JAX-RS and #Produces ability to match on regex - jax-rs

I'm writing a Restful web service that requires versioning. The way I want to go about this is using the Media type in the header to do this.
Example of request:
Accept: application/vnd.test.books.v1+xml
I would have an endpoint of
public Response getA(){
I would also like to have regex matching all versions. So I want to match on anything with Accept header of application/vnd.test.books.*+xml . So any version in my case. I tried something like the following with no lucks.
public Response getB(){
What I want is the ability to down the line have endpoint for v1 specifically then anything above v2 I want a different end point.

You must explicitly list all the MIME types a method #Produces:
#Produces(value = {"application/vnd.test.books.v2+xml",


How to specify defaults for SwaggerResponse and SwaggerResponseExample?

Is there a way to specify the default response example in Swagger similar to the ProducesDefaultResponseType like this:
The Swagger attributes only seem to take the explicitly defined HTTP status codes:
[SwaggerResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, Type = typeof(ErrorExample), Description = "Error details")]
[SwaggerResponseExample(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, typeof(ErrorExample))]
Is there a way to get Swagger recognize defaults instead of copying the same information for every HTTP response code?

Use Accept header to remap request URL (api versioning using accept header)

Anyone can suggest a correct place to inject a code in ocelot (a handler or similar) to get a request, look at it and if there is a header "Accept" with version specs add it to the path.
For a header value application/vnd.myapp.v2+json it would signal that we want to call API v2 and adjust request accordingly.
this logic needs to be executed before route rules are applied because downstream routes will have version in the path:
a call GET /teams/ (with accept header application/vnd.myapp.v2+json) becomes
a call GET /v2/teams/ which, using redirect rule will be send to a service that handles teams calls V2.
example logic (need adjustment to add version in the beginnig)
private static Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString AppendVersionInPath(DownstreamContext ctx)
if (ctx.HttpContext.Request.Headers.TryGetValue("accept", out var acceptHeaderValue))
var resultString = Regex.Match(acceptHeaderValue, #"\d+").Value;
if (resultString.Length > 0)
var versionPath = $"/v{resultString}";
ctx.HttpContext.Request.Path = ctx.HttpContext.Request.Path.Add(new Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString(versionPath));
return ctx.HttpContext.Request.Path;
After some considerations we ended up using .net rewrite functionality by implementing pipeline handler that takes request and rewrites URL path based on the header value (if present)
I do not expect this to be the best answer but almost certainly ocelot does not allow such transformation.

Ktor returns 415 from endpoints where receive() is used with ContentNegotiation

I have parameter classes with the #Searializable annotation:
data class ShowPostURL(
val date: String,
val titleSlug: String,
override val redirectTo: String? = null
and no matter what I do call.receive() won't work. I'm getting HTTP 415 errors and Ktor doesn't log anything. I've added the serialization support as well:
install(ContentNegotiation) {
How do I fix this? This is how I'm trying to use it:
accept(ContentType.Any) {
get("/foo/{date}/{titleSlug}") {
val input = call.receive(ShowPostURL::class)
If I do a trace I can see that my route is matched, but it can't receive the parameters. Is this json() setup is supposed to work when I'm deserializing from url parameters like this?
Firstly, ContentNegotiation feature works only for receiving custom objects from the payload of POST, PUT and PATCH requests:
POST, PUT and PATCH requests have an associated request body (the payload). That payload is usually encoded.
In order to receive custom objects from the payload, you have to use the ContentNegotiation feature. This is useful for example to receive and send JSON payloads in REST APIs.
When receiving, the Content-Type of the request will be used to determine which ContentConverter will be used to process that request
Secondly, there are three out of the box ContentConverter available:
GsonConverter, JacksonConverter and SerializationConverter.
Each of these converters has its own configuration function: gson, jackson and serialization respectively. You use json configuration function which is most likely is not appropriate for the configuration of ContentNegotiation.
To solve your problem you can access URL parameters by referring them with call.parameters and manually create ShowPostURL object. Then serialize it with the kotlinx.serialization framework if needed.
Also, you can write your own ContentConverter to implement custom logic for receiving typed objects.

ShopStyle API - How to Invoke an HTTP request

How do I Invoke an HTTP request with a particular URL and process the body of the response as XML?
Information Provided by ShopStyle:
Choose the method that returns the data your application needs. For example, the /products method is used to get products that match a given category or brand.Construct a URL for that method with the appropriate host, method name, and query parameters. Invoke the URL as an HTTP GET.
When the HTTP response arrives, extract the required data elements from the response's body.The rest of this document describes the details of constructing the right URL for each of the API methods. The XML format of the responses may be seen by clicking on the sample URLs shown for each method. The responses in JSON format contain identical information, just in a different format.
All ShopStyle API URLs have the following form:
The METHOD_NAME is taken from the list of methods in the various API shown at left (Press Link To View List of Methods-https://www.shopstylecollective.com/api/overview).
All methods in the API accept these parameters:
API_KEY (my unique key is ******************)
pid Unique API_KEY string that is assigned to the caller. You can find your API Key on the Account Settings page.
The format of the response. Supported values are:
json - The response is in JSON format with UTF-8 encoding. This is the default if the parameter is absent.
xml - The response is in XML format with UTF-8 encoding.
jsonp - The response is in JSON format with UTF-8 encoding wrapped in a JavaScript method called padding. The padding must be specified with the query parameter 'callback'. Only single expressions (function reference, or object property function reference) are accepted as valid padding.
When set to 1 or 'true' the HTTP status will always be 200. Use the field "errorCode" in the response to detect whether the API Call was successful. By default, when an error occur the HTTP Status of the response will be different than 200
Again I am a beginner, so please provide detailed information on how to retrieve CATEGORY data (Examples: Dresses, Tops, Buttoms, etc) in XML format.**
Thank you!!!
Here's a simple example to get your started. Copy the code below and put it into a file, say "cat.php". Then run it by typing "php cat.php" at a command prompt (assumes you have php on your machine):
// don't show dom parse errors
// grab the xml from the api
$response = file_get_contents("http://api.shopstyle.com/api/v2/categories?pid=TEST&format=xml");
$doc = new DOMDocument();
// grab all the categories
$elements = $doc->getElementsByTagName('categories');
foreach($elements as $node){
foreach($node->childNodes as $child) {
// get the name out of the category
$nodes = $child->getElementsByTagName("name");
foreach ($nodes as $name) {
echo $name->nodeValue . PHP_EOL;

how to see actual body sent from restassured

I have created a jax-rs rest api and tested it with rest-assured. All tests are green. Now I am trying to create an html/js front end for it.
My problem is I do not know how my json objects should look like to be accepted by my rest api. Thanks to restassured/jax-rs I never handled request strings. I fill in objects and I get objects, (un)marshaling (json) is invisible.
Is there any way I can see (debug) what strings are created by rest-assured/java and sent over the "wire"?
If you want to log the request body you can do:
given().log().body(). ..
Or if you want to log the response body you can do:
.. .then().log().body(). ..
See documentation on logging for more details.
I'm not a RestAssured used, so I can't answer your question directly, but here are some ideas that may help you out.
I don't know what serializer RestAssured uses under the hood, but Resteasy on Wildfly uses Jackson by default. I would get familiar with this library. For less trivial application, you may need to dig into its APIs directly to get your desired results. Here is it's documentation. For your particular case you can do something as simple as
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
String jsonString = mapper.writeValueAsString(yourObject);
This will print out the POJO in JSON format, based on your getters in the class. This is at the most basic level. If you don't already have Jackson as a dependency, you can add
A really good friend (tool) to have is cURL. It's a command line tool that allows you to make REST/HTTP (other protocols also) requests. Though for this particular case it wouldn't help, you could send a GET request to one your resources that serves up the same type that you accepted in your POST. That way, you can see the resulting JSON. This may be a little much at this point, but I would definitely look into this tool if you're going to be doing a lot of REST development.
You might also want to check out a Browser tool like [Postman for Chrome]
You should really get familiar with JSON format. Once you get familiar with it, and you start working with JSON framework, you'll notice that at a basic level, they all work similarly.
Java Object == JSON Object ( {} )
Java Collection/Array == JSON Array ( [] )
Java fields/properties == JSON keys
Getters are used for they keys and their values (for serialization)
Setters are used for deserialization
So for example you have this class
public class Person {
String name;
List<Person> friends;
public String getName() { return name; }
public void setName(String name) { return name; }
// Getter and Setter for friends
An instance of Person would produce the following JSON
"name" : "Peeskillet",
"friends": [
"name": "Lebron James"
"name": "Steph Curry"
It's actually pretty simple once you get the hang of it.
Oh and another thing you can do is add a logging filter on the server side as mentioned here.
As far as working with Javascript, there is a JSON.stringify(javascriptObject) that will serialize your Javacript objects to JSON strings. So generally, you can model your Javascript object like your Java objects.
Hope this helped.
In RestAssured just use this:
String body = resp.asString();
Try this for Request Body
RequestSpecification httpRequest = RestAssured.given().urlEncodingEnabled(true);
System.out.println(" Body ==> "+ httpRequest.log().body());
And for response body:
System.out.println("Res Body ===>"+ response.getBody().prettyPrint());