 0) Then
colavg = .AverageIfs(column, column, "<3", badCol, "1")
insert = True
insert = False
End If
colcount = .CountIfs(column, "<3", DepColumn, dep, badCol, "1")
If colcount > 0 Then
colavg = .AverageIfs(column, column, "<3", DepColumn, dep, badCol, "1")
insert = True
insert = False
End If
End If
I could just pass an array like:
CondArray(column => "<3", DepColumn => dep)
If colCount > 0 Then
CondArray[] = (badCol => "1")
and then
.AverageIfs(column, CondArray)
You can build it using a For...Next Loop to setup the formula, and the Evaluate function.
Sub Build_Formula()
Dim i As Long, lOutput As Long
Dim strTempArr As String
Dim CondArray() As Variant
Dim StrFormulaBuildUp As String
Dim rng As Range
'Modify constant with applicable formula worksheet function
Const STRFORMULASTART As String = "CountIfs("
'Note used this for test data; edit as applicable
Set rng = Cells.CurrentRegion
'Build array holding conditions; the way the loop is structured is for
'the "COUNTIF" function; modify as necessary
CondArray = Array(rng, "<3")
'Begin loop to build formula
For i = LBound(CondArray) To UBound(CondArray)
'Test if value in condition array is a range
'if yes set the range address to a string
If TypeName(CondArray(i)) = "Range" Then
strTempArr = CStr(CondArray(i).Address)
'If condtion, then add quote marks
strTempArr = Chr(34) & CStr(CondArray(i)) & Chr(34)
End If
StrFormulaBuildUp = StrFormulaBuildUp & strTempArr & ","
Next i
'Remove extra "," from string and close formula
StrFormulaBuildUp = Left(StrFormulaBuildUp, Len(StrFormulaBuildUp) - 1) & ")"
'Determine forumla value
lOutput = Evaluate(StrFormulaBuildUp)
MsgBox lOutput
End Sub