mod_rewrite rule is ignored with Wordpress - apache

I am trying to use mod_rewrite to redirect all requests to a certain directory to a specific page:
RewriteEngine On # Turn on rewriting
RewriteRule /about/(.*) /wp-content/themes/twentyfiteen/test.php
From here I plan to get the requested URI and serve up the appropriate page.
But it seems that this rule does not even get triggered.

URI's that are sent through rewrite rules in an htaccess file have the leading slash removed, so you can't match /about/, you need to remove the leading slash:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRle ^about/(.*)$ /wp-content/themes/twentyfiteen/test.php [L]


Exclude a URL from folder redirection

I am redirecting all URLs from to
so I made this rule in .htaccess:
RewriteRule ^forums blog/$1 [L,R=301]
the thing is that I want to exclude some URLs that also begin with forums/ and redirect them to particular URL other than /blog.
For example, forums/8/some-made-up-word-here-1681 to /studies/some-made-up-studies.
Right now, it redirects to /blog like all URLs that start with forum/
You just need to include the more specific redirects first, before the more general rule. For example:
RewriteEngine On
# Specific redirects
RewriteRule ^forums/8/some-made-up-word-here-1681 /studies/some-made-up-studies [R,L]
# Redirect all other URLs that start /forums
RewriteRule ^forums/?(.*) /blog/$1 [R,L]
I've also modified your existing directive to redirect /forums/<something> to /blog/<something>, which I assume was perhaps the original intention, since you were using a $1 backreference in the substitution, but did not have a capturing group in the RewriteRule pattern. Your original directive would have redirected /forums/<something> to /blog/.
I've also included a slash prefix on the substitution. This is required for redirects, although you may have set RewriteBase instead, in which case you do not need to do this.
You will need to clear your browser cache before testing, since the earlier catch-all 301 will have been cached hard by the browser. For this reason it is often easier to test with temporary 302s in order to avoid the caching problem. Change the above temporary redirects to 301s only after you have confirmed this is working as intended.
UPDATE: To redirect all URLs that start /forums to /blog/, without copying the remainder of the URL, then change the last directive to read:
# Redirect all other URLs that start /forums
RewriteRule ^forums /blog/ [R,L]
Basically, the $1 in your original directive was superfluous.

Apache mod_rewrite links proxy

I want to make a proxy for external links with apache's mod_rewrite module.
I want it to redirect user from, ie to where is my site's URL. So I added a rule to .htaccess file.
RewriteRule ^/go/http://(.+) http://$1 [R=302,L]
But it doesn't work at all. How to fix this?
I am not sure if Apache or the browser reduces // to /, but since it doesn't change the directory one of them reduces this to a single slash on my setup. That's why the second slash has a ? behind it in the rule below:
RewriteRule ^go/http://?(.*)$ http://$1 [R,L]
This will redirect the user to that domain.
This will rewrite all urls (without the beginning http://) to new complete URL. If you're gonna use https links also, you need something like the second rule.
RewriteRule ^go/(.*) http://$1 [R=302,L,QSA,NE]
RewriteRule ^gos/(.*) https://$1 [R=302,L,QSA,NE]
I also added the QSA if your need to include parameters

RewriteRule, url wrongly displayed

I am new to mod_rewrite and I have this problem:
I have a working redirect with mod_rewrite, my .htaccess:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^microsite/([^/\.]+)/$ micrositecontroller.php?name=$1 [L]
micrositecontroller.php only echoes a text
On the browser when I enter my URL:
I am redirected to where wanted but when I enter:
It still redirects to where wanted but the URL becomes like this:
Now what I want is that trailing "/?name=test" not to show up.
I tried different combinations of the regex but to no avail and I have no idea if it is normal of not. Any idea?
You have a slash in your regex, so your regex handles slash... just remove it:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^microsite/([^/\.]+)$ micrositecontroller.php?name=$1 [L]
What you want is:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^microsite/([^/\.]+)/?$ micrositecontroller.php?name=$1 [L]
# Note the "?"-------------------^
To accommodate both ending with a slash and no slash. The problem with leaving the slash on (or off) is apache forces a browser redirect, thus making the ?name=test show up in the browser's location bar.
This is because mod_dir and the DirectorySlash on directive is interferring. The DirectorySlash directive tells apache to redirect the browser when it accesses what looks to be a directory (in your case localhost/project/microsite/test to the smae URI except with a trailing slash.

How to prevent mod_rewrite from rewriting URLs more than once?

I want to use mod_rewrite to rewrite a few human-friendly URLs to arbitrary files in a folder called php (which is inside the web root, since mod_rewrite apparently won't let you rewrite to files outside the web root).
/ --> /php/home.php
/about --> /php/about_page.php
/contact --> /php/contact.php
Here are my rewrite rules:
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^$ php/home.php [L]
RewriteRule ^about$ php/about_page.php [L]
RewriteRule ^contact$ php/contact.php [L]
However, I also want to prevent users from accessing files in this php directory directly. If a user enters any URL beginning with /php, I want them to get a 404 page.
I tried adding this extra rule at the end:
RewriteRule ^php php/404.php [L]
...(where 404.php is a file that outputs 404 headers and a "Not found" message.)
But when I access / or /about or /contact, I always get redirected to the 404. It seems the final RewriteRule is applied even to the internally rewritten URLs (as they now all start with /php).
I thought the [L] flag (on the first three RewriteRules) was supposed to prevent further rules from being applied? Am I doing something wrong? (Or is there a smarter way to do what I'm trying to do?)
[L] flag should be used only in the last rule,
L - Last Rule - Stops the rewriting process here and don’t apply any more rewriting rules & because of that you are facing issues.
I had similar problem. I have a content management system written in PHP and based on Model-View-Control paradigm. The most base part is the mod_rewrite. I've successfully prevent access to PHP files globally. The trick has name THE_REQUEST.
What's the problem?
Rewriting modul rewrites the URI. If the URI matches a rule, it is rewritten and other rules are applied on the new, rewritted URI. But! If the matched rule ends with [L], the engine doesn't terminate in fact, but starts again. Then the new URI doesn't more match the rule ending with [L], continues and matches the last one. Result? The programmer stars saying bad words at the unexpected 404 error page. However computer does, what you say and doesn't do, what you want. I had this in my .htaccess file:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^plugins/.* pluginLoader.php [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} \.php$
RewriteRule .* index.php [L]
That's wrong. Even the URIs beginning with plugins/ are rewritten to index.php.
You need to apply the rule if and only if the original - not rewritten - URI matches the rule. Regrettably the mod_rewrite does not provide any variable containing the original URI, but it provides some THE_REQUEST variable, which contains the first line of HTTP request header. This variable is invariant. It doesn't change while rewrite engine is working.
RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} \s.*\.php\s
RewriteRule \.php$ index.php [L]
The regular expression is different. It is not applied on the URI only, but on entire first line of the header, that means on something like GET /script.php HTTP/1.1. But the critical rule is this time applied only if the user is explicitly requesting some PHP-script directly. The rewritten URI is not used.

Who adds a slash at the end of my url?

I'm using mod_rewrite to rewrite /products to /products.php. I've got this code in /.htaccess
Options FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^([a-zA-z]+)$ /$1.php [PT,L]
Unfortunately there is also a folder /products/ on my server.
My problem is, when I try to access my request is redirected to and showing me an error because I don't have an index for that directory.
Who is redirecting me? Apache, my UserAgent?
How do I prevent that this happens without changing the folder name or the rewrite rule?
You need to look up the "DirectorySlash Directive".
The DirectorySlash directive
determines whether mod_dir should
fixup URLs pointing to a directory or
You could also try adding an optional slash to you rewrite rule:
RewriteRule ^([a-zA-z]+)/?$ /$1.php [PT,L]
Trailing slashes problem
You have probably enabled MultiViews on your Apache.
Every browser is adding the trailing slash after your request if it doesn't by ".something" because it thinks it is a folder. To avoid this, your rewrite rule should look like this:
RewriteRule /products(.*)$ /index.php?page=products
RewriteRule /products /index.php?page=products
That way, it will rewrite every request with "/products" in it, with or without the trailing slash.
The only thing is your folder /products/ will not be accessible by an http request. If you want so, you must change the name of the folder or the page name.